I Maxed out my Stats with a Gotcha System, So why am I still a Loser???

Chapter 7 – Venturing Home

{[No one fears committing sins, what they fear is being judged for them.]}


Ashner lifted his hand up. He was on a bed. To his side was Alex sleeping on the floor, and Risa was sleeping with her hand on her blade. It had gotten dark. His mask was still on, and the side of his cheek burned where the girl had caressed him.

“Where are we?” He asked.

“With the hidden demi’s…” Risa's hair was messy, and her aroma was earthy. “You’re the last to wake up from the trial.”

Ashner recalled the trial. It was supposed to be a test of fear, not encouragement. So why had she called him her hero?

“Who’s Melissa?” Asked the cat. Her voice was filled with disappointment.

Ashner gritted his teeth.

If I tell her, she’ll hate me too.

“Don’t mention her name.”

Risa didn't reply. Instead, she stepped out of the room. Suppose they could even call that place a room. They were in the ruins of a destroyed castle. It was well taken care of and cleaned. But they had yet to bother repairing the damage.

Luna entered the room. She had changed into an elven dress. It was a thin white fabric with a hint of green.

But she kept the boots he had bought her. Luna studied Ashner. He was no longer wearing his armor.

“You were the last one to pass the trial." Luna studied Ashner’s hands. They were shaking. "I didn't tell you one thing… Only righteous human souls may enter our domain."

“What would’ve happened had we failed?”

“Death, and no, I don't regret it. This is my home. I will risk everything to keep it safe… Especially from humans.”

Smart move on her part.

Ashner stood up, irritated, but he didn't blame her. Luna was a force to be feared. Once he got up, he rationalized something. He was naked. Luna got a full-on view. She peered down and smiled.

“What the hell?” Ashner was drowsy, and the test had dulled his senses. He grabbed the covers and eyed the room. Sure enough, Alex was using his clothes as a pillow.

“I personally saw to changing you… I needed to make sure you didn't have any hidden weapons…" She enjoyed Ashner’s reaction. "The queen wants to meet the three humans that saved us."

“Queen?” Ashner wasn’t expecting that.

"Yes, as promised, we haven't tried to harm you. Even with my blue slave crest."

She took a step towards the door. "Get dressed. We still need to negotiate."

Ashner nodded and obeyed. He grabbed his clothes and jerked them out from underneath Alex. The demi-dog twirled to his side and started mumbling something about ramen noodles.

Dressed and prepared, the group walked into the only part of the castle that wasn't in utter ruins. The hallway was colder than the outside world. And beautiful flowers bloomed from every corner of the castle. It gave every room its own unique aroma.

They arrived at what Ashner presumed was the throne room. A single seat, made of wood and the transparent color of mythril, with designs of trees and bull horns, was carved into the wood. It was the very essence of authority.

Around them were dozens of elves. They were all gorgeous, some with short and others with long ears.

And another dozen demi-cow warriors. The women were thick and robust. Only two male demi-bulls were among them. They had two horns on their heads and massive upper bodies.

The male elves had beautiful faces, while the demi-bulls had brutish facial features.

The three soldiers did have one thing that differed from the male elves. They were all in excellent shape. In contrast, all the male elves were skinny.

The female elves were all slim, and most of them had small to average-sized chests and butts. Most of them had clothes that revealed their slim waists. Their hair colors ranged from blonde to green and even some light and dark purple.

In contrast, the demi-cows had cow ears and a tail. Their hair had patches of black and white.

“Luna.” A sweet voice echoed. Immediately, all the demi’s knelt down. The rest of the group stood there confused and glanced at one another. Behind the throne was a wooden door. Out from it walked a woman towards them. A demi-cow, one bustier than Luna and with a larger hip ratio. Her stomach wasn't as slim as Luna's, but she wasn't chubby in the slightest. Her breasts and ass stood out above everything else. “I'm glad you returned.”

Even the elves kneel to her, except for Luna, that is.

The demi’s black hair turned dark purple when rays of light brushed it, excluding the tips and her bangs, which were a darker purple, even in the darkness. She eyed the humans. Her purple eyes matched her hair. She studied the men and stopped on Gio, whose jaw dropped like a leaf mid-fall.

Gio's eyes lit up, and his jaw trembled. “Holy mother of thickness.” He ogled her shamelessly.

Wong elbowed his friend's side. “Dude, you're salivating.”

Gio wiped his mouth… “Can you blame me? I’m down with the thickness.”

“Seriously? She’s a queen.” Wong lectured as the demi-cow walked towards them, surrounded by four guards. Two elven and two demi-bulls. Her curious eyes went from man to man.

“Wong.” She evaluated him, curious about his Asian features, next. She went to Ashner. “The one with the mask, you must be Ashner.” Then, lastly, she evaluated Gio, who smiled as she got close. “You're Gio.”

“It’s a pleasure.” Gio gave her a wink.

The Queen tilted her head. Unaware of what a wink meant, she shrugged it off. “Our people were attacked when we were gathering food. They were taken by slavers. From what Luna told me. Ashner killed them with the help of his cat slave.”

Ashner glanced at Risa and Alex. They were the only ones still armed.

The elves had taken away their guns.

“I ordered her to kill them.”

“Was it to take them as your own?” She asked.

“No, I wasn’t aware slaves could be passed like that.”

The Queen glanced at Luna and spoke in an elven language. Ashner understood every word they said, but they weren't aware. He had no intention of telling them either. This gave him some leverage.

“Luna, why are you standing up for these short ears? You've always been a rebel. But even so, this is too much, if he's a master that freed his slaves from the death curse. Then why shouldn't we kill them and liberate our sisters?”

“Ari, if I wanted to kill them, I would've done it while they slept. And you didn't see what I saw. These humans are not from our world. Their world makes clothes and weapons that far surpass our own. If we harm them and their people retaliate, then the elves and demi-cows will be no more.”

“Little troublemaker.” The Queen tapped her fingers on the throne. “Humans are not a race you should ever trust. They're violent, prone to destruction, and value themselves over anything and everything. Even if they're from another world, I need proof that they're better.”

Luna smirked. “Then you should ask our other sisters?”

“Other sisters?” She raised her eyebrow. “Only three of you returned.”

Luna glanced at Ashner and spoke what he theorized was this world’s common tongue. “Please open the door to the White Room. Allow my kin to return home…”

Ashner nodded and headed to a nearby door that led to an empty room. He tapped his key on it. The door slowly shifted.

Luna withheld information from the Queen. What an odd thing to do.

Ashner opened the door. The elves and demi-cows waited in anticipation. Then, the girls walked out of the White Room one by one. They found their loved ones and rushed towards them. Exchanging hugs and kisses.

They weren't just happy to return home. They were full of energy and life.

Some walked towards Wong and started talking to him. Their conditions had improved.

The girls also walked out with their wounded elf friends. They smiled, and her eyes watered. After the nightmare they endured, they were finally home.

“Queen Ari,” Luna spoke loud enough for everyone to get an earful, in the common tongue no less. “These humans protected us from slavers and gave us food, water, clothes, shelter, and medicine. The illnesses our people have can be cured with their help… Our fortunes can change if we trust them… Every single one of us knows how bad our situation is. We're trapped in this forest, and we can't leave because we have more sick than we can carry. Please, my Queen, trust in me. Not just as your friend, but as a woman who wants our races to survive.”

The Queen pondered in her thoughts for a while. She focused on how the slaves interacted with the humans. They were timid around Gio and Ashner but completely comfortable around Wong. He had healed them. And honestly, he was handsome, almost like a prince.

“Ashner.” The Queen addressed him. “If it were up to me, I'd kill you and the rest of your humans to free my kin… Luna is a lot of things… But she isn't a fool… We will treat you like one of our own.”

Ashner nodded.

“If I may be so bold to ask.” She continued. “How did you cleanse my people from their illnesses.”

Ashner glanced at Wong, who was occupied memorizing the progress of all the wounded elves. “My friend is a brilliant healer.”

Wong sighed. “I have medicine that will cure them… From what I gathered, your people have not been drinking purified water. Because of that, their health has started to fade.”

The Queen nodded. “My people don't have access to clean water inside these halls. And we've had to make do with my magic, but I can't produce enough for everyone.”

“If you're willing to let me, I'll look at your sick subjects.”

The Queen scoped her subjects, the ones who had already taken his medicine. The girls nodded.

“Very well. You have my permission to inspect my people." The elves grabbed Wong's hand and urged him to move away from the crowd. They were taking him to a part of the castle where their sickest patients were.

“We can provide you with clean water." Ashner announced, "We have plenty of clothing and medicine… But food is another story… All we ask for in return is gold."

“How much gold?" The Queen motioned to her servant, who ran off into her room.

“A gold coin per person should be enough for food, water, and medicine.”

The Queen pivoted her head up and left. Debating something in her head. "A single gold coin won't buy us anything… Wouldn't you prefer being paid in mythril or dragon-metal?"

“I've never seen mythril or dragon-metal. Do monsters drop them?"

“No." The woman crossed her legs. "Carrying a thousand gold coins is a hassle, so humans and demi's created these coins using rare metals to make it easier to exchange goods."

I see. It's their world's way of creating a balance for money, but this world isn't advanced enough to produce paper money, so instead, they focused on rare metals to make coins. But my world doesn't have mythril or dragon-metal. It might be a metal that is only available in this world… Either way.

Ashner shook his head. "Gold has more value than those coins… If you give us some time once we return home, we can gather dozens of supplies and trade with your population directly."

The Queen dabbed her chin, and Gio studied her body as she did. She was sheer perfection to him. As he enjoyed himself, the Queen's handmaiden returned with a small treasure box decorated with white polished stones and black metal.

She grabbed it and walked up to Ashner. Studying his eyes behind his mask, searching for any sign of subterfuge, but there was none.

“Five thousand gold coins… Will this be enough to clothe and feed my people?”

Ashner smiled.

That's less than what I have now. But who's going to say no to an offer this good?

"This is more than enough. If you give us a few days, we will return with supplies and clean water." The Queen sat back down on her throne.

"I'm unsure if I can trust your words, but it's just gold. We're not risking much." The Queen spoke to her people. "None of you are allowed to harm our guests… If you do, you'll face my wrath." Her words were a threat. "Spread the word. Oh, Luna, you're in charge of negotiating with the humans. You brought them here, so you'll take responsibility."

She stood and returned to her room. Her guards and handmaidens followed behind her.

Gio stayed frozen in place. And the rest of the elves and demi-cows walked away. A few of them carried concealed blades. Ashner took in that they loathed humans. Trust had to be earned. Ashner walked up to Gio.

“How can someone so perfect exist?" Gio's eyes were enchanted. "Ari is so hot… Do you think she likes anime?"

“I doubt she’s ever seen anime.”

“That's my ‘in.’ I wonder if I can marry her?"

“Dude, she’s a Queen.”

“That just makes her hotter. Good thing I brought my DVD player. I'll start her off with my favorite animes."

Ashner shook his head. “Just don’t piss her off.”

“I got this…” Gio smiled confidently.

“Please, don’t fuck this up.”

“I swear that I won’t.”

Ashner glared at him.

“I swear on Emilia.”

Ashner bared his fangs.

“Fine… Fine… I swear on Rem… Happy?”


“By the way.” Gio sighed loudly. “What did you see in your trial?”

Ashner didn't want to go too deeply into details. It was apparent, so Gio answered first.

“I saw Robyn…” Gio's eyes shifted like he was reliving a world he lost. “I got to relive every moment with her… The good parts hurt more than her betrayal…”

“You went too far when you tried to take your life.” Ashner leaned beside him as some elves started eyeing them from a distance. "I visited you once after I found out where you were. Wong didn't see me, and I didn't speak a word… I didn't know what to say…"

“I wouldn't know what to tell me either… But in the trial, she tore into me, ripped my chest and guts out with her words… But in the end, she asked me, ‘Why do you still love me?’”

“Do you still love her?”

“Yes, and I replied to her… ‘I love the version of you I created for myself… The real you has always been a stranger… And I need to accept it…'" Gio smiled. "And the fake Robyn smiled and said. 'You're not perfect, but you're worthy of love nonetheless.'"

Interestingly, after I realized my mistake in the test, Melissa encouraged me too…

Gio continued, this time a little more confident with his words.

“I think the forest test's someone's character. Stubborn, narcissistic, and unapologetic people tend to stick to their ways. Not because it keeps them strong, but because it's the only way they can pretend to be brave… But if we're willing to accept our mistakes, move past them, and grow, then that makes us worthy… Well, worthy enough to get into the castle at least."

Ashner recalled his own test. “I saw Melissa… She wasn't real, but I sensed all her pain…”

“The three of us should’ve been there. Together we could’ve kicked all their asses and saved that girl.” Gio hissed his words out.

“But you weren't… And I don't blame you…" Ashner hated this topic. He changed it. "So what did Wong see?"

“He refused to tell me. Wong said it was too personal to share. But it shook him to his core. I was there when he woke up… He kept screaming, 'I don't want this,' and he was covered in sweat after he woke up.”

“He tends to keep to himself… Gio, you were in a coma longer than I was in jail… Don’t you feel bad that you lost all that time?”

“A little… But.” Gio gave him a big smile. “I still have you guys. So I didn’t really lose anything. You two are my brothers and the closest thing I have to a family.”

Luna walked towards them, and Risa walked behind her with her hand on her sword.

“We still have our deal. It's dark, but if we head out now, we can cleanse the fallen demi-cat tribe.” Risa moved her hand away from her sword. “Your slave wants this more than you do.”

“Don’t be mistaken.” Ashner corrected. “I want this just as much as she does. Let’s head out.”

Alex tried following, but Ashner gave him his orders. “Stay here with Wong. Help him out however you can. We'll handle everything from here.”

Alex nodded.

“Let's restock on food and water." Ashner opened the White Room and walked in. Risa and Lina followed, and Naomie sat on the bed inside. She studied the group as they entered.

“Hey, kid." Ashner wasn't entirely sure how to talk to kids since he had rarely done it himself. "We're going to gather up more supplies, then head out."

She nodded and studied the two women. They were beautiful. Naomie meddled with her hair. Now that she wasn't pretending to be a boy, she wanted to grow it out.

“You don't have to stay in here if you don't want to." Ashner put a couple of cups of ramen and spare batteries in his bag. "You can help Alex and Wong if you want."

Naomie nodded. She still had the firearm Ashner had given her. It hadn't left her side.

She has her own quarters in the White Room, but I can't imagine how boring it must get in here. She needs some space to run around.

“Where are you going?” Naomie asked.

“We’re going to cleanse the souls of Risa's people." Risa's ears were darting around, and her tail was constantly moving. She was impatient and wanted to leave immediately.

“I want to help Wong and Alex," Naomie admitted, and she stood up and left before Ashner finished.

“You treat her like she's made of glass," Lina commented.

“I'm no good with kids. If I manage to get into one of the floating cities, I plan on having her start school. She doesn't have to live in my world, but the least I can do is give her some knowledge."

Gio stocked up more ramen and water, and the four left.




The group paced their way out of the Timor forest. After beating the test one time, they no longer needed to take it. The group passed through an open field filled with flowers that had whiskers that held onto each other. They were walking towards the splashing of a rushing river.

Gio and Ashner wore their night vision nodes and were on high alert.

Once they found the river, they walked alongside it. Passing wildflowers and something similar to a tomato, but it was square, not round. Eventually, they arrived at a seaside village. It was the middle of the night, but stones that served as dim lights gave the town some illumination.

Dozens of people stood lifeless and frozen. Their bodies resembled burned flesh, with dark crystals emerging from their eyes and mouths.

The homes were rotting away, their farms were unkempt, and their stables were empty.

“What happened to them?” Gio asked as he frisked his finger on one of the gems in an eye.

“Humans,” Luna replied in a spiteful voice.

“What’s wrong with their bodies?”

“That's a husk. They were swallowed whole by the Dead God.” Risa replied, praying that it wasn't too late for her people.

Luna clasped her hands together, uttering a prayer. Her body was engulfed in light, and all the husks around them shattered and turned to dust.

“Their souls are gone… But no one should gaze upon the trophies of the Dead God."

"I don't understand. Do humans not have a way to purify dead bodies?" Gio asked the girls.

"They do… Since the Luminous God created them first. They were blessed with every elemental attribute but weak physical bodies. The demi were created next, and our powers were limited, but most of us have stronger bodies than humans."

No wonder humanity overtook every other race. They have access to every type of magic… It's like going to war against an enemy that uses multiple types of weapons while your army only uses one kind.

“What did the Dead God create?” Ashner dared to ask.

"Monsters. He wanted to destroy everything the Luminous God made. That's why they fought. The Luminous God slayed the Dead God, but she was wounded in the process and fled… But she didn't realize the Dead God infused his soul alongside his monsters. The only thing that can return him to life is the souls of humans and demi's… The more he devours, the more he heals… Humans don't all take the Dead God's power seriously, so they let demi's turn into husks on purpose to ensure our kind fear them… If we try to rebel, then we'll be devoured."

“Damn.” Gio gritted his teeth. This wasn’t his world. Even so, he didn’t like what the humans here did.

The four took a break, refilling their water in the lake. Gio laughed and stuck his head in the water, gulping up the liquid straight from the source.

“What is he doing?’ Luna’s ears stood up.

“In our world, the water in the ocean and lakes are polluted. The only water that's safe to drink is the one that goes through hours of detoxification. It's not a complicated thing to do, so water isn't an issue in my world, but food is another story."

“Why would food be an issue?" Luna asked. Risa tuned in.

“Because the water is contaminated, then the food that grows exposed to that water also becomes toxic. I mean, we can eat it, but it's common to get illnesses and even die after eating it too much." Gio stuck his head out of the river, took a deep breath, and stuck it right back in again. Ashner fiddled with a military ration. "MREs were wrapped tightly and mass-produced before the bombs dropped, so they're safe to eat. Ramen noodles are cheap and radiation-free as well… But quality food is reserved for the rich and powerful."

“What is a bomb?" Luna tilted her head, and one of her ears went up.

“Think of fire, but it’s so large it destroys entire cities in seconds.”

“That's terrifying." Luna bit her nail. But she opened up her elven backpack and pulled out fruits and dried meat from it. "So this is a rarity?"

Gio rushed towards them and knelt down by the food. “Fuck yes! Is that meat!”

“Yes, help yourself." She smiled as Ashner took a piece of fruit that was shaped like a pear, but it was bright red with a white ring wrapped around it.

Luna gave Risa a proud and smug smile. Risa glared at Luna and walked towards the river.

“It's been a long time since I've had real meat." Ashner chewed into it. "It's a shame we don't have black pepper. We could make it even more delicious."

“Or some BBQ sauce," Gio added. "Or lemon pepper. Oh man, I miss how many options we had before the war."

Luna was curious but satisfied that the two were enjoying her meal.

Risa returned and dropped a flapping fish in front of the group. Her arms and legs were soaked. "Have you ever eaten this?" Her ears wiggled.

“I haven't had fish in years," Ashner admitted. "Most of the animals in the oceans and rivers died or mutated into weird and toxic things… Only a few fish farms survived the war, so fish is rare even for the wealthy."

“It's my gift for you, Master." Risa held her head high and proud, then gave Luna a condescending smirk.

“How do we cook it?” Gio asked.

“I don't know how to do it," Ashner admitted. "The last time I had fish, I was a kid. Can you cook it, Risa?"

“Ah… I…" Risa's ears came down, along with her pride. "No, I can't."

“Allow me.” Luna took the fish and started cleaning it with a thin knife she hid under her sleeve. “One fish won’t be enough to feed us all.”

“I’m sorry.” Risa bowed her head. "I don't have claws, and my demi-cat eyes never fully developed for me… It’s hard for me to catch fish…”

“I see… Risa, I never thanked you for the fight against the slavers… You saved me there more than once… I think you deserve a reward.”

“A reward?”

Menu, buy Risa’s Night Vision and Claw Strike, level one.


XP:665 > XP:615

Claw Strike – Level 0 > 1

Night Vision – Level 0 > 1


Risa's eyes glowed a bright green, and her fingernails grew sharp. She retracted her hybrid nail/claws back into her fingers.

"You saved me twice, so two powers seem appropriate," Ashner observed as Luna started showing them how to cut the fish.

Risa smiled delightfully, which made Ashner's heart skip a beat. This was the first time he had seen her smile, and it was like staring directly at the sun. "I'll be back!" She dashed back to the river.

“You’re going to spoil her.” Luna teased.

"XP is hard to come by. When I give someone power, it's because I trust that they'll use it wisely."

“Then you see potential in me.” Luna gave him a confident smile.

“Of course I do.”

Risa returned with five fish. "I brought…" Her eyes darted into the darkness. Then she dashed using her wind magic. The fish landed on top of a wooden stump.

An ambush?

Ashner reached for his side arm. "Let me go!" A childish tone echoed. Risa returned, pulling Naomie's hand.

"Are you serious?" Ashner stood up. Naomie tried prying Risa's hands off of her, but it was pointless. Risa brought Naomie to Ashner. The campfire illuminated her body. She was only carrying her handgun. "Naomie, what are you doing here?"

“I followed you.”

“You idiot!” Ashner barked. “You followed us with no water, no food, and a single magazine! Do you know how easily you can get killed out here!”

Naomie's ears darted down, and then she glared at Risa for blowing her cover.

“Don't glare at her," Ashner warned. "Why didn't you ask us if you could come?"

"I'm too young. You'd say no."

“How old are you?” Ashner asked.

“Fourteen.” She glared at Ashner.

“At fourteen, both Gio and I were in basic training to be part of a world war. I won't hold you back if you want to explore and if you want to fight… But I won't tolerate you being ill-prepared and then going somewhere dangerous." Ashner handed her a fruit. "Eat. We're heading out once the sun rises."

“I’m sorry.” She whispered and started munching away.

The night continued, and Ashner and Naomie ended up together on the last watch. She stayed silent and kept her eyes towards the wilderness, with their back against the river.

"Tell me why you followed us." Ashner broke the silence. They hadn't said a word for about ten minutes, and it was easy to fall asleep when you had nothing to focus on.

“The Weeping River.” She struggled to talk. “My clan lived around here… They were killed by demi’s… I wanted to see what happened to my village… Maybe some of them survived…”

“Did you want to run away with them if they were alive?”

"Yes, my parents were killed, but I had neighbors… Maybe one of them would take me in… But I didn't think you'd let me leave…"

"I won't force you to live with me… If they're alive, then you can stay with them." Ashner reassured her now that he grasped her intentions. "You don't have to worry. I won't do anything you don't like to you."

"I can see why Alex and Risa are so desperate to get your affection…" She relaxed her posture. "You reward them for doing good work, and you don't mistreat them… It's easy to want to please a master like you… But don't get it wrong. I'm not like them… I hate that I'm a slave… But I don’t hate you… I don’t think I can ever hate you… I know why you bought us…”

"I did it to get laid," Ashner admitted.

"I don't want to hear that!" Her ears and tail stood up at his words.

"But it's true… I've never been with a woman, and I figured I could just buy one, and maybe she'll fall in love with me… I know, it's dumb, but I was desperate… Now that I've lived with them and I've seen their struggles, I realized I don't want to buy that… I want to earn it, with someone who truly cares about me."

"You're a hopeless master." She scoffed. "You may not realize it, but you’re lying to yourself.”

What is she talking about? Why would I lie about wanting to get laid?

Ashner continued. "You don't have to live in this world if you don't want to. Once I achieve my goals, I can take you to mine. We can live in a floating city and have the best of everything. Food, medicine, technology, security… You can have everything you've ever wanted."

"I refuse," Naomie answered quickly. "Every time you walk into your world, your eyes get sad… You hate it there, and I want no part of it…"

She’s perceptive…

The sun started rising. Ashner stood up. "Alright, let's wake the group up. We'll find the demi-cat clan, and then after, we'll find your people."

Naomie nodded, then lowered her head.

The group kept pace against the river, passing old fishing homes and occasionally avoiding a group of overgrown crabs with mustaches. Gio was ecstatic and demanded they kill and eat them. But the demi’s denied his request, and they kept moving.

After a few hours, Risa lit up. “There’s the bridge.” Risa just about skipped towards it. She dashed forward towards a town. This one had some homes burned down and a long trail going downward to more homes.

The rest of the group rushed behind her.

Risa found her people. They were smiling and waving at her. She sensed peace in her heart for a second until reality came crashing down.

They were walking cadavers.

A part of her froze. Her strength faded, and her heart dropped into her stomach. “I'm here,” she managed.

The remains of her friends and family focused on the cat girl. Risa shook. Her resolve broke now that she had arrived.

The corpses moved towards her, baring their teeth.

Ashner grabbed Risa and tackled her down to the ground. “Gio!”

The SAW gunfire ripped apart the bodies of her former comrades. Risa reached her hand out, but Ashner pinned her on the ground and covered her eyes.

“You don’t need to see this.”


“It’s going to be okay… We won’t let the Dead God take them.”

“Ceasing fire!” Gio roared. “Oh… Oh fuck…”

Overlooking the long downward path, more corpses walked towards them. Some of them had fox ears and tails.

“I thought it was just demi-cats…” Ashner studied the corpses of both demi-foxes and demi-cats. “Risa?”

Risa studied them with a dead gaze. They were far away and slowly walking towards them.

“Humans stole our youngest and weakest people… They said if we slaughtered the demi-foxes, then they would release them… We did as they asked, but it was a lie. They were already dead... They told us that as they turned their weapons on us… And I was the only survivor, and they enslaved me…" Risa's eyes watered. "I stole their lives… Just so I would end up a slave… Ashner…” Risa admitted her sins and true intentions. “I came here to die..”

“I knew it!” Naomie aimed her handgun at Risa. “IT WAS YOU!”

“Ashner?" Gio readied himself to gun down the zombies.

Gunfire tends to make everyone with a gun trigger-happy. I can’t risk Risa’s life.

“Not yet…” Ashner held his hand up.

Risa didn’t resist. She got on her knees and put her sword to her side.

“YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!” Naomie’s hands shook.

“Naomie." Ashner tried to stop her, but Risa shook her head.

“Please… Let her make this choice.”

Ashner stood up, and the demi-cat faced Naomie dead in the eyes.

Naomie planned this. That's why she followed us… She had to be sure before she pulled the trigger… That hate in her eyes… I've seen it before... Thousands of times in the mirror… Before I took my first life…

“I killed your kin… Because of my actions, I am the last black demi-cat in this world… I made my decision to kill innocent people that day… And I am here to accept my fate…”

“Why?” Naomie struggled to keep the firearm from shaking.

Ashner made his way towards Naomie slowly.

“Kill me." Risa closed her eyes. "You have every right."

Naomie froze as Risa gave her the excuse she needed to kill her.

"Why?" Naomie asked no one in particular. “Why… Why… Why… Why… Why…”

Ashner walked as gently as a cat towards the young girl.

“Why… Why can't I pull the trigger?" Naomie's desperate eyes landed on Ashner. "Are you preventing me from firing!"

“No." Ashner took careful and slow steps toward her. "It's not easy killing a human or a demi…"

“I have to kill her!” Naomie’s eyes watered. “I HAVE TO!”

“No, you don't." Ashner took another step, getting within an arm's length from her. "If you're wondering why killing a monster was easier, that's because they can't reason. To them, their nature is only to kill… But when it comes to her… She knows what she did, and Risa's ashamed of herself. That's why she wants you to kill her…"

“Then I should!" Naomie's body shook. Her heart was racing so much that it refused to slow down. "I should… I…"

Her eyes went down towards the town. Her family and friends were walking corpses, barely keeping a decent pace. "Mom." She studied one with bright blonde hair. "Dad." Another stumbled behind her with an arm missing.

“What would you think of me?…" Naomie gritted her teeth, and the loud steps of the zombies grew closer.

"I can't." Naomie lowered her weapon. “I’m too weak…”

Ashner grabbed her shoulder. “No, you’re far from weak.” Her eyes released the tears she desperately held back.

“True strength doesn’t come from blind rage… It comes from dominating that anger in your heart…” Ashner flipped her firearm from fire to safe. “If you allow that wrath to control your decisions… That will make you weak… And no different from the monsters in this world.”

“ASHNER!” Gio glanced back at his friend. “I’m not in the mood to be zombie food!”


Gio smiled and fired away, ripping apart the zombies. He fired with short bursts and easily eradicated the undead. His skills from the war hadn’t faded in the slightest.

Ashner studied Naomie. He truly studied her. From her blonde hair and thin frame. To the tears that rolled down her face.

I’ve never really looked at her. I wasn’t able to see all the pain she carried…

“Clear!” Gio roared.

“What now?” Naomie asked Ashner. “What do I do now?”

“Talk to Risa.” Ashner casually pushed her towards the demi-cat.

Naomie's legs were like jelly. Step after step, her strength faded, and she knelt down in front of Risa. Instead of saying words, she cried. Her tears turned into heaving and bitter weeps. Naomie used her hands to wipe away the tears.

Risa’s resolve broke, and her eyes started watering. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…. I’m so sorry.” She pleaded as her tears rushed down her face. She wanted to accept death, but somehow, begging for forgiveness was harder on her when she had to face the victim of her actions.

“They lied to us, but I still did an unforgivable thing to you… I should die here with the last of my kind… Please, I don’t want to face you… I hate the shame inside of me… Please… Kill me… Let me be free from this…”

“No.” Naomie wiped her eyes. “I’m the last golden demi-fox, and you’re the last black demi-cat. We’re both the last of our clans… I hate you… I despise you and your clan for what you did… But I can relate to you more than anyone in this world… So… I forgive you…”

Risa's ears shot up.

“I hate you more than you can imagine…” Naomie dug her nails into the dirt. “But I hate how weak I am more… I can’t fight, and even though I escaped while my family and friends were killed, I still became a slave…”

The two girls sat in silence for a few minutes.

“I can… I can teach you…” Risa held her sword and put it between them. “I offer you all that I am… My skills, my knowledge, and if need be… My life…”

Naomie absorbed her offer. She wiped her tears and nodded.

"Okay…" Naomie’s tears dripped on the dirt and on the cheap sword. “I accept…”

Ashner, Gio, and Luna kept their distance, but the three were relieved nobody died.

“Luna, finish it,” Ashner ordered the elf.

Luna's steps were graceful, and her power surged inside her. Using Light magic was blissful. Her body released a quick burst of light. One that forced everyone to close their eyes. She didn't need to touch the bodies anymore to send them to the Afterglow.

The bodies disappeared. And all that remained were their spirits.

Ashner stood up. Around him, dozens of ghostly spirits hovered around and over them.

"How is this possible?" Luna studied their souls. "Only the most powerful saints can allow the souls of the dead to say goodbye."

That wasn't on the menu. This is purely Luna's power.

Risa and Naomie jumped up. Their eyes were filled with tears.

"Dad." Naomie stood up and tried hugging a man. Her body passed through him.

Risa gasped as her family and friends appeared around her. Both demi-cats and demi-foxes. None of them resented each other. Instead, they smiled at the last remaining demi's of their race.

They were happy they survived.

Naomie glanced at them all and fell to her knees.

Risa stood and tried caressing one of them. “My brother…”

The spirits surrounded them, and together, they put their hands on Naomie and Risa’s heads, shoulders, and arms.

A final goodbye.

Then, they disappeared from the world. Finding peace for all of eternity.

Naomie whimpered and brought her knees to her chest.

The cat-girl collapsed next to Naomie. The girls were exhausted.

“Now they can enter the Eternal Forest…” Luna proclaimed proudly. “The Dead God won’t devour them.”

Ashner moved towards them. He stopped a few feet away from the girls. Luna composed herself, catching her breath as soon as Ashner caught wind of her. She stood up and gracefully walked towards him.

Until she collapsed forward due to the backlash of her mana being drained and the fact that she was still malnourished and exhausted from walking, Ashner caught her waist and helped her regain her footing.

“You don’t have to pretend for their sake. If you push yourself too much, rely on me." She sensed something change in her heart. It started beating faster even if Ashner's face was hidden behind a mask and he had shaggy and unkempt hair. “You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met. From both of our worlds.”

“… Aren’t men intimidated by strong women?” She asked blissfully.

"The ones who are, they fear that someone like you will trample over their hearts and egos…"

She giggled, acknowledging that he was right.

“Even so,” Ashner continued. “Courage and wits like yours hold more value than all the mythril and dragon-metal in this world… And all the gold in mine.”

Luna stepped back. Hiding her face, she rushed away from Ashner towards Gio, who had a big smile on his face. As she passed him, he glanced at her blushing face.

Something out of character for her usually calm and proud composure.

Gio giggled as Ashner questioned what he did to make her storm off.

Ashner paced towards Risa and Naomie, who were still on their knees weeping. They spoke name after name, everyone they lost.

People they treasured.

Their final prayers were a farewell to them.

“Do you need more time?” Ashner asked as a cool breeze rushed around them. Risa slowly glanced up at him.

“… Master… You risked your life for people you didn’t know… All for my sake… Even after I failed to please you… And you knew how much I wanted this…” Her words were becoming heavy sobs. “I would’ve given you my everything for this… I planned on begging until you killed me or submitted… Alex was right about you… You’re different…”

Risa’s ears were down, and her face was covered in tears. Her catlike eyes stared deep into his brown ones. Like a dagger avoiding your flesh and ripping straight into your soul. Along with a beauty that most men would kill to get a single taste of.

“I want to serve you… Not because I'm your slave… But because you are someone I want to fight for… A heart like yours… With immeasurable kindness … And bravery without rival… It’s worth protecting…”

Risa stood and bowed. Her tail moved around, and her ears shot back up.

"I am Risa, the last of the black cats… Leliel's last heir… I offer you my sword, my wind, and my loyalty… Please allow me to continue serving you… Until the last of our days, as your slave."

Ashner eyed Naomie, who was still weeping.

I understand now.

“No…” Ashner spoke in a low tone.

Risa's tail shook, and her ears drooped.

“The only reason we came here was for my personal redemption… I took you in as a woman I thought I could take advantage of… I was a fool, and I'm so sorry for that… I kept telling myself that I bought you because I wanted to get laid… But the truth is… I was lonely… I was so alone and needed someone there for me… Someone who didn’t know my past… Someone who wouldn’t judge me… Someone who would ease the pain in my life… I wanted more than lust… My life became a nightmare after that night… And for the longest time I thought I deserved this pain for failing her…”

“Master?” Risa’s eyes came up with concern. “Why are you crying?”

Ashner's hand came to his chin, and sure enough… Tears were running down his face. He studied his teardrop and closed his hand.

“I never wanted a slave… I wanted a friend…”

Risa’s eyes dilated and she wiped a tear from her face. Then she leaned in and hugged him tightly.

Her warmth passed through the bulletproof armor. It slowly melted all the ice Ashner created in his heart to keep himself from falling apart.

His tears came down… Then the fear of his past returned to his mind like a foul aroma. He recalled how people viewed him with disgust, how they talked behind his back, how some picked fights with him, and how all their eyes were filled with so much wrath… Hate all rapists deserve… He relived it all in seconds. All that sorrow made his heart harden once more.

“Every time I look at you, you're always in pain…” Risa spoke to him. Ashner stayed still. He couldn't recall the last time a girl had hugged him… “Even if it's just a little… Let me help you.”

How can a girl hold so much power over me? This is just a hug… But somehow…

Ashner’s heart started melting.

Kind women don’t know how much power they hold over broken men… For the first time in a long time… I can actually feel my heart beating… And all it took was a hug… Oh, I'm so gullible…

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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