Chapter 7: Hopeless
Here's the translation maintaining character names and preserving all details:
The convenience store's flickering fluorescent lights cast jagged shadows across the skeletal woman's face as she emerged from the staff room. Her collarbones protruded like coat hangers beneath grime-caked skin, the rancid odor of infected flesh mingling with the incongruently savory steam from her bubbling pot.
"Welcome..." Her voice rasped like sandpaper on rusted metal. The bloodstained shift dress hung from her emaciated frame like a shroud.
Barrett instinctively stepped between the woman and the injured Tony. "Easy there, love. Just need some medical supplies."
Her milky eyes tracked the detective's movements with disturbing precision. "Needles... thread..." She mimed sewing motions with bony fingers, blackened nails clicking. Suddenly she lunged, her skeletal hand clamping around Jack Li's wrist with surprising strength. "I have! Come see!"
The men exchanged uneasy glances as she dragged Jack Li toward the staff room. Officer Liu's hand drifted toward his absent service weapon. Inside, the stench of decomposition intensified. A stained mattress occupied one corner, its springs erupting through fabric slick with bodily fluids.
"Payment." The woman pointed at the bed, her shift pooling around stick-like legs. Barrett gagged as suppurating sores became visible. "Sleep. Then pork stew."
Jack Li's gaze fell on the simmering pot. Pale lumps bobbed in murky broth. Recognition dawned - the 'pork' bore unsettling resemblance to human digits.
"Christ's sake!" Barrett grabbed a rusted pipe from the floor. The woman hissed, browning teeth snapping like a rabid animal.
In the chaos, Jack Li spotted their prize - a corroded fishhook and tangled monofilament line. He pocketed them while the others distracted the shrieking creature.
Outside, Dr. Lee worked swiftly. The fishhook glinted as he sterilized it with lighter fluid. Tony's scream echoed through the ruined streets when the barbed harpoon tore free. Taylor applied pressure to the spurting wound, her medical training overriding revulsion at using fishing line for sutures.
Back inside, the woman's frenzy escalated. "EAT! MUST EAT!" She ladled stew into a hubcap, pus dripping from infected fingertips. Jack Li tossed one of the golden dao orbs onto the mattress. The creature pounced, cracking the sphere between molars like a macabre jawbreaker.
"Not... food..." She spat golden shards, advancing with murderous intent. The survivors fled into the crimson-tinged twilight, Tony's labored breathing their grim soundtrack. Behind them, the woman's wail carried through the ruins - "COME BACK! BABIES NEED MILK!"
The scent of charred flesh followed them through the skeletal cityscape. Somewhere, a cracked clocktower chimed thirteen.
The putrid stench of boiling flesh wafted through the cracked convenience store windows as the survivors' fragile alliance fractured. Jack Li's hand lingered near the dao orb in his pocket, its faint warmth pulsing in time with the rhythmic *clink-clink* of the deranged clerk's ladle against her cookpot.
"Last chance," Jack Li said, eyeing the bull-masked sentinel across the street. The creature's obsidian horns caught the hellish crimson light as it turned its head fractionally toward them. "That thing's been tracking our movements since we arrived."
Dr. Lee adjusted Tony's makeshift bandage, the fishing line sutures pulling taut against inflamed flesh. "You're asking us to gamble a 44.4% survival rate against certain death out there." His latex-gloved fingers - scavenged from the clerk's nightmare pantry - came away smeared with yellowish pus. "At least here we can—"
A wet *splat* interrupted him. The staff room door swung open, revealing the skeletal clerk clutching a dripping bundle swaddled in blood-crusted rags. Her sunken eyes locked onto Tony's bandaged shoulder.
"Baby hungry," she crooned, blackened fingernails picking at the bundle's folds. A tiny hand flopped free, its blue-tinged fingers curling in rigor mortis. "Need milk. You give milk?"
Taylor's surgical mask did little to filter the stench of decaying placenta. "My God... she's been—"
"Don't." Jack Li's hand clamped her shoulder. "Sanity's thin enough here without dwelling on—"
The bull-masked figure's horns suddenly flared with bioluminescent fungus. Across the street, restaurant windows shattered as dozen more animal-headed shapes pressed against the glass - their masks now pulsating with the same eerie glow.
"Time's up." Jack Li backed toward the door, dao orb glowing like miniature sun in his palm. The clerk's bundle began squirming, emitting gurgling cries that raised the hair on Barrett's neck.
Tony struggled upright, sweat beading on his ashen face. "I'll... I'll take my chances with the games." His trembling hand closed around a rusted pipe. "Rather die fighting those freaks than become that thing's next meal ticket."
One by one, the survivors armed themselves with broken shelving and chunks of concrete. Even Lawyer Liu abandoned her blood-soaked blazer to grasp a jagged shard of glass, her manicured nails crusted with filth.
The bull-masked creature threw back its head and *roared* - a sound that liquefied the clerk's cookpot into steaming offal. From every crumbling building, glowing animal masks emerged like fireflies in the blood-dimmed light.
Jack Li pressed the dao orb against a crack in the convenience store wall. Golden tendrils spiderwebbed through the concrete as reality itself began unraveling. "Stay close! When the veil breaks—"
The clerk's bundle erupted in a shower of viscera. What emerged wasn't human. Wasn't animal. Wasn't anything that belonged in a world with sane physics. Its dozen umbilical cords lashed out, impaling Officer Liu through both eyes before he could scream.
"NOW!" Jack Li shattered the orb.
The survivors fell through kaleidoscopic nothingness as the clerk's abomination consumed its first meal. Somewhere in the screaming void, Taylor glimpsed infinite corridors branching through impossible geometries - each pulsing with the heartbeat of a thousand dao orbs.
They landed in a cathedral-sized chamber where walls oozed luminous golden resin. Before them, the dragon-masked architect spread arms woven from human vertebrae. "Welcome to the Loom," it intoned through a mouthful of still-screaming faces. "Shall we discuss your first three hundred games?"