I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 115

Chapter 114 .The Battle of Two Kings

With the command of the leader Li Yi, the Tang army on both sides of the river immediately began to attack.

On the ballista, special crossbow arrows made of refined steel brought a hurricane-like roar and launched a salvo at the huge dragon boat in the river.

In the face of this powerful ballista used to attack cities, the river boats of Dahelongmen may be pierced no matter how strong they are.

Dahe Longmen warriors appeared on the boat.

The leader is a tough old man, with a big knife flying in his hand, the knife shines like a waterfall, spreading all over the square, with the power of the human body, it is hard to resist the fierce crossbow arrow.

In the sharp metal collision, the crossbow arrows, which were nearly two meters long with the thickness of a child’s arm, were smashed by the old man, making it difficult to touch the dragon boat.

On each of the five big ships, there is a dragon gate master, either with a gun or a knife, and each one of them is tyrannically repaired and opened to protect the dragon boat.

Although everyone has different weapons, the number of weapons is the same.

This is the unique knowledge of the Longmen of the Great River, the great rivers are refined, the meaning is not the shape, the true meaning of the vast river is endless, the waves beat the shore and the water is invisible, and every practitioner can create his own best fit. Moves.

On the bow of the foremost dragon boat, a middle-aged man stood with his bare hands. He was even more violent and fierce than other Longmen masters.

He divided his hands, stopped the crossbow arrows on both sides, and then closed his palms.

The invisible giant force broke through the surging river in front of him.

The river waved, revealing a chain of iron cables ahead.

That was exactly what Tang Jun arranged to prevent Dahe Longmen from breaking through against the current.

Now that the middle-aged man is so excited, not only the river separates, but the iron cable is also broken!

The middle-aged man split his palms again and shook the crossbow arrows from both sides of the boat.

The huge dragon boat roared like a giant whale and continued to rush forward.

“Li Jie, Hugh is crazy!”

At this moment, there was an angry shout in midair.

I saw Li Yi, the king of Muping County in the East Tang, holding a long Ge, and volleyed towards the middle-aged man at the bow of the ship.

The middle-aged man flashed his eyes, punched upwards, and hit Li Yi’s weapon.

Two strong auras collided first in the air.

The strong **** evil spirit spread to the surroundings, and the soldiers of Tang Sergeant on both sides of the river in the distance were affected by this, and they were frightened.

This is a collision between martial arts masters in the eighth stage, and ordinary people are affected even from a distance.

Those in the eighth stage of martial arts, known as “Gui Xiong”, are cultivated on top of the morale of the military commander in battle formation and the murderous aura of people.

Sha, when fierce and violent, can destroy morale and murder.

The reason why Li Yi, the second son of the Tang prince, was willing to challenge the status of his elder son Li Hong was precisely because he, like his opponent, had cultivated into the eighth martial art stage.

With the support of Xingtian’s fighting spirit, the royal family of the Eastern Tang Dynasty was famous for its two masterpieces, Zhanwangquan and Sifangge.

At this moment, Li Yi was really fierce and violent, splitting mountains and rocks.

If there is no one to stop him, he can directly cut the huge dragon boat tens of meters long in one blow!

But at this moment, there is a person on the ship who can stop him.

The contemporary master of Dahe Longmen, Li Jie.

Li Jie’s Dragon Gate Profound Art is the inside, the great river is outside with hundreds of refinements, the inside and outside are connected, with a punch to the sky, the evil spirit is mighty, like a vast river, and like an angry dragon rising to heaven.

Li Yi, the emperor of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, was extremely fierce and violent, and cut the gap in this great river of evil spirits.

But facing Lao La’s opponent, his stamina is slightly insufficient.

The “river” of the opponent’s mighty evil spirits rolled forward. Although it was split for a while, it was added immediately afterwards and closed again.

Li Yi was forced to change his move, and was repelled by his opponent.

But the middle-aged man on the boat did not relax at all.

Because another old and spicy long Ge, silently, drew towards his waist and ribs.

The middle-aged man punched his backhand and smashed the long Ge.

“Li Jie, speaking of it, you are also the national surname, why not be loyal to the king?”

The old prince of Dongtang Li Dong Changge was punched open by the opponent, and Ge Feng drew a strange angle, and soon continued to hack his opponent.

He acted fiercely, and his tone was calm, as if he was gossiping: “The king has been merciful to Dahe Longmen many times. It is precisely because he admires you that he has always praised him. Under the nine realms of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, you are the first person.”

Li Jie stood on the bow, unwavering, unfolding the chains blocking the road in the river ahead, and repelling the attack of the old lord Li Dong.

“It is not necessary for the king to appreciate a certain person in Li. It is the blessing of the Eastern Tang Dynasty to be compassionate to thousands of people.”

While he was speaking, he grasped the long Ge pole that was hacked from the other direction: “As for the country’s surname, Tingshan Li Zhibin, what do you say?”

Li Jie grabbed the long pole of Bing Ge with one hand, and dragged the master of Long Ge towards him.

Li Yi, who was caught by his weapon, regained his strength: “You can kill any anti-thief!”

“For me, it’s an independent husband, a thief, and everyone can kill it.” After the Dahe Longmen sect master defeated the old prince Li Dong with the other hand, he punched Li Yi’s head directly.

However, a mirror-like round shield suddenly stood in front of Li Yi.

The dragon gate master punched the mirror light shield, but still pressed the shield, and continued to hit Li Yi.

At this time, the moonlight lit up and cut to the neck of the Longmen Sect Master.

The Longmen Sect Master finally closed his fists and knocked into the moonlight.

At the same time, his body finally moved, leaving the bow, avoiding a Ujin spear and a long Ge.

In the past, the host of Jingyue Tower, Yan, used a mirror shield and a crescent scimitar to rescue Muping County King Li Yi, and then continued to attack the Longmen Gate.

Li Yi is also quite fierce. Just after getting out of danger, he immediately re-attacked with Yan before.

On the other side, Li Dong, the old prince, and Situ Jinsheng, the head of the Situ family.

The Longmen Sect Master looked back and found that Zheng Tianfeng, the head of the Zheng family, was also on his own ship.

At the same time, Wangzhen Guanzhu and Chen Daoists flew high, staying in the air, monitoring the audience, but most of their attention was also on the side of the Longmen Sect Master.

The top masters of the Eastern Tang dynasty gathered, all the targets were directed at the first dragon boat where Li Jie was, intending to capture the thieves first.

The dragon gate masters on the four dragon boats behind were now restrained by the crossbow arrows of the Tang army on both sides of the strait.

If they left their ship and rushed to the first ship, the ballista on the shore would be able to destroy all the dragon ships.

Longmen sect master Li Jie was trapped, but his eyes flashed without panic.

Facing Zheng Tianfeng, the Patriarch of the Zheng family behind him, Li Jie punched out with a backhand, facing the opponent’s push palm that shook the mountain.

The fists of both sides collided, and Zheng Tianfeng suddenly showed an incredible expression on his face.

The two flew backwards at the same time.

However, Zheng Tianfeng was unable to control himself. He was shocked by Li Jie, his palms trembling, and his muscles and bones were torn apart. After landing, he staggered a few steps and almost sat down.

The deck of the dragon boat was crushed by Zheng Tianfeng’s steps.

The huge ship tens of meters long almost broke apart.

But the Longmen Sect Master took the initiative to use Zheng Tianfeng’s power to rush forward, and instantly came to Muping County King Li Yi.

The enemy’s speed was too fast, and Li Yi almost subconsciously blocked the enemy’s fist.

But his condensed evil spirit was directly shattered by the opponent.

“Kingdao domineering?” Li Yi blurted out, startled.

The dragon gate master in front of him, the strength revealed at this moment is clearly the ninth state of martial arts, the state of kings.

The kingly domineering condensed, crushed down, the murderous aura and the evil aura all fell apart.

This is the obedience of all the people, and at the same time, under the rule of the emperor, without fear of danger, blessed by the emperor, invincible.

The person in front of him is no longer the Longmen Sect Master, but should be called the “Dahe Dragon King”.

Li Yi held a long Ge, but was interrupted by the Dragon King on the spot.

The opponent’s fist continued to move forward and was about to reach Li Yi’s chest. Li Yi’s retreat speed suddenly accelerated.

It turned out that Situ Jinsheng, the Patriarch of the Situ family, made a timely move, grabbed Li Yi, and pulled him to fly back.

At the same time, the host of Jingyue Tower, Yan, and Li Dong, the old prince, were on the left and right, attacking at the same time, blocking the Dragon King.

The Dragon King double fist left and right to open the bow, flies and smashes the shield.

After retreating Li Dong and Yan Xishi, he grew up and flew at Li Yi again.

Grasping Li Yi as a hostage to ensure that Tang Jun will not dare to act rashly, so that the young Longmen disciples can break through the siege.

But at this moment, one hand suddenly clenched into a fist and appeared in front of him.

The two sides collided with fists.

The visitor did not move.

The big river dragon king Li Jie stopped his forward momentum and took a step backward.

“Father!” The rescued Li Yi was slightly dazed.

Situ Jinsheng and others were also shocked.

The visitor was dressed in normal clothes, but his body was intertwined with domineering domineering, faintly in the shape of a dragon.

It is the current Tang Wang Li Xuanxin.

He is also the first person in Dongtang martial arts.

The king of Tang fights the dragon king.

King of War Fight against Dahe Bailian, the King of Tang is still better.

“Sure enough, you have broken through the original realm and reached the ninth realm. It is not in vain that I was optimistic about you before.”

Tang Wang closed his fist with a calm tone.

“Fortunately, I just broke through, and it’s not like a king who has been here for years.”

Seeing Tang Wang, Li Jie felt a little heavy.

It’s not entirely because of the opponent’s personal strength, but because of other aspects.

Behind him, several Dahe Longmen high-level powerhouses saw Wang Wang, their expressions changed slightly.

They were all guarded on their respective boats, allowing multiple opponents to besiege their own master.

But after Li Jie showed the true strength of the ninth stage of martial arts, a few of them suddenly changed their previous style and all rushed to the front dragon boat.

Forget the truth, observe the subject and hold on to the Taoist people, and there is no way to stop them.

A few people just rushed into the boat, ready to meet their own master, but saw Wang Tang personally come.

King Tang looked at Li Jie and then at them: “I have already seen your tricks, and on the land, people have been arranged to encircle and suppress them.”

Everyone in Longmen looked serious.

Without their evil spirits and murderous cover, the Tang army on both sides of the strait, Situ Jinsheng, Zheng Tianfeng and others also noticed that there were only a few people on the large ships.

Most of Longmen disciples are not here.

It’s just that the Dragon King and others tried to adjust the tiger away from the mountain, using themselves as bait to attract Li Yi and others to attack.

Other descendants of the Longmen, broke through the land one step later and left.

On the one hand, the Dragon King and others tried to massacre the masters of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, on the other hand, they tried to capture Li Yi, the son of the leader of the Tang Dynasty.

But now, the plan has all failed.

“For your own sake, and for the more Longmen disciples on the land…”

Wang Wang calmly looked at the few people in front of Longmen:

“Follow me, and forget the past.”

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