I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 648

Chapter 622 The goddess is coming

Compared with Shen Qi Quantum Society, which is full of breath in Secondary Two, Ouye Computer Society is much more serious.

According to the regulations on the management of associations of Yantai University, every association in the school needs at least one instructor.

The instructor of the Ou Ye Computer Club is Ou Ye, and most of the club activities are funded by Ou Ye.

It sounds like a computer society, but in fact the headquarters of the Ouye Computer Society is set up in the Academy of Sciences.

On the door of a room at the end of the corridor on the first floor of the courtyard, there was a sign of “Ouye Computer Society” hung, and a young man in the room was playing cards with a big girl.

“Sister Ye Zi gave another 20,000 yuan to our agency. She gave a total of 80,000 yuan this year.” The young man named Zhao Tian, ​​the president of the Ouye Computer Agency.

“Professor Shen sponsored two thousand in friendship, so ah, sister Ye Zi must have the financial power in their family.” The eldest girl made a “I want more” gesture, motioning to ask for another card. .

“Xiaoyun, you’re already 20 o’clock, do you want more?” Zhao Tian gave Xiaoyun a card again after finishing talking.

The card was the Ace of Hearts and Xiaoyun got 21 points.

“21 o’clock is a non-linear combination game, Sister Ye Zi said.” Xiaoyun smiled, and said: “Senior, let’s work hard. The people from Shen Qi Mathematics Club have taken over the mathematics competition and modeling competition for college students. Professor Shen was very happy. He gave out RMB 50,000 to the Shen Qi Mathematics Society, and also helped the Shen Qi Mathematics Society write letters of recommendation to study in Princeton.”

“Xiaoyun, don’t be swayed. We are Sister Ye Zi’s people when we are born, and Sister Ye Zi’s ghost in death.” Zhao Tian turned a card to himself, at 7 o’clock, he also got 21 o’clock: “College student Math competitions and modeling competitions are nothing. If Professor Shen doesn’t write a recommendation letter for us, Sister Ye Zi will definitely help. Have you got your Hong Kong and Macau Pass?”

“It’s done.” Xiaoyun nodded and said.

“Okay, proceed as planned.” Zhao Tian reshuffled his cards and continued to practice poker with Xiaoyun.

There are three people in this room, and the other boy has been standing silent at the blackboard, like a plant.

Zhao Tian looked at the boy: “Zeng Han, are you going with us?”

Zeng Leng said coldly: “If you want to die, go to the casino. You want to die, I don’t want to.”

“Zeng Han, you know, we went to Macau without looking for money, just to study mathematical problems.” Zhao Tian persuaded each other bitterly, this student of Zeng Han is a mathematics genius.

Zeng Han stared at the blackboard intently and said: “You may go and die, every year for Ching Ming, I will burn paper money with you.”

“Hey, you brat!” Zhao Tian dropped the playing cards in his hand and came to Zeng Han to observe Zeng Han’s work on the blackboard.

The first is a right triangle with sides 3, 4, and 5.

It is easy to get that the area of ​​this triangle is 1/2 times the base times the height=6.

This is actually a Pythagorean right-angled triangle, which also involves an old mathematical problem: Given a positive integer d, is there a right-angled triangle whose sides are rational and the area is exactly d?

Using the knowledge of high school mathematics, it can be proved that the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a right-angled triangle with a side length of a rational number and an area of ​​d is that the equation y2=x3-d2x is a rational number solution for x and y≠0.

Use university mathematics knowledge to make a further interpretation. If and only if d is the area of ​​a right triangle with a rational number on its side, this equation has rational solutions to x and y. The discriminant of this equation is △=-16[4(-d2)3]=64d6, which is not equal to 0, so the image of this equation is an elliptic curve.

Linking high school mathematics knowledge with college mathematics knowledge, that is, finding out which integers d can be the area of ​​a right-angled triangle with a rational number on one side is equivalent to the problem of finding a rational point on a certain elliptic curve.

This is the problem that British scholars Birch and Swinnerton-Dell wanted to solve in their lifetime, and the academic circles called it the BSD conjecture.

“Brother Zeng Han, I very much support your research on the BSD conjecture. In fact, Xiaoyun and I are also very interested in the BSD conjecture.” Zhao Tian drew an ellipse in the air. He is a senior in his senior year and has already studied at the Yan Dashu Academy. Anyway, he has already secured research, and Zhao Tian has enough time to organize and carry out the club activities of the Ouye Computer Society.

“Oh.” Zeng Han snorted expressionlessly.

Xiaoyun, a junior, approached Zeng Han and said, “Brother Zeng Han is always so serious, so smile.”

The corners of Zeng Han’s mouth moved slightly: “Heh.”

“Such a handsome guy, he has a facial paralysis, hey.” Xiaoyun sighed. She looked at the blackboard full of mathematical symbols and said: “The BSD conjecture is classified as number theory, but it actually involves many other branches of mathematics. We all know that the necessary and sufficient condition to prove that the elliptic curve has infinitely many rational points is L(E, 1)=0, which proves the BSD conjecture. However, this is really difficult.”

While talking, Xiaoyun wiped off half of the blackboard with the blackboard eraser, and then wrote a stereotyped Q on the blackboard, representing the set of rational numbers.

Xiaoyun wrote more and more. She said as she wrote, “E(Q) is an Albert group. In 1922, Model proved that the group E(Q) is finitely generated. Sixty years later, Faltings It also proved the Model’s conjecture. In a few years, Wiles proved Fermat’s last theorem… Combining these history of mathematics, we can find that the way that great mathematicians solve number theory problems is often not a number theory method, only one person Exception, Professor Shen.”

Zhao Tian: “Hey, Xiaoyun, what did you ask Professor Shen to do? Professor Shen doesn’t love us. It is Sister Ye Zi who loves us.”

Xiaoyun smirked like an idiot: “Because Professor Shen is so handsome.”

“Don’t interrupt.” Zeng Han said to Zhao Tian dissatisfiedly, and said: “Senior sister, I agree with your point of view. Proving that BSD conjecture must use elliptic curve and group theory methods. Sister Ye Zi said the same. Now The biggest question is, how is the rank calculated or can the rank be arbitrarily large? I think we should find clues in this regard.”

“Well, yes, but it’s so difficult.” Xiaoyun tilted his head and fell into thought.

A serious study by three undergraduates on how to prove the BSD conjecture seems a bit overwhelming.

BSD conjecture, one of the mathematics millennial problems, if it is solved by a few undergraduates from the Yanda Mathematics Academy, then it’s worth it?


The door opened, and one person came in, UU reading www.uukanshu. She is beautiful and intelligent, wise and knowledgeable, kind and generous, and is the mother of a child.

“Hello Sister Ye Zi!”

The three students stood upright, and the goddess of their club came.

“How are you.” Ou Ye smiled and said to Zhao Tian: “Xiao Zhao, does anyone in our community want to go to Columbia University to exchange for a year? There is a place.”

Zhao Tian: “Of course there is. I’ll do some statistics later.”

I studied for a master degree in Ou Yeh at Columbia, and then went to Princeton to study for a Ph.D.

Shen Qi’s performance in Princeton was too dazzling, to some extent it also made Ou Yeh under his aura when he was studying at Princeton, so that it concealed Ou Yeh’s own light.

But Ou Yeh still had a good reputation in Columbia, and Columbia bought her account.

“Okay, hard work.” Ou Ye said, she glanced at the blackboard, a little surprised: “Huh? Are you studying BSD conjecture?”

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