I, Tongtian, can't be holy if I don't enshrine gods or establish religions

Page 334

Because this list of gods was originally the will of heaven,

Now this list of gods has been upgraded by Tongtian and Houtu, two saints who surpassed the heavenly level.

It's even harder to say.

These four sages have so many disciples plus so many outer disciples!

Maybe if we work together, there is still a little chance!

Although this chance is not great!

Taoist Zhunti was also very excited when he heard the words of the Supreme Master!

Zhunti Taoist: "Yes, yes, this is indeed a very good idea. Now we can be considered to be out of the list of gods."

He must have mentioned that Taoist has not developed this formation yet, and he is already thinking about going out by himself, which is not on the list of gods.

It seems that they are thinking about their happy life after leaving the list of gods.

It can be said that daydreaming, he must have said that Taoists are very good at it!

And at this time.

The leading Taoist shook his head: "Second brother Zhunti, what you said is too decisive, we haven't even researched the formation yet."

It is more thoughtful to receive and guide Taoists.

Yuanshi Tianzun: "No matter how you say it, this is indeed the only chance."

"We can use the Hunyuan large formation we developed before, and then improve the formation to concentrate the formation at one point."

"The power will increase a lot!"

There are two sages from the West in the Supreme Being. After hearing this, he immediately felt that it was very reasonable!

This concentrated all the power of the formation to one point!

This power should become even stronger!

They thought so in their hearts!

"This is indeed a good idea!"

"Brother Yuanshi Tianzun, this is indeed very good!"

"Concentrate all the power on one idea, it should be even more powerful!"

The four saints are still discussing.

If Tongtian knew what they were thinking, he would give Yuanshi Tianzun a thumbs up. ,

Isn't this really 'pressure'?

At this time, Zhao Gongming and Yun Xiao and the others have already come to this planet with a well-developed technology tree!

The two of them are ready to preach here!

This Yunxiao and Zhao Gongming also came, and when they reached the star, it immediately shocked everyone on this planet. All the TV stations and so on were broadcasting this incident.

In the short video, the video of these two people falling from the sky was filmed, and then spread to various websites, as well as the short video space.

"What kind of existence are these two people? They actually passed through the atmosphere directly from outer space and entered our planet. Could it be that they are immortals? Or are the two of them aliens? As far as the aliens are concerned, the two of them look similar to our humans, but the woman has two horns on her body!"

What this report is talking about is Yunxiao.

"Oh, God, what kind of existence is this? Do these seem to be two angels?"

"Maybe we can send our Iron Man there!"

"Yes, it might be good for Iron Man to go and discuss with them. These are two angels who descended from the sky. Maybe both of them are gods, not necessarily!"

On the satellite, at this time the satellite has reached the military regions of all parties!

Number one, number two, etc., of each country, see.All of them were shocked by the ultra-high-definition picture sent by the satellite.

Because judging from the satellite videos and pictures, these two people landed directly from outer space, and they don't seem to need air.

Moreover, there seemed to be a halo on the bodies of these two people, and there was a golden light shining on their bodies that constantly shone with their lives.

This naturally shocked everyone in every country.

"Use various languages ​​to communicate with the other party to see if you can communicate with the other party!"

Daxia Country!

"These two people look a bit like people from our country, let's quickly contact them in Chinese!"

"Is this a newcomer? He actually passed through the atmosphere from outer space and came to our planet!"

"The two of them are about to land, and the landing place is at such and such a place, hurry up and send troops there!"

It can be said that the arrival of Zhao Gongming and Yun Xiao directly shocked the entire planet.

They were all frightened by their cultivation and behavior.

Yun Xiao, Zhao Gongming and the others didn't know that the two of them had become the eye-catching things in the whole world, because they didn't know what happened to the various things flying around outside the planet and within the planet. what is it.

In the country of Daxia!

"These two people seem to look like the God of Wealth or something. Could this be a fairy?"

Chapter 236 Earth Xingsun?

Soon, after Zhao Gongming and Yun Xiao came down!

When the two of them turned around, they turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared.

When the two of them appeared by mistake again, they had already appeared in a Taoist temple.

In this Taoist temple, there is a little Taoist priest.

At this time, he saw in the sky, two people descended directly from the sky and landed in front of their Taoist temple.

After the little Taoist saw it, he was stunned.

These two fell from the sky?

Are these two fairies?

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