I Have a Penglai Immortal Island

Chapter 072 – If I Could Do It Again, I Would Speak Softer

After the initial conflict, she put the matter aside and started working on her sunroom in the backyard.

She secretly dug up a custard apple tree from Yaoguang’s space and planted it inside. While holding the tree, she directed Gun Gun to fill in the soil. Since the dog was already dirty enough to need a bath, getting a bit dirtier wouldn’t make much difference.

Gun Gun loved the task of digging up the soil, so she wouldn’t deny him the pleasure.

Suddenly, Da Linzi came in, startling her. Luckily, he seemed preoccupied and didn’t ask where the tree came from.

Zhao Zhao waited for him to speak. Sure enough, after helping with the soil for a while, he couldn’t hold it in any longer. “Zhao Zhao, yesterday my mom asked for my salary card again. If I give it to her, it’ll be hard to get money in the future. What should I do?”

Didn’t he say he wouldn’t give it to her? Why is he wavering now?

Zhao Zhao asked, “Didn’t you say you’d save it yourself? Why are you wavering now?”

Da Linzi explained, “The island has been buzzing with house construction recently. My family still has a plot of land. My mom wants me and my brother to hand over our salary cards to build a two-story house on that land.”

Zhao Zhao asked, “So, you’re supposed to hand over the salary card? Isn’t it just a matter of contributing a specific amount?”

Da Linzi shook his head, “My brother has already handed his over. Should I hand mine over too? My brother can get money from my mom, but I can’t.”

You’re quite self-aware.

Zhao Zhao was speechless. Qin Yunmei was quite something. Just when she thought her recent behavior was good, she did this.

Zhao Zhao asked, “Was your dad present when your mom mentioned this yesterday?”

Da Linzi replied, “No, he was helping at Uncle San’s house and had dinner there.”

“I remember your family’s plot of land belongs to Xiong Jin, right? You were born later, so you didn’t get a share.” Xiong Jin could easily contribute to the construction fund, as having a house in his name for a small cost was a great deal. Buying and selling land was not allowed now.

Whether it was Qin Yunmei’s or Xiong Jin’s idea, she hoped it was Qin Yunmei’s. She was more approachable.

Da Linzi was puzzled, “Yes, I didn’t get a share.”

Zhao Zhao had to give him some advice. “Look, your brother will eventually get married. Living together won’t be convenient. Since it’s just you and your brother, you’ll each have one plot of land. You’re still young and don’t need to rush. When you save enough money, I’ll design a house for you to build on the old site, so your parents can enjoy living in a big house. Tell your mom there’s no hurry to get a construction quota. Whenever you’re ready to build, I’ll cover the initial two thousand yuan. You can save up more, and I’ll start designing.”

Zhao Zhao paused before continuing, “As for contributing to your brother’s house first, you can lend him some. In the end, it’s up to you. You’re grown up now.”

Da Linzi wasn’t stingy but felt awkward because Qin Yunmei used to favor his brother more. As a child with no salary, Da Linzi couldn’t afford to join friends for meals, which made him feel embarrassed.

Now that he’s independent, Qin Yunmei is trying to pull him back in. Does she want to even out their income disparity? Da Linzi earned his twenty thousand yuan by braving the Atlantic Ocean for two months, not by winning a lottery.

In his childhood, Da Linzi preferred to follow their grandfather and Zhao Zhao. The grandfather always included him when buying things, unlike Qin Yunmei, who would only buy for Xiong Jin. Even Da Linzi noticed that their mother preferred his brother.

Xiong Jin was four years older than her. As a child, Zhao Zhao disliked Qin Yunmei, once asking her grandfather if Da Linzi was adopted.

It wasn’t about the money but the principle. Why should it be like this?

Zhao Zhao got angrier the more she thought about it. She sent Da Linzi to bathe Gun Gun while she continued to plant the tree, fearing she might say something unpleasant.

However, she soon found something new to be angry about.

Her beloved dog came running with her ringing phone in its mouth, covered in soap suds and dripping water everywhere.

Zhao Zhao envisioned the scene a moment ago: the phone rang, Gun Gun dashed out of the bathroom, scattering bubbles as it ran through the guest room to find her phone and bring it to her, adrenaline pumping...

No, she couldn’t be angry. The child was so thoughtful. She should praise him.

“Good job, darling!” She said dryly.

Da Linzi followed, mopping the floor. “I’ll clean up! You answer the phone.” He felt his sister’s smile was a bit scary, icy.

Gun Gun didn’t feel that way. Today, he was a diligent, obedient child who was praised.

“Who is this?” Zhao Zhao’s tone still carried a hint of her earlier anger. The person on the other end was taken aback, “Zhao Zhao?”

It was Qiao Jinnian!

Zhao Zhao glanced at the caller ID, and it was indeed him.

This was the first time he called her by her name instead of “Miss Xiong.”

Zhao Zhao recalled her previous angry tone and spoke more softly, “Yes, it’s me.”

Could she redo that moment and speak more softly?

Qiao Jinnian: “I have something to discuss with you... What I’m about to say is serious. We have a very dangerous mission that requires someone skilled in diving and martial arts. Meng Hui recommended you to the leadership. I need to inform you that this mission is extremely dangerous, potentially involving foreign military forces. I know you’re skilled, but the risk level is high. This is not a civilian’s duty. I hope you’ll consider it carefully.”

Zhao Zhao caught on, “You don’t want me to go?”

Qiao Jinnian was momentarily taken aback by her directness, then replied frankly, “Yes. This mission requires more than just diving skills. The danger level is high. Meng Hui exaggerated some aspects when he spoke to the leadership.”

Zhao Zhao: “Can I ask what the mission involves?” Perhaps it wasn’t an exaggeration.

Qiao Jinnian: “I can’t go into specifics... but simply put, it’s about retrieving something that belongs to us.”

Zhao Zhao: “Is it important to our country?”

He seemed to already know the answer and sighed softly, “Very important.”

Zhao Zhao: “Then I’ll go.”

They hung up after discussing the details. Zhao Zhao changed into suitable attire and told Da Linzi to stay and look after Gun Gun while she went out.

Before the speedboat arrived, Meng Hui called, apologizing, “I’m sorry, Miss Xiong. I recommended you, putting you at risk, which angered Jinnian.”

Zhao Zhao wasn’t too angry, feeling he was just careless. “It’s fine. It was my choice. Don’t feel guilty.”

Meng Hui hesitated before asking, “Can I call you Xiao Xiong since we’ve known each other for a while and I’m a few years older?”

Zhao Zhao didn’t understand his hesitation, “Of course. I like the dragon palace you sent.”

Meng Hui said, “Xiao Xiong, Jinnian volunteered for this mission. Could you ensure his safety? He’s skilled but not good at diving. I trust your abilities, so I’m asking you to take care of him. He wasn’t supposed to lead this mission, but he insisted on going after I mentioned you. Even the leaders couldn’t persuade him otherwise. He’s already on his way.”

Zhao Zhao was speechless.

Unsure whether to thank Meng Hui for his blind trust, she replied, “I’ll do my best. Don’t worry. I heard a coast guard speedboat is coming for me. I’ll take my son Siren as an extra hand in the water.”



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