Chapter 296: The Journey to Xuanshui City

The autumn wind stirred the air, sweeping fallen leaves into swirling eddies along the road. A sharp chill clung to the breeze, signaling the deepening of the season. On the otherwise quiet road, a beast-drawn carriage rolled steadily forward.

The carriage was modest, pulled by a bull beast common in the Eternal Clan. Known for its endurance, the creature plodded along at a steady but unimpressive pace. Carved into the side of the carriage were the words Longhua Transport.

As the largest transportation company in the Eternal Clan, Longhua Transport provided all manner of vehicles for hire. The bull-drawn carriage, though reliable, was one of their cheaper rentals, often chosen by those with little money or time constraints.

The driver, however, was anything but ordinary. His rough skin was marked with dark red patterns, and his imposing stature made his lineage clear—he was from the Firestone Clan. This was Quan Chao.

The road was mostly empty, as the wealthy traveled by teleportation arrays or airships, leaving the slower modes of transport to the less fortunate or those who preferred the journey itself.

As they rolled along, three figures suddenly appeared on the road ahead, blocking their path. The bull beast halted with a snort, and Quan Chao narrowed his eyes, appraising the strangers.

The group consisted of two women and a man, all Aeonians. Though dressed simply, their youth and vigor were unmistakable. They carried themselves with a casual confidence, though not the kind born of strength.

One of the women stepped forward and spoke with measured politeness. "Sir, are you heading to Xuanshui City?"

Quan Chao’s eyes flicked over the trio, assessing their strength. The two women appeared to be at the eighth or ninth level of the Mortal Realm, while the man had just reached the third level of the Physique Realm. After a moment, he gave a curt nod. “Yes.”

A wave of relief washed over the three. The woman continued, “Could we trouble you for a ride? We’re headed to Xuanshui City as well, but our vehicle broke down along the way.”

She gestured to a silver-white origin-powered sedan parked on the roadside, its sleek body now useless. Quan Chao frowned, about to suggest they contact their insurance company, but before he could speak, a voice came from inside the carriage.

“Let them in,” Lu Ming said calmly. “There’s room.”

The three quickly climbed aboard, grateful for the help. When they opened the door to the carriage, they were greeted by the sight of a young man seated inside.

Lu Ming was tall, his muscular build filling the small space with an aura of quiet strength. His expression was stoic, his posture formal, yet there was something inherently reassuring about his presence. His handsome face, though serious, softened as he offered the newcomers a polite nod.

Zhang Caixin, the woman who had spoken to Quan Chao, smiled gratefully. “Thank you, brother. We weren’t sure how long it would take us to reach Xuanshui City.”

The three took their seats on the bench opposite Lu Ming. Outside, the bull beast let out a low grunt as the carriage resumed its journey, the road stretching out ahead toward their destination.

Zhang Caixin, perhaps sensing that Lu Ming wasn’t one for small talk, filled the silence with casual conversation. “Technology’s a funny thing, isn’t it? Our car was working perfectly, and then it just broke down for no reason. At least with a bull-drawn carriage, you know what to expect. It may be slow, but it won’t quit on you.”

Lu Ming smiled faintly but remained silent.

Undeterred, Zhang Caixin pressed on. “Are you heading to Xuanshui City for the entrance exam at the Three Elements Academy?”

Lu Ming nodded. “Yes.”

Her eyes lit up, and she covered her mouth with a delighted smile. “Really? That’s great! We’re going for the same reason. Maybe we’ll end up as classmates.”

Hearing this, the other two relaxed, the tension easing from their faces. Wang Beibei, one of the women, piped up, “I bet you’ll have no trouble with the exam. You look like you’re really strong. We’re not so sure about our chances, though.”

Zhang Caixin laughed lightly. “Liu Ziqi here is probably fine, but Beibei and I... we might be in trouble.”

Liu Ziqi, the young man, smiled modestly. “Don’t sell yourselves short. I’ve been cultivating since I was a child, and I’m only at the third level of the Physique Realm. The academy doesn’t just look at strength. They consider comprehension, bone age, temperament, and how long you’ve been on the extraordinary path.”

He sighed. “Still, we’re from a small town. Our resources can’t compare to what you’d find in the larger cities.”

Though Liu Ziqi was a top talent in his rural hometown, he was keenly aware that in more developed areas, his achievements would be considered average at best.

As the conversation continued, Lu Ming listened quietly, his thoughts elsewhere.

Xuanshui City... the Three Elements Academy.

It was no accident that Lu Ming had chosen this academy. As the head of the prestigious Hundred Schools of Philosophy, it held a unique significance. Jiu Han, the academy’s master, was a key figure in the world Lu Ming sought to infiltrate.

The entrance exam was approaching fast. By Lu Ming’s reckoning, today marked the 637th day of the Black Mist Calendar. He had arrived in Qinghe(Clear River) Province over ten days ago, then taken a teleportation array to the Aeonian heartland. Renting the bull-drawn carriage had been a practical decision, and it just so happened that the timing aligned perfectly with the academy’s exam.

Breaking the flow of conversation, Lu Ming asked, “Do you know what’s been happening in Qinghe Province recently?”

The three paused, caught off guard by the question. Liu Ziqi spoke first. “You mean the battle in the Hundred Thousand Mountains?”

Lu Ming nodded. “Yes. I heard rumors before I left, but I haven’t been keeping up with the news.”

Wang Beibei raised a curious brow. “Big Brother, where’s your communicator?”

Lu Ming, unfamiliar with the device, responded confidently. “It’s broken.”

The trio didn’t press further. Zhang Caixin filled in the gaps. “About a week ago, there was a major battle. Word is that the Undead Clan and Insect Clan are trying to invade the Eternal Clan’s territory. They’ve been fighting in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains.”

She smiled easily. “But from what I’ve heard, our side is winning. The situation is looking very good, so there’s no need to worry.”

The nonchalant tone in her voice reflected the typical attitude of the Eternal Clan’s younger generation.

This brief conversation revealed three things to Lu Ming.

First, Moonfiend Yue had indeed stirred up trouble. Though he didn’t know the specifics, she had successfully provoked conflict.

Second, the Eternal Clan was remarkably inclusive. Even though Zhang Caixin clearly recognized that Lu Ming wasn’t one of them, she referred to him as part of “our Eternal Clan,” a testament to their openness.

Third, the Eternal Clan’s confidence in their own strength was unwavering. The younger generation viewed the conflict almost casually, as if it were little more than background noise in their lives. To them, war was just another piece of news.

Whether this level of confidence was a strength or a weakness was debatable, but Lu Ming didn’t concern himself with such thoughts. He continued to chat with his companions, gathering information about Xuanshui City and the Three Elements Academy.

Their conversation carried on for nearly three hours, and by the time the sun began to set, they had arrived at the gates of Xuanshui City.

End of Chapter 296

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