Chapter 4: REVENGE
'I can feel my hand, my finger's are moving. What happened just now. Is it even real? There is no pain in my body. Why is everything still dark?' —
'Yeah and this is that idiot's voice. TIME FOR REMATCH.'
[Abhay open's his eyes And looks upwards. That creature starts moving towards Raj. As she lands her foot forward.]
"NOT SO FAST!!!" '' AGNI '' abhay shouts.
A spark emerges from her sole of foot and in no time that creatures feets starts to burn.
"GRRRRŔRRRRRRR", creature Roars in her demonic voice.
''Now's my chance '' Abhay quickly with help of his hands gets up, flexes Both of his legs and with extension of legs dash Towards Raj. Nearly passing that creature.
Seeing abhay coming towards him raj cries and tries to hugs abhay< I AM SORRY THAT YOU HAVE TO DIE AT SUCH YOUNG AGE >
Abhay by putting his right extended leg forward. Brakes himself before getting hugged by Raj
''IDIOT I AM ALIVE '' (in a sarcastic Way).
Abhay pointed towards the exit '' IDIOT SHE HAD ALREADY SEALED THE EXIT ''
' the fire on her feet went out. Looks like that spell has a limit. I can use AGNI again, but I can't kill her with it. I have to trap her in a room With the other mantra.'
'' Raj, don't you think she had enough. Don't you want to return the favor? ''
Abhay hears Raj's footsteps coming near him. Raj stops when coming parallel to abhay.
'' so can I consider it yes ''
Abhay comes closer to Raj and whispers '' I can trap her, but for that we have to take her in a closed room. How about the room next to you. '' "ok" —
<'How is he alive? I Killed him just now. He is not like me, it means he is really alive and that burning sensation on my foot before. The thing I am feeling is this what They call fear.' >(the Creature thought)
Both Abhay and Raj take a boxing pose. Extend and put their right leg backWard and slightly flexed their left leg.
' i have to take care of two things first AGNI has a cooldown of two seconds i can't use it continuously and second that chainsaw it's school property not her weapon means she can use it to free from the cage spell. With that keeping in mind I have to react.'
*GRRRRRRRRR* She starts the chainsaw.
'' Raj disarm her '' i flexes both my legs to move down, put my Hand on ground and Cast '' AGNI '' —
Fire emerges down her foot"GRRRRRRRRR " she dropped her weapon.
As Raj reaches her ,while burning legs she swings her punch from right to left with her right Hand.
'Oh no by dropping the weapon, her mobility Increases even more' '' Raj be careful ''
Due to Raj's high agility he ducked down and hit Her with an uppercut punch.
Raj thoughts ' Too tough, if she would be a normal girl she would have been lifted away by my punch. I don't know what is going on here and how Abhay is alive but I can clearly see fear on this creature's face. We have to lead her to the closed room without her knowing. But how?' —
Creature thinks 'That fire is painful, I have to be careful. '
'' AGNI '' *SILENCE* ''AGNI , why isn't it working? What happened '' while concentrating on spell abhay hears —
Abhay lifts his head and sees that Raj's hands are around that creature's abdomen and holding her from the back. —
That creature tilted her head backward and hit Raj with It on the nose. Raj disbalances by that attack. Then That creature spins backward and hits Raj with a back kick. That kick leaves Raj in the air and throws him backwards.
'' Oh no what should I do now my spell is not working. I have to run. ''
That creature Chased Abhay by running on 4 legs *CRACK* *CRACK*
Abhay flexes his right leg and extends his left leg and sprints towards the right direction, to escape that creature and enters a room. *Humph* *humph*
<*oh no what should I do now*,why i feel that it was an act from that boy.>
(That creature thought.)
'' RAJ CLOSE THE DOOR AT ANY COST '' ('i have to run faster, this time') ''I WON'T MISS '' Abhay shouts.
Abhay jumped and didn't miss. This time he reached the window. '' AGNI '' abhay shouts while putting his hands on the wall.
While she is chasing Abhay ,she touches the wall , that's when a spark emerges from her palms and Her hands start to burn.
Abhay reaches out and closes the small window of that room and Raj closes the door.
'' now second spell '' '' KARA'' Abhay speaks in a normal voice while putting his hand on the wall.
A light came out of Abhay's palm which spread across the wall, then to the whole room.
*humph* *humph* *humph* '' finally over. ''
'' Raj where are you '' abhay shouts from outside, from the garden, standing in front of the broken glass window.
Raj says in a loud voice.
'' There is no need ,you can leave and come out '' hearing that Raj comes to the broken window.
'' Can you take our bags From boys' washroom? ''
< ok , she is caged right >
'' yes '' Raj leaves and picks up the bags From boys washroom.
Raj looked back and said
'' do you have a handkerchief ''
< no >
'' so no leave it there ''
'' just come out '' abbay says by interrupting Raj.
Raj climbs out with the help of abhay.
'' Side walls are covered by fences and front gate has cameras. We can exit through front walls ''
They both leave the ground of the school and exit the school by climbing through the front wall.
Abhay stops and look into raj's eyes '' After this horrific experience you want to go inside a taxi like small sized close place with an unknown person we call driver ''
After moving his eyes upward than normal raj said
'' no ''
< is she die By morning >
'' she is not a vampire ''
'' sorry for shouting at you and calling you an idiot ''
'' no comments ''
'' See you just Asked me one time and then believed me and Dropped the topic.
Do not believe too much in people ''
'' It is my safety instinct. When I woke up after being Killed by her, how can you know that was really not a trick of her or when I called from outside that 'remove from the gate and come outside' how can you tell that it was not her trick to get you away from the gate. ''
*grin*< So you're telling me that I should not believe anyone. If I stops believing anyone then how can I know what to believe Or not.>
'' Your question has an easy 3 word answer ASK PERSONAL QUESTIONS before believing. '' abhay shouts
Raj stops walking < abhay you are a genius>
Abhay stops and rotate right back'' let me take my words back you are an idiot ''
Both Again start walking.
' Why is he smiling when walking beside me? Is Raj really? That dumb or …. I understand now'
This time abhay stops '' you know Raj there are some people who are not dumb but pretends to be just to Gain someone's affection. You call me a genius just to make me affectionate towards you right. ''
Raj stops
'' Most are but you are not. You show Yourself dump to make everyone around You smile. ''
Raj's face glows with Light.
'' But remember this trick can't work on me. I like what a person is , not what they show. ''
*smile* '' We can be Half friends, for now. '' while walking.
'' I don't trust anyone '' both of them starts walking.
'' so here is my stop ,bye ''
Both realizes something , looked at each other and says
"And to their shock they are neighbors from birth."