I Have Time On My Side!

33 What Do You Need?

Nolan and Emily sat at the dining table. Conversation flowed easily as they openly discussed wind magic.

Emily, still excited by her recent progress, shared her experiences and sensations with Nolan, who listened attentively, offering subtle advice and corrections.

The topic of magic captivated the interest of the nearby servants, who discreetly stayed close, listening to every detail with such concentration it seemed they were taking mental notes.

“It’s really interesting how you can feel the flow of the wind when you focus the mana in the core,” Emily said, her eyes shining with excitement.

“Yes, once you have control of the mana, the magic flows much more naturally,” Nolan responded thoughtfully. “But the most important thing is how you manage to maintain that constant flow. That’s what will allow you to control not just the wind, but any magic.”

Before they could continue, one of the maids appeared, bringing in the food.

As she placed a plate in front of Emily, she smiled gratefully.

“Thank you very much,” she said warmly as the maid withdrew with a small bow.

Nolan, meanwhile, had already begun eating enthusiastically, displaying his usual appetite.

The aroma of the meat stew with fresh herbs filled the room.

The stew had a thick consistency, and the earthy flavor of the vegetables blended perfectly with the juicy piece of meat.

Next to it, there was a small portion of freshly baked bread, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

When Emily tasted it, she noticed how the bread complemented the warmth of the food, while Nolan quickly finished his portion.

Once they were both satisfied, Nolan rested his elbows on the table, relaxing a bit before breaking the silence.

“Emily, I’ve been thinking… how would you feel about staying at the mansion?”

Emily looked up in surprise, almost dropping her fork.

“What? Staying here? Really?” she asked incredulously, her eyes wide.

Nolan smiled at her reaction.

“Yes, why not? There’s plenty of space.” He turned his head towards the servants standing nearby in the room. “Are there any available rooms?”

One of the servants nodded respectfully.

“Yes, sir, there are several available rooms.”

Emily, still in shock, tried to process the offer.

“But… why do you want me to stay here?” she asked curiously.

Nolan looked at her, amused by her confusion.

“It’s fun teaching you magic,” he said with a shrug. “And besides, I think things will get a bit problematic tomorrow.”

Emily blinked, even more surprised.

“Why do you say that?”

Nolan paused before responding.

“I received a letter from Princess Iris,” he began to explain. “She told me she couldn’t stop the rumors about my visit to the church, so it’s likely that starting tomorrow, we’ll have more eyes on this mansion. We’ll need to increase security.”

Emily was left speechless.

“Are you that popular?” she asked with a mixture of amazement and confusion. “I didn’t know…”

Nolan smiled, but there was a hint of disdain towards the situation.

“So it seems. Although I don’t fully understand it.”

“Why don’t you agree to give an interview then?” Emily suggested, remembering something she had seen in the capital. “It’s something important people do to calm the public’s curiosity. Maybe if you give one, the interest will decrease.”

Nolan looked at her, slightly puzzled.

“An interview?” he repeated, doubtful.

It was clear he wasn’t familiar with the concept.

Emily nodded, excited to explain.

“Yes, it’s when journalists ask you questions, and you answer so that people know more about you. Maybe if you give an interview, everyone will calm down and stop bothering you.”

Nolan observed her, thoughtful, and then nodded slowly.

“That makes sense… I suppose. I hadn’t thought of that.”

Emily, feeling useful, smiled with satisfaction.

She had managed to offer him a good idea, and that made her feel proud of herself.

Seeing her so animated, Nolan returned to the initial conversation.

“So, what do you say? Will you stay here?” he asked again, with a slight smile.

Emily, still impressed by the proposal, lowered her head and thought out loud.

“Well… I’d have to ask my grandparents for permission first.”

“Your grandparents?” Nolan repeated, somewhat curious. “Right, I’d like to meet your family.”

Emily quickly waved her hands, trying to dissuade him.

“No, no! It’s not necessary. If you go in person, it would cause a big commotion, and they’d end up overwhelmed trying to take care of you. Everyone in the village would find out.”

Nolan raised an eyebrow.

“And isn’t that a good thing?”

Emily nodded slightly, but then remembered the conversation with her grandmother and how they had suggested she ask Nolan for money.

Just the thought made her feel uncomfortable.

Her grandmother’s words echoed in her mind, but she couldn’t say them out loud.

Nolan, noticing her change in expression, tilted his head to the side, curious.

“So, what can I do to help them?” he asked sincerely.

Emily, visibly embarrassed, blushed.

“No, no… it’s nothing,” she said quickly, trying to change the subject.

Nolan, with a mischievous smile, crossed his arms and looked at her intently.

“If you don’t tell me, I won’t keep teaching you magic.”

Emily’s eyes widened in disbelief, and, unable to help herself, she made a face of surprise that drew a soft laugh from Nolan.

“That’s not fair!” she protested, her face flushed. “That’s manipulation!”

Nolan burst out laughing.

“Well, I’ve said it. It’s up to you.”

Emily, with a resigned sigh, lowered her head.

“Money,” Emily murmured quietly, feeling embarrassment wash over her.

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