I Reincarnated as an Elf in a Broken World.

Chapter 71 – Burial.

It had been a few hours since the time of the attack, I had returned to Lucy's house just to let her know that everything was fine and for her to stay indoors, and right after that, I went out to help people.

We spent many hours just taking people's bodies to put them in just one place, it was a sad scene watching people carrying their own dead family in their arms.

But even though I was suffering all of them, I was judging, and of course, I was among those people.

My aunt and I were working together to carry somebody, and I couldn't get used to it, it's impossible that I can get used to carrying people's bodies like that.

Several times I almost threw up right there or even started to feel sick, even so, I controlled myself and continued with my work just like everyone else, and it wasn't long before dawn started.

We spent the whole night just carrying bodies, but even if we carried the bodies, the blood trails were everywhere, so nothing was still clean, everything was dirty and scary.

"Aunt, now that all the bodies are assembled, what are we going to do?" Yes, I still didn't know what we were going to do with the bodies, but what I wanted her to bury them all in, we can't leave the bodies that way.

But even though I wanted to do that, there were still a lot of people, I knew it would be very difficult, it would take a long time.

But even though it was going to be difficult, my aunt replied, "Just as they gave Benjamin a decent burial while I took care of you, I'm also going to give a decent burial to them all."

I felt those words piercing my heart, making me wake up to reality, made me realize that I had to help these people, even if it is difficult or takes time, I have to give
a proper burial for them, I feel I have an obligation to do that.

"Okay, I'll help you with everything I can."

"Very well, come on." My aunt grinned at me and walked over to the group of people who continued to look at all those bodies in front of her.

After approaching, she immediately gave the warning: "Listen, we are going to bury everyone, we are going to give a decent burial to all of them, I will be very grateful to anyone who can help."

"Is that true, won't it be a lot of work?"

"Is she really saying that?"

"It is true?"

Many people started to doubt it because of the number of bodies that were there, but even if I doubted it, I could still see the relief they were feeling.

But before anyone could say anything more, my aunt started a small speech again.

"You are suffering a lot, I know you didn't want to be burying your friends and family, but you did it for Benjamin, now it's my turn to help you."

She said the same thing she had said to me previously, but it was enough for many people to thank her. Many people were thinking that they would not be able to bury all of their friends and family, but now with everyone's help, they would be able to do that.

And of course, I would also help them to do this, even though I don't feel well doing it, I still feel it is my duty.
It took hours and hours, in fact almost an entire day.

A whole day of a lot of sadness, tiredness, and also a lot of work.

We spent the whole time digging pits and burying bodies, I never imagined I would do this, but I did it for almost a whole day.

Some women and men took care of our food, and we continued to work together with some men in the group and also some women to continue burying all those people.

During many burials many people started to cry like children, making me feel very bad, I felt like crying with them because I understood exactly what they were feeling.

But I still held on and just continued my work.

My aunt also continued to work without saying much, just kept burying people, several people actually, and I just followed her example, just continued my work, held on to keep from crying, and said nothing.

And it was like that for a long time, until we finished all the burials.

When it was all over, many people started praying to some god, a god that I didn't know and didn't respect, if they really had a god, would things be that way?

I can't believe that any god in a world like this would let something like this happen to these very kind people, I can't understand the reason for all this.

So I just watched that scene together with my aunt, the group of elves praying for the bodies of their friends and family while they were crying.

I confess that I was in the mood to cry with those people, but I held on since I was beside my aunt.

"So it's all over, right?" I said as I continued to watch that scene.

But I didn't get an answer from my aunt, she was still there without saying a word while continuing to watch all those people.

"Aunt?" I tried to get your attention.

"That was the worst thing I've ever seen."


My aunt started to cry right there, she was making a face that I had never seen before.

"This was the worst thing I have seen in all my years of life, I never thought that I would need to do something like this, to bury all these people that I knew with my own hands ... loved. "

"What did I do to deserve this? Did I do something wrong?"

Before she could continue to say anything, I hugged her as tightly as I could, but I also couldn't hold back my tears. She bent down and also hugged.

"You didn't do anything wrong, don't blame yourself." Yes, all of these things happening are not your fault.

I am sure that all this will pass, I am sure that we will be able to live in peace from now on.

We continued to hug each other while we cried for a long time, I was not feeling well with all this, but that warmth of your body made me feel safe.



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