CHAPTER 352: Harvester's Descends 

“The Harvester,” the Desolate Demon Lord had said.

But it was clear that Huang Ti wasn’t really asking. His words were born out of fear and desperation. He was grasping for anything to steady the panic and helplessness swirling within him. Whether they were truly harvesters didn’t matter.

What mattered was survival—finding a way to escape.

But there was no escape.

His divine core had shattered, and the Divine Power of his Gold and Silver Dao Patterns had been destroyed. Though he still retained some strength through the Primordial Dao Patterns, the terrifying creature lurking in the depths below was beyond anything Huang Ti could hope to overcome.


In an instant, a black shadow tore through the air, appearing directly before Huang Ti. He could barely make out the mass of fist-sized eyeballs that dotted its form. Before he could react, a tremendous force constricted around him, enveloping him completely.


The black shadow, carrying Huang Ti, vanished without a trace.

From the deep, oppressive darkness beneath the Desolate Demon Lord’s feet, the sounds of desperate roars and the violent clash of fists and feet echoed upward.

“It’s useless,” the Desolate Demon Lord muttered calmly. “3,765 Primordial Dao Patterns aren’t enough to escape the Whale Harvester.”

Having made his cold evaluation, the Desolate Demon Lord remained motionless, waiting.

Time passed. Gradually, the sounds from below faded into silence.

Then, the black shadow that had taken Huang Ti away reappeared, emerging from the abyss slowly this time. The Desolate Demon Lord finally saw it in full.

It was a massive tentacle, resembling an octopus’s claw.

The tentacle, over three meters thick, stretched from the depths below, stopping just in front of the Desolate Demon Lord. Its length seemed immeasurable, disappearing into the darkness.

The surface of the tentacle was covered with countless eyeballs and rows of sharp-toothed mouths, all shrouded in dense black mist. The Desolate Demon Lord didn’t move. He had no intention of interacting with the creature because he understood one crucial truth.

Harvesters could not be reasoned with.

They were simple, pure killing machines—beasts designed for one purpose: to destroy.

The tentacle drifted past him, its numerous eyes locking onto the Desolate Demon Lord. They stared unblinkingly, but there was no intelligence behind them. The only thing reflected in those eyes was a mechanical instinct to kill.

Then, just as quickly, the eyes turned away, losing interest.

The tentacle straightened, extending further upward as if preparing for something greater. The whale’s eerie cry echoed from the abyss beneath, growing louder and more profound, as though the massive creature was on the verge of breaking free from its depths.



The ground beneath the Desolate Demon Lord shattered once again. The boundary at the bottom of the Ten Thousand Devil Abyss, the barrier that separated it from the Dead Sea, had finally been breached. A torrent of thick black mist surged up from below, billowing around him. But despite its density, it could not obscure the Desolate Demon Lord’s vision.

And there it was, again.

An endlessly long creature, resembling a whale but covered in writhing tentacles, had broken free from the Dead Sea’s restraints and now soared upward from the abyss. Despite its enormous size, the creature moved with deceptive speed, heading straight for the entrance of the Ten Thousand Devil Abyss.

It took a full three minutes for the colossal whale to pass by the Desolate Demon Lord. During that time, he didn’t dare take a single breath. The sheer weight of the creature’s presence seemed to press down on him, an ancient and overwhelming force.

Only when the whale had disappeared into the distance did the buzzing sounds from below return, growing louder as more creatures followed in its wake, crawling out from the depths of the Dead Sea.

Grotesque giants with four legs, a thousand arms, and ten thousand eyes.

Humanoid figures clad in black armor, wielding enormous scythes.

Spherical beings covered in pulsating tumors.

Massive rats with grotesque heads that engulfed their entire bodies.

It was a procession of horrors, a bizarre exhibition of monstrosities. And the Desolate Demon Lord was its lone spectator.

The creatures paid him no mind, passing him one by one as if he didn’t exist. The Desolate Demon Lord watched them with quiet detachment, standing still amidst the tide of monsters. After what felt like an eternity, he finally sighed, the weight of his situation sinking in.

“I was forced,” he muttered to himself, his voice barely audible. “I had no choice.”

“I’m sorry.”

“This world…”

His body trembled, and the mutated aura around him grew stronger, more twisted. Without another word, the Desolate Demon Lord joined the flow of monsters, moving with them as they surged toward the entrance of the abyss.

Dense black smoke poured out from the entrance of the Ten Thousand Devil Abyss, billowing upward and staining the sky as black as night. The Desolate Demon Lord vanished into the sea of creatures, carried along with the monstrous tide toward an uncertain fate.


Shufang and the other three Divine Realm experts of the Eternal Clan had no idea what was unfolding at the bottom of the Ten Thousand Devil Abyss. Still, their instincts as seasoned warriors alerted them to something ominous on the horizon.

“Something feels wrong…” one of the experts muttered, glancing uneasily at his comrades.

“Should we…?” he began, but Shufang cut him off.

“Wait,” he commanded.

Another expert spoke up. “This is a wartime situation. Leaving now would be considered desertion, even without a battle. Even if Lord Huang Ti has been defeated, there’s still time to receive an order for retreat.”

Without that order, they couldn’t leave. Not unless they intended to forsake their allegiance within the Eternal Clan forever. More than that, despite the uneasy feeling gnawing at them, they still believed in Huang Ti’s strength. They couldn’t imagine any force in the world capable of killing him without so much as a single message reaching them.

In theory, their reasoning was sound.

But reality often disregarded theory.

Suddenly, a violent whale cry echoed through the heavens, freezing time and space. The sheer magnitude of the sound pressed down on them, and the four Eternal Gods found themselves completely immobilized. All they could do was watch as the gigantic Whale Harvester soared from the abyss, swaying as it ascended, flying in the opposite direction.

The good news was that the Whale Harvester paid them no attention, passing by without a second glance.

The bad news? The harvester wasn’t alone.

Without the Whale Harvester, a swarm of other terrifying creatures—harvesters of all shapes and sizes—followed in its wake.

And the worst news of all?

Before the harvesters even arrived, there was the black mist. It gushed out from the depths of the Devil Abyss, spreading like a malignant cloud, reaching them before they could even react.

The boundless black mist spread in an instant.

As soon as it enveloped them, Shufang and the other three Divine Realm experts felt their consciousness stiffen, their bodies freezing in place. All their senses vanished, leaving them in an overwhelming void. At the same time, their Divine Origin began seeping uncontrollably from every pore. Within seconds, the Divinities of all four had fallen into a silent state.

Unlike Huang Ti, they did not possess the ability to resist such a powerful force.

For them, when their divinities entered a silent state, it meant their entire being shut down. The four  Eternal Gods plummeted from the sky like swallows with broken wings, powerless to stop their fall.

Just as they were about to crash to the ground in a humiliating heap, a ripple of light surged from the Boshi Tower. It enveloped their falling forms and swiftly swept them into the tower’s protective embrace.

Inside the Boshi Tower, Lu Ming had just interrupted his divinity reconstruction experiment. He slowly rose to his feet, frowning as he sensed the disturbance.

“What’s going on?” he muttered to himself, casting a glance toward the unconscious figures of Shufang and the others, whom he had just saved.

He turned his attention to his attribute panel. From the corner of his eye, he noticed something strange—a faint red light glowing on the display. Aside from the red glow, there were no other visible changes on the panel. But the meaning of the signal was clear to him.

The system was conveying a message:



Danger and opportunity, side by side.

“Does it mean that both danger and opportunity are coming?” Lu Ming pondered, his gaze darkening. “Is it referring to this black mist? And what exactly was that colossal whale that flew away just now?”

Of course, the system offered no answers to his questions, leaving him to ponder it out on his own. The faint red light pulsed ominously as if warning him of the storm ahead.

Lu Ming stared at it for a long moment, a sense of unease settling over him.

“Things just got complicated…”

End of Chapter 352

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