CHAPTER 330: Invasion

“Using flesh and blood as a sacrifice to break through spatial barriers and create an extremely long-distance teleportation channel. This is the Blood Demon Gate!”

Gan Song succinctly explained the characteristics of the Blood Demon Gate, causing Guan Chao to furrow his brows.

He pointed at the glowing rune before them. “Are you certain this is the Blood Demon Gate Rune?”

Gan Song nodded numbly. “I’m certain.”

“What should we do about it?”

Gan Song shook his head. “There’s nothing we can do.”

“This thing has already fully taken shape...”

Only then did the gravity of the situation dawn on Guan Chao. “Are you telling me there’s no way to stop it? Are you sure?” he asked anxiously.

“I’m sure,” Gan Song replied, his tone growing darker. “A Blood Demon Gate requires 9,999 Blood Demon Gate Runes. These runes can be scattered anywhere—small, hidden, and completely devoid of any energy fluctuations.”

He continued, “It’s only after the Blood Demon Gate is fully formed that the runes begin to flash and emit energy. At that point, unless you can destroy all 9,999 runes within a short period, the opening of the Blood Demon Gate becomes irreversible.”

When Gan Song finished speaking, a heavy silence fell between them.

They stood wordlessly for what felt like an eternity, until the rune behind them suddenly flared to life.

A bright light shot out from the rune, climbing into the sky.

Gan Song slowly turned to face the light now illuminating the sky. After a brief glance, he closed his eyes in despair. “It’s too late…”

All hope was lost.

From every corner of Xuanshui City, more than 9,998 red beams of light shot upward, creating an eerie, writhing spectacle. These beams intertwined high above the city, twisting and coiling like serpents. Within mere seconds, they had coalesced into a massive, blood-red gate.

The gate hovered a hundred meters above the city, its colossal form darkening the sky like a storm cloud, casting its shadow over nearly a tenth of Xuanshui City.

The Semi-Divine realm City Lord, seeing this scene unfold, was filled with shock and dread. Without hesitation, he flew into the air, positioning himself before the ominous gate.

“Ancient Demon Clan!?” the City Lord bellowed. “How dare you launch an attack in the heart of the Eternal Clan! Such audacity!”

Although his words were intended to convey righteousness, there was an unmistakable tremor of fear underlying his voice.

The losses on the front lines had struck a blow to the long-held belief in the Aeonians’ invincibility. For the first time, people began to understand that even the Aeonians could fall—just like the countless other rulers who had risen and fallen within the Black Mist Zone throughout history.

As the old saying goes, "Kick a man when he's down." With the battle at the front deteriorating, opportunists of all kinds were beginning to emerge.

Still, the City Lord of Xuanshui City could scarcely believe that the Ancient Demon Clan—defeated long ago—would be the first to strike at the heart of the Eternal Clan.

With a slow, foreboding creak, the Blood Demon Gate began to open.

In an instant, an overpowering cold surged out of the gate, enveloping Xuanshui City in a freezing grip. The city’s temperature dropped by more than ten degrees in mere seconds, continuing to plummet as the cold deepened.

A low, heavy breathing emanated from the gate, followed by the murmurs of the Ancient Demon Clan—words carried on the biting wind. The sound fell upon the City Lord like a death sentence.

“Audacious? An attack?” a voice growled from within. “No, no, no... This is your retribution!”

“Today, I, the Ice Pillar Demon God Jeros, will bathe Xuanshui City in blood to herald the return of our Ancient Demon Clan!”

From the depths of the gate, a pair of enormous golden vertical pupils appeared, glaring down at the City Lord with unbridled malice. The god’s gaze alone caused the City Lord’s entire body to collapse into dust and ashes.

With a loud, metallic screech, two monstrous, demonic claws extended from the gate. Jeros, gripping the edges of the gate, pulled it open with all his might.

The sound of grinding metal echoed through the air as the gate groaned in protest.

Moments later, the Blood Demon Gate stood wide open.

In that instant, two regions—Xuanshui City and the Frozen Land, separated by hundreds of thousands of miles—were now connected.

“Jeros, solidify the Blood Demon Gate permanently!” a deep, commanding voice boomed from the Demon Abyss beyond the gate.

A feral grin spread across Jeros’ face as he licked his lips, his eyes gleaming with vicious intent.

The Divine Origin within his body surged forth, flooding the Blood Demon Gate with its energy.

“Understood, Desolate Demon Lord,” Jeros responded with a tone that combined deference and cruelty.

The Divine Origin, a power with countless mystical applications, was not only a weapon of war but also capable of miraculous feats of creation and transformation. At this moment, it was being used to solidify the Blood Demon Gate.

Ordinarily, the Blood Demon Gate had a limited duration. Once its energy was depleted, it would collapse and disappear. But with the infusion of Jeros’ Divine Origin, the gate was undergoing a transformation—changing from a temporary portal to a permanent one.

Once this process was complete, the Blood Demon Gate would create a permanent link between Xuanshui City and the Frozen Land, ensuring a direct confrontation between the Aeonians and the Ancient Demon Clan.

The Ancient Demon Clan’s decision to launch this attack could only be described as audacious, if not reckless. It was unclear whether they possessed an ace up their sleeve or if they were simply acting with reckless abandon.

Regardless, with the Desolate Demon Lord’s command issued, the Ice Pillar Demon God obeyed.

At that moment, there was no one in all of Xuanshui City capable of opposing the overwhelming power of the Divine Realm.

Chaos ensued as the inhabitants of the city either fled in terror or hid in their homes, praying for safety.

Ten seconds later, a faint humming sound filled the sky, drawing the attention of every remaining soul in Xuanshui City. They looked upward at the Blood Demon Gate, their faces pale with dread.

On the other side of the gate, in the Frozen Land, an endless horde of pale blue demons—their wings beating rhythmically—began to fly toward Xuanshui City.

The first Ice Ancient Demon emerged from the Blood Demon Gate.

Then came the second.

Then the hundredth.

Then the thousandth…

Before long, tens of thousands—hundreds of thousands, even—had passed through the gate, flooding into Xuanshui City like a plague. The demons scattered in all directions, bringing with them chaos and slaughter.

The defense array of the Three Elements Academy had been activated as soon as the attack began. However, it was woefully inadequate—designed more for show than for actual protection. Being in the heartland of the Eternal Clan, and with Boshi Tower and Jiu Han standing guard, there had never been a reason to construct a stronger defense.

Now, the consequences of that decision were painfully clear. The defensive formation was torn apart by the demons in an instant. The academy’s teachers and protectors intervened quickly, managing to hold back the demons for the time being.

But this reprieve was only temporary. The Three Elements Academy was the largest target in the city, and more enemies and powerful adversaries were being drawn toward it with each passing second.

Suddenly, the academy’s loudspeakers came to life, broadcasting the voice of Lu Ming:

“All teachers and students, enter Boshi Tower immediately!”

Inside the main control room of Boshi Tower, Lu Ming’s gaze pierced through the tower’s defenses, surveying the entirety of Xuanshui City.

His usually calm expression flickered with a trace of concern. His eyes narrowed as he whispered to himself, “Ancient Demon Clan… Divine Realm… Ice Pillar Demon God Jeros.”

After a long pause, Lu Ming sighed. “This is going to be… troublesome.”

The attack had come swiftly, catching him off guard at a time when Jiu Han was absent from the city.

It was not a situation he had anticipated.

End of Chapter 330

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