I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 11 Professor Snape...how would I live without you?

It's a bit inaccurate to say that Malfoy is a little bum, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with saying that he's a liar and a dog.

Especially after the middle-aged man appeared, he jumped up and down with an arrogant expression, and he almost said: Everyone here is rubbish!

Malfoy had even imagined that he would expel Rove from Hogwarts, and with this Polly Wei, he became the talker of the first-year students in one fell swoop.

Then, draw the savior pig Harry Potter under his command, punch Gryffindor, kick Hufflepuff, beat Ravenclaw fat, and become the student leader of Hogwarts!

The middle-aged man strode over and immediately attracted all eyes:

Empty eyes, a large aquiline nose with an astonishing curvature, black hair that was greasy to the point of dripping, enchanting steps, and that pure black cloak with a white background that was dragged on the ground and hadn't been changed for half a year.

He was so cool, like an old bat in the dark, so bright, so outstanding, that when he walked in front of the little wizard, everyone still hadn't recovered from the shock.

There is such a beauty in the world... Ah bah, greasy people?

Professor Snape, it's him! Malfoy leaned closer, and the pungent breath that rushed towards him almost knocked him out.

He's the one who... stole the Mortla Rat... and robbed my Gallon... the magic item...

Malfoy sneezed several times, rubbed his eyes again, oh my god, this smell is so hot to the eyes!

Professor Snape narrowed his dark pupils, and first walked around the crowd, as if looking for someone, and finally stared at Rove, lazily said:

Is that what he said?

Rove was not afraid or panicked, he stood there quietly, without even the slightest sign of pretending to be calm, he just shrugged and said:

Is there any evidence?

Of course! Malfoy puffed up his chest. He pointed to his neck and said, This is the wound bitten by the Muttra rat. Goyle and Crabbe are both witnesses!

Rove leaned over, and Malfoy shrank his head in fear, but remembering that Snape was at the side, and there were so many people watching around, he couldn't lose his place!

I'm not afraid of you! he cried. You're nothing without the Mortla Rat sneaking up on me!

That's it? Rove sneered lightly and said, You said it was a wound, why do I think it's a hickey!

At the toilet door of the train, I saw Goyle and Ni kissing, and he got a strawberry mark on your neck...Neville and the others are all witnesses.

Everyone turned their heads to look at Neville. He was a little scared to be stared at by so many people, but as a younger brother, he couldn't back down at this time. Neville repeated what Rove taught him:

I saw Goyle and Malfoy kissing, the two of them hugging each other, Crabbe pushing their ass...

Shirley said calmly, I saw them kissing too.

Hermione hesitated for a moment. She, who never lied, was also worried about Rove's dismissal, so she finally gritted her teeth and nodded.

The little wizards gathered around and let out a oh booing sound. They didn't expect to hear such news on the first day of school.

So exciting!

Malfoy was furious, he jumped and said, You are talking nonsense! You are lying!!

A witch who looked like a poodle rushed out from the crowd, covering her face and sobbing:

Draco, it's no wonder you don't want to be my boyfriend. So you like Goyle... I should have known, you two get tired of being together every day...

Pansy, don't trust them! Malfoy was so stimulated that he lost his composure, trembling with anger, gnashing his teeth.

Quiet! Snape said coldly, Draco, is there any other evidence?

Yes, there is also the antidote for Mortla, which Scamander gave me! Malfoy hurriedly took out a small bottle and handed it over.

After Snape took it, he closed the bottle, just sniffed it, then nodded and said, Well, it's armadillo urine, and it's the best antidote for Muttra rats.

Armadillo's... urine? Malfoy exclaimed in disbelief. Impossible, absolutely impossible!

What? Snape frowned, glanced at Malfoy and said, Are you questioning my judgment?

No...professor, I mean, how could it be urine? Malfoy struggled: I drank it, how could urine be sweet?

Snape's focus was not on sweetness and sourness, he frowned slightly and said, If you apply armadillo urine to the wound, it can cure the poison of the Motra rat. Why do you drink it?

Maybe... Rove added, That armadillo has severe diabetes, so its urine is sweet.

As for this classmate Malfoy, why he drinks urine may be a personal hobby, but I personally suggest that young people should not be greedy for drinking, but should know how to control themselves.

Everyone looked at Malfoy with admiration, they were convinced, they really were convinced, they didn't expect there to be such an awesome person among their peers!

Malfoy retched, thinking of himself drinking half a bottle and showing off to the others when he returned to the Slytherin carriage...

I am no longer a human being!

Snape glanced at Lucius' silly son with pity, and then quickly gouged out Rove with a threatening look.

So, you admit that you gave Malfoy this bottle of urine?

No, dear Professor Snape, I just speculate that the armadillo has diabetes, which doesn't mean I gave it to you. Rove smiled and said:

Besides, Malfoy can't prove that I attacked him by raising Motra rats, but I have evidence to prove my innocence.

What evidence? Snape narrowed his eyes.

When I entered Platform 9, Mr Diggory, from the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, checked my luggage and he was able to ascertain that I was not carrying any prohibited items, including the Motra.

All you have to do is send a letter to the Ministry of Magic. Isn't that more effective than any evidence?

Maybe there was a Muttra rat attacking Malfoy, but I definitely didn't raise it, let alone have nothing to do with me, did it? Rove straightened his clothes, straightened his waist, and said loudly:

I don't understand... Should a good person who is not good at words be wronged?!

Eloquent, well-founded, neither humble nor overbearing... The little wizards applauded desperately, looking at Rove with the eyes of a hero.

At this moment, even Malfoy was a little shaken. Could it be that he remembered wrongly, and it really wasn't Scamander's doing?

Snape was a little surprised, and looked at Scamander seriously for the first time. He snorted and said, Don't bother, I'll just check your box.

No problem, as long as Professor Dumbledore allows. Rove smiled.

At this moment, a tall black-haired witch in an emerald green robe came out from the oak door. She said solemnly:

Okay, Professor Snape, you can go back to the faculty table now.

Snape's expression was as bad as if he heard that he was not allowed to eat at the dinner party. He cleared his throat and said, Professor McGonagall, I haven't found out about this yet...

Leave it to me, Professor Snape, this is an order from Headmaster Dumbledore. Professor McGonagall pursed his lips.

It seems that Professor Dumbledore does not allow you to check my box. Rove said regretfully.

Snape glared at Rove viciously, turned around and strode away, this matter was not over, he would not allow his authority to be challenged by a student!

Malfoy was dumbfounded, wait... His backer, Dean Snape, just abandoned him and left?

Seeing the old bat-like figure gradually go away, Malfoy wanted to say:

Professor Snape...How can I live without you...Professor Snape...Professor...Professor...You take me away...Professor!!



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