I Reincarnated as an Elf in a Broken World.

Chapter 74 – She’s tired too.

After all that commotion, and that hug we had, I left the house with Lucy, it was the first time she was leaving the house since the attack happened, so she was holding my arm a little scared.

As soon as she stepped outside her house, and was able to see some blood stains that remained there, she swallowed and began to tread a little, she seemed very nervous.

"Aren't you used to blood?" Even though I wasn't used to it either, I asked her, I was trying to be strong, but I also bothered about it.

"No, I don't like blood, I feel bad when I see it." She squeezed my arm even tighter, the only thing I did at that moment was to turn to her and say, "Don't pay attention to the blood around you, and don't think about it too much, just go ahead with me, everything good?"

Her house was right next to mine, so she wouldn't have to look at it for long, Lucy nodded her head and started walking along with me towards my house, we were going to meet my aunt to break the news about Lucy's decision.

All the way we met some clearly depressed and sad people walking around the village, I could not read minds, but I could say that these people's minds were disturbed.

Lucy noticed this too, but she totally ignored those people and went on without saying anything.

And in a short time we arrived at my house, I knocked on the door while calling my aunt and opened the door. As soon as I walked in, Lucy came in quickly as she wiped her feet on the living room rug.

'Even now, she is still polite.'

We went in and I started looking around looking for my aunt, but I couldn't find her anywhere, I asked Lucy to sit on the couch and I went to the bedroom to see if she was there.

I opened the bedroom door very slowly so as not to make a noise.

'So this is where you are, you must be tired.' There she was, lying in the same bed that slept with my uncle, but this time she was alone, and she seemed to be in a deep sleep.

I decided not to bother her, I already managed to sleep, but she didn't sleep at all, I would be a horrible person if I woke her up now.

I left the room and closed the door carefully so as not to make any noise, and went towards the living room again where Lucy continued to sit on the sofa swinging her legs in silence.

"My aunt is sleeping now, I'm going to make tea for us while we wait for her to wake up."

"I see ... Wait, do you know how to make tea?"

"I know how to prepare many things, but I never had the opportunity."

"But how do you know how to do a lot of things if you never had the opportunity to train or cook? This is very strange." Lucy was very suspicious, but I just decided to ignore her and went to the kitchen.

I indeed know how to prepare many things, and it is also true that I never had the opportunity to prepare since my uncle did everything inside this house, but now that he is gone, I am going to have to do it, no?

I can't just let my aunt do things for me.

So I went to the kitchen and prepared a tea just like in my old world, I used some herbs that resembled a chamomile tea, this was the tea that my uncle normally prepared, I just don't know if it will look so good.

Then I poured tea in a few cups and took it to the living room, as soon as Lucy tried it, she was very surprised, and also praised it a lot.

I think I can still make good tea, even if it's not difficult.
We sat there drinking tea, most of the time nobody said anything, so there was a strange atmosphere, and whenever I tried to start talking about something, the subject always ended in an instant, there was not much to talk about.

The only subject I could talk about would be the village or our family, but after what happened, I don't think it's a good idea, so I decided to keep quiet, just kept sitting next to her.

While I was at her side she seemed very calm, but when I got up to go somewhere, like the bedroom or the kitchen, for example, she was already looking at me and also getting a little agitated.

You can't be too dependent on me, you know that, right? I hope you get over it in time and don't depend on others anymore, I'm also trying to become like that, but it's a little difficult.

But I am sure that in the future we will succeed, but in the meantime, we could continue together without any problems, that is why we will become a family, right?

In order not to leave you agitated or alone, I decided to sit next to you and I didn't get up anymore.

"It looks like you're really close." I heard a voice speaking behind my back, I was not alarmed as I realized it was my aunt, but Lucy almost jumped off the couch with a start.

"So you woke up, we arrived some time ago but I preferred not to wake you up."

"I see ... And that good smell? Did you make tea? Or maybe you made Lucy make tea for you ..."

"Of course, I wouldn't do that, I prepared it, and if you want to drink it, there's still a little left in the kitchen."

"I'm just kidding, I'll help myself then." She walked to the kitchen while yawning, she was really tired.

But before she could even leave the room, I said, "As soon as you help yourself, we need to talk."

She didn't even ask what it was, since Lucy was here, she sure knew what our conversation was about, so she just replied, "Okay."



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