I Just Wanted to Play Gacha Games For the Rest of My Life, But I Reincarnated as an Evil Pair of Tights!

Volume 1 – Chapter 5

It was time for our excursion to the city. 

The adventurer gear was safely stored inside Ao in case we wanted to use it in the future. It didn’t realise at first, but even when Ao shrunk down to handheld size, the items still fit inside him without bursting out through his seams. There was some magic at work here, because shrinking heavy gear into toy size violated everything I learnt at school in my past life. There was a catch, though. Ao couldn’t spit out any items unless he was of the matching size. I guess there was some logic to this world.

Speaking of Ao, he was delighted when Elissa requested she would like to ride him “like a steed”. She pointed forwards in a random direction and announced “Onwards to the city!” or something. Elissa could really be adorable sometimes. 

But back to business. Earlier, we agreed to leave our Evil Aura unconcealed. This would scare off most humans from fighting us and give us plenty of space to move freely. This meant that Rodd would be at max power in case we ran into any powerful enemies as we made our way through the city. I hadn’t yet used my tentacles in combat, so they were an unknown factor I’d rather not rely on yet. Yes, I had defeated this city’s hero. But it was essentially a sneak attack. At the very least, the biggest threat had already been dealt with. I didn’t want to get overconfident, though.

So, given my and Elissa’s combined power, why not just slaughter everyone we see? 

The answer to that question was that I wanted to reduce collateral damage as not to attract the ire of some hypothetical monster exterminating organisation. Best practice was not to leave loose ends untied, and I didn’t want anyone seeking to avenge the humans of the city. Keep the aggro to a minimum. 

Ok, so alternatively, one may ask, why not disguise ourselves with those morphing tentacles and leave quietly?

The answer that was… Elissa wanted to ”say hello to everyone”. That’s it. She was in the lead as much as I was. 

So, in summary, we’d give the city a spectacle to remember and leave peacefully. Anyone who stood in our way was fair game and would be exterminated. 

We would then seek to establish some sort of base of operations and learn more about our situation. I mean, I didn’t even know the city’s or even the country’s name!

“The Fortress City of Wealdthurst, in the eastern nation of Bernhart,” Elissa said in as she waved to a large armoured monster we were passing. It looked like an armadillo with thorns, and it fucking waved back! Ah, the power of cuteness. It transcended all dividing lines. 

Speaking of. The monsters, no, the dungeon, clearly didn’t see us as enemies. Ao said that monsters sometimes fought among themselves for territory, but essentially out of each other’s way or cooperated against adventurers.

“The exception are those Rending Mosquitos you were trapped with. They attack everything and anyone in sight,” Ao added.

Time passed.

Elissa was riding atop of Ao along the glowing hallways of the dungeon. Her hips were swaying side to side as Ao crawled over the more difficult terrain, caring not to let Elissa fall. Occasionally we’d hear screams, and the hurried footsteps of fleeing adventurers. This was exactly what I wanted. 

All in all, it took two days, when we finally neared the dungeon’s exit on the top floor. The shining light at the end of the tunnel made it clear it was daylight. A rainstorm was pelting the soil outside. 

No one was guarding the entrance. The rain felt refreshing. It made Elissa’s latex tights shine. Her breasts looked particularly lustrous under the tight confines of her outfit. 

I used Locate. The stone walls weren’t there to get in the way anymore, so I could see a bunch of humans scurrying away in all directions. 

No “welcoming party” then? Still, I was weary of any confrontation. 

I had a plan, and intended to stick with it. 

We eventually arrived at the east quarters after traversing what was essentially a ghost-town. Part of the town guard had retreated as we entered the city-proper, while the other part surrounded us, keeping their distance from us. 

The former were now located mostly in the military barracks. I knew from my observations as a harmless pair of tights on display at the clothing shop that the barracks housed a relatively small standing army to help defend the city walls in case of monster attacks. The town guard remained as the foremost source of law enforcement in the Wealdthurst, though. It was a substantial source of employment for the populace, given the sheer size of the city. 

It was not only the city guard that was already planning a response to us, but also volunteer adventurers. We have not engaged in any stereotypical monster rampage, so they were watching us from afar and evacuating the citizens in our path. I was impressed with the level of organisation displayed in what was a medieval-level society. The higher-up must have been competent, unlike what I’ve seen in my previous life. I’ve seen the police and the authorities fuck up plenty of times. One of those times was the investigation of my parents’ murders. 

We continued on our way unabated. 

The usually bustling and busy streets before us were empty. This suited me and the weather just fine. Elissa grabbed some food from some abandoned food stalls and munched on it in delight. 

“I love fresh apples!”

“Here, give me one,” I said. 

Elissa passed one into my mouth. That is her stomach. I picked it up and rolled it around, using my tongue. Then I swallowed it whole. It burst filled my mouth with apple juice.

Ah, it’s been a while since I had one of those! Didn’t quite taste the same way I remembered from my previous life though. It was more tart than sweet. 

Still under observation, we headed west toward the old man’s specialty clothing store. Ao could travel quite fast with those many legs of his, especially in jumbo mode. 

We could have gone even faster, but I wanted to give the humans time to get out of our way. Some actually remained, cowering in their homes as we passed. I’d rather not count the number that soiled themselves. 

We got to the old man’s store. And it was gone.

I don’t mean just him and his wares. The building has disappeared entirely, together with its foundations. That block of land was now just dirt. 

“Hero, isn’t this supposed to be the place where I first saw you?” Elissa asked.

“Yes, I don’t understand. Is it normal for buildings to just vanish in this city?”

“No. Unless it got destroyed in a fire and the rubble was cleared out,” Elissa said.

“Doesn’t look like there was a fire looking at the nearby buildings. Maybe it got demolished while we were gone?” I said. 

My plan for a reunion and a chat was cancelled, it seemed. We couldn’t ask anyone in town what happened, for obvious reasons. 

I knew my chances of meeting with the old man were already pretty slim given he’d likely run away with the other humans. Still, I had a strong feeling in my gut that he’d stay… wait for me. 

“Are you upset, Hero?”

“No, it’s alright, it wasn’t that important anyway. Let’s head to the guild and then leave town,” I said. Truth was, I actually was a bit upset. This was the place of my birth in this world, and I felt an attachment to it. And it just fucking disappeared off the face of the earth! At least I wanted to see my old glass cage for one time, for old time’s sake.

It was still raining as we made a beeline north-west to the centre of the Wealdthurst where the Adventurer’s Guild was. The moment we changed directions, part of the town guard, the army, and a group of adventurers positioned themselves in the way of our path. 

I guess conflict was unavoidable. However, this wasn’t technically going to be collateral damage, since they weren’t civilians. My plan was still holding up, and I wasn’t about to renege on Elissa’s wishes. Still, confrontation was unavoidable. 

As the moment of truth approached, I could Locate about 130 people standing between us and the guild building. The crown on top of the guild building was still there, as usual. Unlike the bright day when we first made our way there, at its background was a grey, tumultuous sky.

We moved forward toward the armed group without stopping. Around two-thirds fled as the pressure of Elissa’s Evil Aura weakened their resolve. 

“Cowards!!”, one female adventurer, dressed like an amazon, called out. 

The rest held their ground, trembling.

“We will not let you pass onto private property that is not yours! Do not make us use force against you! You are a monster! A monster who has taken human form! The laws allow us to hunt down such abominations!” the same adventurer announced. She had generously sized bust. 

Elissa signalled to Ao to stop.

“It is a fact commonly known that the Adventurer’s guild is a public building, and therefore, accessible to all. I have business there. Step out of my way!” Elissa replied.

“You are an abomination and so is your mount! We cannot allow your passage further! Now leave! Or else!”

Everyone but the one adventurer at the head remained silent, their eyes fixated on Elissa.

“Very well. You’ve made your position clear. But as consequence, you shall perish where you stand!”

I could tell Elissa was really enjoying this whole situation. 

Me, I’d rather just get this over with or leave town. 

Elissa jumped off Ao with her white hair blooming in the air as she landed. Grabbing the hammer at her back, she retracted the tentacle holding it in place and said,

“This here is the hammer belonging to Gruen, this Wealdthurst’s hero. He has fallen. Will you still oppose me knowing this?”

There was a glimmer in Elissa’s eyes and she could barely withhold her smile. I knew she was enjoying the role of the bad guy, and her happiness made me happy.

The crowd before us gasped. I guess this was the intended effect, but none moved from their place. I knew it wasn’t courage. They were frozen in fear. Elissa’s Evil Aura was quite effective on humans, it seems. 

There was an awkward pause. Then,

“Die Monster!” 

The amazon woman lunged forward with her unsheathed sword. 

There was still around 15 metres between us. It was an idiotic act of bravery with that range between them.

Elissa closed the gap in a microsecond, causing a sonic boom. The pressure wave tilted everyone before us backwards and into the air. 

Before the lead charge even lifted off the ground, Elissa swung her hammer to the right and struck her body at the chest. 

In an instant, the brave woman disintegrated. A mass of red flesh expanded in the direction of the strike. 

This was all happening in slow motion. There was no way anyone could react in time. My efforts to enhance Elissa’s body paid off. She was even faster than before. So fast, in fact, her mere movements were an offensive weapon in that they caused shockwaves. 

Elissa turned a circle on her heel, pushed forward, stopped. She swung Rodd sideways to the right again, letting go of it briefly as it slipped from her fingers, before grasping it again to swing with a wider arc. She twisted her body even harder than before, creating a massive shockwave. It was like poetry in motion. 

The hammer struck the frozen figures of the crowd one by one. Each exploding into a red mist on impact.

Elissa then stomped her tight foot, kicking up dust. She halted the momentum of her hammer, which resulted in another shockwave from the sudden change of direction.

She stepped forward, then swung again at the remaining defenders with the same force as before. This time, the swing arced to the left. 

Time went back to normal.

The road, buildings, and everything else to the left and right of Elissa were splashed in red blood. A slapping sound resonated in the air and the shockwaves shook the guild building’s foundations. The men and women before us simply disappeared. They were now red paint coating the streets. 

It was all over. The would-be heroes were decimated completely. The guild doors were covered in fresh blood as they stood before us. 

I don’t think any of this was even remotely possible with a normal weapon. 

Elissa paused for a moment.

“I guess… they were weak...”

No, it’s just that you’re insanely strong, Elissa!

I couldn’t help but be impressed watching Elissa execute such a feat of strength with a weapon she had so little time with. With more time and practice, she’d only get more formidable. I looked forward to our training sessions in the wilderness. 

Elissa reset her posture, standing straight now. 

She walked into the guild building without hesitation. Ao followed her inside after shrinking himself to his usual mimic dimensions. 

He had been silent throughout. I guess he understood the importance of combat focus. This made me further convinced I made the right decision.

Inside stood those who didn’t have the courage to face the enemy head on, or simply sought shelter in what they thought was the safest place in the city. They numbered perhaps thirty. And the same guild assistant that we met before was here at the counter! What was her name? That’s right! Karna!

Flanking her side were what I assumed were four other guild assistant girls. I didn’t notice it before, but Kara had long, lustrous black hair and glasses and a large, plump bust.

“My… my name… is Karna… what… what business do you have at… at the Adventurer’s Guild?”

Elissa walked over to the guild counter. Her latex-covered feet leaving bloody footprints behind her.

“I’m here, again, to get my Adventurer’s license,” Elissa flatly said.

Karna clung to the counter for support, while maintaining a slight curve to her body as if she were about to faint at any moment. 

“That… that will require the approval of the Guild Master. Father… please,” Karna said while glancing toward an older gentleman standing by the stairwell. He had white hair, a moustache and a beard. His blue eyes were sharp and alert. He was finely dressed and had an air of dignity about him.

So the Guild Master was her father, eh? I guess this girl got a sweet job at the Guild after she couldn’t cut it as an adventurer, thanks to her father’s position. 

“I won’t allow it!” the old man bellowed, sweat rolling down his distinguished brow.

“The city of Wealdthurst won’t stand for this desecration of the Guild’s principles!” he continued, trembling. 

“{ Do you realise the position you’re in, human? }” 

I finally spoke through Elissa’s belly, in my deep, dark, guttural voice. My tongue protruded from Elissa’s body. It was adorned with monstrous teeth. 

The humans watching recoiled. A number threw up onto the polished wooden floor.

“You filthy m-monster!!” the Guild Master called out in shock. 

“Master! Mistress! Let me show you what I can do!! I’ll make this wretched human pay for his insolence! I swear it! I swear it on my life! You shall have what you want! Please let me show you, oh your Glorious Tentacly Ones! Please, please!”

Ao suddenly piped in. I guess he finally broke out of his uncharacteristic vow of silence.

I instantly sprouted a mass of tentacles from Elissa’s upper back and sent them shooting toward everyone but Karna in the room. They wrapped themselves around the bodies of their targets, restraining them. I gagged everyone by violently shoving a tentacle in their throats, except for the Guild Master.

Behold our captive audience!

Elissa looked like an angel, with all those tentacles radiating out from her back.

“Show me what you can do, Ao,” I said.

Ao crawled past Elissa toward the guild counter.

“Excuse me, my Mistress!” he politely bowed to Elissa. 

Then he opened his mouth. A dozen moist tentacles sprung out of his body and latched onto Karna. He then threw his body back for leverage as he pulled Karna up and over the counter. It looked like a pigeon getting sucked into a jet engine. Ao closed his top.

“Karna!!” the Guild Master screamed. 

I could feel everyone in the room struggling to free themselves as the scene unfold unfolded. But it was hopeless. 

Muffled screams of a girl emanated from the chest. Soon they became high-pitched howls… them moans. 

Ao opened up and lifted the gyrating body of a naked, slime covered Karna, suspending her into the air. She was spread-eagled before us as Ao’s tentacles penetrated her mouth, ass, and pussy. 

Karna moaned loudly as Ao wrapped his tentacles around her tits. Squeezing them as if he were squeezing an orange juice bag at one of those juice stands you sometimes see on holidays. Karna’s back arched in pleasure as sweat and slime rolled down into the crack of her ass. 

She was getting fucked in front of her father and she enjoyed it. Whatever Ao did made her give up any sense of decency she had. She was still wearing her glasses. With that level of detail, I had to admit, Ao was pretty good!

As the tentacles slid in and out of Karna’s ass and pussy, she screamed in ecstasy after Ao released his tentacle out of her throat. He fucked her deeper and deeper and deeper. Karna’s moans only got louder as her ordeal continued. The Guild Master was speechless. Typical. Big on lofty words, but nothing to say when his daughter was being raped before him by a monstrosity.


I could hear Elissa’s timid voice in between the sounds of Karna’s sloppy whimpers and the rhythmic slapping of sex. She looked embarrassed.

It was then that something caught my attention. A bulge. Then something bigger, longer. 

A mass of flesh was making its way down Elissa’s thigh, pushing against the stretchy, tight latex. It eventually extended all the way down to her knee. Trapped between her pale skin and the encasing black latex. 

It was a huge cock!

Elissa stood with her knees together and was rubbing the head of the cock with her right thigh as she intently watched Ao fucking Karna.

All the while, Karnas’s body was violently convulsing as Ao continued to fuck her with his tentacles, plunging into her pussy and ass as deep as it would go. 

I suppose this was my fault. When I was repairing Elissa’s body, I had to make my way down to the Holy Land, which had been injured in the battle. I had no choice! 

Now, some of Elissa’s most delicate tissue had been replaced with my flesh. And my flesh had a tendency to grow and expand at will. The Holy Land’s small mound was now a mighty mountain.

“Hero, I… I want to try doing it too…” 

Elissa’s face was bright red as she pulled down her latex tights from down her hips. Her cock slid out of the latex thigh sheath it was trapped in. Finally free, it recoiled upwards. The head slapped my open, frankly agape, mouth. 

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