I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 685

Chapter 658 Is it you old monster

“His method of argument is very similar to mine?” Ou Yeh studied Indian papers on the BSD conjecture over and over again.

The Annals of Mathematics commented on this paper: “Dr. Adama gave the most complete and accurate BSD conjecture proof scheme under the conditions of rank 0 and 1, which laid a solid foundation for the follow-up proof of rank greater than or equal to 2.”

The correspondence address on the paper shows that Dr. Adama works at Oxford University and his BSD conjecture paper was published in the latest issue of the “Annual Journal of Mathematics”.

Considering the review cycle of the Annals of Mathematics, Dr. Adama finished writing this paper and submitted it to the Annals of Mathematics at least six months ago.

“It’s really similar.” Ou Ye’s mood is more complicated.

This Indian Dr. Adama is quite famous in the international mathematics circle.

Dr. Adama was born in a slum in Mumbai. There are seven or eight brothers and sisters in the family. The poor have no food and life is very hard.

Adama has been very smart since he was a child. His brothers and sisters went to pick up trash and sell trash, but he went to many pharmacies every day to help people purchase generic drugs made in India. A few people gradually changed the living conditions of the family.

By chance, the 16-year-old Adama was discovered by the famous British mathematician Andrew Wiles. Wiles, then an emeritus professor at Merton College, Oxford University, thought that the Indian boy was a mathematics genius, so he put Adama Brought to the UK.

After adulthood, Adama really showed amazing mathematics talent. He entered the Department of Mathematics of Oxford University, studied under Wiles, and made some excellent research results.

This is like the plot of “Mind Catcher”, more like the contemporary version of Ramanujan and Hardy.

Although Andrew Wiles’ name did not appear in the paper, Ou Yeh has reason to believe that Dr. Adama must have received Wiles’ guidance in the process of demonstrating the BSD conjecture.

Ou Ye originally wanted to publish her phased research results on the BSD conjecture rank 0 and 1, but now she has to change her plan.

Because her plan is so similar to Dr. Adama’s plan.

To make a metaphor, it is like two novels. Except for the names of the protagonist and the supporting role are different, everything else is the same.

“So, is he actually the first to see the secret?”

This version of Ou Ye’s plan was formed when she was hospitalized a month ago.

Although this paper by Dr. Adama has just been published, it was written at least half a year ago.

Based on this timeline, it is inferred that if it is a leaking plagiarism, it should be that Ou Ye has copied Dr. Adama’s paper.

Of course, Ou Yeh didn’t copy anyone. She could only think that this was a crash in proof of thinking. The Chinese team and the British team thought of going together on the same issue.

Wiles proved Fermat’s last theorem for number theory problems through elliptic curves. He is the top master of this routine.

Then, under the guidance of Wiles, Dr. Adama also gave the most invulnerable BSD conjecture rank 0, 1 proof scheme through the elliptic curve, which is understandable.

Ou Ye felt the urgency, and his academic competitors were very tough.

Now, let’s see who can prove the problem of BSD conjecture rank ≥ 2.

The person who completed the proof first will be recorded in the annals of history, while the rest will gradually be forgotten in the dust of history.

“The rank is greater than or equal to 2, how do I prove it…”

Ou Ye didn’t know where to start with the vast literature in his study.

“I have no idea at all… my head hurts, my chest feels tight…”


“Mom! Mom, what’s the matter with you!”

“Mom! Mom, don’t die!”

“Auntie Cuiping, mom is dying!”


Ou Ye fainted at home, Nuofei yelled, Cuiping picked up O Ye and ran to the hospital.

Fortunately, there is no serious problem. Ou Ye fainted because of his weak body and heavy mental pressure.

Shen Qi then rushed to Yanda People’s Hospital. After full consideration, he decided to put Ou Ye in the hospital early until the phase I clinical trial was completed.

Actually, Shen Qi also read the latest issue of “Annuals of Mathematics”. He understands the reasons why Ou Ye fainted at home. On the one hand, it was because of her frail body, and on the other hand, she was also under pressure from academic competitors.

“Indian prodigy, Dr. Oxford, proud disciple of Wiles, hum.”

Shen Qi said with a cold face, you fainted my wife, she almost died at home, and my child almost lost his mother.

Adama, is it? I want you to taste what is pain and what is destruction!

Objective and calm analysis, in fact, Adama does not know the specific progress of Ou Ye on the BSD conjecture, because Ou Ye’s paper has not been published.

There are only a very small number of people in the large area of ​​Yan, and they are more aware of the progress of Ou Ye’s research.

That is to say, Adama didn’t deliberately target Ou Ye, he didn’t know what Ou Ye was doing.

However, Shen Qi doesn’t care so much, whether directly or indirectly, deliberately or unintentionally, whoever **** his wife, he will do it.

In the history of mathematics, it is not uncommon to have inspired car crashes and forced quarrels.

Who invented the calculus? It took many years.

Finally, Newton’s tombstone was engraved: Great Light of Humanity… He changed the progress of human civilization…

There is only one sentence on Leibniz’s tombstone: Leibniz’s Burial Site.

On the wall of Shen Qi’s office, there are always portraits of the four gods of mathematics, Newton, Gauss, Euler, and Archimedes.

Newton may have some shortcomings criticized, but he is indeed worthy of the title of “Human Light”.

Leibniz has also received a very high evaluation in contemporary times. But Leibniz lived quite aggrieved in his day.

People always sympathize with geniuses who are depressed when they are alive, and whose name goes down in history after death.

Shen Qi also has this kind of sympathy, but he thinks it would be better to be famous when he is alive.

“Adama, take him out.”

Shen Qi has a more specific strike strategy.

Beat Adama brutally?

Yes, but not necessary.

As a scholar, he is of course implemented technically.

Prove that BSD guesses rank 0 and 1, which is nothing.

Technically speaking, proving that rank is greater than or equal to 2 is the real cause.

As we all know, Adama’s patron is Andrew Wiles, a British national treasure mathematician.

Oh, dear Andrew, we finally played against each other.

Shen Qi and Andrew Wiles have a very deep friendship.

The friendship between the two will continue, which does not prevent you from defeating you technically.

Shen Qi started his calculations.

“rank is greater than or equal to I think we should start from the Gaussian quadratic domain…”

Before this, Shen Qi really didn’t get involved in Ou Ye’s project on the issue of BSD conjecture.

Ou Ye’s initial research results were almost made by her alone with three students.

No matter how talented Adama is, he cannot complete the final proof of the BSD conjecture on his own. The big man behind him is Andrew Wiles.

Although Wiles is very old, Shen Qi feels that Wiles may come up with an idea to prove that the rank is greater than or equal to 2.

Mathematics is unclear. This subject is rich in genius children under the age of 20, and old monsters over the age of 80.

To be fair, Shen Qi believes that Ou Ye’s current strength is still a little bit different from that of the old monster Andrew Wiles.

Since the old British monster has taken action, how can Shen Qi, a mature god, remain indifferent?

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