I Was A Hero In Another World But My Dog-Girl Slave Swapped Places With Me And Now I Can’t Disobey Her

Chapter 29: In Which Mistress Is Finally Given A New Name

My muscles ached as my eyes slowly fluttered open… ah. I had been tensing up a lot last night. A larger warm body was just utterly flopped on top of me, and I wriggled out beneath of Mistress, to find myself in a small room with a bed, a table, a chair, a bookshelf, and a glowing three-dimensional prism hanging from the ceiling by small chains that I was pretty sure I could study to learn Light, if I wanted to.

Having slid out from underneath her, I looked down at Mistress… her skin was less pale, and her hair black again… had she done some transmutation on the way over? Probably, she was a bit striking in her previous form, although her differences looked pretty. I leaned back against the headboard, and looked down at my abdomen to see the womb tattoo… huh. I could somehow see the three-dimensionality of it in a way that was a little unnerving. I wondered if four-dimensional magic was possible if you were smart enough… well, one thing at a time, there’s no point in trying to invent a bike before you've even mastered crawling.

It was simpler, though, to think about magic in the abstract rather than what she had just done to me… what I had just asked for, really… well. Not asked for, but certainly not told her not to, either… although she had access to my thoughts, she should have been able to tell that I was reticent… not that it seemed to bother her.

I looked down at her. When she was super tired out back when I was her Master, she had similarly just utterly collapsed and slept like the dead for hours. So at least that part of her wasn’t a lie. I stroked her head softly, and wondered how much last night had been her manipulating me versus me manipulating myself in an attempt to be “good” for her. Had she used mind magic, or just the things she admitted to, like playing my jealousy against me?

I rose out of bed, the room was cooler than I’d like, and looked around for my clothes, and saw them sitting on a pile in a chair. I walked over and put them on, glancing back at Mistress… judging from her state, I was guessing I had at least a few hours to safely poke around, unless she woke up faster now.

But she hadn’t told me not to go exploring, so I opened the door, and stepped out into a short hall with stone walls, and a staircase spiraling up to my left, and another one spiraling down to my right, as well as a door in front of me. Feeling adventurous, and suitably clothed for it, I went up to open the door in front of me.

It was more like a prison cell, part of it sectioned off from the other with bars, with a less-comfortable looking cot, and chains on the wall. I wondered if this had been where she had kept the other girl, but if so, there were no real traces of it. I wondered if this is where she meant to kept me if I misbehaved… maybe I should just get back to bed.

I walked back to the room with Mistress in it, closing both doors behind me, and felt a little foolish as I stripped the clothes I had literally just put on, putting them in a similarly messy pile back on the chair. I sat down next to her, and stroked her head absentmindedly as I stared up at the Light crystal. It wouldn’t be a bad thing, to know the Light spell. I studied it for some time, trying to fully comprehend it, which since it was translucent I didn’t truly need multiple angles for. Finally, I threw a little bit of mana above my fingertip in the shape of Light for a moment, and it caused a blindingly bright flash… I couldn’t see anything, and made some kind of noise.

Sasha-- that is, Mistress growled beneath my hand, quickly sitting up.

I rubbed my eyes with the back of my arm. “Sorry, I was just trying to cast Light. May have put a little too much power into it.”

“...Oh.” She settled back closer against me as my vision cleared, her head in my lap.

I returned to petting her, and she yawned and nuzzled softly against my lap. Was this sleepy girl really the same one who had maybe used Mind Magic on me all last night?

“That’s part of why people who are known to use Mind Magic tend to not be able to handle it well, you know," said Mistress, voice still half-awake. "Going insane or whatever. Regardless of if you do or don’t, everyone second-guesses themselves around you, wondering if you’re using their magic on them… I never had it that bad, when I was acting like your pet, I guess… you didn’t think I manipulated you then….”

...but had she? How much of me liking her back then had been from little spells she was able to twist through my words?

She sighed. “This is why I have to get you to not care how much I manipulate you.”

“Or you could just, you know, not manipulate me?”

“You’d still doubt.”

“Maybe less so.”

“If I let you be free, you’d leave me, sooner or later. I need you, Sasha.” She wrapped her arms around my waist, as if holding onto my physical body would keep my feelings there as well. “Please. I’ll treat you well, just… utterly believe in and follow me… I don’t want to have to use meaner things to break you.…”

I shivered and nodded. Right. I had started thinking about things too much, I had to be a good girl and believe in Mistress, or things could get much worse. “I’ve been trying to be good... I didn’t even tell you to stop writing that womb tattoo thing on me, and you weren’t using Mind Magic on me last night… right?”

“Mm-hmm….” She just sounded sleepy. But I could never read deception or lack thereof in her voice, either. Well, she had deceived me since we first met, even if it was mostly out of self-protection at first. We were both quiet for a little while, and I was starting to wonder if she had dozed off again.

“Let me sleep a little longer… you can read any of the books….” And with that, she was back out, with her arms around me, head still in my lap. I wondered how I was supposed to do that, exactly… anything I did with Wind that would knock a book off the shelf would probably send books flying everywhere… so I just waited, petting her idly, drifting in and out of sleep as I had nothing better to do, and it was easy enough to trust in Mistress when she couldn’t cast any spells….



I woke up to find myself lying on the bed with Mistress on top of me, rubbing the underside of her hard cock against my wet pussy as she nuzzled and nipped at my neck. What…?

“I’m breeding you, silly girl.” She shifted her position to grab hold of the side of my head gently and leaned up to kiss me on the lips, cutting off any protests as she slowly drove her thick cock into my pussy. She finally pulled her lips away once her cock filled my pussy entirely, but started moving her hips, thrusting into me again and again, almost with a sense of desperation as we both panted for breath.

“Wait, wait, is this really a good idea?”

She moaned, and stopped thrusting, with her cock throbbing all the way inside of me as she petted my cheek and bit at my neck, which was definitely making me feel more horny and submissive, but logically, this wasn’t a good idea. “Come on, Sasha… you agreed to be bred by me… don’t go back on your word now… I even gave you a second chance to say no…. . I would’ve carried your child if I trusted you to take care of us, come on, please….”

“No, I mean… we haven’t settled things with Princess Asperia. We might die.”

She raised her head from my neck and looked down into my eyes. “I might die, I suppose-- but she’s not about to kill you, I’m fairly sure. And if that happens, I want you to have something to remember me by. So you won’t forget me.”

“Isn’t this someone who will kill off her own family if they’re threats?”

“Don’t be silly, a Hero-blooded animalfolk slave she can easily control? She’s not about to kill someone like…” Her voice trailed off, and she looked down into my eyes for a moment, and she sighed.

“Okay. You’re right. Our child would just be her pawn.” She reluctantly drew her cock out of me, and rolled me over, her suddenly very slick cockhead pressing up against my rear entrance a second later. “Mmm, come on and relax… let me in if you don’t want me to breed you…” I did my best to relax, and her cock thrust into me a moment later, an ecstatic moan escaping her lips. “Mmm, that’s my good girl…”

“Mistress…” She had actually listened to me, and her cock in my ass was actually feeling kind of good right now, although I wanted something in my pussy. She pulled out, slid her hands down to my thighs, and lifted me up onto my knees, before thrusting back into me, my breasts and the side of my head pressed down harder against the mattress as she fucked me, her hand sliding down along my belly and between my legs to start thrusting her fingers into my pussy as the heel of her hand rubbed against my clit.

“P-plus… if we had a daughter one day… I’d need a name I could call you under than Mistress….” She stopped her thrusting a moment at that, giggling and doubling up over me, her breasts pressing into my back, and just held me for a moment like that, her cock twitching deep inside my ass.

“Okay, that’s a fair point… I gave you my name, so you get to name me. Not your old one, though.”

The thought sprang to my mind almost immediately. “Eve.”

“The night before something happens…?” She started thrusting again, both her cock and her fingers, and I moaned helplessly, other people’s attention felt good, but Mistress knew my body perfectly, knew exactly what felt best… it was very easy to surrender to her. “I love it.” She kissed the back of my neck. “I love you.”

Also the name of a betrayer, of sorts, and the first woman, and the first eater of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, at least if you went with the common biblical story, but I was too busy moaning to more than half think that… and no one in this world would know that regardless….

“I like that too… well, not the betrayer part, but I had that coming, I suppose… I should’ve waited until you submitted to me on your own rather than just taking control of my body again like that.…” She thrust harder, and I was surprised by how desperate my own moans sounded… I had just cum so many times last night, but this felt like it was building up to something more powerful, and suddenly a shock of pleasure passed through my body, eliminating the ability to think at all as I came helplessly on her cock and fingers, screaming in pleasure at the top of my lungs.

Her cock drove deep into me, and I could feel it twitching and the warmth of her cum inside me as she filled me up with the cum that could’ve impregnated me, and for just a moment, without coherent thought, I wished it had.

I collapsed onto the bed panting, with her on top of me and her cock still deep inside me, and her weight pressed down heavily on top of me, her breasts on my back, as she gave the back of my neck with kisses and hickeys, causing more little shocks of pleasure to run through my body.

She ran her fingers through my hair idly for a little while. “...Hey… just, hypothetically speaking… if I swapped us back, would you keep me by your side? Whatever else you did to me, you wouldn’t throw me away, right?”

I laughed at that. As if Mistress would ever give up power. “Sure, sure, I promise.” My voice was light. I couldn’t exactly sell her or kill her, after all… even after everything she had done, I still cared about her… and it’s not like it’d ever happen, regardless.

Maybe it was all the pleasure, but I was starting to feel very sleepy, and I let my eyes flutter closed for a moment.

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