I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 469: Parisol, Prince of Paragons

In the Abyss, in all the nine floors of the realm of pure darkness roams creatures that are not demonic nor sentient. These are called Paragons.

The Paragons are creatures that were born from pure evil and they created their own society. Even the Forsaken who rules the entire Abyss has little control over them. Instead of taming these creatures, he let them wander around the floors and maul every demon they see.

The Forsaken loved chaos, and the more suffering in the Abyss was, the more powerful he gets. As he let the Paragons do what they want, he didn't realize that they had developed a human-like minds. They could now communicate and some are sentient.

He was not expecting this until the leader of the Paragons, King Paimon, entered his castle. King Paimon wanted his child to experience life in Terra, the realm above them. The Forsaken did not think it through and agreed.

That was when Malice opened the Black Well and made a deal with Licht. King Paimon's son, Parisol, entered DuDu's body and pretended to be like him. He absorbed all of the memories from DuDu's organs and made it his own, that was when everything started.

"That thing that the Man removed was the last ounce of DuDu's conscience," Irus said just in time for Elliot and the other Adventurers to arrive. "DuDu is no longer here. He's gone forever."

"But how did you know all about this?" Licht asked Irus. "You were sealed for thousands of years. How could you have such information?"

"That's because I do my own research," Irus said. "The crows are my eyes and their blood have memories from their ancestors. I just looked at the timeline back then and saw everything."

"What kind of demon are you?" Licht asked. "Can you fight the Paragon?"

"Me?" Irus chuckled. "There are two sides of the Forsaken's favor, the Sins and the Sons. The Sons are tamed, spoon-fed, and loved. The Sins are the ones who are abandoned and left to fend for themselves. Even as the strongest Sin and the most powerful demon below the Forsaken, I could not do something about a Paragon.

"Their powers are too pure and too chaotic. It's not something that a demon like me can handle," Irus said. Everyone fell silent as Irus paused. They felt hopeless about this, not being able to speak in fear that the Paragon could be their end. "But an Angel can."

"Angels?" Elliot asked. "You mean the ones who reside in Heaven? The first realm?"

"Ding ding," Irus pointed at Elliot and winked. "Angels have bright and flamboyant powers, the exact opposite of the pure darkness that the Paragons have. If we could just call for an Angel, it would be very helpful."

"Do we even have time for that?" Lance asked. "We need to defeat this Paragon as quickly as we can in order to stop it from creating chaos. It's good that it's tamed now, but we don't know for how long."

"I can always try to bait you guys and–" Irus paused and suddenly grinned. "We can create a trap or something. Just so that we could lure Parisol and then kill him."

"But we don't have that kind of trap," Elliot said, then Irus turned to him.

"But we have someone with light magic," Irus said, looking at Alice who was behind Elliot. "Now we just need a barrier."

While the Adventurers and Irus plotted their plan on how to defeat Parisol, Malice stood at a mountain far from where they are. "They have seen through me."

"Relax, your majesty," Bruno bowed behind her. "We will get them next time."

Malice slammed her foot on the mountain, causing it to split halfway. "Ugh! I don't want it to be next time. I want it… now!"

The woman pulverized the mountain in anger. She took a deep breath before growling again. "It's all that man's fault. If he didn't remove the seal I put on Parisol, we would've had the Maidens."

"I don't get why you're so obsessed with those women. Those women do not possess the Absolutehood you are so desperately trying to seek."

Everything around them felt cold and dark. Malice's hair all over her body stood as she felt the presence of a goliath. Just when she was about to turn around, her neck was gripped tightly by a claw-like hands.

"So, you're the one who sealed me," Parisol said. "A mere upper floor demon trying to kill a Paragon. Don't make me laugh."

Bruno tried to act against Parisol but Malice stopped him. "Don't intervene!"

The Vassal did as was told and held back. He watched Malice removed the hand on her neck and hear Parisol laugh. "That was so funny. Your henchman was so scared."

Malice coughed, touching her chest to try and remove the pain. "Bruno, this is Parisol. He offered me to seal his mind so he could try to live like a human for once. The darkness inside him still prevailed, so even without memories, he still managed to take over the entire continent."

"My apologies," Bruno bowed to Parisol to which the Paragon laughed at.

"You're such a dog," Parisol said. "By the way, Malice. That Man is a threat. If you let him be, he will try and look for you. You know the next step to become an Absolute, right?"

"Kill another candidate," Malice said. "I know. If he finds me, he will kill me. That is why you're here."

"Oh?" Parisol grinned. "You want me to kill that man?"

"If you can, please do," Malice requested. Parisol nodded vigorously before hopping in the air in happiness. "Finally! I will have my round two. This time, I will kill him for sure."

"Good," Malice smiled. "Kill him if you must."

Parisol did not waste any more time and left, leaving Malice and Bruno in the shattered mountain. The latter walked up to his queen and bowed before talking. "My queen, are you sure that sir Parisol will have the strength to defeat the Man?"

Malice smirked and shook her head, "You do know that only a Creator can defeat a Surpasser. But our current Creator is a tiny fly compared to him right now."

"So, he won't succeed?" Bruno asked to which Malice sighed at.

"Unfortunately," Malice replied. "He's merely a pawn that I used. Paragons are not healthy allies. It will be sooner or later that Parisol would betray me. Better him than me who's going to die."

Bruno watched the vanishing figure of Parisol. The Paragon was chasing down the man with a grin in his face. "I will have my rematch and this time, I will kill you!"

A pool of blood was splattered to the ground along with a pile of limbs. A man stood with a cigarette on his hand looked up to the moon as he hears a silent cry from his victim.

The victim only had his head and torso attached to him while the rest were smashed. The Man looked at Parisol, breathing out the smoke. "I gave you a chance to run away. You threw away that chance."

"L-Licht…" was Parisol's last word before he succumbed to his death.

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