I Really Am a Slag Shou!

Chapter 10 - Residue that big old man (10)

Chang Qing looked a little more at Chi Zhao.

Li Yihan stood five or six meters away from them. This distance was enough for him to see who Qi Yuan was talking to, but it was not enough for him to hear what they were talking about.

There are two Mediterranean men beside Li Yihan, talking to him. Li Yihan seems to be listening carefully to what they say, in fact, his eyes drift to Qiyuan from time to time.

A handsome, elegant man came over and looked at Li Yihan. He raised his eyebrows playfully.

With the sight of Li Yihan, there were two people, one was the new general manager of the Chang family, and the other was the adopted son that Li Yihan just recognized.

The two Mediterraneans finally finished what they wanted to say. When they saw the Li family ’s gentle nod, they suddenly became better and felt that he was indeed a buildable material. Then they went to the next one happily. It’s time to get rid of poison.

After they left, Tang Si went to Li Yihan, “Your adopted son seems to be very interested in Chang Qing, don’t you go and see?”

Li Yihan looked up at his friend, then lowered his eyes as if nothing happened. “Just say a few words.”

“If you don’t believe me,” Tang Si laughed twice, the meaning of the laughter was not clear, “Anti-normal Qing is a well-known man and woman take it all, I remember his newly changed taste is this young and energetic The little boy. That’s fine. At that time, the general manager will be one generation younger than you. At the negotiating table, you can use seniority to press him. “

Li Yihan frowned. “What the **** do you want to say?”

Tang Si smiled slightly. “My son doesn’t necessarily listen to you, let alone an adoptive son. Looking at him, he seems to have a good opinion of Chang Qing, and dare to have other ideas about Chang Qing. Your adoptive son is not simple. what.”

Li Yihan’s eyes fell on Qi Yuan again. Chang Qing had already left at this time. He paused, picked up a plate of cake, and continued to dig. Hearing a friend’s words, Li Yihan didn’t respond.

He could never tell Tang Size that Qi Yuan was not Chang Qing, but himself.

Seeing that he didn’t answer himself, Tang Si thought he was right, and he wanted to speak again, but he heard Li Yihan said, “Not easy? He is the easiest person I have ever met.”

When he said this, Li Yihan’s calm eyes and flat tone of speech, just like talking about the weather, such a loose and ordinary attitude showed that Li Yihan was serious. He really thought that Qi Yuan’s mind was simple.

Tang Size: “…”

I haven’t seen it for a few months. Li Yihan’s mind is not Watt. Even he can see that Qi Yuan is not a fuel-saving lamp at all. He was just in the dark with Chang Qing **!

Tang Si said his own views, but Li Yihan frowned and looked at him, “Is there something wrong with your eyes?”

Who is the one with the wrong eyes?

Tang Si was angry, and he put down his words, “Wait, I’ll prove it to you.”

The outside world is not clear about Li Yihan’s behavior, and Tang Si is properly gay, and he is still a pure 1. He lifted his feet and walked towards Qi Yuan. After Li Yihan reacted, he immediately followed and wanted to drag him back.

Tang Si walked fast and came to Chi Zhao within a few steps. At that time, Chi Zhao had just put down the cake pan that had been destroyed by his speed of light. Here comes the red wine.

Thinking of how bad Changqing’s back was, he didn’t want to have any relationship with Changqing. He dismissed and pushed the wine glass aside, and planned to go to the waiter and ask for a low-alcohol wine.

At this point, Tang Si came to him, and the waiter passed by. He took two glasses of cocktails from the tray. The color of the wine was very good. It was pale pink like macarons, and there was nothing left on the tray. With two glasses, Tang Si and Chi Zhao reached out at the same time, but Tang Si took away both glasses of wine.

Chi Zhao’s outstretched hand paused in the air, Tang Si saw this, showing an intimate smile, and then handed the miniature cocktail to Chi Zhao.

Chi Zhao thanked well, Tang Si hooked his lips, and just when he wanted to touch him, he heard–

Tons tons tons.

Three, the cup was empty, leaving only solitary mint leaves lying on the bottom of the cup.

Tang Size: “…”

This kind of wine has no wine taste, but it is sweet and a bit like fruit juice. Chi Zhao liked it. He did n’t drink enough. He turned around and picked up the glass of red wine that he had just abandoned. “Are you still drinking? I have n’t touched the cup, or should we change? “

The smile on Tang Size’s face froze. For the first time, he saw someone changing drinks with a stranger at a cocktail party. He froze for two seconds. He nodded, and Chi Zhao smiled. The wine glass was stuffed into Tang Size’s hand, and then he took the cocktail.

It was three tones again and again. Chi Zhao was full, smiled at him with restraint, and turned to another row of tables to find something delicious.

Tang Size: “…”

Li Yihan stood not far from them. Two or three women standing together blocked him, so Chi Zhao didn’t find him nearby, Tang Si walked back with a glass of wine He looked at Li Yihan, who was still as cold as usual, but he twitched the corners of his lips and moved them from time to time.

… laugh when you want to laugh, isn’t it always tired?

Tang Si was silent, and he passed the red wine glass to Li Yihan again. “I think you win, it’s my turn.”

Hearing this sentence, Li Yihan finally smiled. No matter what age the man is, watching friends to eat is a great joy in life. He put down the red wine and patted Tang Size’s shoulder with a smile, then the two went Going to talk about the old.

I changed hands four times, and in the end, no one had drunk that glass of red wine.

Li Yihan nevertheless spoke to Tang Si for two minutes, and then he returned to the dining table. Qi Yuan was drinking too fast just now, and he was a little worried.

After working for a while, Qi Yuan was no longer at the table. He ran to the other end of the conference hall, and was sitting on a single sofa, looking up at the various people passing by in front of his eyes.

He looked awake. In fact, if he looked closely, he could see that his eyes had been blurred. The cocktail he drank did not smell alcohol. In fact, the alcohol level was very high. After running to the other side, he saw this cocktail again. I drank two more cups, each of which was a small cup, but when added together, the quantity was also considerable. In addition, he drank too fast and fiercely, and his brain became dizzy.

Chi Zhao crooked on the sofa, holding her head in her right hand, and resting her left hand on the sofa’s armrest. He smiled and faced everyone who passed him. Two girls walked by and watched his eyes stay on. I was embarrassed and blushed.

Qi Yuan looks so good. Today he dresses up carefully, plus the blessing of alcohol, now he is just a miniature hormonal diffuser.

Mother solo for 20 years, Chi Zhao has always wanted to have a love, but unfortunately when studying at school, there is no time to fall in love. Later, when I went to college, I had time, but he became a woman friend of a female classmate, a Nothing interesting to him.

Looking at the crowd that kept walking, Chi Zhao seriously thought that his girlfriend could not be found, or should he find a boyfriend to try?


Are you humans so casual in this aspect of sexuality? Changing sexual orientation is as simple as changing two chopsticks?

Chi Zhao was thinking about it. Suddenly, the sight in front of him was blocked. Li Yihan looked down at him, and the two looked at each other silently. After three seconds, Li Yihan bent slightly, he stared at Chi Zhao’s eyes for a while, and then came out. He asked, “Qi Yuan, are you drunk?”

Qi Yuan did not answer him.

Li Yihan knew, when Qi Yuan dared to look at him so broadly, he must be drunk.

“Do you know who I am?”

Qi Yuan tilted his head and answered this time, “Sir.”

OK, not too much to drink.

It ’s almost unveiled. Li Yihan does n’t plan to stay here. He stretches out his hands, his fingers are like pliers, he firmly holds Qi Yuan ’s forearm, and pulls him up. “Get up, I will take you home. . “

Qi Yuan stood up obediently. When he first got up, he walked unsteadily and almost fell. Li Yihan helped him a little, and carefully identified Qi Yuan’s face, and determined that he was fine, then he led him out.

When Tang Si saw this scene, he made two sounds. Father love is so great. How long has it been before Li Yihan has become a person.

…… No, it’s still cold to others, that is, to wear the aura of father love when facing Qi Yuan.

Li Yihan didn’t know that Tang Size was voicing his heart. He only thought that Qi Yuan’s wine was really good, and he didn’t act as a demon when he drank too much. He still looked so good. He himself put people into the car, and then he sat in and ordered The driver drove, and the inside of the car was quiet. Li Yihan looked at the scenery outside the car.

There were a total of four people in the car, all of whom were in a very calm mood, except for a certain hermit.

The system is very uneasy, because it finds that its connection with Chi Zhao is broken. What does this mean? This shows that Chi Zhao has already drunk the pieces!

It hurriedly called Chi Zhao, but Chi Zhao blinked, just as he didn’t hear it. Suddenly, he turned his attention to Li Yihan.

The system has a bad hunch.

Sure enough, the next second, Chi Zhao stunned, as hard as a skateboarder, he slid hard to Li Yihan, Li Yihan was hit by the car door, his cheekbones were hurt, he turned back in shock, and saw Qi Yuan pinching his own Face, very happy to unilaterally announce: “Send a big star, let’s go on a love together!”

Li Yihan: “…”


Zhao Bin: “… ????” 2k novel reading network

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