I have Nine Lives

Chapter 177: The war (4)

Binela's eyes were shining as she was ready to rip off Felix's last 'garment' and leave him fully exposed to the spatial environment and her.

She licked her lips in anticipation as she made her left hand get closer to his last piece of armor.

However, the moment her hand was centimeters away from ripping away his armor, Felix's third eye, which was previously closed due to his inexperience with it, finally opened!

Felix's third eye was a new organ, which he didn't get much time to use. And he wasn't sure what abilities did it give him...

When Felix's third eye opened, Binela's hand froze as her eyes remained targeted towards his crotch area, everything around him stopped, the sound of others breathing as did the fight below them between the humans and the invaders, which was in full swing after Marquina and Felix left them behind.

Felix didn't know what happened, so he took a few steps backward to create some space between him and Binela. And suddenly, everything returned to normal while his third eye forcefully closed by itself.

Binela was puzzled as she looked at her empty hand and then at Felix, who was a few meters away from her:

"Time leaping ability?"

Binela's thoughts were in a mess. She knew that Time leaping abilities only appeared in God's or God's potentials, so her eyes immediately narrowed. The moment she understood what happened.

She was the oldest being and the second strongest of the 5 God's chosen on the ship.

She had seen galactic empires rise and fall to the universal scale while their race fought under them and preserved. They fell apart while their race survived and took their place.

She had lived for tens of thousands of years, and she was basically at half of her lifespan now.

She knew she didn't have much time- to be able to make a baby anymore, so regardless of how strong Felix was or his strange origins. She decided to pin him down, regardless of the future consequences that might exist...

Even though it might be a hard endeavor considering their strength, it would still be easier than having a child with males of her own race as pure-blooded beings were harder to conceive on their part.

Mixed blood would be easier to conceive and give birth to while their talent would depend on both the mother's and father's, it was pretty much a win for females of their species to mate with different races instead of their own, but that was also only if they found the right mate.

Felix was the prime mate candidate for Binela and Marquina, his bloodline was currently very pure due to his evolution, and his strength was off the charts.

However, Felix's consent was not given- in this situation.

Felix glared at Binela. He really didn't like the women of this invading race as all of them seemed to want to jump his bones!

As he absorbed Vangar's memories, he wasn't really foreign to the concept of sex, he had skipped through his personal life ones, but he couldn't help glancing at some of them.

He understood the look on Binela's face, and this made him feel strange. Just as if he was like a piece of meat that she wanted to devour slowly...

It was a rather foreign situation to him, so he didn't know what to do. But in this type of situation where there were no answers. The best answer was to punch something!

Felix's third eye opened once again as time was halted, and he similarly appeared in front of Binela as she did to him when she first appeared.

Binela chuckled as her face went near his and said:

"Boy, you might be strong but don't get ahead of yourself just because you are talented... you haven't seen my full strength at all, and you shouldn't compare me with that youth Marquina!"

However, Felix's strength wasn't fully tapped into, as well. The stronger people he fought, the more he unlocked it, and as he fought her, his strength also increased.

The first time the fight went on, he got the armor on his torso ripped off without much resistance.

But this time around, it was a little bit different.

Both of Felix's fists got encased in a shiny red rock as he threw one of them at the woman's face then the other at her stomach.

Binela just laughed as she caught the one going at her face rather easily, and she was ready to catch the other one as well, only for it to accelerate suddenly and nail her in the stomach, almost going through it and coming out of her back.

Blue blood started to drip along Felix's lodged fist, and arm as Binela glared at him and started to crush the red rocks off Felix's fist.

However, Felix slipped his other arm out of the gauntlet he created. And then accelerated his fist, making it go through her chest around her heart area.

More blue blood dripped from her newly created wounds compared to the normal red one that Marquina had, it is shown that as the invading race aged, everything about them changed. Including their blood color.

Both of Felix's arms started to vibrate inside of her, and now that he got her into this position. He was ready to end her for good and lower her revival count.

Any death on their part would help Felix greatly as he could eat their corpses and improve his power even more. After he ate Marquina, his extra two arms disappeared, and he could only summon two more. But the strength of those two increased by more than 5x, and the original strength of his normal arms increased by 10x!

That was why- he was able to easily pierce through Binela's body as if it was made of cardboard.

Normally he would have had to exhaust her and find a good opportunity to strike at a weak point, but now, he could just straight punch through her.

Felix's vibrating arms made blood spill everywhere as Binela felt her organs shake along with the vibrations from his arms. She felt her hair stand on end as death quickly approached her.

However, she smiled as she used her arms to grab Felix by the back and embraced him tightly, giving him a bear hug.

Felix's bones started to crack as she used immense strength that didn't conform with her elegant look.

It was almost as if a little kitten was as strong as a gorilla on steroids, strength-wise speaking.

Felix broke away from her grasp as he took his hands out of her body and wiggled out of her embrace using his flexible body.

He knew he couldn't trade lives with her. Marquina had 4 more lives, the others had 5, and with Binela here, it counted to killing people as strong and even stronger than him 19 times in total.

That was 10 more lives than what he had.

The gaps in Binela's stomach and chest started to slowly heal, showing that the healing factor of the race was quite strong, considering that Felix had laced his vibrating hands with his hex energy, so he could slow down the healing factor of whoever was struck by them.

Felix opened his third eye once again but stopped as he felt a splitting headache appear. Blood started to slowly drip from his third eye as it forcefully closed by itself after opening for a split second. It seemed that the eye had a limited amount of times that he could open it... and it was 3 times.

"Oho? You cannot use your time-altering ability anymore? Too bad darling, It seems that you haven't advanced too far on your path to Godhood yet."

Felix found this information to be quite new Gods could be made from mortals?

The human federation never told him about this, nor was any information about this wherever he had been.

Binela knew that Felix was surprised by her reveal, so she immediately launched herself at him with a roundhouse kick which struck him over the face and made him fly through space, creating rings at a few points of impact, showing that his speed from the kick broke through the conventional space barriers around.

Felix's face became sore after that hit, but his healing factor kicked in and made it all better in a jiffy while he stopped his cannonballing body.

Felix shook his head as he started to fly back towards Binela's direction, only for her to somehow appear behind him.

But the same tactic didn't work twice on Felix as he struck the space in front of him, striking her directly in the face and creating a similar event to her roundhouse kick as she was pushed back to the direction they both came from.

They arrived back in the midst of the ships as Felix flexed his muscles, and his skin started to turn pink while steam came out of his body. The lightning armor also engulfed him as he unlocked more of his strength.

He cracked his knuckles as he suddenly disappeared from Binela's senses. This made her quickly look around her before closing her eyes and staying there limply in space. It seemed she was waiting for Felix's attack so she could counter him and strike back a blow that could know him out.

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