I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 735

Chapter 706 Consider

“Yong Yule? Jingkou Beigu Pavilion Nostalgia” uses many allusions in series to form a work.

Who is the slave?

Who sealed the wolf house?

Why did Yuanjia expedition to the north be in a hurry?

The song “Yong Yule? Nostalgia at Beiguting, Jingkou” made Shen Nuofei a keen interest in Chinese history.

She wrote in her small notebook: Zhong Mou, Sun Quan. Send slave, Liu Yu. Fenglangjuxu, Huo Qubing. Buddha raccoon, Tuoba Tao. Lian Po, he is Lian Po.

Shen Nuofi wants to know more about the history involved in these historical figures.

This requires her to make up lessons after class.

After class is over, Shen Nuofi asked Teacher Shu: “Mr. Shu, I really want to read the books of these famous historical figures you just talked about. So which books should I read?”

Teacher Shu smiled slightly. He was very satisfied that the students had a strong curiosity about Chinese history in his class: “Historical Records, Three Kingdoms, Hanshu, Southern History… I recommend these books,” But these books are not something your age can understand. At this stage, you should read it for five thousand years.”

Shen Nuofei remembered in her heart, she said politely: “Um, I know, thank you, Teacher Shu!”

After returning home from school, Shen Nuofi ran directly to her home study.

The study in her home is like a small library with a wealth of books.

Shen Nuofei remembered that she seemed to have all these history books recommended by Teacher Shu.

Standing under the rows of bookcases more than two meters high, the 1.2-meter Shen Nuofei looked up at these behemoths.

There are three bookcases full of math books in her house.

There is a single bookcase for physics books, as are chemistry, biology, medicine, and engineering.

Even geology occupies a single bookcase.

Literature and history share the same bookcase. This bookcase is placed in the most inconspicuous corner. It cannot be bathed in sunlight during the day and moonlight at night.

Science, engineering, literature, history, agriculture, medicine and other disciplines should be equal, but the status of science in Shen’s study is obviously higher than that of other types of disciplines.

Standing at a height of one meter and six for five thousand years, Shen Nuofi brought a small bench, stood on the bench, and transferred the five thousand years to the floor.

Leaning against the bookcase, Shen Nuofei sat on the floor and read for five thousand years.

This is a children’s edition published by Children’s Publishing House for five thousand years, suitable for primary school students to read.

The writing of the book is easy to understand, and it restores the history to the greatest extent in terms of historical materials. Rare words or words occasionally appear, and the Chinese pinyin is also marked and explained in small characters.

“We are descendants of Yanhuang and Huangdi belong to Xuanyuan…” Shen Nuofi read from the beginning, she found it quite boring at first. This kind of history book is presented in plain and straightforward language, without extra narratives and descriptions, just like running accounts, completely There are no conflicts between characters.

In contrast, the stories my father tells are much more exciting and more attractive.

Harry Potter vs. Voldemort, Tesla vs. Edison, Kong Ming took advantage of the east wind to burn Chibi, Eight Hammers rioted in Zhuxian Town and went straight to Huanglong, Shuke driving a plane and Beta driving a tank, a dream of the wolf king, a blood-eyed bear, and one What happened to the Golden Eagle…

The stories that Shen Qi tells are mostly fighting. It doesn’t matter whether he adds fuel or vinegar or his imagination. In short, the stories he tells are full of contradictions and contrasts between the positive and negative images. Shen Nuofi is very fond of listening.

The battle scene in this book for five thousand years is like this: In the battle of Zhuolu, the Yanhuang tribe defeated the Chiyou tribe and unified the Yellow River basin.


Shen Nuofei didn’t feel how bright and stalwart the Yanhuang tribe was, nor did he think that the Chiyou tribe was a big villain.

These characters in the history books are not as lively as what Teacher Shu said in class.

It wasn’t until the part where King Wu fell down that the degree of excitement was improved, the detailed description was slightly richer, and the conflicts became fierce.

It was written in the book that King Zhou was stupid and cruel. He bet with Daji that in order to know whether the pregnant woman passing by under the deer stage was a man or a woman, King Zhou asked the samurai to split the pregnant woman’s belly, resulting in one dead body and two lives.

This is very hateful.

Shen Nuofi pursed her small mouth angrily. She thought King Zhou was a big bad guy. She hoped that a world-famous hero would come wearing a golden armor and step on colorful clouds to destroy the big bad guy King Zhou.

The hero of the world appeared, he was King Wu of Zhou, and he eliminated King Zhou.

In fact, the description of the battle scenes of King Wu’s defeating Zhou is less than a hundred words, to the effect that there are more ways to help but little help. King Zhou’s army has turned back one after another, and King Wu’s army has won.

In the end, King Zhou put the fire to death, and the Shang Dynasty was destroyed and the Zhou Dynasty was established.

“Huh… it’s cool.” Shen Nuofei finished reading King Wu’s Falun in one breath, and justice defeated evil, which was great.

Knowing more and more historical figures, Shen Nuofi became more and more interested in Chinese history. She continued to read the following chapters, and it was getting late.

Suddenly, a scent entered the nose.

A bowl of rice appeared in front of Shen Nuofei.

The person carrying the rice bowl is Ou Ye.

“Ah, it’s dinner!” Shen Nuofei, a person who loves to eat, actually forgot to eat, which shows that the attractiveness of knowledge is so powerful.

“Just eat here.” Ou Ye smiled kindly, she handed her rice bowl to Nophie, and took over five thousand years from Nophie’s hands.

“Yeah!” Shen Nuofi took a bowl to eat, still sitting on the floor with her back against the bookcase.

Following the appearance of his daughter, Ou Ye sits by the bookcase, and the mother and daughter are synchronized.

“Nofi, where did you see it?” Ou Ye flipped through the book for five thousand years. This book has been circulating for many years, but she has not read it completely from beginning to end.

“Fenghuo play princes, hehehe.”

“You read so fast.”

Ou Ye turned to the chapter of Lishan Beacon, Zhou Youwang smiled at Bo praise, and actually paid the price of subjugation.

The historical stories of the princes of the beacon opera are well-known to everyone. Reading his daughter’s book, Ou Ye revisited this history, and he seemed to have returned to the girlhood.

Parents bring their baby. In the process of bringing the baby, the baby’s life experience reminds the parents of the time when they were a baby.

After finishing the subject of BSD conjecture, Ou Yeh hasn’t settled down for a long time to study carefully in the study.

Nuofei gave Ou Ye the opportunity. Ou Ye quietly flipped through the book, and Nuofei ate seriously, and the ceiling light gave off a warm glow.

Mother and daughter get along, the years are peaceful, Ou Ye hopes that time will stand still at this moment.

“Nofi, you like history, literature, and art. My mother is not opposed to it. If you choose a major in literature, history or art in college, my mother will also support you. Interest is the best teacher to do what you want to do. Enough.”

“Yeah, okay. What about Dad?”

“In this family, my mother has the final say.”

“Yes, yes, mother is the biggest.” Shen Nuofi nodded repeatedly, and she continued: “When I was in college, I didn’t really think about what I would study. I know you want me to learn math and physics. Learning chemistry, anyway, is to learn something that can take Nobel and Fields Mom, I will seriously consider it.”

“Okay, you think about it. Mom still said that, Nophie, obey your heart and do what you want to do.” Ou Ye handed Nophie a tissue and asked Nophie to wipe his mouth.

“Yeah.” Nophie looked at Ou Ye’s bulging abdomen and asked, “Brother and sister, are you coming out soon?”

“There are still five months left.” Ou Ye touched her abdomen and said, “Nofi, do you want a younger brother or younger sister?”

Nophie obediently said: “Which mother was born, I will do what I want.”

“Gluck…” Ou Yele took her little hand and said gently: “Actually, my mother wants to give you a younger brother, because the little princess in the family is enough to have Nofi.”

“Well, my younger brother must be the smartest younger brother.” As Shen’s parents and daughter, Shen Nuofei, who will be her sister in a few months, has changed her mentality.

This night, the mother and daughter accompany each other and read together, and the two female schoolmasters are having fun in the study.

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