I Reap Souls In DC


10 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

"So are we fighting?"

Killer Frost asked.

Everyone turned to stare at Deadshot.

"Waller. Come in Waller."

He exhaled in frustration.

"Something is messing with the ear piece."

He informed them.

"One guess as to who is responsible."

Boomer answered, pointedly staring at the god of death looking down at them.

"You know, I once fought Superman."

Manchester stated, stepping forward, eyes blazing with a barely restrained excitement.

"Oh yeah, I heard about that. You're the blokes who thought they could one up the blue boy scout."

Boomer told him while laughing.

"Got your can kicked that day, you did."

Manchester glared at him from the corner of his eyes.

"Look who's talking. A grown man whose only gimmick is throwing Boomerangs at his problems. Boomerang this."

Captain Boomerang's eyes widened as a trail of blood crept down his eye.

"Oh you son of a..."

His head promptly exploded, sending blood and pieces of brains flying out. Raven stood with wide eyes as a piece of Captain Boomerang's brain slid off the shield she had created almost instantly.

"What the fuck did you do?!"

Deadshot angrily grabbed Manchester's trench coat.

"Nothing. It must have been an accident." The British supervillain answered with a smirk.

"An accident that might occur if you don't let me go."

He added with an undercurrent of violence.

Deadshot pointed his wrist gun at Manchester's neck.

"Still want to bet you're faster than a bullet?"

The Marksman asked.

"Shit. I got some of it in my mouth."

Killer Frost gagged to the side while King Shark eyed Captain Boomerang's body with a ravenous look.


Raven came in between the two men about to fight, eyes pointed at something past them.

"We have better things to deal with!"

Her palms were covered by an aura of Darkness.

"Azarath metrion Zinthos!"

A dome appeared around them.


A massive explosion rippled out across the Gotham skyline, painting the night in a purple glow.

"There's that explosion again."

Ivy informed the other two.

"Ooh oh oh let's go check it out! We can do it as a team!"

Harley gasped.


Catwoman quickly put that idea to rest, turning around to walk off the rooftop that they stood on.

"Its bad for business if I leave the club unattended for too long. Besides, this is not our problem."

"Oh come on Selina, quit being such a Batman! He's the fun police!" Harley pouted, causing Ivy to snort at her antics. Catwoman merely sighed, not stopping for even a second.

"We can call ourselves the awesome 3!"

Harley added.

Catwoman visibly shivered at the name.

"How about, hell the fuuuuuck no!"

She threw over her shoulder before her chest smacked into something hard. Harley gasped as Ivy readied herself.

"It's the fun police!"

The former shouted, swinging her bat to point at the grey and black figure standing before them.

Catwoman looked up, body tense. The image of Batman's chiseled chest and square jaw made her purr.

"I don't mind you taking me in."

She said coyly, running a finger down his chest.

Batman grabbed her hand.

"I'm not in the mood for games tonight Selina."

He growled.

"When are you ever?" Catwoman responded, rubbing her body onto his.

"I'm the one who does all the work."

"Ummm...what's happening?"

Harley asked in a dumbfounded voice. Ivy merely face palmed.

(At the docks)

A dark dome appeared on top of a red container. Their previous position was torn apart and burning.

"That was too close. What is this guy?!"

Killer Frost yelled in panic. Panic that was well warranted.

It was a scene of complete chaos. The wooden planks of the dock had been torn apart by the cero, that left a massive hole in the center of the structure. Overturned containers lay strewn about, some of them cracked open to reveal their contents, while others had exploded in the intense heat of the blast. Flames licked at the edges of the destroyed liners, sending black smoke billowing into the night air.

"I can take him."

Manchester told them, moving forwards.

"Hey! we are not done here!" Deadshot yelled, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"What is it to you?"

The Brit shoved him off.

"You hated the guy."

"That doesn't mean you kill him in cold blood."

Raven interjected. Manchester looked at all of them.

"Are you all fucking serious? You want to do this now? Bloody hell! The wanker had it coming to him, running his mouth with no concern as to who he offends. I say good fucking riddance."

He turned around and kicked Boomerang's body.

Deadshot aimed the gun on his wrist at Manchester and fired. The bullet stopped before it could slam into his forehead. The telekinetic villain smirked.

"Well what do you know. Guess I am faster."

His smirk turned deadly.

"You know,I've just about had it with you fucks. How about I kill each one of you and tell Waller the target did it?"



Something landed behind Manchester, a purple light flashing out as a massive blade shot out of his chest. Blood sprayed out of his mouth.

It was sudden and alarming.

Manchester had his eyes wide open in rage and indignation. He turned his head around with a lot of effort, staring deep into the wrathful eyes of the creature behind him.


An inhuman voice came out of it's mouth.


The Brit coughed again.


He gurgled, chocking on blood. Psionic energy begun to gather around as Davian's hollow form opened it's mouth, screeching in anger.

Deadshot groaned as something heavy slammed onto all of them, taking them to the ground. The purple energy washing out of the beast was immense and made all of them nauseous. Their visions swam. The heaviness was Davian's spiritual pressure bearing down on all of them.

Deadshot tried to bring his hand forward to shoot but felt his ears pop as their target opened it's mouth and screamed.

There was a telekinetic blast of power that threw everyone away from the pair. Manchester's groan turned into a wordless roar as he stretched his abilities to their absolute limit. For the second time another explosion rang out. This one was more impressive.

The shockwaves from it rippled across the atmosphere, causing a certain speeding object to shudder and groan.

"Talk to me Alfred."

Batman growled in the cockpit of his batwing.

"Authorities are out by 5 minutes sir. I suggest you call for back up."

"No time."

The Bat replied, jerking his jet to the sky as the pressure blast from the explosion became a bit too much. He grunted at the effort it took, his eyes surveying the smoke and dust rising up from the location of interest.

"I'm going in."

Raven felt something drip from her forehead as she rose on one knee. Her demonic energy covered her like a cloak, making her eyes and the red gem on her forehead glow. She had saved her other teammates again but in drawing out so much of her power...she started hearing him.

"Let me in daughter..."

A voice sounded in her mind. Her father.


Raven replied stubbornly.

"You need ME RAVEN! LET ME IN!!"

"No! I don't need you! Or your power! I WILL NEVER need you!"

She yelled.


Something hit the floor, blood splashed across Raven's wide eyes as the dust and smoke cleared to reveal...King Shark's headless form.

The head was grasped, still dripping with blood in the clawed hands of their target. Raven knew monsters. She herself was a monster, but this...this was on a whole other level. Her heart pumped as she scrambled away, the monster taking steps towards her while the aura of the Reiryoku covering it grew bigger. It's eyes, those beautiful deceptive eyes were narrowed in corruption. Narrowed in animalistic and feral anger. It wanted to kill. To destroy.

"Snap out of it!"

Killer Frost's shout was accompanied by an attack.

With a quick flick of her wrist, she conjured multiple small ice shards and sent them flying towards Davian's chest. The shard pierced through the air, only to be blocked by the side of the blade in its hands.

Then it swung the scissor-sword and a cone of wind burst out from its position throwing everything back. Or it would have if Raven hadn't intervened quickly.

"Azarath metrion Zinthos!"

A shield of darkness covered her and the other two.

"Hold that shield! Frost time to go all out!"

Deadshot ordered, as bullets begun to rain out of his wrist guns, landing on Davian's form and doing nothing. Killer Frost on her part, skated across the wrecked docks, heading towards Davian who seemingly waited as the barrage of bullets assaulted him.

"Take this!"

Frost quickly cleared the distance between them, riding on a slide of Ice, passing by his body and sending a freezing breeze of cutting winds that covered Davian's position.

"Azarath metrion Zinthos!"

The shield that covered Raven and Deadshot sped forwards, shifting shapes into a drill construct aimed for the creature.

Then a sonic boom sounded out as the very air was shredded apart.

"Frost behind..."

Killer Frost felt her spine shiver in fear. That speed. It was behind her.

Winding quickly she created a shield of ice that shattered as a glowing sword cut through it, headed for her neck.


The Batwing dove in and collided with Davian on it's nose cone, speeding away and pushing the feral teen out into the sea.

"It's Batman! Fuck! This just got more complicated."

Deadshot spoke up, tapping his earpiece two times.

"Deadshot! Where the hell have you been!"

Waller's voice came through all their comms.

Killer Frost and Raven shared a look as the Batwing wound in its trajectory, turning back towards them.

"We need to go."

Frost informed them, landing on the ground beside them.

Deadshot held up a hand as he continued his conversation with Waller.

"Finally! something was disrupting our comms. We are in a combat situation. Things have...derailed massively." Deadshot answered grimly.

"We lost Boomer, the Shark and that dick, Manchester Black. He's the one who took out Boomerang."

Waller was silent.

"And the Target?"

She growled out.

"He's gon..."

Before the words were fully out of his mouth, a huge beam of purple Reiryoku burst out of the boiling water, crashing through the wing of the Batwing and destroying it.

The Batwing spun uncontrollably in the air before colliding on a warehouse near the docks, going up in flames.

Batman had quickly ejected, his cape unfurling behind him, as he ran an electric current across the cloth, changing it into something hard. Something strong enough to glide. The Dark Knight was not out of danger yet. The monster appeared in the sky behind Batman, sword raised up.

Before their shocked gazes, a huge purple sword aura burst out of the weapon, heading towards the Dark Knight.

"Azarath metrion Zinthos!"

Raven chanted, taking steps towards the pair. Her form rippled out, enlarging into a huge figure made up of pure darkness, over 50 feet tall.

The figure's hands gripped a sword and a shield that beared resemblance to Wonder Woman's. It raised up it's shield, tanking the sword aura. The crash made the sea churn and Batman was thrown away by the air blast, spinning away until he managed to use his grappling gun to bite into a crane, swinging away with the momentum.

Batman tapped his wrist computer upon landing with a grunt. Maybe Alfred was right.

"All available Justice League members, mobilize."

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