I Will Be the Greatest Knight

Chapter 14: Friends or Foes?

While Leif hadn't seen Irene without a hood on, he had observed her from afar when she found her father and recognized her when he walked into the Duke's study after being summoned to help. 

He looks like a girl, Leif realized, silently ridiculing the other kid. As long as he's strong…

His pale blue eyes then lifted and he saw Sir Arthur. Seeing the second in command in all of his glory, Leif recalled how the knight even gave him a quiet thanks in the tunnel which he would remember for the rest of his life. 

Well, he's Sir Arthur's kid so he must be strong.

Sir Arthur wasn't someone a mere apprentice could approach without reason. He was only someone you could look up to from afar. Leif hoped to be a knight worthy enough to see eye to eye with the man. 

"Commander," the apprentice greeted the Duke, bowing his head in respect. "Is there something I can assist you with?"

"Sir Arthur's son, Iro Litharion, will be with us from this point forward," Harlan explained. "You are to show him to one of the vacant apprentice rooms. He will be joining you in practice tomorrow morning then stables after the morning meal. Show him the ropes. I have high expectations for this child."

"Yes, Commander," Leif responded. "I will take him there."

Irene glanced at her father and the knight then turned to the Duke. 

"Since this is unexpected, Commander, could I please abuse my position and have a word with my boy before I return home?" he requested.

Irene's face hadn't said anything in particular, but he couldn't leave his daughter behind when there were droves of men all around. 

"Use the study, Arthur," Harlan relented. "I ought to go for the evening meal and retire early. I feel a bit feverish."

The second in command nodded politely. The Duke's health was unpredictable in those times.

"I will be outside," Leif responded before leaving for the hallway. 

The Duke then offered his hand to his second in command who returned the arm's embrace of trust. He patted the red haired knight's shoulder before leaving the room and closing the door. 

"This is quite unexpected," Arthur began and he smoothed out his reddish facial hair not quite as vividly red as the hair on his head. "Your mother isn't going to be thrilled."

Irene knew that already. 

"Nothing I've done recently makes her happy," she uttered. "Are you happy with me, father?"

There had been something bothering Arthur for a little while. 

"Why have you started calling me father rather than dad?" he asked. "Before I answer if I'm happy with you, I ought to ask if you're happy with me."

Irene's green eyes widened. Her heart raced and it felt like she hadn't been careful—almost revealing that the dream she told her father about was more than a mere dream. In her past life, she started calling him 'father' when their relationship became uncomfortable and after she started neglecting her sword.

Her head felt hot.

"I don't want to be seen as a kid," she admitted. "I'll call you 'dad' again. You're the very best dad in the world."

She was uncomfortable with how heavy her heart felt for a moment. 

Rather than pressing on, Arthur decided to answer her question as he hugged his daughter.

"Of course, I'm happy with you," the knight admitted. "Seeing you follow in my footsteps is the greatest honor a father could ever dream of."

She returned the hug and smiled warmly. It would likely be the last for a long time. The next time he saw her would likely lack private moments where she could be his daughter. 

However, father and daughter shared a warm moment and didn't notice the set of blue eyes peering at them from outside where Leif stood at the edge of the practice yard. 

He had simply been swinging around his sword to stay warm and not paying attention, but he happened to catch Iro and his father hugging. 

When has a father ever been so mushy to their son? he briefly wondered.

As the two pulled apart, the apprentice walked toward the center of the practice yard and decided not to say anything further. Perhaps Sir Arthur was a big softy—or perhaps that Iro. Were they really going to let such a small kid be an apprentice? 

He swung his sword with a huff. 

He would no longer be the youngest apprentice.

Shortly, Iro appeared outside. It seemed that Arthur had said his goodbyes and was finally leaving his son alone. 

Irene had saddlebags from her horse containing her change of clothing and a few other things from home. 

She approached Leif and looked at him expectantly.

"Please, show me where to go," she requested. 

He sized her up. There was nothing further to glean. 

Instead, he gestured for her to follow and dutifully started walking across the practice yard and towards the building at the edge of the Duke's personal property. It was made up of the same greyish brick as the Duke's Tower. The only thing beyond that was fields that ran up to foothills. From there, jutting into the sky was the Northern Mountains that surrounded the entire region of Chemois. The duchy, Tenetium, made up most of that region as well.

The view was obscured when they ducked into an enclosed hallway lit up by wall sconces.

"The first floor is where the knights sleep," Leif explained. "The second floor is a mix of knights and apprentices while the third is mostly squires. The maids and butler stay in the northwestern wing of the Duke's home. The candles in the barracks are always lit in case the knights are called to action late at night. Even in the winter sometimes it's too dark for early morning practices to see in the dark."

With a nod from Irene, they didn't remain in the hallway for very long. The boy then led the girl up two flights of stairs until they were on the second floor in a hallway that looked almost identical to the one below.

Each hallway had six doors on either side and Irene was led to the third they passed on the right. 

Not needing a key, Leif pushed open the door and what was revealed to the girl was a simple room with a small bed, a table, a small fireplace, and an empty basin of water. There was also a chest for things to be stored in. There were blankets and towels folded on the table. Along the brick wall, there were also a few hooks to hang items, even a shelf for a few more. 

It seemed things would be bare until her father could bring more for her. 

"The maids bring water every morning and take dirty towels and things," he explained. "The squires bring wood every evening, but it seems you're already well-stocked. Practice is at sunrise. Don't be late. Anything else?"

"How will I know to wake up at sunrise?" she asked. 

"I'll knock on your door."

At that, Irene grinned and Leif responded by lowering his eyebrows as he observed her happy face. He thought further that Iro was an odd fellow.

The apprentice bid Irene goodnight and left her to herself. 

Only after getting her room ready and taking out her things to try and make it seem like her own was she able to lie down and hope that tomorrow was another good day. 

Things had happened so unbelievably fast but exactly how she wanted. 

She was so excited about early morning practice that, when there was a knock on her door the next day, she was already sitting at the table with her hair brushed back. She wasn't sure if she slept more than a wink.

"Practice!" Leif called. 

"Okay!" Irene called back as she opened the door.

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