I Just Wanted to Play Gacha Games For the Rest of My Life, But I Reincarnated as an Evil Pair of Tights!

Volume 1 – Chapter 1

I couldn't see as such, but I could feel the noisy echoes of my surroundings reverberating so that I could “see” everything around me within a radius of around 10 kilometres. I couldn’t tell whether it was real sight, or if I had amazing hearing. All my senses felt muddled into a kind of 360 degree vision. I could zoom in and out of different parts when I focused, but everything was ever so slightly burred the way things look and have rainbow edges when you look through a crystal.

I could eventually tell the thing keeping all those visions blurred was the thick glass separating me from the outside world. The glass gave me a strange sensation – somewhat claustrophobic, but not unpleasant.

When I panned and zoomed, it quickly became apparent this was most definitely a medieval-type city, right out of a fantasy game!

A great, sprawling medieval metropolis, probably the capital, built on top of an underground labyrinth, with some strange creatures scurrying about to and fro underneath. I could apparently feel everything not just around me but some distance below and a lot higher into the air. A massive stone wall surrounded the whole place and there were no signs of any much civilisation nearby, except what were likely small farm-type buildings.

But there was a problem. While I could "see" not in the traditional sense of the word, I couldn't move, nor could I talk, even make a single sound. And thinking of that glass, I just realised I was inside of a display cabinet. I zoomed in closer at my location and…


I, the once 23 year-old NEET with nothing going for him in life except his parent's inheritance, was no longer human.

The entirety of me being was now contained in a pair of silky, white –


A pair of tights, hosiery, legwear, pantyhose, whatever you want to call it! I TURNED INTO A PAIR OF TIGHTS! Or maybe I was "born" this way into this world?

So I was a pair of tights currently located in a display cabinet, inside what appeared to be a quaint little clothing specialty store, in the middle of a fantasy city, in who knows what kind of world! It sure as hell wasn’t like the Earth I knew… and hated!

But wait a moment. What a pair of tights this is... I mean I am! A pure white silky weave I’ve never seen before and made of a material I’ve never seen before either – so shiny and glistening. I could tell the thread used was made of something exotic. The material was stretchy and probably very figure-hugging. I didn’t realise a medieval age world would have such technology, to craft such an exquisite pair of tights!

This, this was the perfect pair of tights I’ve been searching for all my life! They exude innocence and would radiate only class on any girl lucky enough to wrap her legs and thighs in them. All this should have been abundantly clear even to an untrained observer on the other side of the glass cabinet I was currently being stored in. 

“How could such a masterpiece have gone unsold already?!”

My heart cried out in joy. These tights are me, I am the tights! I am perfection manifest!

I have somehow turned into the one object of my passion! For I am... if it wasn’t clear enough already…

A tights maniac! 

And it wasn’t just tights that I loved, it was also thigh highs, socks of all styles and length, even bike shorts and tight fitting sports leggings. But there at the pinnacle of all those wonderful things, stood the unassuming pair of tights!

Can you imagine an item of clothing more perfect than that which tightly binds the legs of a cute girl from her toes, up her calves, around her knees, all the way up to her thighs and backside and not to mention her … … 

It was the sheer material and figure hugging properties of this everyday piece of clothing which caught my attention at an early age, and since then I spent in awe of the blessed legwear which concealed but also revealed everything at the same time! 

An item sent us by the gods!

But, ahem, perhaps I’ve gotten off track here. Back to how I got here.

Only one hour ago I was engaging in the very sorry business of getting hit by a delivery truck. As you can imagine, I wasn't in any state to really contemplate my situation properly as I lay there staring at my mangled broken legs. In fact, I was more concerned about whether or not I'd be able to get out of this predicament without having to pay for my medical bills. Maybe I could sue the driver. After all, he should have stopped in time… even though I wasn't looking when I crossed the street! Right? I was distracted by a woman on the other side who was wearing a pair of sheer black stockings, their tops peeking out from below her pencil skirt. Surely some lawyer somewhere would be jumping at the opportunity to make an easy dollar soon. 

But when the paramedics arrived I realised I had other problems than just my legs, because they proceeded to put me inside of a plastic body bag. It was at this point that I realised I was looking at my own body being loaded up into the ambulance and I was just left standing there… by myself, with only my own blood splatters on the road to keep me company.

Panic soon washed over me. Was I dead? But I was right here. How did I get here anyway? Oh that’s right the truck… What happened to my legs? They didn’t look to be in a good shape just moments ago but here I am standing on them as if nothing happened! Where were my parents? That’s right they were both murdered 5 years ago in a botched robbery… What was I just doing? I was going to the convenience store, while I left a clicker script running at home auto opening $20,000 worth of treasure loot boxes from the jMMORPG game “Demon x Nova Online”. All to get the the 0.00001% chance drop from the “Demon Lord’s Armour” set – “The Demon Lord’s Tights”. Yes in this game only female characters could equip this set. The demon lord in the game lore was always a woman with some sort of tragic background story, who would be possessed at the last desperate moment by the reincarnation of the Demon Lord. If I could get my hands on that ultimate pair of tights, my collection of all tights in the game would be complete.

And so I did everything to achieve my dream, including blowing the remainder of my inheritance on the gacha. Tights were the only thing which brought a sliver of joy to my life, but… maybe it was a bad decision. Maybe I’d actually have to get a real job now. Thank you God for for revealing this truth to me! I get it! I’m an idiot for having wasted my life and my parents’ inheritance! Can you this stop now!

“Hello! Anyone? Can anyone see me!?”

“God please, I want to live!”

Then it happened, it actually happened, a voice called out to me from the heavens.

“I can hear you my child. But let’s make it clear front the outset, I am a Goddess not a God. And I do not intervene in human affairs.

“What do you mean by that?”

“I am here only to shepherd the souls from one world to their next.”

“To… the next?! You mean there are worlds other than this one?! You’re a goddess of reincarnation? Is that how it works?”

“Why yes, people your age have recently been really quick to understand. Each of us Goddesses has a role to play in the different worlds. Some of us help create life, others control the weather, still others grant blessings, or allow curses to happen. Others still create and control magic.”

“There’s magic?”

“Not in this world. But it is slowly being re-introduced. But this does not concern you – I am here to guide you and your soul to its proper realm.”

“Wait, wait, hold on.

“I will run a system check to see what your soul for compatibility… please wait.

And in that instant I was transported to my dark and messy bedroom, I was lying down on my bed. My first thought was that I must have died again. I tried to move my arms and legs, but I couldn’t feel anything. I could only see the faint glow emanating from the screen on my PC, the sound letting me know it was still auto opening the loot chests. Then a second later a message popped up with that familiar fanfare that got my blood rushing.


<“The Demon Lord’s Tights” x1>

I begun to tear up. Finally, after 5 long years, I had achieved my goal and obtained the ultimate prize. It was all over. I felt a warm sensation come over me, a nostalgic feeling you get when you hug someone really close. I felt I could leave this miserable world without regrets.

“Soul target located. Comparability coefficient 99.9999%. Initiating soul transfer.”

“Wait what? Already?”

“Good luck on your travels soul wanderer. Because of the unusual requirements of the target, your memories will be kept intact.”

“Wait, wait, is this one of those isekai things? I’m going to be a hero?!”

“You shall see…”

And with that the voice faded out. And so did I.

And that’s the story of how I reincarnated as a pair of tights. Perhaps this was some kind of divine humour. Because as things stand right now, I understood absolutely nothing about what just happened to me, and what I was supposed to do.


For months I just hung around… get it? Because I was literally hanging on some sort of damned wooden coat hanger!

I had to keep my spirits up and pass the time somehow so I entertained myself by observing the medieval-style fantasy world around me using, what I dubbed to be “tights vision”. I couldn't hear anything, but I could see almost everything if I focused.

The nearest human was the store owner. And old, wise-looking man. When in my old world, if I saw someone looking like that in a game I would have guessed he was a powerful mage-type character. But there he was, gently tending to his goods, mostly clothing, and to his customers. He wore a constant, subtle smile. He somehow seemed like an important person, yet this part of town where he was working was nothing more than an obscure cluster of trading houses, workshops and speciality item shops. 

Next to the shop there was a medium sized buildingwhere various craftsmen worked, making swords, bows, shields, and other objects. It looked like they roomed upstairs of the main workshop floor during the nights. 

To the other side, a merchant was selling flasks of various liquids to what I assumed were passing adventurers. It was then that I noticed most of the people in this city were men. This was also true of the taverns I saw. The few women here looked like they always wore their battle gear and they were the adventurers I mentioned buying what I assume to be potions.

Did I mention this city looks to have been build on top of a massive labyrinth? Perhaps they went down into the lower levels where I couldn’t see deep enough. There were no monsters on the city level. 

But of course the random internal dialogue of a pair of tights in some obscure shop didn't stop neither the men or women from drinking! Yes, I was feeling left out! I’d love a drink right now! 

Every tavern had a bar and many of the patrons were quick to get drunk in the evenings. The women were laughing, shouting and celebrating, probably the fact that they had survived another day in this dangerous world. The men listened to their stories and well, leered. What kind of city was this?

I can imagine it was tough for a guy living in a town with such an imbalanced gender ratio. 

myself was born and died a virgin, and as far as I could tell my little friend didn’t reincarnate with me, so it didn’t matter much to me. Maybe for the best. The image of a pair of tights with him still attached… just hanging there on display … a bit too weird even for me. And this is coming from a NEET otaku degenerate. 

I wondered what that goddess was doing right now. After all, she was the only reason I was here. I was sure she had something planned. Something… right? But what? How was I supposed to find her?

“Hello, Goddess?! Are you there? Could you please do me the kindness of a status update or something!”

The moment I said the word “status” an old-school JRPG screen appeared before me.


Level: 1

HP: 9970/9970

MP: 4500/4500

EXP: 1

STR: ?

DEX: ?

CON: ?

INT: ?

AGI: ?

CHA: ?

LUK: ?







Alignment: Abyssal True Evil

Contract: None

Wow! An actual status screen… with the menus and stats and everything. It wasn’t very helpful at explaining what I was or what I should do though. I’m only level 1, which makes sense I suppose. I had no idea whether my health and mana were high or low for this world or my experience. Most of my stats said “?”, which could mean that either they were hidden from me or not applicable. Perhaps it was the latter as a I wasn’t even a human or a creature, but an inanimate object. Sentient mind you! Doesn’t that count for something? Surely I have some charisma? Oh who am I kidding, even if I could see the stat it would probably just depress me. I was a loner and socially anxious for all of my life. 

Anyway what’s next? Skills, let’s see, this is the fun part. What OP skills did that goddess give me?

Is that all? “Locate”?? That’s it? I guess that’s what I’ve been using all this time to look around, and I do have to say it is a pretty powerful skill, but it’s kind of useless for doing anything. But wait there’s also very very long list of question marks obscuring everything. Are they all skills? Do I need to activate them first to see them. That made sense, no one told me anything about the status screen. This game is in serious need of a manual! I always enjoyed games where content and features would be left up to the players to discover, but as far as I could tell, this wasn’t a game, it was a real world! My reality!

Which brings us to the last section of my status screen, the contract. Contract… what does that even mean? Like a legal contract? This is a fantasy world so it must mean something more. It says “None”, which means the slot is empty. I wonder what I need to do to make a contract? Will it release some kind of special power? Will I get to be human again? Well, no point in thinking about it too much I guess. 

Oh and I almost forgot. Or rather, I’d rather forget…

[Alignment: Abyssal True Evil]

Yikes! Who put that there? That doesn’t sound good at all. What is true evil? What is ABYSSAL true evil for that matter? I guess I don’t feel any different than before, except for the fact that I am a pair of tights now, and you know, EVERYTHING ELSE like having super vision!!

I don’t think I did anything bad in my previous life, but I never really cared much about other people either. I mean, I was a NEET after all.

tried to think the words “close status” aloud in my mind and the statuscreen disappeared. It was lot to take in, but at the same time it helped with nothing… But heprogress is progress!

I decided to scan my surroundings again for entertainment. I’m not going to lie, I could see a lot of stuff. Not people just going about their business. But people shitting, fighting, having sex, even people dying and getting murdered. For some reason it didn’t affect me emotionally as much as it would have in my human body. It was as if all of these things were happening in a different world, not my world, but the world of humanity. And I was no longer human. I didn’t feel sad about this, I never wanted to feelings in the first place, so maybe this was a blessing? A new world where none of that matters anymore?

At least I didn’t have to care if I fit in here. I’m a sentient pair of gorgeous white tights, and your business is your business, humanity!

I scanned my surroundings again, still nothing out of the ordinary. But wait, there was something weird! There were two men talking on a roof top, right above me, probably here to fix the tiles. There was a leak and luckily it hadn’t rained yet. I’d hate to get wet! One seemed to be telling the other something, but how was I supposed to hear them?

I tried focusing really hard at their lips, but I couldn’t lip read. I guess it wasn’t a hidden skill I possessed. And wait, would I even understand their language?

One pointed their finger in a direction, and the other shook his lowered head. 

I focused on where he was pointing and saw three people heading in the direction of the shop. Two were adults, a man and a woman. Well dressed for the area they were currently walking through. It felt almost showy. The third person, a young girl, on the other hand, was dressed in rags. And her pale skin was dirtied all over. Her long autumn-red hair was stuck together. It made for a startling sight, but no one seemed to bat an eye, aside from some onlookers turning away.

I could tell the girl was beautiful, even in her current condition. Her ruby red eyes sparkled against the backdrop of the brown and gray they walked upon. But she looked sad, and tired. She kept looking down at her feet, or into the distance. And when she noticed anyone glancing her way, she quickly turned away, even before they could. She had a slender frame and delicate fingers. Her shoulders and the way she carried them were femininbut had an aura of defiance to them. Her legs matched her slender build and pale skin, they were long, thin but slightly toned. Her legs were in one word... beautiful

This was the first time since coming to this world that I felt something stirring within me. For a long time now my apathy toward humanity on grew stronger. But something about that girl, her eyes and her legs, called out to the deepest reaches of my soul. It was like I was human again – the tights and legwear maniac otaku. I wanted to see those legs in a pair of tights. I wanted to see her feet and legs and thighs covered in tight stretchy fabric. To see the light interacting with the texture of the material as it cling to every inch of her lower body – it would have been a sight to behold! 


I was feeling like my old self again. A self proclaimed degenerate tights appreciator! No shame, for tights are the perfect complement in any woman’s outfit! NO, they make the outfit as much as a diamond necklace makes the evening gown. They way they are an unassuming undergarment, but draw in even the untrained eye into the mystery of femininity!! My excitement was reaching peak levels. I couldn't hold it back it in anymore. 

"I want to see those legs in tights, NO MATTER THE COST!!!"

The ground around the central district specialty clothing store shook, reverberating all the way to the city walls as dust unsettled from their crevices

The city paused for a moment but soon went back to its everyday hustle and bustle.

The well-dressed couple and the girl entered thstore. The man huffed and postured while the woman fiddled with some display necklaces. The old man came out from his back room and said something.

The woman pulled out a large sum of money and handed it to the old man. He started putting itemsfrom the shop inside a bag.

The man pointed his crooked finger at the glass display case, or rather at me. I could tell the finger had at some point been broken as just as others on his hand were. 

The old man looked at the girl, and then at me and smiled. I could have sworn that his expression, one I’ve gotten quite familiar with, now had a hint of youthful mischief I hadn’t seen before. 

He then walked toward me and opened up my glass cage and the world suddenly came into sharp, almost painful focus. I could now see every single pore, every single hair, every speck of dust and the wings of every fly around me. I stopped using “Locate”.

I could feel the old man gently lofting me up. He said something and then carefully placed me in the bag. This was the first time in months, ok no in years even counting my previous life that I felt the warmth of another’s touch.

My god, I was so small!

I suddenly found myself being carried outside. 

What the heck? They didn’t even pay for me! The old man threw me in as a bonus! Wasn’t I important?! Why was I in that glass case for all this time if he was just going to give me away as a freebie to some pretentious customers. I felt somewhat betrayed and resigned. 

The safety of my glass home was only receding with every step! No! Put me back! I don’t belong in this bag! What if I get dirtied by the filth of this street, no this whole world! I’m a pure white sentient pair of tights, I don’t deserve this treatment! 

What was the old man thinking?! He had customers posting my way every other week, I guess I was a curiosity of sorts. But this was the first time he paid any heed to his customer’s curiosities. 

I frantically tried thinking aloud any skills names which came into my mind.




But nothing happened.

The man stopped and put me and the bag down. He was looking right at me.

Why did you stop? Let me go!

He then picked the bag up again and took me to another place

I tried my best to suppress the pain and used “Locate” again. 

I was in the side room of some kind of theatre. A crowd was gathered in the stands with people frantically throwing their hands up into the air as they looked upon the stage, where three young girls were standing.

The man and woman were not far from me. And I could see the girl naked, drenched, being washed head to toe by three burly women in maid uniformsin the adjacent room.

What is this?

Then it dawned on me. I’ve watched enough anime, read enough manga and fantasy novels to know this was a slave auction!

The young girl was being prepared to be sold off! 

The broken fingers, the nervous pretentiousness, the bag of money. Those were the girl’s parents, living up life and gambling their savings away. They were now cashing in on their neglected daughter. 

I felt anger. Seeing anger, but also shame. I had wasted my parent’s inheritance on gacha games and MMORPG vanity items. I was a whale as they say. But I had nothing to show for it, I spent my parents’ life savings on JPEGs and flashy game models. I didn’t even take care of myself or live life up like these bastards did. I was scum, an idiot and a fool. A bigger fool than this man was, but I’d never sell my own daughter! Not that I ever considered having a family was a possibility. After all I’ve never even held hands with a girl, never mind kissed one. It was all in my head. It was all on the screen. 2D girls were superior to 3D girls I'd always argue online, but if I could start my life over again I’d do things differently, maybe start a family. Not that it mattered. I was dead. Well not quite, thanks to that goddess. 

As I was going through my internal crisis of confusing shame and outrage the naked girl entered the room. The outfit she was to wear reminded me of the elegant gothic lolita fashion that was popular among some girls in my previous life. The dress was black and adorned with lace, complete with a headpiece, a bonnet, and long sleeves. There was a frilly white petticoat and shiny black shoes. And finally there was me, a white pair of tights to complete the outfit.

This was likely the nicest set of clothing the girl would have worn in all her life. 

But what was with this aesthetic? Who were they trying to appeal to?! I imagine the men in this gender-imbalanced city had a manner of tastes borne out of sheer frustration. 

I felt disgusted but before my anger could boil over again another man, tall, well-built, entered the room. 

His face was unshaven and he carried a short sword. Everything about him screamed professional criminal. If I had a spine, it would be chilling right now as he simply ignored the naked girl standing in the room, her skin stilslightly drenched in moisture. He was entirely fixated on the father. 

I couldn’t hear anything but I could see the conversation steadily becoming elevated, until the father was backed into a corner and while trembling pulled out a short dagger from his pocket and started threatening the man.

I could imagine him yelling "Don't come any closer!"

saw the the tall man scoffing, my imagination interpreted his lips "You're willing to throw away your own flesh and blood because you have a few coins left for your gambling debts. You owe us much more than her."

The lousy pile of flesh of a father lunged at the tall threatening man and promptly had his face cut in half by the swift movement of a sharp blade. He slumped to the floor, his massive wound bleeding onto the floor and one hemisphere of his brain rolling out from his skull.

The woman screamed, not before receiving a kick in the gut. She too collapsed onto the floor, next to her husband. As tears wailed in her eyes the tall man picked up the dagger belonging to the father and simply cut her throat. The mother convulsed and was no longer.

It was a grisly sight. Yet the naked girl just stood there, still as she was. 

The tall pile of muscle spat on the father's corpse and called out to someone. The three bulky servant maids entered the room, stepped over the bodies. Unbothered, just business as usual. 

They immediately grabbed me and hastily shoved the girl’s leg into me. 

Hey! I’m a delicate specimen. What if you rip a hole in me!? Wait what about the underwear?!

The other leg soon went into me and they pulled me up all the way to tights girl’s waist. 

I could feel everything. Her warmth surrounded me. I was outlined in the shape of her toes, her soles, her calf and thing muscles. I sat on her knees and butt. I felt myself slowly sinking into her as she moved. More and more layers of clothing rustled against me. In the end, she looked beautiful in her full outfit. It suited her well. 

So I do not deny I lived the life of a degenerate, but what had just happened before me put a solemn mood to everything. No part of me remained that could get excited anyway. I only felt sadness and anger and defeat at not being able to do anything. What could I do to help this girl? Was I here only to watch this misery unfold?

She just lost her parents, scumbags who were selling her body for cash, but her parents nonetheless. Her flesh and blood.


The voice came out of nowhere that very moment. It sounded ominous, evil, rumbling and perfectly terrifying. It was the voice of some unspeakable monstrosity. And it’s source was undeniably… from somewhere inside me?

Did I just say that?!

The still emotionless girl shivered. Did she hear it as well?

What the hell was going on?

Before I could make sense of it, the events unfolded naturally. The tall man was now standing next to the dressed up girl on the stage. The crowd of men was practically salivating as they looked her up and down. Hands were being thrown up one after another as the price for her innocence rose higher and higher.

Then a large, heavyset man threw something in the stage. It was his hat. He was wearing fine clothing, but it couldn't conceal the streams and patches of his sweat. 

"Haiyaa! Even I want the daughter of a rich man. She's got looks, a young body and class. I'll pay two hundred gold coins for her and match any other bid against me as according to the house rules!"

At least that’s what I thought he said. As far as I knew I was making all this up, I was only guessing with my overactive imagination. 

The tall muscular man burst out in laughter and brought his arms up in a showman’s pose. 

“Is there anyone else who is up to the challenge?!”

The rowdy crowd suddenly went silent. A single man raised his wrinkly old hand among them. 

“So the Wheatithe Cannibal seeks to challenge me!?” the fat man yelped as his blubbery body shook in anger. 

“Then let us see the goods in full before we make our vows of challenge! STRIP HER!!” he screeched. 

The tall man nodded. He seemed delighted. I had a bad feeling about this, even if it was imagination. 

He lifted the girl’s skirt roughly, pushing up on the petticoat with the blunt side of his blade, pressing the tip of the blade against her belly. I was long enough to be covering her up to her navel, so I felt the cold tip of the sword too. 

This irritated me. It didn't just irritate me, it enraged me. I just can’t stand this fucked up world, not just my world but every god damned other fucking multiverse hellhole!! I’m not going to just watch this. 

"I don’t know your name, but I'll do whatever I can to help you!"


That voice again! Just as menacing and terrifying as before. And not only that, it seemed to be saying what I’m thinking, but passed through some kind of fucked up evil voice changer or something! That’s not me, I mean maybe it’s me. 


The girl answered as she pushed the blade onto her belly and drew blood. 

Beads of bright red liquid streamed down the pure white fabric of her tights and down her left leg.

A blinding flash of light, then pure darkness. I was floating in a sea of nothingness, naked, and in my human form. Then a warm blanked of blood enveloped itself over me, and suddenly I could again hear, and smell, and feel and SEE! 

[Contract established. Duration: world lifetime. Good luck item #137.]

I found myself standing on a stage, my stomach covered in blood, but no wound was visible. My tights stained but undamaged

But it wasn’t my blood. And it wasn’t my senes. And those tights were me! I was merely borrowing theexperience of my host?

Elissa… so that’s her name…

I could feel her body getting hotter. She looked at the tall man, who was standing there, frozen in shock, perhaps for the first time in his life

“What are you doing?! We can’t sell damaged goods!”

The tall man regained his composure and brought his blade back into position.

“We have to finish the contest! The challenge has been accepted, regardless of unexpected development, and as per the house rules the goods shall be insp..!”

Before he could finish, a girl’s foot broke into his rib cage and exited through his neck, expelling lung tissue, fragments of his spine. His heart bounced on the stage floor, spilling out bright red blood with every dying beat.


[Experience gained. Level 5 attained.]

[NOTICE: Human Neutral Good and Abyssal True Evil alignment fusion complete. Result: Demonic True Evil attained.]

The gallery went into a panic. People were screaming and throwing things everywhere, struggling to make their way toward the exits. The fat man trampled over a group of men as the thin man got carried away by his entourage. Everyone else was running as if for their lives.

I saw a woman in armour behind the stage with herlong sword undrawn. She approached us cautiously, but Elissa didn’t flinch.

“You killed him. But you can spare me. Please!

The woman looked at the fallen man, whose eyes were still open.

Elissa took a step closer. The woman watched in horror as she reached out with her left hand and first touched the dead man, then pushed her hand inside the open cavity in his chest. 

She pulled back and the blood was dripping off her palm like a waterfall. It fell to the ground in front of the woman.

Elissa turned to the audience, smiling sweetly.

“Well there is your prize, those who have gathered here today! I hope you remember the day for the rest of your lives!”

I felt a burning hatred inside me, inside HER. This girl was evil. Pure evil. I could feel it. Her presence alone caused a surge of adrenal fear to make grown men scurry in sheer panic.

Elissa once again turned to the woman.

“Now, give me the key!”

The woman opened her mouth to scream, but nothing came out. She tried to run but before she could take a step Elissa was standing to her side.

“Let me see that key!”

Even her voice was emanating demonic energy.

The woman shook in terror and screamed but it was no use, she dropped her weapon and gave in, soiling herself. 

Elissa slid her hand around the woman’s waist and plucked out a small metal chain with a bunch of keys hanging off them.

“Now, I give you my price.”

The woman looked at the crowd as if looking for help and tried to back away, she wanted to flee, but Elissa grabbed her by the hair and shoved her against the wall.

“Find and kill the two men who would have me. And bring me their heads wherever I may be. Only then will you have paid the price.”

The woman nodded, tears streaming down her face.

“Yes, yes, I know... I will do whatever you say. Just let me go.”

Elissa laughed and tossed her aside.

She then walked off the stage, ignoring the groups of men crawling over each other. Soon she found what she was looking for. A steel cage with girls of all ages, some dressed up some in rags, others naked.

She used the key and opened the door and simply left.

A young girl, dressed in frilly black clothes, covered in blood was about to open the door and step outside. But something held her back.

That’s right! That something was me. She couldn’t go outside like that! Not only did she look like something out of a horror movie, I was stained as well. You need to do something about that! I still don’t know what to make of what happened, but this will only bring trouble. And right now I could do with some peace to figure out what’s going on. Elissa, you can’t go outside like that, at least change and wash the stains!


Ok… well that’s one way of saying it. Wash! Go wash yourself!

[NOTICE: Cleanse skill unlocked.]

Out of nowhere my body, I mean Elissa’s body, was covered in a bubble of water. Currents whirled around her as the hovered slightly above ground. She gasped in surprise and inhaled some water. It disappeared just as quickly as it materialised. 

“Alright! cough I get it!”

Wait, she hasn’t lost her mind completely! And she was sparkly clean! Amazing!

“I know I made a contract with you. But you have to give me some warning next time!”

Wait isn’t she a little bit too casual with the you know, ominous terrifying voice from the void? Even I wouldn’t know how to deal with it, and I’m the one dealing with the voice changer! This girls has some guts. 

“Oh and I’m not sure if you’ve noticed” she said as she was tugging at me. “I can’t take you off, but but…”

She was blushing and pressing her legs together.

“I actually really need to pee right now!!”

I’m returning to this story and all my other works. Apologies about the hiatus. 

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