I Have Time On My Side!

43 – A New Decision

Silence reigned in the room as Emily watched Nolan, after several minutes of internal struggle, finally relax thanks to a sleeping potion Hestia had given him. 

His breathing, which had been erratic and shallow at first, began to steady little by little. 

A soft sigh escaped his lips as his body sank deeper into the bed’s mattress. 

‘He’s finally asleep...’ Emily thought with relief. 

Hestia, who had been closely observing every small change in Nolan’s breathing and posture, also noticed the shift. 

With careful movements, she approached the bedside and leaned over him. Emily watched as the healer extended a hand and gently placed it on Nolan’s forehead, almost as if soothing a sleeping child. 

However, Emily soon realized it was something more. 

Hestia closed her eyes and began to cast a spell. A faint golden light started to emanate from her palm, bathing the room in a warm glow. 

Emily felt a knot form in her stomach as she watched. 

Her eyes darted between Nolan’s face and Hestia’s hand. 

The soft flicker of light seemed to calm Nolan, but as the seconds passed, instead of his breathing becoming more stable, it began to increase. 

At first, it was a slight rise. Then, his chest started to rise and fall irregularly, and soon, Nolan’s agitation became obvious. He stirred weakly, as if his body were trapped in a nightmare from which he couldn’t wake. 

Emily clenched her fists as she saw her friend begin to struggle against some invisible pain. 

Hestia glanced at the other healer and gave a subtle nod. 

The other healer, who had been waiting patiently nearby, stepped forward decisively, bringing with her some wide, sturdy bandages. 

“What are you doing?” Emily asked quietly, unable to contain her confusion as she watched the two women quickly and firmly tie Nolan’s wrists to the sides of the bed. 

“It’s for his safety,” Hestia murmured without taking her eyes off Nolan, focused on maintaining the spell. “He’s entering a critical stage. We don’t want him to hurt himself.” 

The words did nothing to calm Emily. Her eyes widened in shock when, after securing his wrists, the healer moved on to tie down Nolan’s ankles as well. 

Nolan began to move more forcefully, and soon, his quiet groans of pain turned into loud, pained sounds. 

“But… it looks like he’s in a lot of pain!” Emily exclaimed, her voice shaky. 

Hestia gritted her teeth, not lifting her hand from Nolan’s head. 

“I know... But it’s necessary.” Sweat began to form on her forehead as the pressure of her magic intensified. “We have to push him to the limit.” 

Nolan’s body twisted violently, pulling against the restraints as he let out choked grunts. 

Hestia never wavered, keeping her glowing palm pressed to his forehead, even as Nolan’s body arched dangerously. The veins in his neck tensed as his breathing grew faster and faster. 

Suddenly, there was a faint *crack*, followed by an internal burst. 

A small explosion echoed within Nolan’s body, and he abruptly relaxed, as if all the tension had vanished at once. 

Emily froze, watching as the light in Hestia’s hands slowly faded, and the healer staggered backward, gasping for breath. 

Her face was drenched in sweat, and her hands visibly trembled. 

“Is... is he alright?” Emily asked in a trembling voice. 

The other healer quickly rushed to Hestia’s side, holding her by the shoulders and offering her a glass of water. 

“Drink a little,” she said softly. 

Hestia nodded weakly and took a sip before catching her breath. 

“Everything... everything went well,” she murmured, still breathless. Her eyes turned to Emily with a faint smile, trying to convey calm. “The core shattered as we expected.” 

Emily glanced at Nolan, who now lay motionless, his breathing heavy and labored. 

The change was palpable. Despite his relaxed face, he seemed deeply exhausted. 

“Well...” Hestia finally said, rising with effort. “I need to discuss something with my colleague. We won’t be long.” 

Emily nodded slowly, watching as both healers left the room and closed the door behind them. 

Silence filled the air once more, leaving her alone with Nolan. 

Emily leaned slightly toward him. 

‘If someone tried to attack him now...’ she thought with a chill. 

Nolan was completely defenseless, and she had no way of protecting him. 

She felt powerless, her stomach turning as she realized how weak she was compared to everything happening around her. 

“I need to improve...” she muttered to herself, gritting her teeth. 

‘I need to become stronger with my magic. If he can take such risks, I can’t afford to stay behind.’ 

Before she could sink further into her thoughts, the healers returned. 

Hestia approached her with a kind smile, while the other healer began to untie Nolan. 

“We’ll take him to a special room to rest,” Hestia explained in a professional tone. “He likely won’t regain consciousness until tonight.” 

“He’ll sleep... all day?” Emily asked, surprised. 

She hadn’t expected the process to be so exhausting. 

Hestia nodded gently. 

“Yes. His body needs time to recover.” Then, looking at her with a thoughtful expression, she added, “You’re welcome to stay here, in the church, if you’d like. We have some temporary rooms, although... you’d have to help out a bit with the tasks.” 

Emily nodded quickly, determination gleaming in her eyes. 

“Of course, I’d be happy to help!” 

Hestia smiled, relieved by the young woman’s willingness. 

“Perfect. We’ll teach you how to prepare some herbs and assist with medical records.” Then, leading her to a small adjacent room, she continued, “You can stay here. It’s small but comfortable. The bed is soft, and the window looks out over the back garden.” 

Emily glanced around. 

The room was simple, with stone walls decorated with a few flowers and a narrow bed covered with an embroidered blanket. There was a small wooden desk and a vase of fresh lilies in the corner. 

It wasn’t luxurious, but it radiated a sense of peace. 

“Thank you,” Emily whispered, feeling a bit more at ease. 

Hestia nodded before turning to the other healer, who was now carefully holding Nolan. 

“We’ll take care of him. Take your time to rest.” 

And with that, Emily was left alone in her new room, more determined than ever to become stronger.

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