I Tried Becoming a Cupid, But Why do the Girls I Find Always End Up As Yanderes?!

#4 Activate C-4

"Meguri." I whispered into my collar.

"Can you hear me?"

Bzzt- A gruff static sound sizzles in my ear.


"Yeah, don't call me boss. I told you that before, it makes me sound old."

But you are old though. 

"Did you say something?"

The sound of heavy breathing could be heard, and the mic adjusts itself loudly in my ears again.

"No, Kyou-sama."

"...Good. Activate the C-4 planted in the hall." 


The mic embedded within my school uniform ceased its connection with "Meguri", and I smirked triumphantly.

It's no bomb, mind you. 

But well, it's something similar.

Plan C-4 is, in other words, a plan which effectiveness I'd deemed to be ranked C within my "Book of Conquest". 

Incidentally, the ranking of my conquest plans go from F to S rank.

I usually supplement a higher-ranked plan like C-4 with a few more F-plans to increase the success rate, but in this case it can't be helped. Since the future student council president is in a time pinch, I have to resort to using some of my faster and effective methods, even if there's a risk of being caught.

Now, what this Plan C-4, you may ask.

"A-Ah... My name—"

Sukuoka Harua was about to take the mic and speak, when...


"Hey, stop it!"

Harua, as well as the teachers looked over to where a commotion had started.

Amidst the students, two guys were fighting.

"Hey, what's your deal!"

"What, you pushed me first!"

The rowdiness of the two students began to draw the commotion of the surrounding students. One of them threw a misplaced punch at a bystander, instantly aggravating the situation. Before long, it became unclear who had started the fight.

Uwaaa, their appearances as delinquents are really spot-on! I admired at the side.

Not bad~ Those two really know how to start a scene. I reveled in the pandemonium of these students who were already bored out of their minds from the welcome speech. Of course, I only laughed maniacally within the confines of my mind.

...How did I do it, you ask? Well, as the school had already been completely purchased by my company since my decision to enroll here, I have full control of this school behind the shadows. Naturally I wouldn't miss the opportunity to plant dummy students amongst the first years as my "smoke bombs"~

Those ear piercings and colored hair that had amazingly gone unnoticed by the teachers had been put on in a short span of time.

-Professional stage actors to act as a diversion.

That is the main function of Plan C-4. Or as I like to call it "Capturing attention with Confusion and Cupid Love"! What, where is the "love" part in this? Don't ask me. I really wanted it to end with 4 "C"s too. Okay, I'll admit I'm stretching the abbreviations a little.

But amidst the noise, no one was able to notice that the two students had already disappeared. 

They sure work fast, as expected of the Chaos Cage of Cupid Love. Geh, that doesn't sound right either. ...I'll work on the name a little more.

But this was just step one, this distraction would only buy me time. At the corner of my eyes, I could already see that the teachers were already trying to control the situation.

Leaving my initial spot and heading to the boy I'd taken note of earlier:

"...Ehhh, Kirishima Satoru-kun?" I tapped the shoulder of the reserved-looking boy.

"E-Eh? You know my name?"

"Is that important? Or do you want to help out Harua-chan?"

"H-Harua-chan! Th-That's right! She is still..."

Aha, this reaction...

I probed him out by using her first name, and it turns out I'm right.

There's definitely something going on~

Taking advantage of that opening, I smiled and pointed towards the stage.

"Don't panic, Satoru-kun. If you want to help Harua-chan out, it's actually very simple. All you have to do is..."

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