I Have a Penglai Immortal Island

Chapter 011 – Jade Trees and Orchids

There were 5854 people in the live room now, with many small rewards. Zhao Zhao ignored the fans egging her on, put the mussel meat into Da Linzi's bucket, and earnestly advised Gun Gun, "Sister will save it and cook it at home. Humans need to eat cooked seafood. Good job, my dear!"

【Heartless host, deceiving the dog】

【Remember to cook it at home. I will supervise】

【Not eating it makes you un-Chinese】

Da Linzi was very envious. He moved over and extended his hand in front of the dog, signaling, "Why didn't I get any? Go break one for brother too. How can such a thick-browed, big-eyed dog be so biased? I wash your bowl every day!"

Gun Gun didn't understand. Da Linzi gestured again, showing his empty hand, indicating he had nothing to eat.

This time, Gun Gun seemed to understand. It ran back to the mussel it had smashed earlier, grabbed a piece of shell, and brought it back, spitting it into Da Linzi's hand, then tilted its head and looked at him.

The fans were already overwhelmed by the cuteness, not caring about Da Linzi's broken heart.

【What a considerate pup】

【After the parrot, now the dog is also a spirit】

【This is how it caters to different people? Got it, got it】

【Ahhhh so smart】

【This thick-browed, big-eyed dog is bullying people? Not even as tall as a bottle, already prefers girls over boys?】

【Little Bear doesn't get special treatment from Gun Gun】

【Everyone move aside!! Let me kiss it】

【So this is what kind of dog it is】

【Other people's dog! I want one, host draw your knife】

【No, I still support Yaoguang, definitely not switching. Yaoguang, come back soon, or it might be too late】

【Host, switch to a cute pet live stream. I don't think anyone's here for the sea-foraging】 The remaining outdoor live stream enthusiasts struggled.

Da Linzi got angry, "From now on, this dog will have apples for all three meals! And to think I even made milk powder for you!"

The live stream team spent two hours collecting two buckets of mussels before ending the stream. They went home to start making dried mussels, also known as dan cai.

Zhao Zhao recorded the process and edited it into the video for that night.

They washed the mussels clean, boiled them on low heat until the shells opened, took out the meat, and placed it on drying racks to dry. It would take about two or three days to turn them into dried mussels, also called dan cai. These are known as "eggs of the sea," with extremely high protein content, eight kinds of amino acids, and various minerals and vitamins. Despite the affordable price, their nutritional value and cost-effectiveness are high.

That evening, she finished editing the video and uploaded it. The opening included clips of Yaoguang playing outside.

The colorful parrot flew around the old, rustic inn's rooftop, accompanied by the sound of cicadas and morning mist, displaying its magnificent wings elegantly.

Then, the video switched to the live stream, showing the fisherman's scenery along the way, the tranquil rocks of Lover's Bay, the clear waves receding with a gentle sound, the strong dog breaking shells, Da Linzi's clothes billowing in the wind, and the harvests gifted by nature, all captured beautifully.

The final part of the video showed the process of making dried mussels, purely wild and sun-dried by hand, and one of her dishes that night, spinach with mussels. Zhao Zhao's skill in making common fisherman's dishes was decent, and this dish looked exceptionally good. She even used a filter to enhance its appeal, making it look very appetizing.

The closing subtitles read, "Fan Benefit: Two fans will be selected from the comment section to receive one jin of freshly made dried mussels each."

The entire video was condensed into ten minutes. After uploading it, Zhao Zhao went to have dinner. Shortly after, fans started commenting:

【How can I get Little Bear to notice my comment and choose me? Saying I've never eaten mussels in my life, would that work?】

【It has a bit of that "A Bite of China" vibe, really a bit】

【The person above is too desperate for food. Let me say it's better than "A Bite of XX," pick me!】

【You all just know how to eat. As a hand fan, I'm already mesmerized by the beautiful hands shown. Is it Little Bear's sister?】

【It's hard to find truly wild ones now. The ones sold outside are all farmed. It's too hard to win. Does the host sell them?】

【Add me to the list of people wanting to buy】

When Zhao Zhao had some free time to check the comments, she thought it wasn't a bad idea. She wondered if other families on the island had any stock and went to the backyard to call Da Linzi, "Let's wait until tomorrow to turn the soil. I wanted to ask, does your family have any dried mussels left?"

"Are today's not enough for you? What's so good about these things?" He had really had his fill of them living on the island.

"No, some fans want to buy them. We can list some on the Panda store to create some buzz. Dried mussels are easy to transport, suitable for selling to fans far away."

Da Linzi thought they wouldn't sell for much, "Every family on the island has a few jin, but we don't really like eating them."

Zhao Zhao thought for a moment and then posted a message in the comment section: 【I see many fans want to buy dried mussels. The islanders have some stock at home, 50 yuan per jin with free shipping. Pure wild, sun-dried by hand, no additives. Like this comment if you want to buy. The host will need to prepare some packing materials, so please be sincere.】 After posting this, she left it and decided to see the results the next day.

That night, she went on Taobao and bought a vacuum sealer, knowing she would need it sooner or later.

You know how shopping websites are, once you start, it's hard to stop.

She and Yaoguang sat together browsing. There were no loquats in her space, so she bought a few, and she also bought some cherries to plant in the backyard. Otherwise, over time, people might start noticing something was off.

Now that her home's land had been reassigned, the inn had a huge backyard. Da Linzi had just been turning over a small vegetable plot in the corner.

Finally, she decided to buy all the trees she needed in one go. Getting deliveries wasn't easy. Zhao Zhao calculated the spacing and figured the combined backyards of both houses could hold 40 to 50 trees. She and Yaoguang began a big shopping spree. With the earth vein seed, even ordinary fruits could become delicious.

She bought the ones she liked, and Yaoguang chose fruits it hadn't seen before. If the island's climate wasn't suitable, they could plant them in the space.

After searching the entire internet, they finalized their plan for outside planting: apples, peaches, cherries, lychees, snow pears, persimmons, jujubes, and loquats, two or three of each, arranged in a circle around the yard.

Inside the space, they would plant tropical fruits: bananas, mangoes, durians, dragon fruits, mangosteens, rambutans, kiwis, pineapples, and cherimoyas. Later, they could move some out to a sunroom in the backyard to hide them from view.

Thinking about the layout of the backyard, Zhao Zhao couldn't help but recall her favorite spiritual fruit from Yaoguang's realm. That mountain range had many plants not found in the real world, not to mention the earth vein fruit. There was also a low-grade spiritual fruit called the "Luolizi" that Zhao Zhao loved. Although it was a low-grade spiritual fruit, besides its delicious taste, the plant itself was a rare and beautiful ornamental plant.

The first time she saw a valley full of Luolizi, she was stunned. It was during its blooming season, and she asked Yaoguang if this was the legendary "jade trees and magical orchids" of the heavenly palace. Yaoguang had laughed at her, saying it was the lowest-grade fruit of the ancient times, common everywhere, and only good for its looks.

The black branches were thick and rugged, with a tree full of jade-colored flowers and not a single leaf, truly worthy of the name "jade trees and magical orchids." It was a plant that didn't show flowers and leaves at the same time; the leaves fell when the flowers bloomed, and the flowers fell when the fruit grew. Standing under the tree during its leafy phase, it was lush and shaded. Zhao Zhao was determined to have one in her yard, placing a stone table underneath or a swing on the tree; it would be beautiful.

As for the fruit, it was the size of a fist, crystal clear. When ripe, it was as soft as a water balloon. After removing the core with a knife, putting the skin and flesh into a bowl, over time, the skin would magically blend with the gelatinous, sticky flesh, turning into a bowl of crystal clear, wobbly big jelly. Eating it with a spoon was incredibly satisfying, and Zhao Zhao could easily eat two bowls a day without getting tired of it.

Delicious and beautiful, she couldn't stop thinking about it. She had to save up money to build a yard! She wanted to plant a Luolizi tree outside her bedroom window, so she could see it as soon as she woke up.

After hastily completing the purchase, she rushed into Yaoguang's realm to enjoy a bowl of Luolizi for the day.

The next morning, it was overcast again. Since she couldn't go out to sea, she decided to stay in bed a bit longer.

Opening the thread of comments, she found it lively with over 200 replies.

【This price for wild ones is reasonable, about the same as the farmed ones】

【As a kitchen novice, hearing the host say it's nutritious and simple, I feel confident I can do it】

【The price is okay, I'll buy some】

【Seeing that the host is new, is it reliable? If they're all wild, I'll buy some. The seawater around this island looks quite clear, it seems nice】

【Using it to make congee with dried scallops sounds good. Does the host sell dried scallops? I'll buy some together】

Zhao Zhao created a pre-sale link and posted it, setting a limit of 500 pieces to test the waters. The goal was to create some buzz without worrying about profits initially and to earn some pocket money for the villagers. Handling more than that might be too much for a newbie.

The items sold out by noon.

At noon, the village committee's loudspeaker broadcasted Liu Zhishu's voice. Zhao Zhao took out her phone to record it, planning to make a video to post on the product page later.

"Hello! I'm Liu Zhishu. I have something to tell everyone, so listen up! It's good news! In a few days, we will be collecting 500 jin of dried mussels at the village committee yard. They need to be fresh from this year and cleaned. The price is 35 yuan per jin. First come, first served. If you have any at home, you can sell them here. Let me repeat, 500 jin of dried mussels! And again, they must be clean and fresh! These are for out-of-town customers, so don't embarrass our island! That's all, prepare if you have any."

Their island's accent was close to standard Mandarin with a slight local accent, which should be quite interesting for the video.

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