I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 731

Chapter 702 Technical regulation

After Qu Gong’s training, Shen Qi and others have mastered the operation method of XT80.

After Qu Gong left, the gate of the Biological Laboratory of the Shen Qi Research Center was closed.

“Han Meng, we are about to start.”

“Come on, I’m ready.”

Han Meng was lying bare on the test bench, with pipes all over his body.

Han Meng was the first to edit the prostate cancer gene.

The main operator, Shen Qi, operated XT80 to knock out Han Meng’s harmful mutant genes and injected healthy genes into Han Meng’s organs.

Genes are nucleic acid molecules, and every atom, every free radical, and every heterocyclic ring in the molecule plays its own role.

The molecular level operation continued, and Han Meng’s diabetes mutation gene was corrected.

Next comes major depression, liver cancer, heart failure…

57.8% of Han Meng’s genes have been modified, including those suspected to be faulty.

The gene editing operation was very successful, and Han Meng did not die directly in the laboratory.

Han Meng got dressed, he thanked Shen Qi and all the brothers: “Thank you, you gave me a new life.”

Shen Qi and all the brothers paid tribute to Han Meng: “Thank you for your contribution to science.”

From this moment on, Han Meng became a completely new person in biology.

And this gene editing experiment has specific significance and academic value for Shen Qi’s research group.

They verified through actual operations that known human diseases can be prevented through genetic technology.

They have accumulated valuable experimental data through gene therapy of Han Meng.

But these precious experimental data cannot form a published paper.

In the past, some scientists performed gene therapy operations on babies of AIDS patients, which were severely criticized by international organizations.

The gene therapy Shen Qi and the others performed on Han Meng included many kinds of diseases.

Shen Qi didn’t want to quarrel with others, and was too lazy to explain anything. Therefore, only the six of them knew about Han Meng’s gene therapy, and would not make it public.

If five doctoral students have no published thesis, how can they get a doctorate?

Shen Qi has arranged that the next step of the work of their biological laboratory can form a series of publicly published papers.

Shen Qi said: “Han Meng, in the process of gene therapy for you, I marked your PYY-3-36, it was only marked and not modified.”

“So what are we going to do next?” Han Meng didn’t care that Shen Qi marked his PYY-3-36, he twisted his arms and twisted his waist, refreshed. It feels great to be a brand new person.

Shen Qi: “We need to extract your current cell sample.”

“no problem.”

PYY-3-36 is Mai Shuling, it has a strong regulatory effect on the body’s appetite, and is also known as the hunger gene.

Everyone has PYY-3-36. In addition to humans, PYY-3-36 has also been found in animals such as mice, dogs, and chimpanzees.

Study hunger genes and modify hunger genes if necessary. This is the next research direction proposed by Shen Qi.

The purpose of the research is to prove that since genes that cause disease can be edited, can non-disease genes also be operated in the same way?

In addition to getting sick, people also feel hungry. They also have emotions. Some people are smart, and some are not that smart.

Can these non-disease factors also be regulated at the genetic level?

worthy of study.

A large number of white rats were transported to the Biological Laboratory of Shenqi Research Center.

Compare the PYY-3-36 of the white mouse with the PYY-3-36 of Han Meng, which is the same.

In other words, the genes that control hunger in white mice are the same as those in humans.

Of course, this has been proved by Professor Bloom in the UK, and Shen Qi and the others just proved it again.

Bloom’s team has published a series of papers. They have conducted years of research on PYY-3-36 and gave a complete set of detailed animal experiments.

According to a series of papers by Bloom’s team, Shen Qi and others carried out starvation gene editing experiments on white mice.

In the control group, they were not edited. When the food in their bodies was exhausted, their hunger genes produced corresponding proteins, which signaled them to need food. So they developed a sense of hunger, and they began to look for food and eat.

The white mice of experimental group 1 had their hunger genes modified. When the food in their bodies was exhausted, they did not develop a strong sense of hunger, and they did not look for food. Shen Qi and others put food in front of them, and they have some appetite and start to eat.

The white mice of experimental group 2 have their hunger genes modified according to another setting. They are hungry most of the time. They have been actively looking for food and eating food.

The white mice of experimental group 3 are an enhanced version of experimental group 1. Their hunger genes have been modified to an extreme state. They have lost their hunger, and even if they put food on their mouths, they would not eat a bite. They all starved to death.

The white mice of experimental group 4 are an enhanced version of experimental group 2. Their hunger gene has been modified to another extreme state. They are always hungry and they have been actively eating. They all succumbed to death.

After dealing with the corpses of starved and struck white rats, Shen Qi and others discussed.

“The research results of Bloom’s team are correct. By modifying the hunger gene, the appetite of white mice can be greatly increased or decreased. The extreme case is to die or starve.

“If the human hunger gene is modified, will it be the same?”

“In theory, modifying the human hunger gene can help obese people lose weight, and can also treat anorexia patients. Obesity and anorexia are also considered diseases. If you do this, you can modify the cancer mutation gene. It’s one thing, and international organizations still severely criticize it.”

The doctoral students had a lively discussion, and Shen Qi never spoke. After a while, Shen Qi said: “No matter what the attitude of the international organization is, our experiment cannot be stopped. White mice have many genes that are the same as humans, and the hunger gene is one of them. We have proved through experiments that we modify the hunger gene. It can affect the appetite of white mice. I think that modifying the hunger gene can also affect the appetite of humans to a certain extent. We will not do hunger gene modification experiments on humans for the time being, and we will return to white mice. I don’t know if you have found that the SHANK3 gene of white mice , Is also the same as human beings.”

Everyone said: “Yes, I discovered that the SHANK3 gene is one of the genes that control IQ.”

Shen Qi nodded and said: “Next, we will continue to study how to edit the SHANK3 gene of white mice to regulate the IQ of white mice.

“For the research on editing the SHANK3 gene, there has not been a more convincing research result in the world. It is very challenging.” Everyone couldn’t help but look forward to it. They believed that Shen Qi must have some more mature ideas.

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