I Will Be the Greatest Knight

Chapter 26: Apologize

At some point late in the night, Irene stirred to hear the knights settling into their beds across the room from the apprentices. They wore a bit of plate armor—though not full suits—and what woke her up was the clattering of the metal as they removed it. 

Her feet seemed to move on their own as she quickly got up and began aiding Sir Gunnar because his grieves were about to fall to the floor and she was doing what she could to prevent the others from waking up as well. 

The knight quietly laughed at the sight of the tired apprentice but he gently pushed her back towards her bed. He appreciated her gumption, but it was unnecessary.

"Go back to sleep," he gently guided. "Your work starts when the sun rises." 

The girl rubbed her eyes and nodded, not objecting to a few more hours of shut-eye. She was the most tired she had ever been after being subjected to such an exciting day.

The second time Irene woke up, she was welcomed by rays of sun filtering through the half closed curtains and hitting her in the face. She tried to roll over to avoid it but she was met with apprentices already getting up and getting into their clothing for the day.

It really was time to start getting ready and she decided to climb out of bed. 

However, her escape was mostly due to witnessing Louis stand up and unashamedly start taking off his pants. The others who were dressed seemed to have probably done the same thing and her embarrassment was driving her to the bathroom.

The bathroom wasn't occupied and Irene quickly escaped with one of her bags, relieved to find a bit of water left from the night before in one of the clay pitchers. She wetted a cloth and cleaned her face, her teeth, and made sure her wavy hair was tamed. 

Since the only clothing she brought with her was traveling clothing, getting out of sleeping pants and into the tunic and riding pants she would wear that day wasn't difficult. She replaced her belt with her sword already attached to it and was ready to go.

While the other boys were comfortable getting dressed around each other, she didn't know how she could explain her insecurity. Since all of them were overly comfortable with one another, she hoped no one pointed it out. If it was going to be anyone, it would likely be Felix. 

However, in front of the other apprentices was not the time to allow her insecurities to show. She pulled her shoulders down and took a deep breath before reentering the room where everyone was putting their things in packs and she did the same before sitting at the edge of her bed. 

"What became of your scouting last night, Sir Gunnar?" Leif asked from where he leaned against the footboard of his bed. 

It seemed he was the first ready to go. Irene was a close second and the others listened while they quickly dressed or organized their packs.

"We only killed one more last night," he admitted. "Reported it to the town reeve so he can bring it up to His Grace if it keeps escalating."

As Sir Phillip tightened his chest plate, he nodded in agreement. 

"Signs of more nests deeper in the forest," the younger knight explained. "Fortunately empty so our work was done quickly." 

Irene knew she risked more comments about her knowledge of goblins as her eyes glanced at the other apprentices who nodded in understanding, but it was better to know rather than be without the knowledge. 

"What is a sign of goblin nests?" she asked. 

"Bones and mess," Sir Phillip explained. "Discarded food, carnage, broken weapons. Only in winter do they hide in caves. During rainy seasons they stay outside but lay huddled by tree trunks since their hearing is practically worthless."

Sir Gunnar tightened the straps of his pack and turned towards the group. 

"Perhaps after a bit of exploration in the township, we ought to show them the nests," the older knight suggested. "Best to refresh the memories of those who haven't seen them in a bit."

Every person in the room agreed. The knights felt a sense of duty while the apprentices were simply excited to explore and learn. Every good decision felt like a step closer to knighthood. The desire for that title burnt inside each of the apprentices. 

After a quick meal, the travelers left the inn and stretched out their bodies. They were eager to explore the township. Only Leif was familiar with the area while the others had only stopped and never explored. 

What Irene was most excited for was going around just like a proper knight and helping those who needed it. It was in the Code of Chivalry to help and protect. 

After being assigned to split off in groups, Irene was about to step away with those she was assigned to but she was quickly stopped. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Gunnar asked the girl. 

"To see if anyone needs help," she responded dutifully.

The knight raised an eyebrow and his eyes narrowed briefly. 

"Only after you return the bow and apologize to Samson." 

It wasn't as if she had purposefully forgotten, but the thought of disappointing such a terrifying man didn't sound like something she wanted to do. While she was used to her father—a man that most people feared because of his rough appearance—it was only because she was his daughter that she didn't ever see his wrath.

Her dutiful nature didn't disappear. 

"Of course, sir," she responded. 

"Very good," the knight responded. 

She was then led away from the others who were sent off in all directions looking for people they could help. They had a meeting place set for a couple of hours before they would go into the forest and observe goblin dens. 

Once she was in front of the blacksmith's shop, she nodded at Sir Gunnar who said he would remain nearby. 

SImiliar to a dog that had gotten beaten and walked with their tail between their legs, Irene knocked on the blacksmith's door with her head lowered. 

Samson soon opened the door and he let out a hearty laugh at the sight in front of him. 

"Just like Arthur," he said, laughing again. "Just like when we were kids." 

Her head snapped up.

"You knew my father as a child?" she asked. 

The blacksmith gestured for her to follow him into the room with all of the weapons from the day before. 

Gunnar remained nearby, only listening in to make sure the apprentice properly apologized for taking what wasn't hers. 

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