I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 714

Chapter 686 happy

The bus that took the children arrived at the gate of Experiment No. 2 and the parents squatting nearby claimed their children.

“Mom and dad, I got 100 points in the test!” Shen Nuofei conveyed good news to her parents in the first time.

“Oh, Nuofei is great!” Shen Qihu touched her daughter’s head to show affirmation and encouragement.

“Oh, Nuofei is great!” Ou Ye copied and pasted Shen Qi’s original words, and the woman who studied mathematics had a slightly poor vocabulary.

“Nuofei is a good seed.” Teacher Liu objectively commented.

“Guoru Liu, our family, Nuofei, has laid a foundation in elementary mathematics, so please beg your old man.” Shen Qi and Teacher Liu are old acquaintances, and he still keeps his previous name, and he calls Lao Liu Gu Gu.

“Shen Qi, what do you and Ou Ye expect from Nophie?” Old Liu asked.

Shen Qi said: “It’s good for her to be happy.”

Lao Liu: “I don’t really believe what other parents say. But if you say so, I believe. Then Shen Qi, what do you expect from yourself?”

Others don’t ask Shen Qi like that. Old Liu is different. He used to be Shen Qi’s instructor for the National Olympic Mathematical Team.

Shen Qi did not forget Shien, he said: “I hope to retire before the age of 40.”

Old Liu shook his head: “The country and people will not allow you to retire before the age of 40.”

Shen Qi smiled: “Yes.”

Shen Qi and Lao Liu talked and laughed and had a close conversation. Other teachers, parents, and children were watching.

In the dark, the head of the family asked the child: “The daughter of Shen Qi’s family participated in the preliminary competition of your fifth grade group. She got a perfect score?”

The child is Ye Wushuang. He nodded and said, “I have been in contact with Shen Nuofei for a while, she is indeed smart.”

Father Ye said: “She is not clever or not, but genetically good. Wushuang, as a senior, you should care more about Shen Nuofei’s younger sister.”

Ye Wushuang: “If she can skip to the fifth grade, then I have more opportunities to care about her.”

Shen Qi hopes that his daughter will be happy in her teenage years. His own plan is to retire before the age of 40.

To realize his 40-year-old retirement plan, Shen Qi believes that he still needs to work hard, one is to touch that mysterious field in academic and professional, and the other is to achieve financial freedom.

“Chemistry and Biology are 4 of 4+X. These two subjects are upgraded to level 15, which is a necessary and sufficient condition for unlocking level 16.”

Shen Qi thought about it. The Xueba points were enough. The task of level 14 to level 15 in chemistry was to explain a mysterious existence using chemical methods as the main means.

Shen Qi couldn’t help thinking of the other two Noo Hua winners this year, Wayne Tablin and Sarah Norman.

Wayne Tablin and Sarah Norman won the award because they have made important research progress in makelife.

In Shen Qi’s view, makelife is to make living molecules, so as to realize the leap from biological molecules to molecular life. Its ultimate goal is to bridge the gap between chemical evolution and biological evolution.

The research project Makelife belongs to the “mysterious existence” defined by the system.

Shen Qi does not necessarily have to surpass Wayne Tablin and Sarah Norman to achieve the ultimate research results in makelife. There are other mysterious existences that can be studied.

He believes that when the subject of chemistry has touched the critical line of mysterious existence, it is difficult to cross the critical line with pure chemical methods.

At least one helper must be found for chemistry.

This helper can be biology, mathematics and physics.

It can also be mathematics and science students playing together to help chemistry.

People often say that the biohazard, biochemical weapons.

Biology and chemistry are the most closely related disciplines.

If chemistry is Sherlock Holmes, biology is Watson.

“The creature is only level 12 and needs to be upgraded as soon as possible.”

The task of upgrading from level 12 to 13 in biology requires Shen Qi to train at least five outstanding doctoral graduates in biology.

Shen Qi is a Fields Medal winner, a two-time Promise winner, and a one-time Promise winner. He recruits doctoral students in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Only by hooking his fingers, a large number of the best students will come here.

In biology, although Shen Qi has reached the master level of level 12, he has not made any outstanding scientific research results in the biological field.

But the problem is not big. The transition from mathematics, physics and chemistry to biology requires only a valuable and interesting subject project.

Shen Qi personally wrote the project application report.

The title of the project report is relatively grand-“Genetic Engineering Research Project”.

Shen Qi broke down this project into three steps.

The first step is basic research. (Leader of the research team requires level 12 biology)

The second step is advanced research. (Leader of the research team needs biological level 13 14)

The third step is more advanced research. (Leader of the research team needs level 15 in biology)

There are countless biological dogs studying genetic engineering.

In the first stage of research, Shen Qi only needs five.

According to Shen Qi’s calculations, the basic research phase of the first step of the “Gene Engineering Research Project” requires 11 million yuan in scientific research funding.

Yan University’s overall budget this year is as high as 57.2 billion yuan, of which scientific research budget accounts for 18% of 10.2 billion yuan.

Yan University’s overall budget is only 1.8 billion yuan ahead of Shuimu University, but the research budget of Yan University is 7 billion yuan more than Shuimu University.

18% of the research budget is an extremely alarming figure.

Globally, there are only two universities that exceed Yanda University in terms of the proportion and volume of scientific research budgets, Johns Hopkins University, Johns Hopkins University.

The 18%, 10.2 billion yuan of scientific research budget is not the bulk of Yan Da’s money. The places where Yan Da spends the most money are faculty and students.

Among them, the budget for international students this year is 88 million yuan. As of December, all the 88 million yuan of the Yan University’s foreign student funds have been spent, and the recovered amount is 110 million yuan.

In other words, it is profitable to enroll foreign students at Yan University. The profit is not too much. The difference of 22 million RMB is evenly distributed to 3,000 international students, and each student needs to pay more than 7,000 RMB out of his own pocket each year.

The more the university pays, and the more incredible super-national treatment is granted, the lower the quality of the foreign students it recruits.

To put it in a bad way, if you are a foreign student who came to China to study, you can’t even speak or understand Chinese, so you still have to read it?

Yanda University has truly achieved internationalization. They provide high-quality education to international students, and they never discount the cost. The quality of the foreign students recruited is generally high. Chinese universities and Chinese people welcome high-quality international students in China.

Yan University’s 10.2 billion yuan annual scientific research budget is allocated to various colleges and departments. The Shenqi Research Center accounts for the highest proportion at 8%, 816 million yuan.

At the end of the year, all colleges and departments are doing one thing to quickly use up the unused budget.

Take the Shenqi Research Center as an example. If you applied for a research budget of 816 million yuan this year, you only spent 200 million.

Then Director Shen Qi has to explain clearly to the school and the country, why is there such a big difference?

Even if Director Shen Qi explained clearly, the research budget of their center next year will never exceed 816 million yuan. Generally speaking, it will only decrease but not increase.

The accuracy of budget application and use is an important assessment KPI, plus or minus 5% is usually reasonable.

Of course, the school and the country do not encourage budget overspending If technical means can be used to finish all this year’s work, do it beautifully and impeccably, and save 5% of the annual budget, That is commendable, and it will not affect the budget for next year.

The Shen Qi Research Center’s 816 million research budget this year has already spent 764.2 million.

In addition to the 11 million that needs to be applied for in the first stage of the “Gene Engineering Research Project”, the actual amount of the scientific research budget of the Shen Qi Research Center this year is 775.2 million, accounting for 95% of the center’s total annual scientific research budget.

“Our center’s budget control is very precise.” After all, Shen Qi is an expert in mathematics. He calculated and calculated the most reasonable value of 95%.

A single amount of RMB 11 million in scientific research funding is drizzle on biological projects, and it is extremely expensive to do biological research.

However, in terms of the specific amount, 11 million RMB is an 8-digit figure after all, and Shen Qi needs to explain to the Academic Committee of Yan University for the establishment of the project.

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