I left because I was deeply hurt, and the seven young ladies cried with regret

Chapter 134

After seeing Li Sitian's intention, Uncle Qin shouted to Li Sitian, "Don't come over!" Although Uncle Qin started Qin Fan's car and prepared to hit the truck rushing across the road, Uncle Qin didn't think of hitting it with the car. Uncle Qin would jump out of the car at the end. Even if Qin Fan's car worth more than 100,000 yuan was not heavy enough, it could still hinder the truck rushing across the road. Qin Fan was not injured. Uncle Qin believed that Qin Fan could take the opportunity to rescue Zuoyou in the forklift and carry Zuoyou on his back to avoid it. No one needs to die! But now Li Sitian obviously doesn't want to live! The speed of the Hummer was faster than Uncle Qin's car, Qin Fan's broken car.

Just when Li Sitian was about to hit the truck coming from the other side of the road in the Hummer,

a car behind suddenly caught up and hit Li Sitian's car from the side.

Li Sitian's Hummer tilted sideways, scraped against the truck, and rolled sideways for several rounds before stopping.

The car that hit Li Sitian from the side directly collided with the truck.

Uncle Qin also jumped out of the car at the last moment,

Qin Fan's car also hit it.

The two cars stuck the truck rushing from the other side of the road.

A figure limped and stood up in the smoke and dust. It was Uncle Li, Li Sitian's bodyguard.

After Uncle Li knew that Li Sien took Li Sitian to the county town to buy vegetables, he drove behind.

On the road, they passed two traffic lights and were pulled away by chance.

When he caught up, he happened to see Li Sien's Hummer rushing towards a truck.

He didn't have time to think, and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. After hitting the Hummer from the side, he jumped out of the car and crashed into the big truck.



Uncle Li's ankle seemed to be broken, and he jumped on one foot towards the Hummer that rolled several times.

Uncle Qin didn't care about others now.

He turned his head to look at the overturned forklift,

and found that Qin Fan had just pulled the unconscious Zuoyou out of the forklift.


"Call 120!"


The two trucks collided one after the other in just ten seconds.

Zuoyou's driver and bodyguard reacted and ran out of the construction site, holding Zuoyou and calling 120.

Qin Fan just heard someone calling Si Tian, ​​and turned to look at the messy road.

I saw Li Si En sitting in the middle of the road, with many scratches on her body, looking at a Hummer with four wheels facing the sky and smoking in the distance.


Qin Fan's heart beat violently, and an ominous premonition came over him.

"Li Si En, where is your sister?"

"Where is your sister?!"

Li Si En pointed at the Hummer with four wheels facing the sky in the distance, and her teeth chattered so hard that she couldn't say a word.

Qin Fan hurried to the Hummer,

He got to the Hummer before Uncle Li, who had a broken leg.

Uncle Qin was worried that Qin Fan was in danger, so he followed him.

But fortunately, the traffic police appeared in time and blocked the road section, so there would be no more large trucks.

Qin Fan knelt in front of the four-wheeled Hummer. When he saw the people in the car, his mind buzzed.

Li Sitian's face was covered with blood,

she was covered with blood,

her eyes were closed,

she didn't know whether she was dead or alive,

"Li Sitian...what's going on, what's going on?"

"Why is Li Sitian here?"

"Ambulance, call an ambulance!"

Li Sitian's blood was all over the floor,

as eye-catching as a blood-red rose.

Wang Wu Wang Wu Wang Wu——!

Traffic police, police, ambulances, all arrived.

Li Sitian was sent to the emergency room,

she woke up on the way to the hospital, but she had some scratches.

Uncle Li, who had a broken leg, and Li Sien, who had many scratches on his body, were sent for treatment.

Qin Fan stayed outside the emergency room, his heart was in his throat, and even breathing became a little difficult.

Although less than half an hour had passed,

there were already many videos of the accident scene on the Internet.

Qin Fan saw the truck that appeared behind their car just after he got in,

saw Zuoyou driving a forklift and crashing into the truck in a hurry,

saw Li Sien jumping out of the Hummer and Li Sitian grabbing the steering wheel and crashing into the truck,

also saw him worrying about Zuoyou's safety and going to find Zuoyou,

another truck appeared behind him,

Li Sitian, with blood on her face, drove the smoking Hummer and rushed to the second truck again.

Qin Fan didn't understand,

Qin Fan couldn't figure it out,

even if Li Sitian realized that she had done

She did a lot of excessive things, and if she wants to be truly forgiven, she doesn't have to risk her life! Xue Yalan and Jiang Qiuyue, who got the news, rushed to the hospital as soon as possible. The naked murder made them angry and worried. But the most important thing now is Li Sitian's safety. Squeak~ The door of the emergency room was pushed open, and the doctor wearing a mask came out. "The injured person has lost too much blood..." Before the doctor finished speaking, Qin Fan raised his arm. "Take mine, my blood type is the same as hers." I still remember that when I donated blood in college, Li Sitian saw that Qin Fan had the same blood type as her, and joked that if anyone was in danger in the future, they could just take the other's blood. When Qin Fan gave blood to Li Sitian, Li Sien, who had already treated the wound, was uneasy. He took his mobile phone and left the hospital building, and called his mother in a corner of the yard. "Hey~ son, is there any good news?"

"No~" Li Sien said bitterly, "Mom, my sister is in trouble~"

"Your sister is in trouble? What happened?"

Li Sien: "I took my sister to the county town to order food today. When I met Qin Fan on the way, I suddenly saw a big truck trying to hit Qin Fan to death."

"I thought, sister Yalan saved Qin Fan's life, so I will let my sister save Qin Fan's life!"

"... But I didn't expect that after the first collision, another big truck appeared and wanted Qin Fan's life."

"My sister rushed up directly in the almost scrapped Hummer!"

"Although there was no collision, the Hummer was knocked over several times... My sister was sent to the emergency room covered in blood... I... I don't know if her life is in danger..."

"What!" Li Sitian's mother Zhu Yunling's surprised voice came from the other end of the phone, "Sien, do you know how much trouble you have caused!"

"Even if your sister can't marry Qin Fan, our Li family still hopes that your sister can marry a good family and further develop and grow!"

"You...you...you, if your sister is in trouble, I will ask your father to take you to do a paternity test!"

"What!" Li Sien was shocked, "Mom, don't! No matter what, I am your biological child!"

"You'd better pray that your sister is not in danger of life!"

Longdu, Li's mansion.

After hanging up the phone, Li Sitian's mother Zhu Yunling paced back and forth in the living room,

"Lao Wang, prepare the car, go to S County, X Province!"

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