I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother!

I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother! Chapter Three

I opened my eyes to see the same ceiling from the first time I awoke here. Again, I saw Count Asa, my Father hovering over me. During this visit, my wife, now Lady Aiko, was with him. Both were on either side of me. Evidence points to overwhelming concern. Then Lord Alfred joins them. Again, Lord Asa's memories tell me this man is Lord Alfred Alphonse Hartwell, a mage from the esteemed Mages Guild. They operate throughout the world. This man is also a noble Lord under my father.

The memories of him flood in. I knew what happened to me during the duel and why I was lying here again. Mana overload is the medical definition of what happened. I experienced an influx of internal mana with external mana culminating in a massive discharge of raw mana. The fact I'm still alive is a miracle. I should be dead for the second time today. It has been a blessing since I have never displayed signs of being a magic user. At birth, you are either one or you are not. There's no in-between. I have experienced something no one else has ever been through. My body feels the penalty for that. I ache from everything.

"Young Master, you continue to amaze me. Had I known you were a magic user, I would have taken you to the Mages Guild long ago for training," Lord Alfred said.

"This is wholly unexpected. I never thought my dear boy would manifest such extraordinary talent," Lady Aiko said.

"I could tell there was something different about you the moment you woke. A change has occurred in your very being, son. The Gods have blessed you with a gift. I'm beyond proud of you," Count Asa said.

The man hadn't said such words to my past self once. Of course, he loved his son. But that didn't mean he was proud of his son's behavior. Today must have been an eye-opener for everyone. I certainly didn't expect this.

"Well, Lord Asa must immediately start training. I will see to it with Sir Duncan. We must act accordingly. To develop the ability to use magic so late is unheard of. I don't doubt that this boy will be sought out. It won't be long before the entire Kingdom of Paris is aware. Then the rest of the world will know for sure," Lord Alfred explained.

"You are certainly right, my old friend. Enemies of the Kingdom and House Martindale will no doubt seek my son out. Therefore, we must prepare for all eventualities," Count Asa said.

"What about sending him to the Mages Guild?" Lady Aiko questioned.

"Hmm, that is a viable option. Lord Asa's sisters are presently in the Kingdom's Capital, including his younger brother, Lord Efran. He may be young, but he shares his sisters' exceptional ability to perform magic. Lord Asa could benefit from being around them and other young apprentices. But, of course, he must also continue his training with Sir Duncan. The ability to understand how a knight conducts himself is vital," Lord Alfred said.

"So, what? I'm going away?" I asked.

"Hmm, this was inevitable. I was planning on sending you to a private Knights School. However, the Capital has both the Knight's Academy and the Mage's Academy. You hadn't shown any aptitude that would qualify you for either until now," Lord Asa explained. "That settles it. My love, you will accompany our eldest son to the Capital of the Kingdom and oversee his training. Lord Alfred, please go with them," he added.

"Of course, Milord. I will handle the travel arrangements. All Lady Aiko needs to do is tend to her son!" the old man said, leaving.

"Well, that happened quickly," I said.

"Don't worry, sweetie, you are in capable hands," Lady Aiko said, holding my hand.

'I only wish she'd remember our past lives together. But, at least we'll be together in the Capital. So, I guess I've got a long road ahead of me. But I can't say I'm not a little worried. If other people come looking for me, I'll have a problem.

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