I was hiding from gods and demons at the beginning, but it turned out that I was the boss

Chapter 49 What? Killed?

The carriage of the Morton family left the imperial capital and drove to the junction of Dakkin Province and Tatton Province, where Morton Manor is located.

Due to the large number of carriages, it was inconvenient to pass through the northern military passage, so they took the same trade route where Qingtian and Meili had the accident.

My heartbeat was a little fast on a sunny day, so I ate some snacks on the car to suppress my nervousness.

The baptism went smoothly and the effect should be there. I hope the rest will go smoothly as well. May the goddess bless you.

She opened the curtains, looked outside, and communicated with Lanzemar in the consciousness space: "It's almost done. When I get the things ready, I'll replace you."

Lanzemar was also ready, "Okay, wish us good luck."

"I hope, by the way, you just blocked some of Meili and Nami's memories, will it cause any inconvenience to them?" Qingtian felt a little uneasy thinking about this.

"Su Mucheng is good at memory-type psychic powers. He must hide his memory about the life bracelet and the ability to transform, otherwise it will be very dangerous."

Lanzemar paused and then continued, "As for them, they will only remember the relevant content if they mention the life bracelet more than twice, and there will be no inconvenience at ordinary times."

"Oh, you are still thoughtful." Qingtian understood, it was equivalent to setting a password to hide the file first.

"Okay, hurry up, this road is very suitable. We can make other plans when we are far away from the imperial capital."

Lanzemar sincerely hopes to get out of trouble as soon as possible. Qingtian is too weak now and needs time to grow. It is still far away to truly seek justice and revenge for himself.

In the afternoon, she got a little revenge on the two people at the Saintess Hall. At this moment, her mentality was much calmer than before.

It is indeed a very suitable section of road. There are side roads at regular intervals next to the business road.

Qing Tian quickly took out the scissors from the spiritual space, cut off a section of his long hair, and threw it on the seat.

Then he took out a large jar containing minced meat and broken bones.

Well, although they were all still fresh, so many of them looked really uncomfortable. Qingtian retched, poured them onto the chair, and put the jar away.

Then she took out a small bottle the size of her palm, unscrewed the cap, and carefully sprinkled the blood on top.

I feel bad, this is what I accumulated after three days of bleeding...

Finally, she quickly took off her skirt, shoes and socks and changed into ordinary clothes.

After everything was arranged, Qingtian shrank into the space of consciousness.

After Lanzemar came out, he used spiritual energy on the flesh and blood, causing it to quickly fuse and become contaminated with Yilan's breath.

She used an igniter to set the entire psychic carriage on fire.

After collecting her things, she opened the small window and shouted to the coachman: "Go quickly! The revenge of the Chosen Group is coming!"

Before the coachman could react, he was pushed out by her palm.

The horse pulling the cart was frightened and suddenly became confused. Under the control of Lanzemar, it rushed to the path beside the main road.

"Oh my god, that's Miss Yilan's car!" the driver of a carriage behind exclaimed.

"Something happened! Miss Yilan's car had an accident!"

"Stop it!"

"What's going on!" The carriage in front also stopped hurriedly, and Morton Daoer and everyone got out of the carriage in a hurry.

The driver who was pushed away got up from the grass beside the road in a daze. He only remembered the last words Miss Yilan said, "The revenge of the Chosen Group is coming! It is the revenge of the Chosen Group."

As soon as these words came out, several masters in the family who were above the heaven level chased him out, including Morton Dao'er.

But before they could catch up, a huge spiritual energy wave suddenly appeared in front of them. There was a loud bang, accompanied by black smoke and fire, and the entire carriage exploded!

"Yilan!" Morton Daoer's eyes were about to split.


In the lounge at the headquarters of the Chosen Group, Su Mucheng was taking a nap on the sofa, feeling suddenly uneasy.

When he opened his eyes, he always felt that what Morton Yilan and Lanzemar did today was a bit strange.

Speaking of revenge, Lanzemar would not understand that this level is just a small fight.

Some people may believe in evil spirits or something like that, but it is difficult to realize it. What's more, if you put your strength here, you can't shake anything.

Luo Xi's power of faith will definitely be affected, so just start slowly in the future. As for those dead servants, Sora has gone far away, and there is no evidence of their death.

As for Morton Yilan, she should know that as long as she and Lanzemar can integrate smoothly, she will not touch the Morton family at all, so what is the meaning of today's public promise...

Unless...unless they have a way to escape fusion, or something...

Thinking of this, Su Mucheng stood up. At this moment, rapid footsteps sounded outside the door, "Master Su Mu, are you in there?"

"What? Say it quickly." Su Mucheng was a little irritated.

The priest immediately said: "Moton Yilan..."

Bang! The door to the lounge opened, and Su Mucheng looked at him with an ugly face, "Tell me, what's wrong with her?

The priest's heart was beating wildly. Looking at his deep and destructive purple eyes, he trembled: "She, she is dead!"


"What! Morton Yilan was killed on the way back!" Lan Zeqi in the palace was very surprised. The Chosen Group was so rampant and attacked the little girl that day!

"These bastards don't take us seriously!" Lanzetu stood up angrily, "No, I have to go and have a look. Morton Dao'er has a heart disease, and it will be bad if something happens! He But my council minister!"

Lan Zeqi said: "I will come with you and bring the doctor."


In the queen's palace, Tasqiong's face turned pale when he received the news, and he couldn't believe it. How long had passed, the temple had blatantly killed someone, and that was a friend that his son cared about...

"Mother, what happened?"

Lan Zetong looked at her in confusion. A moment ago, the queen mother was happily praising Yilan for being smart and brave. Why is her face so ugly now?

Tasqiong was speechless, avoided his son's eyes, and handed him the piece of paper with the message.


Early the next morning, the headquarters of the Chosen Group was besieged by angry people. The reason was that the lucky man chosen by the goddess was brutally killed for exposing the evil spirit!

If yesterday's incident at the Holy Lady's Temple caused people to sigh and talk, then the death of Morton Yilan was the last straw that broke the camel's back, which many true believers of the Goddess Cult could not accept.

Because she is not only the representative of the great nobility, but also the lucky one in the eyes of the believers, and the conveyor of the goddess's will.

Such an innocent girl was constantly persecuted by some members of the Chosen Group until she died, which ultimately led to the outbreak of conflicts.

Many people who were usually dissatisfied with the Chosen Group, under the secret instigation of the royal family, launched verbal and written attacks on the Chosen Group. Small-scale conflicts even broke out in many places. The indignant people burned down the office of the Chosen Group and held a protest. Demonstrations.

The saint who was pushed to the forefront had to resign from the highest position in the temple.

Two weeks later, negotiations between the temple and the royal family concluded.

The Chosen Order and the Goddess Religion merged and were collectively called the State Religion. They were no longer named separately, but they still believed in the goddess Moira, and all temples no longer had statues of previous saints.

In addition, the state religion removed the position of Saint and established the Standing Council of Elders, which was jointly established by the Chosen Group of Original Gods, representatives of the royal family, nobles, and senior priests of the Original Goddess Sect.

The three highest-ranking honorary elders are Lan Zeqi, Sumucheng and Earl Aiden.

At this point, the various forces are balanced and the turmoil has subsided.


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