I Was Called A Demon

Arc 2: Chapter 15

As Bianca undressed in the changing room, she felt the dried spit on her fingers and couldn’t help but conclude that it was still better than the alternative. Xue Yaling’s thorough cleaning was enough to remove most traces of the unpleasant stench, and she was almost able to forget about all of the cum and precum that had covered them.

Almost was the vital term there, of course.

Just as she had ruined the grass a short distance from the Ghostflame Temple, her efforts snuck their way into her memory. When it combined with Xue Yaling’s assistance the first time she used the Demon’s Commanding Rod, it made it almost impossible to remove the overall fact from her memory.

‘But with Song Ming, perhaps I can make some memories that are much nicer than those ones…’ she thought, ‘Not that Xue Yaling being between my legs wasn’t nice, but…’

She shook her head, hoping to get the wayward thoughts out of it, and put down the last of her clothing items before grabbing a towel and proceeding to the baths themselves. The sliding door was already partially opened, and she got to experience some of the warmth in advance. However, her interest was mainly in the person that lay behind the door, so she didn’t take longer than a moment to appreciate the warmth.

Bianca opened the door quietly, stepped in and shut behind herself, and then focused on the occupant of the bath.

Song Ming sat on one of the higher portions of the bath, causing everything above her midsection to be visible, if a little blurred by the steam rising from the water. Her long, blonde hair was wet, sticking to her back, left loose and shiny. Typically, Bianca’s attention would be drawn to her fine breasts, but there was another detail that jumped out at her first.

On her left arm, just above the elbow, there was a huge scar, seeming to cover the majority of her arm. It didn’t seem fresh, the discoloration being noticeable yet rather slight. The trouble was that she had seen Song Ming naked a bunch of times by now, and she had never once noticed it.

“Ah, Bianca, hello!” Song Ming noticed her entrance easily – nothing was being done to hide her presence, after all – and turned around to welcome her in, “It’s, um… been a while, hasn’t it?”

“Yeah… what happened to your arm?”

“Hm? Oh, that… heh, I thought it slipped out of my mind, but the moment you reminded me…” the young woman sighed, “Remember when I had to depart to take care of a threat to Xi Village? Me and Kong Xi ran into a Treading Earth… which is this massive beast with numerous legs that typically resembles a great chunk of earth wandering about.”


“This one possessed the power of the Breach archetype… It revealed numerous strange limbs and fleshy tendrils along with power that nearly took both of us down…” Song Ming looked at the scar on her arm, “After that, I’m not entirely sure what happened.”

“… Seems like you got injured.”

“Yeah, I did. It hit me, and nearly severed my whole arm… Then this powerful expert showed up and took away its power with ease, and my own body recovered somehow… Thinking back to it, it was probably the physique Xue Yaling mentioned,” she returned her gaze to Bianca’s eyes, “Somehow, it might have activated and allowed me to recover from my injury, at least mostly. It’s truly a blessing from the heavens that it occurred, though I wish that the Treading Earth had never appeared to begin with. We might have been able to remain together and… avert that tragedy.”

Bianca couldn’t help but nod, since she still had no clue what else she might say. After all, it was her own hasty actions that were to blame, and not Song Ming’s noble efforts to keep the village safe.

“I… want to believe in you. Please don’t… don’t make doubt you again, okay?”

Song Ming’s voice was quiet and calm, but her expression was anything but. Tears were forming in her eyes, and her lips quivered as she tried to keep her voice calm. It hurt Bianca’s heart more than anything the kitsune had been able to say so far, and she felt as if it would outright explode from the sheer pressure.

“… I never wanted to hurt you. Nor anyone else, obviously, but… well, maybe Lin Shuming, but…” she couldn’t help but smile, but fortunately, the faintest hint of a smile also tugged at the corners of Song Ming’s lips, “Even then, I promise that I will avoid doing anything to hurt you.”

The hesitation in her eyes was clear, but eventually she nodded with a weak smile, some of her tears beginning to drip down her cheeks, “Thank you…”

It was then that Bianca realised she had been standing in place for quite a while, getting chilly and hot at once thanks to the warm steam surrounding her, and the lack of clothes on her body. She had emerged with a towel, but she chose to limit her coverage to just her boobs and ass (and everything in between, of course) since she knew she’d be getting rid of the towel soon enough. Even with the things she covered, the towel didn’t help all that much.

Thus, she took the opportunity to enter the water and remove her tower, seating herself a short distance from Song Ming as to not accidentally impose upon her boundaries. Whatever one wished to classify their current relationship as right now, it was undoubtedly in a fragile state.

As she entered the water and found a comfortable seating position for herself, Song Ming glanced over into her eyes and tilted her head slightly.

“Huh. I didn’t even remember that.”

“Remember what?”

“Your eyes… There’s this thin ring of red just around your pupils. I had thought they were just entirely blue… Maybe I had been unable to look into your eyes so much that I never noticed,” Song Ming mumbled that last part to herself, but Bianca heard her just fine anyway, “It’s quite… quiet pretty. Unique, too.”

“T-Thank you…” Bianca wasn’t dazed by the compliment as much as she was by its contents, and the fact that Xue Yaling’s description of a subtle pink had turned to a clear, thin ring of red in such a brief time, ‘This suggests that my cultivation might be what causes this progression… On one hand, it’s just eye colour, so it’s not that important. On the other, what else could it be affecting? What if I literally turn into some kind of demon? What if… say, I went bald from this? It’d be awful… as long as it was above the neck, of course. The hair below can go.’

“Are you alright?”

“Um, yeah… It’s still a little hard to get used to everything, and now I hear that there are others that may be interested in taking my life…” she couldn’t admit the truth, as she feared the potential of a demonic transformation, so she simply replied to something that was also true, “It’s hardly pleasant when I still barely understand where I belong, where I came from, and so on. All I know is that my mother is probably not whatever Min Yu suggested.”

“The Sect Master of the Phoenix Sect? Why not?”

“Min Yu seemed to think that she was an incredible mother, so I doubt that she’d just leave me stranded somewhere without memories. And, since cultivators are supposedly even more powerful in higher realms, she can probably just take a step, appear in front of me, and ward off anyone that wanted to kill me.”

Bianca knew perfectly well that she had no relation to that woman, unless she had somehow ended up in the body of a twin that shared her appearance completely and happened to be the child of someone that sounded like they were on the other side of the continent, but the thought alone seemed to warm Song Ming’s expression, which meant it also warmed her own. Making amends after what she had done… it was the most she could hope for.

“Of course, I’d never met her – nobody in the village could have even hoped to do so – but from what little I had heard, yes, she is quite impressive.  She is said to care for her disciples, to guide and direct each one of them with accuracy and kindness at once…”

“I leave you two alone, and you’re immediately thinking about some other woman? And here I thought there might have been something between you two,” Xue Yaling’s voice intruded into their conversation, “But if that is what you are interested in, I can certainly provide you with a bit of information the three sects would never have permitted to enter Xi Village.”

Song Ming and Bianca both turned to face her, and the former immediately turned away as she saw the kitsune entirely in the nude, lacking even a pretence at covering herself with a towel.

She grinned when her eyes locked with Bianca’s, though she then had the shamelessness to pretend to be confused, “What? I wish to take a bath as well, so do you expect me to do so fully clothed? Perhaps covered up more than your average southerner?”

“Ah… um…” Song Ming struggled to produce any kind of coherent response.

“Just get in the water already…” Bianca wasn’t quite so flustered – she’d never be able to survive in a world surrounded by porn and scantily clad women if she was still so sensitive to nudity – but she wasn’t completely immune to the kitsune’s charms either, “Do southerners cover up a lot, by the way?”

The kitsune, fortunately, decided not to stay outside and show off her body to the two of them. She walked up to the bath and stepped straight in, taking a seat to Bianca’s left, leaving Song Ming to her right. Of course, she continued to make no effort whatsoever to hide her tits, and even folded her arms underneath them to prop them up and highlight them.

“It’s cold enough for you to freeze in moments without a thick coat. The fur of strong planar beasts is typically favoured for clothing, as it can resist the biting frost,” Xue Yaling explained, “More importantly, though, the woman you were discussing. Huang Su, Sect Master of the Phoenix Sect. Known by some as the mother of her sect… and renowned among others as a gorgeous woman with an extremely fine body.”

The kitsune licked her lips, though Bianca struggled to figure out if that was due to Huang Su’s appearance, or Song Ming’s cheeks turning so red that the blush spread to her nose and ears, forming this wonderful streak across her face.

If not for the small modicum of self-control Bianca had, she might have also licked her lips at it.

“She’s tall, with huge, perky breasts, an ass that’s perfect for grabbing and just fills the hand… I’ve seen at least one man need a change of pants after thinking about her for too long, though I have no doubt that plenty of women have had similar, just subtler, reactions,” she continued, “At the same time, she is fit and still looks to be in the prime of her days, and…”

After the pause lasted a little too long, Bianca had to ask, “And?”

“Some say that despite acting and looking very much like a mother, she had never spent a moment with a man, nor a dragon.”

‘Well, she definitely is someone’s wet dream, then…’ she couldn’t help but imagine it as well, though she made sure not to go too far, “Uhm, we were originally discussing her character, not… well, not that. How did she become famous enough for her to be known even in Xi Village, where, as you said, nobody is let in unless they’re part of the three sects?”

“I know you’re still curious.”

“Just answer the question.”

“Why should I?” Xue Yaling flashed a sly grin, “But alright, if you want me to stop bringing up her huge breasts, fine, soft lips, her delicate yet dexterous hands and fingers… Heh. You may be surprised, but the cultivation world is a rather small one. With the higher realms, both communication and travel can be done quickly and relatively easily. And, since the sects form such an integral part of the Eastern Continent, most of them will have various methods of communication with one another.”

“Like the warning stone of Xi Village?” Song Ming asked.

“That’s primitive by the standards of the stronger sects, but I suppose it is close enough for you to understand,” the fox shrugged, “And you, Bianca? Do you understand?”

“Uh, yeah, I think so. I’d imagine the biggest sects could transmit their voice or even an image of themselves through whatever they’ve got,” she guessed somewhat absentmindedly, since her attention still lingered on the imagined image of Huang Su’s full ass.

“… Huh, that is close enough, actually. Glad you can fathom something without needing it to be explained in excruciating detail.”

‘Wait, what? Oh… guess there is a sort of smartphone equivalent in this world, though there’s no way I’m getting my hands on one of those,’ the tone of pleasant surprise in Xue Yaling’s voice helped her stop thinking about the so-called mother of the Phoenix Sect, prompting her to lean back and relax within the bath a little more, “I just guessed. It feels like a reasonable thing to have with all the magical stuff around.”

“Magic? That doesn’t exist.”

“Yeah,” even Song Ming nodded along, “I’m not sure where you got the idea of it from.”

‘Y-you… why is it so hard for this concept in particular to translate? Why doesn’t anyone understand that cultivation is basically just magic?’ Bianca wanted to question, but doing so would necessarily involve dropping her façade while she still hadn’t found a single chance to ask about their thoughts about those from another world – or possibly even worlds.

“Regardless, for once, you’re on point about something. Yes, with the power of special artefacts, the various Sect Masters of the Eastern Continent are able to communicate with one another, even with their foes. Of course, the communication artefacts for allies are significantly better, with some even making it seem as if the person using the other linked item is in the same room, sharing some tea with the user…” Xue Yaling’s words drifted off, as she seemed to ponder on something distant, “Ah, the thought of having something like that…”

“Couldn’t they just meet? I hear that most Sect Masters end up travelling to various other sects quite often, and that they have the ability to clear numerous kilometres with a single stride,” Song Ming asked.

Bianca was very, very tempted to explain just how wrong that idea proved to be on Orbis, where people could be lazy enough to message one another instead of simply heading across the road to their friends. How she restrained herself, she wasn’t sure even long after Xue Yaling began to provide Song Ming with an answer.

“That doesn’t mean it’s convenient or reasonable to do so most of the time. A linked artefact is typically safe and easy to use, while travelling can present risks to the sect and to the Sect Master separately, among other reasons. The only ones that would be able to peek into a conversation involving a high-grade linked artefact would be…” she took a moment to think, “The Information archetype might be effective for all variants of these artefacts, but particular ones would be vulnerable to relevant methods. A fire-based artefact could likely be exploited with an understanding of the Fire archetype, perhaps.”

‘… Yeah, I totally get all of that. It sounds reasonable, and yet it is simultaneously nonsensical. Does Song Ming… yeah, I think she gets it,’ Bianca could do little more than give Song Ming puppy eyes and hope that she would get it.

She did, and rather quickly at that, though she quickly looked down and away, whispering, “Uhm… honestly, I’m not sure what you don’t understand there.”

“Darling, have you two not spent a while together? I would have gotten used to her not knowing a single thing about cultivation-related matters… Huh, your eyes look even more beautiful than the last time I looked at them,” Xue Yaling suddenly said, “That red is very nice. Such a… rich shade. Really draws attention to it.”

‘…’ Bianca felt a cold sweat forming on her back, even as half of her back was in the hot water of the bath, “Yeah, apparently… So, couldn’t we just relax on the bath instead of all of this? I’m getting yet another headache from everything related to cultivation.”

“Cultivation? How are your eyes related to that?”

“I mean, before that… Anyway, I think I need to have a quiet moment for a while. It would be really helpful to calm down, especially if we were to get attacked.”

“I was trying to help you. I spoke of a gorgeous woman that you could spend your time fantasising about, if us two aren’t enough for you,” Xue Yaling spoke with a sultry grin, much to Song Ming’s embarrassment, “Remember, you are the one that had to start asking about how she became famous. If you had just stuck to the important parts, everything would have been perfectly good for you and your poor head.”

“… You are mean.”

“Nonsense. I am the nicest person… well, somewhere, I’m sure,” as she shrugged, Xue Yaling made sure to let her breasts jiggle, drawing the attention of both the other women in the room, “From the little time we’ve spent together, wouldn’t you say so, Song Ming?”

“E-eh… I-”

“Is it so hard a question? Come now, you’ve seen me – in full, even – and you’ve had the chance to consider the matter for yourself, without Bianca to cloud your judgement with… her own charms,” she placed a hand on Bianca’s right shoulder and leaned in, looking Song Ming directly in the eyes, “Am I some terrible person that shouldn’t be trusted? Am I some horrible beast that will devour you whole and swallow you up?”

“U-Um… well… Maybe… not?”

“That’s a good girl,” Xue Yaling reached out further and patted Song Ming on the head, though she could only get a few pats in before Bianca grabbed her wrist, “Hm?”

“Please don’t…”

“Why ever not? Go on, do tell me. If you can provide me with a sensible answer, I would be perfectly happy to stop. Maybe I’d even give you two some time, for… hm, bonding activities, one might call them,” she spoke as if she could have been apologetic, but each word dripped with her usual smugness, and she clearly knew quite well that there wasn’t much that Bianca could really say.

However, she was letting Bianca try, so if she didn’t at least take the opportunity…

“Bonding activities aside, I… uh, I’m not sure it’s appropriate for you to be teasing Song Ming like that. She had gone through a rough time up until now, and I think it would be best if you weren’t… well, doing what you’re doing.”

That got Xue Yaling to stop and even got her to ponder for a while, or at least it looked like she gave it some thought.

Eventually, the kitsune brought her hand back, returning to her seat and leaning back, gazing up.

“You’re not entirely wrong, I suppose. The two of you seem to have gone through some terrible things for, well, a village girl and an amnesiac, so forcing the two of you into difficult situations in addition to the ones you already face is rather unnecessary, to put it one way,” she managed to say in a serious, low tone, “I do still want to have a bath, though.”

“So, can we just have a calm bath?”


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