I Unknowingly Rejected My Favorite

Chapter 77: Banned

“...You don’t like it?”

Oppa slowly approached me on his knees.

Then, he wrapped his hands around my cheeks.

“...I like you Doah.”

I couldn’t take it anymore. My heart was beating so fast, it drove me crazy.

His face was getting closer and closer.

My face, already hot from the alcohol, couldn’t get any redder.


If I just accept his advances like this, what would happen exactly?

He pulled my face towards his before pressing his forehead against mine.

“Why aren’t you saying anything?”

We were way too close!

When I just sat there without saying anything, he started whining like a sulky child.

“Kim Doah, are you ignoring me?”

“A-Ah? N-No, i-its just—”

“Fuck it.”

Suddenly, he let out a frown and pulled his head back. And then…


What followed was a risque pain I had never experienced before.

His lips began to mercilessly violate my nape.

In my clouded reasoning, courtesy of the alcohol.

All sorts of emotions intertwined.

Dopamine bursted out at the mere fact that he was yearning for me.

I grew afraid of what lay beyond this.

And I felt empty thinking that all of this might just be an illusion shown by the alcohol.


When he slightly pressed his teeth into my skin, I let out such a lewd voice that I couldn’t believe it came out of my mouth.

His lips proceeded to explore my neck even more passionately as I kept on clenching and unclenching my fingers, following his rhythm.

When that series of bliss ended and my boyfriend’s lips left my neck, I still felt a burning sensation and the moisture of his tongue in the place he had just licked.

“Haa... Kim Doah.”

Once again, he called my name.

Slipped in between the heavy breaths he made with his flushed face.

The light from the lamp, which was turned on for the ambiance, was heightening the mood even further.

“Answer me.”

At this point, I could no longer resist the look in his eyes.

“I... like you...”

The saying that the first step is the hardest was true.

Once I started talking, it felt like I could freely say all the dark desires I had been holding back all this time.

“...I like you, Oppa.”

Losing control of my mind, I grabbed his collar and pulled it towards me. That was when he lifted me up and placed me on the bed.

He looked down at me from above, as if he would devour me right then and there.

His bangs fell down, unable to resist gravity, but it was still unable to hide his attractive face.

As his upper body kept on descending, lower and lower, as if sinking, I tightly shut my eyes.


The moment our bodies overlapped.


“I’m so sleepy.”

Excpecting something else would come, I opened my eyes at his words.

He laid diagonally against the wall, showing no signs of opening his eyes, completely defying all my expectations.


Feeling relieved yet resentful, I poked his cheek to no avail.

Of course that wasn’t enough to make him budge. Instead, soon enough he let out a steady breathing sound, leaving me to watch him quietly from the side.

“Hey, Han Taemin.”

Feeling a little cheeky, I thought that if I spoke casually to him, he might wake up again.

“Hey, you’re actually sleeping?!”

If you do this, what does that make me?!

I got played again.

Again! Again!

Fuck, I’m so mad!

I gave him an intense stare. Maybe I should cut him with my sword right here and then.

Yeah, I should. No more holding back.

I slowly brought my face closer to Oppa’s.

Watch me steal those lips.

Those lips that were way too red to be a man’s.

This man who was always leading me on as he pleased and always pretending to be clueless. He had this coming to him.

But, even when I already made up my mind…

The moment our noses actually touched, it felt like I would die from the nerves alone.

In the end, I made a compromise with myself.

And ended up pressing my lips against his forehead instead.

Finding out that it wasn’t a difficult thing to do, I did it again. Multiple times. Strongly to the point that I could hear the smacking sounds echoing in the room.

“Damn it…”

Honestly, I still wasn’t satisfied, but whatever, I’ll let it slide.

But, I won’t go home.

I’ll sleep here tonight.

So, I smuggled myself into his arms and nestled close to his chest to sleep.

His body was unexpectedly warm, so I quickly fell asleep after that.

* * *

My headache made me feel like my head was gonna break open.

Even my body was screaming, telling me to drink some water.

Thinking that I should get up, I was about to rub my eyes when…


I found out I couldn’t move freely.

Then I realized why that was the case and couldn’t help but be startled.

It was my girlfriend.

Doah was sound asleep right next to me.


Why was she here?

Wait, what happened before that?

I couldn’t even remember how I ended up falling asleep in the first place.

For now, I tried to get out of her hold without waking her, but when I moved, she also turned over.

When she turned her head, my eye caught bright red marks that I didn’t remember seeing last night.

Lip-shaped marks that covered her neck.

Countless question mark pings were going off in my head.

Why? How?

Taking it a step further, a question came to mind.

...Could it be that I…?

I remembered the part when we entered the house together with the alcohol we bought.

Before that, I remembered when I ran a little during our way back home.

After we got home though…

I couldn’t remember anything.

Anxiety quickly ate away at me.

Alright, assume that I might have done something weird while I was drunk.

Since both of us were wearing the same clothes as yesterday, I assumed that we didn’t cross the line?

I reached out to caress the marks and at that moment, Doah furrowed her brows.

It must sting, huh?

After that, I quickly got up, drank some water from the sink and rummaged through the drawer.

Where was that ointment?

I swear I placed it here…

After thoroughly searching all the way inside, I finally found a small box.

I opened its lid, took out the ointment and prepared a band-aid to put on her neck.

While looking at my sleeping girlfriend, I sat down on my gaming chair.

It reminded me of the time when we played the horror game.

The location was different, but back then I also held her hand and fell asleep face down.

Now that I started feeling better than when I first woke up, I tidied up the mess that I presumably caused yesterday.

The potato chips that were barely even touched.

An unopened bottle of soju.

And another bottle that was almost empty, there was barely anything left inside.

When I bent my legs down to clear the table, Doah called me out from behind.


Her voice was hoarse. Like me, she probably needed some water, so I moved the table aside and fetched a cup of water for her.

“You’re up already?”


With her hair all disheveled, she looked completely defenseless.

Her eyes were half-open, barely awake.

Even after she stretched her body for a bit, she still looked drowsy.

“...Is your hangover okay?”

“Ugh... My head hurts a bit, but I think it’s getting better.”

“That’s a relief.”

She yawned and rested her head back on the bed headboard.

“Ah... I’m dying...”

I wanted to ask her.

But, the words refused to leave my lips.

Each time she tilted her body, the red marks became clearer and clearer to me.

I reminded myself that it would be better if I were to strike first, so I calmed my breathing and called her.



“About yesterday, I…”


I was really worried that I might have done something unimaginably weird to her, but I clenched my eyes shut and told her the truth.

“I don’t really remember what happened.”

Hearing my confession, life slowly returned to her eyes.



Maybe because she was still sleepy, or maybe because she was deep in thought, Doah went silent for a while.



“When did your memories cut off?”

“After...coming home.”

Doah let out a hollow laugh.

“Ah… Is that so...?”

“Yes. I’m really sorry, in case I made a mistake.”

“Then I guess you don’t remember this either?”

She pointed her finger towards her snow-white neck.

Her chilly eyes were filled with contempt.


I didn't even try to pretend I had a vague idea of what happened.


As if she had a bad headache, my girlfriend pressed her forehead and sighed deeply.

“Come here and sit.”

She patted the spot next to her and I obediently took a seat there.

“...Endure it.”

I was about to ask what she suddenly meant, but she showed it with actions instead of words.


Her lips strongly sucked on my neck.

As if imitating some kind of squid’s suckers, she bit my neck hard enough to hurt me.

And I was holding her like that in an awkward position.


She removed her lips from my neck, swiftly wiped off saliva with her arm, and glared fiercely at me.


What followed was a rather useless request from my perspective.

“You’re banned from drinking with other people.”

But, it wasn’t like I could tell her that I had no friends to drink with.



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