I was hiding from gods and demons at the beginning, but it turned out that I was the boss

Chapter 30 The cat sent by the goddess

The funeral feast lasted until 7 p.m. The sky darkened and the rain stopped, leaving only deep and shallow water stains on the road.

The guests left one after another, and the Morton family took the burned ashes and prepared to return.

Kasna led the maid to knock on the door of the lounge, opened the door and went in, "Baby, we are ready to go back. Hmm? Is Yilan okay?"

Meili adjusted the blanket covering her sister, "She's sleepy."

Kasna walked over and looked at her daughter's sleepy face, "Poor, hold on for a while, then you can have a good rest when you go back."

Then she looked around the lounge, "Where is Nami? Where did he go, not with you? No, let someone find him."

Qingtian, who was hiding in the bathroom, sighed, Kasna really loves Nami! No choice.

Meow——kicked the door open with his paws, Qingtian shook his fur, he was not used to being like this...

"Nami! You scared me. Yilan is not feeling well. Don't make trouble, little one."

Kasna complained and walked over to pick up Nami. Unexpectedly, Meili got there first, "I'll hold it, it's warm."

Kasna was stunned for a moment, "You don't mind the heat even in the summer." But she didn't press the matter further. She waved her hand and asked the maid to push Yilan, and they went out.

Meili walked behind holding the civet transformed from Sunny Day, and pressed her face against her soft ear, saying softly: "Get in the car first, and I will find a chance to sneak out later. I will deal with it later."

Sunny meowed, "Okay."

The convoy was depressing and sad when it came, but it was less sad and more lonely when it left. The long black procession slowly drove out from the Sheeran Church parking lot.

Sunny took advantage of the vehicles turning to cover each other, so he ran out and hid in the nearby bushes.

A few minutes later, the Morton family's motorcade left. Qingtian breathed a sigh of relief. It was going well. However, Nami's white hair was too conspicuous at night, which was a big trouble. It was best to wait until he turned back into a human before leaving.

Sunny sneaked into the cathedral quietly. There was no other way. He would have to put on clothes when he turned into a human being, so he had to have a relatively private space.

There are many small confession rooms in the church, which are mostly empty at night and can be used just right.

When she sneaked around behind the pillars of the church foyer with her tail between her legs, and was about to jump into the door, a little bean came out of the door and squatted in the middle of the door crying.

What an unlucky thing, Sunny raised his beard and poked his head from behind the pillar.

The little boy looked about five or six years old, with brown hair and a round face. He was quite cute. Even though he cried so much that his tears fell down and his nose was smeared all over his face, he was not well-dressed, but he was not slovenly either.

Qingtian was helpless. If he ran over like this, he would probably be seen. And since he came out, there were probably still people in the church...

After thinking about it, she took out a pack of strawberry gummy candies from the storage space, moved it with her short legs, and kicked hard, and the candies flew not far in front of the boy.

The sound of rolling candy interrupted the crying boy. He raised his head, sniffed, and said to himself blankly: "Is it the candy that the goddess gave me?"

Don't talk nonsense, it's a gift from me, go and get it.

"Mom said that the goddess will come today, and it is true, but my teeth are not good..." The boy looked at the candy in embarrassment. After struggling for a few seconds, he covered his face and started crying again.

Qingtian stuck out his tongue, pulled out a small psychic toy, and kicked it with his short legs...

With a click, something landed next to the candy. The boy looked up and his eyes lit up, "The goddess really loves babies."

Yes, I love you. Go and get it. Stop crying.

"But can the goddess save my sister? The baby doesn't want toys, the baby wants a sister..." Speaking of his sister, the little boy cried even harder.

Qingtian scratched his head with his paws. It was difficult. It would be really sad if a child didn't even want toys.

The full transformation function of the destiny bracelet is good, but after turning into a non-human, the spiritual energy is severely suppressed. Qingtian only discovered it after the transformation. He walked through the bushes in front and tried the extreme flash, and the distance was only one meter... …

The little guy was crying so hard that he probably wouldn't pay attention to himself. Qingtian thought for a while, cats have the advantage of being able to ignore people, so he simply ran out calmly.

She shrunk her head and ran very lightly, for fear of disturbing the little boy, but unfortunately the boy still noticed her, "Are cats also given to babies by the goddess?"

Cats are not! Qingtian lowered his head and ignored it.

"Can Maomao save my sister? They are about to die..."

Qingtian wanted to pretend not to hear, but she still stopped when she reached the boy's feet.

There are some elixirs prepared by Yilan and Meili in her storage space. Although she doesn't know what's wrong with her sister, the medicine from the Duke's Palace is definitely very effective, and there might be some that can be used.

In order to show that he was a cat given by the goddess, Qingtian nodded proudly to the boy, then stretched out a paw and pointed inside the door.

The boy looked at her blankly, "It's amazing, you can actually nod?"

Little boy, is your focus misaligned...

Qingtian was a little irritated, "Take me to see your sister. I'll try to see if I can help, but you can't tell others that I can talk!"

"Really, great!" The boy was so happy that he picked up Qingtian and ran towards the church.

"Mom, mom, the cat said it wanted to see its sister!"

"Mom, mom, Maomao said he could help!"


Qingtian is so regretful, I am so stupid, how can I trust a kid!

The church was very quiet at the moment. There was no one there at this time. There was only a beautiful woman kneeling in front of the statue of the goddess, praying.

Hearing the boy's cry, she turned around and said, "Zuo Dan, stop making trouble."

"I didn't make a fuss. The cat really said it could help. It was the cat given to me by the goddess."

The boy felt aggrieved. He did hear the cat talking.

"Okay, don't make trouble. Cats can't talk. Either you come over and pray together, or you sit down on a chair and stop running around!"

"It will say that the goddess also gave me candy and toys. If you don't believe it, I will prove it to you!" After the boy said that, he put Qingtian on the ground and went back to the church door to get the candy.

Qingtian took the opportunity to escape, meowed, and jumped to the apse of the church.

When she made a meowing sound, the light in the kneeling woman's eyes dimmed a bit. She glanced at the white cat running away with some disappointment, closed her eyes and continued to pray.

I heard that the goddess shed tears for the warriors of the Morton family this afternoon. I hope that my daughters can also receive God’s gift...

The apse of the church is very large, and the priest's lounge and rescue room are all located here.

In this continent where medical care is underdeveloped and full of spiritual power, in addition to conventional drug treatment, patients mainly rely on the spiritual power of priests and rare elixirs for treatment.

In the evening, many priests had already gone home, and there were not many rooms with spiritual lights on. When I passed one of them on a sunny day, two priests came out, one young and one older.

"Let her give up. It has been delayed for so long. We have tried our best."

"Can you please ask the elders to come over and see if you can get some elixir?" The younger one couldn't bear it, after all, they were still so young.

"Are you kidding? How can a woman like her afford favors and gold coins?"

"After all, it belongs to the earl..."

"Hmph, who do you think poisoned them? Come on, let's forget about the dirty things among the nobles. We have already rescued the youngest one according to your wishes, that's all."

After hearing this, the young priest sighed and said nothing more.

After the two left, Qingtian poked his head out from behind the trash can and quietly slipped into the room.

In the dimly lit treatment room, there were two girls lying there. They were about eight or nine years old. Their faces were abnormally pale and their lips were dark purple.

The older one was still somewhat unresponsive, frowning and breathing weakly, while the younger one seemed to be dying and was eerily calm.

Poisoned? Qingtian jumped onto the white treatment bed and took a closer look. The two little girls were very pretty, so pitiful...

After searching the storage space, Qingtian found a few elixirs: those for detoxification, those for restoring vitality, and those for repairing physical fitness.

Alas, a dead horse is a living horse doctor. Using her claws and her mouth, she finally managed to put the medicine into the mouths of the two girls.

I hope it has some effect. The transformation time is almost over, so I have to find a hiding place quickly.

Sunny quickly left the room and headed straight to the dark confessional room.

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