I Was Called A Demon

Arc 2: Chapter 7

To say that the bath – and sex, of course – was the best part of her time in the Planar Continents would only be true if she ignored Song Ming and the connection she had forged, and likely broken, with her, but it was still great nonetheless.

She felt as if she had been reborn, her skin regaining its softness and her hair recovering its shine, and she could still smell the fragrance of whatever she and Xue Yaling had washed themselves with. It was subdued but pleasant, a fruity scent that reminded her of plenty Orbis fruits, though she struggled to decide which one it was most similar to. Nevertheless, it was much, much better than simply dousing herself with cold water and moving along with her day.

Better yet, the room she was offered within the second building on the right – from the perspective she had when approaching the area – had a somewhat blurry yet effective silver mirror, a comfy bed, some spare clothes and even some sort of makeup, though she wasn’t going to play around with it before going to sleep, and even then, she would first inquire about its proper usage.

This was another world, after all, so even if something vaguely resembled lipstick or a lip balm, there was no reason to conclude that they were that, and nothing but that.

Considering the strange types of things in this world, everything that vaguely resembled something she knew could be intended for completely different purposes, have completely different functions, and perhaps even require her to utilise her planar energy in some way she couldn’t fathom at the moment. It might transform her body in some way if used improperly, or even properly, and she was not going to risk that.

Instead, she loosened and removed her soft, warm towel and tossed it onto the bed, heading over to the wardrobe and checking out the clothing options she had. All of it seemed designed for women with a physique suspiciously similar to Xue Yaling, so most likely, everything belonged to her.

That made for a rather impressive amount of garments and clothing, but since she had a similar enough shape – she had bigger boobs, and she was a bit taller – and the clothing appeared loose enough, it shouldn’t matter. Hence, she started looked over the tops available, just in case there was something that could grab her attention right away.

Everything she came across proved to be simple and white, mostly white blouses and shirts of no particular note. They were far superior to the common clothes found in Xi Village, of course.

Bianca opted to go for one of the shorter blouses, as she’d gotten a taste for the wind on her belly. Getting it from clothing that wasn’t frayed and torn with her shoddy knife skills seemed like an upgrade, and it didn’t seem like the kitsune would be short on clothing even if she grabbed whatever.

She was only able to remove it from the wardrobe when the door to the room opened, and the sly fox stepped in, covered only in a towel that seemed precisely made to cover as little as possible.

On the top, the upper half of her breasts were visible, and the towel seemed to rest just on her nipples, moments away from slipping down. Then, as Bianca’s gaze inevitably headed downwards, she was able to see how the towel ended just a hair’s width away from exposing Xue Yaling’s nether lips, clinging tightly to her soft, full ass.

Furthermore, it was moist, making the towel ever so slightly translucent. The faint hint of naked skin beneath it was ever so tantalising, though the suddenness of the intrusion did temper Bianca’s excitement just a little.

“My dear, you really should be heading off to sleep instead of looking through my clothes… Don’t tell me, you’ve enjoyed my scent so much you can’t bear to sleep with it?”

Her tone was playful, so she was certainly just teasing Bianca, but the thought certainly made her blush. The reminder of the kitsune’s strong natural fragrance brought to mind not only her fetish, but also all the time they had spent together such a short while ago, so she was slowly turning as red as Song Ming would.

“Oh? Seems like I wasn’t entirely mistaken. Well then, let me oblige~,” her grin widened, and without further pause she strode over to the bed and climbed atop it, sitting down right on top of Bianca’s towel with her legs spread, completely exposing her pussy.

It was dripping wet, and not with water.

“Don’t worry, darling, I’ll make sure that you can rest easy,” Xue Yaling spoke with such honest conviction that one might almost believe her, “I will make sure that your room is full of my scent, replacing all the air… because who needs that, anyway?”

Bianca found herself rubbing her thighs together as she watched the kitsune grinding against the bed sheets, wetting them and the towel with her arousal. It was hitting her weak spots in a manner Bianca couldn’t have even imagined before this day, and this very moment, though it was also making her a little scared of the kitsune. Whatever had motivated her to behave in this manner, Xue Yaling managed to do it without a hint of shame and with all the hints of enthusiasm that shouldn’t have been present unless they just happened to be kindred souls in this regard.

Whatever the kitsune was thinking, she was certainly succeeding in her stated goal. Even with the several steps separating them, Bianca could smell her perfectly, and would undoubtedly continue to perceive her long after Xue Yaling was gone from the room, and she was left on her own. Sleeping would be… difficult, to say the least.

“Now, I’d suggest a little more than just this, but… I don’t want to be too mean to you,” she paused suddenly, then got off the bed and stepped so close to Bianca that their noses nearly touched, “There’s a limit to how much I will mark my territory.”

That did get Bianca thinking about it, but before she could decide what her stance on such a thing would have been, Xue Yaling backed away and casually walked out of her room, leaving the door open.

“We’ll speak in the morning, Bianca,” the kitsune called out in the hallway, and soon the sound of the entrance door opening and closing reached her as well.

Just like that, she was left alone, except that whatever sense of calm and quiet she might have had were replaced with thoughts about the kitsune, mostly lewd ones. She went to sit down on the bed, though she had to sit by the pillow to avoid the mess left by Xue Yaling. It was impressive just how much she managed to stain in her brief time here, though it didn’t seem like she soaked the sheets to the extent that they would remain wet for long.

The smell would likely remain for quite a while longer, though.

Bianca sighed, ‘I hope that she isn’t intent on hurting me somehow, because… this place is rather comfortable… among other things. It sucks that everything that seemed so simple at first got ruined...’

The thought brought back her exhaustion in one instant, and soon she found herself focusing only on the sheets she’d need to sleep beneath. As soon as they were dry enough to use, she climbed beneath them in the nude – she hadn’t looked through the underwear available here yet, but she preferred sleeping without it when possible – and laid her head on the pillow.

It felt as if it swallowed her head, and soon sleep claimed her.


“… perhaps this was done by some beast?” Li Shen posited, looking at the ravaged pile of bone, rotting flesh and whatever else was mixed among it, “Surely a demonic cultivator will be a little more proficient in this… unless!”

She exclaimed, glaring at her retinue, a bunch of fellow disciples that didn’t seem particularly interested or enthused to be referred to as such, though it was certainly just a trick of the light. Given that she was the best of her age group, the strongest outer disciple, the wisest among them and, the most beautiful, and, in general, the nicest one to be around. Most likely, her fellow disciples were just tired.


“Unless this was part of some vile ritual!” she stated, “It might be that she was seeking to grow her strength during the journey. If not for the fact that we had to track her every move to avoid being misled, we might have been able to catch her before she was able to perform this vile act… Alas, neither this Bianca nor Song Ming are yet within our reach.”

Li Shen glanced to the side, a strange noise entering her ears. It was hard to identify at first, but when she had another few moments to consider it, she heard again, and closer this time.

The sound of an approaching beast, perhaps one of many.

“Draw your weapons,” she said, reaching back and grabbing her own guandao, the signature weapon of the Blazing Skies Sect, “Surround the remnants of the demon’s ritual, and ensure that the beasts cannot destroy the evidence!”

Although it took a moment for the others to react, they did so swiftly, stepping into position and readying their weapons. They were outer disciples, meaning that they were in the second realm and had not yet mastered the full power of the primary techniques of the sect, but against simple, wild beasts, they were confident in their success.

They did not need to wait long for their foes to emerge. From behind the many trees around them appeared numerous bark tigers, and all appeared to be in the second realm.

‘Ten, twenty… at least twenty-three,’ Li Shen frowned, gripping her guandao more tightly, “Time your strikes and protect one another. Don’t go out of line, understand?”

Before the others had a chance to speak, she rushed out, imbuing her weapon with her energy before preparing the stance for one of her skills. It’s full power – one deserving of the true name – could not be unleashed at her realm, but that would never stop her from trying, nor from emulating the true form of the skill.

‘Exalted Blast!’ she proclaimed within her mind, using a wide swing of the guandao to fan out the flames of her energy.

It burst out into golden light, scorching the ground and crashing into a few of the bark tigers, though many dove out of the way or were already too far out to be hit by the bright crescent. Her attack was soon followed by similar uses of Exalted Blast by her peers, but due to the change in her position, there were two large openings on her sides through which the tigers were able to pursue their goals, which they did swiftly.

Half a dozen charged in, four going for the pile of decaying remains while two jumped towards Li Shen from her left and right, forcing her to dash into the decaying heat of her own skill to get away from them, all while circulating her energy for the next attack.

The bark tigers nearly struck one another, but they landed smoothly, turned in moments and were leaping towards her again, their jaws wide open to reveal teeth that could easily split her in two.

‘Bladed Cyclone!’ Li Shen spun around, releasing the energy from her weapon into a planar construct.

It manifested into a small cyclone of flame, punctuated by the faint shimmer of a phantom guandao spinning within. The construct met the bark tigers and tore into their bark flesh, singing and burning them while the phantom edge cut deeper and deeper.

For a while, the tigers fought against the cyclone, giving Li Shen the opportunity to shift her attention onto some of the other beasts. Her fellow disciples were taking on most of them, but apart from the two she was holding back, there were still three that decided to select her as their prey. That meant she would need to take on them herself.

‘At least, that is until- No, I will fight them myself. I haven’t expended most of my energy yet, and I have more skills to display,’ she thought, gathering nearly half of her total planar energy at her core.

One might argue that it was wasteful (it was) or that she had no need of such a powerful skill at this time (she didn’t) but she was keen to prove anyone like that wrong. She removed one hand from her guandao and, after stabbing the bottom into the dirt, unleashed the energy that she had been building up within her.

A wave of flame spread out from her feet, constrained to the very surface of the earth. It grew and grew, but soon enough, it faded, leaving the bark tigers – and one of her fellow disciples – uncertain as to the nature and success of the technique.

After a moment of silence, one of the tigers found its courage and attacked, only for Li Shen to grab at the air and then make an upward motion, as if she was lifting something up from the ground.

‘Shattering… Blade!’

Following her movement, it was as if the earth’s fury was unleashed. Countless chunks of flame emerged from the ground, shaped like metal shards. Each one was composed of her energy, and with a wave of her hand, they gathered together into several blades, each one missing a hilt, yet unmistakably shaped like swords.

The fragments remained apart, and they were all visibly mist-like, an obvious sign of her second realm energy, but they emulated a third realm technique, and did so nearly passably. Thus, she willed them to attack, firing one of the shards of flame at the approaching bark tiger.

It shot forward far too quickly for the planar beast to react, and pierced the tiger’s head with an explosion of heat marking the surface of its bark-like flesh. Not only did it stop the beast in its tracks, but also remained within it, orange flame burning away within its head, visible even within its open mouth. Still, the beast was not put down with this, so Li Shen grabbed her guandao and executed another Bladed Cyclone, throwing in a bunch of the flaming shards to make the attack even more dangerous.

The cyclone rushed directly towards the bark tiger at a greater speed than the first one – which was still proving to be a challenge for the first two tigers Li Shen had engaged – and when it hit its initial target, the flaming shards within shredded the tiger with ease.

In moments, it was devastated. With a flick of her hand, the flaming shard returned from the tiger’s skull, joining those that still hovered beside her, almost reforming a blade, save for a fragment or two. She began the movement to throw out another shard, but then an overwhelming pain shook her whole body, causing her to falter and leave herself open to the tigers that rushed around her cyclone and straight for her.

Furthermore, when they came close to the flaming cyclone, their bark-like skin (or perhaps skin-like bark) lit up with a green glow from somewhere within the beasts, seeming to make their bodies significantly tougher. The flaming blade-infused cyclone that had ravaged their fellow planar beast only barely scratched them, and this was repeated by all the surviving tigers, though Li Shen wasn’t paying attention to any other than the ones she was fighting. Thus, the two beasts were free to charge her and strike her down.

“Li Shen!”

“Exalted Blast!”

A pair of her fellow disciples, whose names she couldn’t care to remember, came to her side and unleashed a pair of Exalted Blasts, the waves of blazing orange striking the bark tigers and stopping them in their tracks. It gave Li Shen a moment to recover.

“Stand back, I can finish this!” she exclaimed, not waiting for them to respond.

With a wave of her hand, she willed the flaming shards into the cyclone, letting it swell and grow in brightness, then shut her free hand into a fist.

In an instant, the power contained within the cyclone was freed, and the flaming shards were let loose, flying directly at the bark tigers surrounding them. Each shard easily pierced the tigers, becoming embedded within them, and then, with a final gesture, Li Shen finally saw fit to proclaim her skill to the world.

“Exalted Detonation!”

An ultimate skill of sorts for the Blazing Skies Sect, it wasn’t meant to be used at random, nor was it supposed to be casually revealed to the world. However, Li Shen knew better, and she understood that this was the best time to employ its principles in the limited manner that she could.

A wave of her energy reached for every one of the shards she had thrown out, surpassing the typical limits of a cultivator in her realm’s reach, and triggered something within the planar constructs.

The forest was shaken with numerous explosions of golden flame, setting leaves and branches of tall trees alight in an instant. They were, in essence, mirages formed by planar energy, and would fade within a few minutes, but the heat that emanated from the explosions was as real as it could be, crashing into them and the remaining bark tigers like a Treading Earth falling onto them from the skies. After the earlier failure to execute her skill, Li Shen felt faint, most of her energy already gone, leaving her to stand with only the power of her own two legs.

After that, it felt as if time flew by around her, all while she struggled to catch her breath. Explosions and flames continued around her. Before she knew it, though, they ended.

“Li Shen? Are you alright?”

That woke her up, causing her to raise her head and meet the gaze of one of the other disciples. Of course, she didn’t remember her name, but she was sure that it wouldn’t matter much, seeing as she was in charge.

“Are the tigers finished?” she replied with a question of her own, and once she saw the other disciple nod, she looked south, “We should hurry and investigate the remnants of Bianca’s activity before continuing on. We’re already wasted too much time.”


“I love your boobs, babe,” Song Ming said, putting her lips around Bianca’s nipple. She softly bit it, causing Bianca to moan from the pleasure, amplified only when her nipple was sucked.

It was a great sensation, and it was soon joined by a mouth on her pussy, licking her nether lips and working a tongue inside. Bianca looked down, past Song Ming’s gorgeous face and breasts, and witnessed Xue Yaling diving into her muff, lavishing her with so much attention that Bianca felt her legs going weak.

Luckily, she was seated, and thus she was able to relax into the back of the seat while the two ladies took care of her. All three of them were covered in sweat from their earlier ‘exercise’, so while she had nobody to kiss and taste, she appreciated the sensations and breathed in their mixed scents, feeling her lower lips grow even wetter. She gasped as Xue Yaling slurped up her arousal, pulling her closer in with her leg. Bianca heard – and felt – the kitsune moan, and was moved even closer to her satisfaction.

With her pleasure building, she felt everything turn white, her body and mind being overwhelmed completely. Then-

Bright sunlight flooded into her eyes, and when she opened them, she also saw plenty of white cloth around her, on her pillow and bedsheets. With the light pouring in through the window, even the dark wooden walls were rather bright to behold.

Bianca suddenly realised that she was not sitting anywhere, but rather lying in bed – an extremely comfortable bed, but a bed nonetheless. Furthermore, she hadn’t met with Song Ming since the incident at Xi Village, so what happened…

‘Obvious a dream… My thighs are wet…’ she felt the moisture easily, and when she reluctantly sat up, she spotted a stain on the sheets that clearly hadn’t had the chance to dry, ‘I must not have been fully satisfied yesterday, or maybe sleeping somewhere other than the grass and dirt has boosted my libido a bit…’

She removed the sheets covering her body, seeing her slick thighs glisten in the sunlight. It wasn’t the first time in her life that she woke up all wet and bothered, but it was the first time in this world, and it featured the two women she’d met that she slept with. Furthermore, it was vivid enough to make her believe it was real, if only for a brief while, and she was still able to remember it just as clearly as the moment she woke up, which was quite a bit less common for her.

‘At least I don’t have to worry about looking either of them in the eyes. It’s hard enough as is with Xue Yaling, and Song Ming…’ Bianca shook her head and got up from the bed.

As she stretched, she inhaled deeply through her nose, and froze with her arm still in the air as she was given a swift reminder of the kitsune’s activity in her room last night. The scent had faded, and was now mixed with that of her own arousal, but that didn’t prevent it from being quite overwhelming to her poor, sensitive nose.

Bianca knew she shouldn’t remain in this place much longer, but she did need to get dressed first, so after finishing her stretches, she hurried open to the still open wardrobe and looked for every piece of clothing she needed – and promptly hurried back to wipe her thighs with a towel.

There was no real choice for the bra and panties, both of which were somewhere between something she’d buy on Orbis and the junk present in Xi Village. Both were white and soft, made of a thin fabric that felt nice to touch. They more or less fit her, though the bra was rather tight. With some adjustment, she was able to improve it just enough to alleviate the discomfort, but in the time it took her to do this, her panties got wet from her continued arousal.

‘Well… A bit late to get some self-pleasure into my schedule, so I’ll just put up with this for now,’ she moved on before the issue got any worse, looking for something to cover her feet.

She did not expect stockings or anything like that, as she imagined them to be an item produced with more modern technologies than what was available in the Planar Continents, and she didn’t find them, but there were some nice white socks for her to wear.

‘Why is everything around here white? Is there some kind of difficulty with getting dyes, maybe?’

Naturally, she had little knowledge in this field either, but she did remember a bit from her history lessons, mainly that certain colours were reserved for royalty or nobility in many countries because they were difficult to obtain and produce at the time. So, if the fabric used was naturally white, then it made a lot of sense for the clothes to be left that way.

It would also explain why the skirts, and the skirts alone, were black, resembling her school uniform’s skirt quite a bit. The design was nicer, and the fabric was pleasant enough, though she needed a brief while to figure out exactly how to put it on.

With a white crop top on, all she needed to track down was some kind of footwear, and eventually she concluded that her only option was a pair of sandals. Thus, she was finally dressed, and with a final check to make sure she didn’t somehow forget to put on her panties – it had happened before, and while she was wearing a short enough skirt to flash anyone if she wasn’t careful – or something like that, she finally felt confident enough to emerge.

When she stepped outside the residence, Bianca froze in amazement, as what she saw seemed completely different to the place she had entered last night.

The ghostflame still hovered about, tinting the land with a cyan shade, but the bright sunlight beaming in from the horizon changed everything. What previously looked eerie was now friendly and inviting, the strange temple resembling a regular one from North Antania. To a certain extent, the glow of the ghostflame made the place a little more pleasant, dimming the brightest rays of the sun.

Bianca’s gaze stopped on Xue Yaling’s figure, dressed in the same kind of garb as the day before, standing by a tree and seeming to tend to one of the flames. She felt herself blush as thoughts of the previous day came to mind, but her flustered state faded as she continued looking.

Just like the daylight transformed the region, so did it completely change the kitsune’s aura, making her seem like a friendly, gentle maiden, caring for a garden – of sorts.

At least, that was until she turned around, spotted Bianca, and regained her sly grin.

“You’re finally awake, I see. I’m glad my scent was able to give you a pleasant rest, darling,” she giggled, her fox-ears twitching, “I jest, of course. I’m not so cruel as that… Also, I’m aware you had a few more things to say, Bianca. Would you like to have a more proper talk, along with some tea, perhaps?”

“Um… Sure. Tea…” Bianca’s mind went elsewhere, though she forced it back before she could conclude her thoughts on it.

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