I Just Wanted to Play Gacha Games For the Rest of My Life, But I Reincarnated as an Evil Pair of Tights!

Volume 2 – Chapter 14

Hollander. It is a small town of 500 people in the countryside of the Human Empire, known for its abundant grain harvest and fertile lands. It has a quiet atmosphere and its people are known for being kind and honest. There is a small castle located at the edge of the village, which is run by a noble family that has ruled over the town for centuries.

Josh the adventurer had met the young woman by chance at the adventurer’s guild, located in Hollander’s town square. It was late in the afternoon, and he had just finished his last quest of the day. He was tired and hungry. As he walked into the tavern attached to the guild, he saw a petite but busty blonde sitting alone at a table near the bar. He took a seat next to her and introduced himself. He could tell she was an out of towner by the way she was looking around with a nervous expression. “Hi, I’m Josh,” he said, giving her a warm smile. She looked at him for a moment, and then returned his smile. “Hello, I’m Rose.” She replied and reached out her hand to shake his. Their hands touched. Both of them were surprised by the strength of the other’s grip. There was a spark between them.

Josh found out during the proceeding conversation that the Rose was a lone traveller who arrived in the village recently. She was a stunning young woman with long blonde hair and green eyes. Her beauty was breathtaking and her skin was fair and smooth. It was surprising to Josh that she had travelled alone. it turned out the girl was an aspiring adventurer and “could handle herself”. Those were her own words.

Josh had taken an instant liking to her, and so had Rose and the two spent the evening drinking and talking, and found that they had a lot in common. They both enjoyed reading, and loved to play grand, a game of strategy and wit. They also shared a passion for travelling and saw adventuring as a way of life that was most fulfilling. As the night went on, they became closer and closer, and by the end of it, they had become fast friends. They exchanged where they were staying – two nearby inns in fact, and agreed to meet up again the following day.

And so they did, spending the whole day together exploring the town and getting to know each other better, until late afternoon, when they finally returned to their respective lodgings for the evening. It was here, that Josh invited Rose to join him at the inn. He explained that he would be leaving for a quest soon, but wanted to spend some quality time with her before he left. Rose accepted. Josh paid the innkeeper to make sure they had a room for themselves, and the two of them went upstairs. Once there, Josh started kissing Rose’s neck, and she returned his affections by grabbing his cock through his pants. The two of them started making out, but the Rose stopped, as she whispered “take me on your quest, I want to see how you fight before we go any further”.

A pang of anxiety shot up through Josh’s neck. Was he not attractive enough? Why did she care about his combat abilities? But he decided to humour the girl, as he didn’t want to risk losing her affection and so he agreed to take her with him on his next quest. They were set to leave the next morning.

In the morning, Josh gathered his belongings and met Rose by the eastern gate of Hollander town, where they had planned to part ways the previous day... but Josh stopped himself dead in his tracks once he laid his eyes on her, as Rose’s clothes were completely different... they were... revealing. A barely armored bikini covering only the absolute minimum while simultaneously leaving nothing to the imagination was a stark contrast against the protective long dress she wore yesterday. A short sword and buckler was tied to her belt, along with two bottles and a pouch, probably containing supplies for the trip Josh figured with a gulp, making him hard in his crotch armour his groin plate – he was hoping he didn’t stink too much...

He turned his gaze upwards and looked her in the eyes and swallowed hard again... “R-ready?”

“Ready!”, Rose exclaimed while swinging the buckler around energetically, causing the fabric to sway along, her ample breasts threatening to pop out from underneath at any moment... “S-shall we?”, he added after a second as he tried to control his erection with every single brain cell, he had focused on the task at hand.

“This quest comes from the noble house itself, it isn’t a random bounty from the guild,” he started explaining as they moved west along the main road out of town “Since we’ll need to take the old mines I hope that it won’t take too long – there are quite a few of those wolves...”, he kept talking for a few minutes about the quest, the quest giver’s background and more while making sure he didn’t come off as awkward – although the only thing on his mind was his growing boner and Rose’s body in front of him, barely hiding under a scant set of clothes.

They walked and talked and stopped by an old, overgrown intersection where Josh remembered something about the landmarks that he had marked on the map that was now folded up neatly in the left side pocket of his cloak...

Rose pulled him by his sleeve, as she looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a bit of mischief on her expression “Are you going to stare at that map all day or will you show me how good you can be in a fight?”, she shot him an innocent, but nonetheless piercing stare...

Josh was feeling the anxiety coming back. He was in fact a virgin. No one ever told him that to score his first love, he’d need to hunt down some monster or bandit first. And Rose had barely ever been in a fight herself! A beauty like her, scolding him for inaction was making him frustrated and angry.

Taking a deep breath he managed to regain the composure. With a smile on his face he put his hand on her shoulder and then turned towards the path leading deep into the woods as they started moving once more, Rose’s hot, barely covered butt occasionally grazing Josh’s upper thighs as they proceeded.

They stopped again by the entrance to the old, but quite large and extensive mine excavation works and prepared their weapons and equipment, double checked their supplies and breathed in the musty, water-stale air of the cave-like shaft, that they’d spend the next hours – or possibly days – travelling downwards deep into the mountains... A nervous feeling in his guts settled over him – fighting would help keep things calm and straight... he chuckled nervously at the thought of his current predicament of acting like a slave around such a cute, yet feisty girl... he wanted this quest to go smoothly and silently.

But all this walking and standing around and waiting around with anticipation wasn’t leading anywhere. There were no monsters to be seen. Neither on the way to the mines nor in the entrance itself! Normally, they should have run into at least a monster or two, Josh thought. But as they made their way into the mines they encountered absolutely nothing at all... It was oddly quiet and deserted and there were no traces of a struggle, neither caused by the adventuring company, nor anyone else... Something was fishy and Josh was growing increasingly suspicious.

They weren’t even here for monsters, but a rare crystal formation the old attendant at the noble castle requested on behalf of his master. They were looking for a commemorative decoration, not a fight! So why was the lack of combat so infuriating?!

Hours were spent by Rose gawking at various crystals punctuated by “Is it this one?!”, all the while they were getting deeper, and hopefully closer, to something. It was getting warmer with each level they descended. Sticky humidity clung to their clothes, and they even had to go fetch water from an underground stream or two for cooling themselves off when it got too hot and stuffy – the entire place seemed to be one giant, old maze of rocks and gems and rare metal... This was going to take longer than Josh thought... Being late because the guild might fail him wasn’t a problem, but to be late on their first date was plain embarrassing.

“It’s too hot! I’m going to take my clothes off!”, Rose announced out of nowhere.

She’s already wearing barely anything! Josh thought to himself, barely holding in his tongue. He was wise enough not to let this opportunity out of his grasp. He’d see Rose naked!

“It’s your fault for taking so long. And here, I wanted to give you a nice long fuck for saving a girl in distress, but it seems you’ve scared all the monsters off! And even the traps! I guess that means you’re worth my time...” Rose was trying to look sassy and annoyed, but her teasing only excited Josh further. His sweaty balls and cock were practically sliding out from his groin plate.

“Well? Make it up to me and protect my body as I relax naked and recover from all the heat, or are you no more useful than the other human male adventurers and can’t protect girls!” she scowled at him innocently... That expression of hers was dangerously close to giving him a heart attack... He’d die to marry this creature and seeing her naked would do a good job of satiating that wish for now.

Rose undressed. Covered in sweat, which glistened like glittery slime in the torch-light. Her ample breasts were as big as Josh had envisioned in his imagination, and that made them all the more desirable to touch and bite. And her nipples were round and hard... just the kind of womanly form he wanted to see underneath her meagre clothes! Was she wearing any underwear at all?! Her pussy had a dark tint, which was unexpected. He had never seen a woman naked before. But this was the joy of manhood! To discover new things!

Josh wanted to cum on the spot, knowing this was in fact reality! As much as he wanted to touch her perfect breasts and rub her soft stomach and lick her luscious thighs and ass and her exposed pussy he would have to leave it to his imagination and the promised later, but then Rose threw her moist hair back, say down on the ground and spread both her legs wide, her knees slightly above the hard, dusty floor of the mine. This was revealing, beyond revealing, Josh’s imagination could never have matched up to reality!

Then Rose did something unbelievable.

She placed to fingers in her mouth, coated them in thick saliva, and slowly traced her body down to her pussy lips. Spreading them. Revealing the flesh of her pussy to Josh.

“Are you a man, or a little boy?”, she said seductively. And at the same time, wiggled her fingers into her warm, sticky depths, making the sweetest, wet, sloppy sounds as she fucked herself, rubbing her clitoris with fast, fluid, alluring motions. Josh could only stand and watch and his heart nearly stopped to a point where he had to grab hold of the wall for support.

Rose was jerking off in front of him as if performing for his own enjoyment and not merely taking care of herself, and yet again that wicked smile was firmly glued onto her perfect face! Seeing her bare it as her eyes rolled back, the girl truly reaching an intense climax Josh knew he’d never forget, the entire adventure, from start to finish seemed meaningless – was it merely an introduction to this world of carnal pleasure?!

“I said are you a man, or a boy, boy!?”, Rose called out as her luscious body climaxed and convulsed visibly, spasming on her fingers, her pussy so wet and juicy Josh could make out everything, from the folds of her vaginal walls to her anus quivering tightly, a bead of cream leaking from her deepest depths! Josh’s testicles clenched and moved upwards, his seed threatening to burst into his undershorts! He had to stop the ejaculation by sheer force of will, but some of his load was still spilling into his underwear.

“I am a man!!”, Josh finally exclaimed, ripping the chaffing plate armour from his groin, his hard, wet dick pulsating, pointing towards the rocky ceiling, half a droplet of seeping, warm semen dripping down his shaft-side

“Have me!” a strand of thick, white spunk separating from the shaft as he took a single step forward to bridge the gap between Rose and him! Afraid of a girl being disappointed in him he basically asked her to do the work for him.

“Very well, I see that you are still but a boy, but I will make you into a man” Rose grinned once more, extending her left hand towards the member that seemed even more unruly and sensitive, a strand of her own grool clinging to her supple, pale ring finger as she grabbed Josh’s manhood, his shaft and balls. His whole body, doused with sweat, tensing up and contracting momentarily, his whole being wanting to release itself. Finally he would be a man!

Then nothing. Then blood. Josh was bleeding. Josh was bleeding from nothing. His dick and balls were gone. Only a fleshy crater remained of his manhood.

“What happened?”

Josh looked up to see Rose feasting on something. A flopping piece of skin between her fingertips fell down, his vision turning into a foggy, red blur as he realised what had just transpired. The cruel creature feasting on his phallus before his very eyes.

“AAAAAAAAAARRRGH!!!”, his scream echoed into the rocky mine shafts. But the sound was consumed and became empty. And yet again, there was silence.

“I guess you’re not even a boy...” Rose giggled as she breathed the stench of raw meat and cum into Josh’s nostrils.

Josh could only watch in shock as Rose shrunk down to the form of a girl with long ears, small breasts, white hair and glowing ruby-red eyes. And finally, a gaping maw opened, lined with teeth, where the creature’s stomach should be. She was covered in a thin membrane, a skin of sorts, which hugger her body up to her nape. The monster, which had just moments ago taken the form of the most perfect girl he had ever laid eyes upon, smiled maliciously and licked her lips clean of his bloody meat, then pressed her thumbs into his eyeballs, blinding him. 

Before he could scream, he could feel his jaw detaching itself along with his throat from his body. Next his arms, then his legs, then his innards, finally he felt nothing but the void of death.

Elissa had eaten Josh while he was still alive. Working quickly to ensure her meal was fresh.

“Satisfied?”, a rumbling voice asked.

“Yes Hero”

“Were you toying with him just because of what he said?”

“I couldn’t forgive him for what he did!”

“He didn’t do anything, Elissa, remember? He only happened to be the barer of bad news.”

“How can I forgive him or any human for what they did to my children, Hero!?”

“He was only looking for that crystal because it was going to be shaped into the city of Wealdthurst. To commemorate its destruction. A gift to the Emperor by the noble house of Hollander.”

“How could they do it, Hero?! How could they kill all my innocent children?! They were so beautiful, so brave! The first ones out of many!” Elissa had taken the form of a teary maiden. Which would be almost convincing, if she were not still covered in Josh’s blood and juices – Hero thought to himself.

“Don’t worry, we will kill anyone and everyone who had any role to play in this Elissa”, Hero finally answered seriously.

“And for those who did it, I don’t want them to even die, I just want to watch them suffer”, Elissa smiled, the tears disappearing immediately at Hero’s words.

Hero didn’t particularly care about Wealdthurst or the dick worms and their antics, only as far as they didn’t cause trouble for him. Which they did. He should probably thank whoever stopped them from spreading into the world, because it would mean reprisal from the goddesses, the last thing he wanted. But Hero did care about Elissa.

“I’ll contact Ao to get Tomiko to teleport us out of this place. Are you sure you don’t want that crystal anyway? After all this trouble, it might be a nice keep-sake?”, he asked, more from place of a genuine interest in the trinket, perhaps.

“I don’t want it“, Elissa bit back with a dejected expression, rubbing Hero’s tongue roughly.

“Fine fine! I just hope Tomiko is holding up with our new additions. They really seemed to take an... interest in her after their transformations...”

Elissa frowned, pressing Hero’s tongue with her finger.

“Wait, are you jealous of Tom–!”

Elissa grabbed Hero’s tongue and pushed it down to her latex-covered crotch.

“Make me feel better, Hero...”

Her pussy was already leaking a slick slime with an oily sheen as the latex parted and Hero buried his tongue into her, complying with the demand. Another summons to the Holy Land.

Elissa made sure she was moaning when Tomiko finally arrived.

PS: The only part of Elissa Hero can't disguise is her eyes, but he is able to form contact lenses to change their colour. The reason why no monsters appear isn’t stated, but it’s because Elissa is a Demon Lord, and even with her aura suppressed all monsters below her level instinctively keep away. I also apologise to anyone named Josh who may be reading the story.

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