I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 5: Failed Plan.

10 chapters ahead in my Patreon.



(Davian's P.O.V)

The gun in my hand was immediately pointed at the new arrival. A woman, dressed in a tight outfit carrying a playing card theme.

"Eyes up here darling."

She said, her hands lighting up with purple aura. A conversation happened between our gazes and negotiations fell apart.

"By the time you flinch, there will be a bullet in between your head."

I threatened.

"Careful Ten. This one has bite."

The words came from the last convict, who up until then had been silent. He walked out of his cell with a certain swagger.

"Glad to see you're safe, my king."

Ten greeted, her aurafied hands still aimed at me.

"Yahtzee! Now I look awesome."

Harley stated, calling attention to her self.

I blinked in surprise, momentarily forgetting about the hostile environment.

"What the fuck are you wearing?"

Harley had exchanged her orange clothing for a guard's uniform. She ended up undressing the senior guard, worn his blood soaked shirt and tied a belt around the mid section to keep it from flapping up. There was nothing much below her hips.


She shrugged.

"It's an artistic approach to this beautiful moment! I've never had anyone break me out of the can before!"


Ten recoiled at her cheerful attitude.

"See what I had to deal with?"

King told her, holding out his hand and receiving a bundle from Ten.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Harley turned to me and asked.

I shrugged while lowering the gun but ready to spring up and defend myself. Harley shrugged back and turned away to continue picking through the guard's items.

I had no eyes on me. I needed to leave before that changed. I shrank my body onto the wall of the truck and looked around. There was the exit to the truck that looked like it needed a code to unlock. Fuck. Where am I...

A brief sensation of the floor shifting saved my life. The roof over Killer Croc flew up as he threw Ten and King away.

"Now where the fuck were we?!"

Croc snarled angrily, sharp teeth on display and torn clothes peeling off his form. He raised a hand and brought it down on top of my head.

The blow was too sudden, I couldn't react fast enough. It felt like death was coming for me a third time.

Bang! Bam!

Purple aura blasts landed on Croc's face, throwing off his aim, causing his clawed hand to dig onto the floor of the truck, which was now looking shredded. A small slit appeared on the hip of my uniform. I scrambled away.

"Hey Toad face, no one fucks with me!"

Ten had managed to land safely and immediately attacked. Then she added two more Aura blasts to the mouth of the angry reptalion.

Croc was thrown away, causing him to stumble on to the wall and buckle the truck with his weight. I didn't think. There was only one way out and it was through the roof. I took a step, kicked off Croc's shoulder and grabbed the edge of the hole Ten had made when coming in.

"Hey! wait for me!"

I felt something grab onto my leg and I almost lost my grip. Looking down, Harley's face was beaming up at me with a smile.

"Hold on tight!"

She said in that annoying sing song voice and heaved, pulling me down to push herself up in a flip. My eyes widened as I lost grip.


I fell and landed on top of someone. I think I might have cracked a rib.

"My Heroo!"

Harley laughed and jumped away.

That fucking bitch!


Ten's voice came from the left in a hurried shout.

I rolled away just a snarl sounded out and Killer Croc slammed into the body I had left on the ground, missing me with just a few inches. He added to his momentum, launching himself right into Ten, before both burst out of the truck. The truck shook again and my head was slammed onto the corner of a cell, as it rose up into the sky before smacking down.

I blacked out.

A wet sensation crept down the back of my head, causing me to touch it and see blood. I was cut. My body was also lying on something rough and hot. The road. I was outside the truck and I think I had a concussion; seeing double vision and all that. My body was scuffed up too but thankfully there were no deep injuries.

I crawled towards the side of the road. The tall grass would let me disappear and we could see about finding a way back to civilization, if I didn't die in the wild first.

(General P.O.V)

Ten had miscalculated. Attacking Killer Croc had been a mistake. After her first few shots landed, Croc had shrugged everything else away using his tough skin. Growling out in fury, the animalistic villain had jumped at her.

"Stop beast!"

King luckily stood infront, using his mind control to hold back Croc.

"Are you alright, Te...oof!"

One of the convicts, the black dude with a gun, fell on top of him and Ten knew shit had hit the fan.

"Eat you!"

Croc snarled and ran towards the pair on the ground. Davian rolled away and Ten watched in shock and anger as Croc slammed into King's body, stabbing through his belly with his claws before using his momentum to plow onto Ten while she was distracted.

Ten instantly brought her hands behind her and shot out aura blasts that destroyed a hole on the wall of the truck, preventing her body from being squashed into paste. So when Croc slammed into her, both of them sailed out of the truck and onto the road. The truck rose up due to the force of Croc's lunge, before landing hard on the ground, throwing Davian out through the same hole.

Croc and Ten fell right into the middle of Jack's assault on the soldiers hiding behind the final car.

"King! Ten!"

The aforementioned Jack let loose a thin laser beam that carved the range rover in half, an explosion ringing out soon after the laser touched the gas tank. Jack covered his face as the shockwaves managed to ruffle his clothes.

He was then at Ten's side the next second, helping her up from the ground as they watched Croc and who he had in his hands.

"That's...not good."

Jack commented.

Croc raised his hand, his long clawed fingers wrapped around King's neck. King groaned, his arms around his mid section, trying to stop the heavy bleeding from Croc's earlier attack.

"You...pay for this..."

King growled out in pain.

"Shut up." Croc shook him, eliciting another wave of pain in his hostage.

"I had no quarrel with you c listers. You jumped into my fight and so you're gonna die."

He threw at Ten and Jack.

"Where the fuck is Queen?"

Ten bit out low, swallowing a groan as she leaned on Jack. Croc wasn't someone both of them could take down. With Queen their chances rose up dramatically.

"The Flash or something. The mission is officially FUBAR. Let alone rescuing King, who's bleeding out by the way, we would be lucky to escape."

Jack replied.

"Guess that makes me the leader." Ten smirked, before a serious look appeared on her face as she faced Croc. Her back straightened up.

"Let. Him. Go."

She threatened with false confidence.

Croc squeezed King's neck.

"Make me."

The mood was tense and charged, a fight about to break out.

"Sup guys."

Something or rather someone appeared in a flash between them.


Three voices sounded out almost simultaneously.

"What did you do with Queen!?"

Jack's eye lit up, a laser beam shooting out of it.

His chin was immediately knocked towards the sky, the red beam cutting through the clouds above. The Flash had hit him with an uppercut at speeds none of them could perceive.

Jack's surroundings changed as he blinked, trying to think clearly after the stunning blow. He stopped and found himself restrained by power dampening cuffs and in the back of a police truck with Queen.

"Get ready, Harvey. I'm bringing the rest in."

He heard the Flash say outside before the doors to the truck closed.

"Jack! Jack! Wake up!"

Queen told him with urgency, slapping him with her restrained hands

Jack shook his head but before he could say anything, the truck buckled as a restrained Ten and Killer Croc joined them inside. They had power dampeners on their hands except for Croc who was unconscious. His was on the neck. Ten looked around before raising a foot and slamming it down onto Croc's face a few times. Then she spat on him.

'They had all been captured.' Jack realized with a sigh.

"What happened? Where's king?"

Queen demanded from the two.

Ten and Jack looked at each other.

"Your plan failed."

They both answered.


"Ma'am we just lost all communications with the prisoner's transport convoy."

One of the techies informed Waller. She rose up.

"Pull up satellite imaging on their last recorded location."

The over head display changed as a new window popped up.

"That can't be right. They are not showing up on the feed."

Hugo commented.

"Pan out."

Waller gave another order that was quickly followed.

"Dammit! Still nothing."

She slammed a hand onto the table before looking up.

"Our systems have been hacked."

She concluded.

"Initiate Priority level: Ultra Violet."

She ordered with a furious expression.

"Assemble Task Force X. No one fucks with the Wall."

She hit the table with her palm again.

The Flash had just dropped off King at the Gotham City General Hospital. The transport carrying the convicts was also headed to GCPD for due processing. He made it to where J'onn was, a couple of kilometers away from the location, the Royal Flush Gang had attacked the convoy.

J'onn was seated on a rock while looking down at a passed out Davian.

"He managed to run 4 kilometers in under a few minutes on a rocky terrain with a concussion. Lost consciousness soon after."

Manhunter explained, making the Flash whistle.

"For a normal human, that is impressive."

An odd expression came over his face.

"But he's not normal is he?"

J'onn smiled.

"Correct, Batman showed me a clip of him in his...other form. He could move fast. Faster than your average speedster and his strength...he leveled an entire building merely from the initial burst of power. Was 17 then. Luckily, it was a Wayne enterprise project."

"Bruce took care of it. Hid the culprit from the public."

The Flash said.

"And James Gordon paid the price."

"Mmmh." Manhunter hummed.

"The point is, he has powers and his other form. Why would he not use them to escape? Batman brought me in so that I could calm him down in case he lost control."

"And to also wipe out the memory of him being there from the other convict's mind."

The Flash added

"And of our involvement as well. Everyone who saw you, only knows that the convicts were captured while fighting amongst themselves."

Manhunter told him.

The Flash breathed out in relief.

"Good. I don't want Waller sniffing around my city looking for any trace of our guy here."

The Flash looked up and frowned underneath his mask.

"I can tell that something is still bothering you."

Manhunter looked at him.

"You too."

The Flash looked away grimly.

"J'onn, 4 people died. 4 people because we decided to hang back even when we knew they were about to be attacked. I...I know our hands are not completely clean, when I started, I hit too hard sometimes you know...but. But, today I felt dirty. I feel so... dirt...

The Flash's eyes glazed over.

"What was I..."

Barry asked himself, trailing off upon Manhunter's voice.


The Flash looked at J'onn.

"Huh? Sorry I must have gotten lost in my thoughts, you were saying?"

Manhunter blinked.

"Its quite alright. I was just telling you how there is something strange with Mr.Mabuz's mind. I can't read it but more than that, it reminds me of an Union of psyche."

"Ooookay, and I'm guessing this Union is bad?"

J'onn lifted off the rock, flying up and looking down at the Flash next to an unconscious Davian.

"Not bad...more worrying."

"And that's not ominous at all."

The Flash quipped, grabbing Davian from the ground.

"Let's meet back at the rendezvous point. I might have to take a longer route around Gotham to avoid the cameras. Can't be too careful."

Manhunter nodded and left.

The Flash looked down at Davian and sighed.

"This better not bite me on the ass."

Then he was off.

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