I Was A Hero In Another World But My Dog-Girl Slave Swapped Places With Me And Now I Can’t Disobey Her

Chapter 79: In Which It’s Hard To Be Myself Around Princess Asperia

I was snuggled up in Princess Asp's arms, and feeling kinda sleepy. I was fast and strong, but she still trusted me to be submissive, I guess. Or she was ready to kill me at any moment despite that.

Definitely one of those two things.

Her body felt relaxed behind me, though, as she spooned me, one hand idly petting the front of my body.

"Princess Asp," I said softly, to get her attention.

Her hand stopped. "Why are you calling me that, my dear fiancee?"

I blinked. "Oh, sorry, I just labelled you that in my head to distinguish you from--"

Her hand gently covered my mouth, interrupting my speech, and her body pressed against mine as her mouth moved up against my ear and she whispered softly: "It would be best to think of me as Princess Asperia until the situation has improved, if you can't keep your mind and your mouth seperate."

I nodded a little, and she let her hands slide along my lips, petted my cheek, and relaxed back beside me.

I breathed in, and out, and realized my body was tense, and it took a moment for me to relax it. "Understood, Princess Asperia," I said quietly.

Princess Asperia's hand slid down to hold mine. "I know it's a lot. But we have to get through this. Soon enough, She'll be back to normal, and we can work things out. Okay?"

"She's not going to be back to normal anytime soon." Zince was in Princess Asperia's room, and I was lying there with my head in her lap.

Princess Asperia inhaled sharply. "...Okay. I can keep this up as long as I need to, until She can return to Her throne." She wasn't usually so careful to show reverence in her voice towards Princess Asperia, but maybe taking over her body made her think it was important.

Zince looked like she was considering something for a long moment. "It's entirely possible," she noted, "that our Princess Asperia is not the original Princess Asperia, and has no claim to the throne."

Princess Asperia narrowed her eyes as she stroked my hair. "How dare you. She is first in line to the throne, and my liege. Are you trying to shake my resolve?"

Zince shrugged. "I was just thinking that if you have to take over for a while in her form, it might not be so bad."

Princess Asperia's grip on my hair tightened. "I don't think you can relate to being stuck in the body of someone you love."

I stiffened, trying to stop myself from crying. I could very much relate.

Princess Asperia continued: "And if I believed that Princess Asperia was a pretender, I would make sure Princess Adeline received the throne, as was my duty." Her voice all but said, "So don't try to convince me."

Zince said softly, "No, you wouldn't."

Princess Asperia slowly inhaled and exhaled. "Let's stop talking about it. Princess Asperia is going to get better."

I sat up, disliking the way I was now just a bit taller than Princess Asperia, even sitting down. Everyone felt too short in this body. "Maybe I could talk to her."

Zince raised an eyebrow. "Eve traumatized her pretty bad. Do you really think that's a good idea?"

I sat up a little straighter despite myself, staring down at her. "Eve traumatized her to control her. And I'm more practiced at the dark arts of psychology than anyone in this world, and I've started reading Mind Magic stuff. Ask her if she wants to see me."

I was shocked by how much command there was in my voice. Since I was to some extent playing Eve's role, I felt far more dominant than I ever had in my original body.

"...it's worth a try," said Princess Asperia faintly.

After throughly sniffing me, Warden brought me up to Princess Asperia's cell. Zince was also with me, as a chaperone, I guess. "She's real sad," said Warden, sounding a bit detached about it.

It was a nice room, and had been made even nicer, as far as the dimensions and time allowed... A bed with luxurious sheets, soft throw carpets covering the harder floor, tapestries, a little whirling globe which let out a soft scent of spring along with fresh air, a few carafes with drinks, a tray with snacks... but she was alone, cuddled up close against the pillows.

"I brought someone," Zince said softly, uncertainly.

Princess Asperia -- the real one, presumably -- looked up. Her beautiful, powerful body was half-covered by diaphanous silken sheets, but otherwise she was naked, beyond the necklace around her neck-- the one she had originally put on Eve, and now was around her own neck.

Seeing me, she immediately got down and knelt on the floor, pressing her forehead to my foot. "Please... I don't know what sort of mindfuck this is, but I'm still obedient, Eve. I'll keep on being obedient." Her fingers clawed into the rugs as her voice trembled.

"Um... I'm not Eve. I'm Sasha." Okay this was confusing. "Or... I'm the original Hero From Another World. Ava owns Eve now, and she's locked her up. She can't do anything."

Princess Asperia didn't move from her position, and her fingers dug into the rug a little more.

I sighed softly. "Get up, okay?" She stood up, looking up at me tearfully.

I kneeled down and pressed my hand against her hand, like I would if I wanted her to pet me and was feeling impetuous when I was Sasha, but her hand didn't move.

Princess Asperia's body was still trembling slightly. "I don't know what you want, Eve." Her voice was soft.

Maybe she wouldn't trust that I wasn't Eve as long as she had that necklace.

But I didn't know if I could get it removed without letting people know the potentially-dangerous control the other Eve/Sasha currently had over her.

I sighed and walked over to sit on the bed, patting the bed next to me, and she quickly ran over and sat down next to me. "You're in control, and everyone needs to know that."

"...Oh. All right." Confidence seeped back into her voice, but it was obviously faked. "I'm in charge. Eve, put your arm around me."

I wrapped my arm around her and held her close. She was still trembling. She was terrified just by my presence, now, now that I was Eve, after what Eve had done.

It was my fault, I had let Eve be Eve despite knowing her tendencies. I bit my lip. "I should've seen this coming."

"I'm sorry, I'll do better!" There was desperation in Princess Asperia's voice immediately. "Please, I'm doing my best, destroying my treasures won't change anything, I'm being good...."

I petted her hair. "I know. I'm sorry. They're safe."

She hid her face against my shoulder and sobbed as I held her.

I looked over to Zince, who was watching with a very uneasy expression. She mouthed some words, and I blinked, and she mouthed them again, slower: "Maybe this wasn't a good idea."

Maybe it wasn't.

I smiled helplessly at Zince as I stroke the crying Princess on my shoulder.

I didn't think leaving her alone right now was going to make things better.

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