Chapter : Abilities Alex has
Activation and Deactivation
Ability to activate or deactivate any object (electronic, mechanical, human, etc.)
Adoptive Muscle Memory
Ability to execute any physical action you see flawlessly
Ability to turn objects into gold
Ability to sense the locations of others
Ability to multiply a body into various clones
Ability to generate and manipulate ice
Ability to disintegrate objects
Dream Manipulation
Ability to manipulate the dreams of others
Ability to generate and control lightning
Electronic Communication
Ability to receive and transmit electronic signals (phone calls, text messages, etc.)
Electronic Media Jumping
Ability to teleport in and travel through video games
Elemental Control
Ability to manipulate and control the elements
Empathic Mimicry (multiple abilities possible at the same time)
Ability to reproduce and use any power you come in contact with
Ability to sense someone's desires, history, and dreams by touch
Enhanced Memory
Ability to remember everything perfectly
Enhanced Synesthesia
Ability to see sound as colors, manipulate sound waves into offensive blasts, and send out attractive sound waves
Entertainment Materialization
Ability to transport digital objects into the real world and vice-versa.
Fire Breathing
Ability to breathe fire
Ability to fly and levitate
Ability to heal others from almost any wound
Ability to manipulate solar energy
Hypnosis (a.k.a Induced Sedation)
Ability to sedate any living creature
Samson Gray
Ability to generate illusions
Intuitive Aptitude
The ability to understand how things work just by seeing them, can include an overwhelming hunger for power
Ability to turn invisible
Ability to withstand anything without injury
Lie Detection
Ability to detect lies
Ability to liquify solid objects
Memory Manipulation
Ability to alter the memories of others
Memory Storage
Ability to store memories in an object, such as a penny
Ability to control magnetic fields to manipulate objects
Metal Mimicry
Ability to transform body parts into metal
Microwave Ray Radiation
Ability to project microwave beams
Ability to phase through solid objects
Physical Manipulation (a.k.a Puppeting)
Ability to manipulate the physical actions of people
Plague Secretion
Ability to envenom living organisms nearby
Plant Manipulation
Ability to control, manipulate, and accelerate plant life
Power Absorption
Ability to steal the abilities of others and use them as your own
Power Amplifying
Ability to amplify the abilities of others
Power Fusion
Ability to combine the abilities of two evolved humans into a single, more powerful ability
Power Immunity
Ability to ignore the effects of powers used on you
Power Negation
Ability to block the abilities of others
Power Replication
(one ability at a time)
Ability to predict the future.
Ability to see the past.
Precognitive Dreaming
Ability to dream the future
Precognitive Painting
Ability to paint, draw, or otherwise illustrate the future
Ability to see an object's history
Ability to generate and control fire
Radiation Emission
Ability to generate and manipulate radiation
Rapid Cellular Regeneration
Ability to heal from any wound including death
Seismic Burst
Ability to create a shockwave from your hand
Shape Shifting
Ability to transform one's appearance to mimic other people
Smoke Mimicry
Ability to turn the user's body into smoke.
Sound Manipulation
Ability to generate supersonic wails
Space-Time Manipulation
Ability to control the space/time continuum, allowing teleportation, time travel and stopping/slowing/speeding/reversing of time
Spider Mimicry
Ability to grow spider-like legs on your back
Spontaneous Combustion
(see also Pyrokinesis)
Ability to explode things using the mind
Ability to control the actions and thoughts of another individual through spoken commands
Super Hearing
Ability to hear at ranges not normally possible
Super Speed
Ability to move at speeds faster than normally possible
Super Strength
Ability to exert more strength than normally possible
Ability to manipulate machines and networks
Ability to manipulate objects with one's mind
Ability to read the minds of others, alter their perceptions and their memories, and control them
Ability to instantaneously travel anywhere
Ability to manipulate the ground, dust, rock, minerals, etc.
Time Travel
Ability to control the flow of time
Ability to create, absorb and manipulate all forms of darkness, such as shadows
Underwater Breathing
Ability to withstand environments normal lungs wouldn't be able to (smoke, water, etc.)
Vortex Creation
Ability to generate and control vortexes
Water Mimicry
Ability to mimic water and control your body in its liquid state
Weather Manipulation
Ability to control weather conditions, such as rain, snow, lightning, hail