I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother!

I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother! Chapter Ten

Eleven Inns of us searching a whole day and exploring to find nothing. The Royal Army has recruited or constipated all mercenaries and adventurers in the city. All this bolstering of the army is pointing to war. 'The question is with who?' The last Inn was a major bust and the last respectable Inn in the city. That left the less desirable inns. Elene looks at my unease. Neither of us wanted to spend any time inside this establishment. It was our best shot at this point. 


"Anything even hints at being off, and we're out of here," I whispered.


"Right, Milord," Elene whispered.


"Let's not use Milord inside," I countered.


I led the way inside the Inn and tavern. A bunch of unsavory types hovered around the tavern. None of them look like the sociable types. We took a seat at the bar. The bartender seems busy with a patron. A barmaid greets us in his stead. She was one of only two, with the other doubling as a cook. The two girls were around my sister's age or mine. 


"What can I get for you?" the barmaid asked. "My sis over there can make anything you want," she added.


She and her sister were strikingly gorgeous to be working in a rundown tavern like this. 


"I would like a stew, please," Elene asked.


She seems to be enchanted by the barmaids. 


"Yes, young lady, one stew coming up!" The barmaid said. "Gwenn, an order of one stew! And for this young master?" she asked.


"One stew coming right up, Leia!" Gwenn said.


"I'll have the same," I replied. 


"You hear that sis? We got two stews!" Leia said.


Leia and Gwenn are identical twins. Leia fashions her chocolate brunette hair into a high ponytail, and Gwenn fashions her chocolate brunette hair into a top bun. They had oval faces with bright green eyes. The twin's genes bless them with high-angled cheekbones, petite button noses, and puffy lips. Their genes bless them even further with ample breasts. The modest bar dress they wore served to hide their very peachy bottoms. I enjoy their undeniable beauty as I observe them while they work. Although they were barefoot, I suspect they couldn't afford footwear. Leia sat on two stews in front of Elene and me. The steamy bow is full of meat and vegetables—a pleasant aroma emitted from the stew. I tasted a spoonful, and the sensation of pure, delicious delight filled my mouth. 


"So, how do you like it? My sister Gwenn is a master cook. We get all our vegetables and meat from deep in the forest," Leia explained.


'Her sister has the same name as my younger sister Willetta Gwenn Martindale.'


"It's very delicious, if I may say!" I replied. "You say you found all the ingredients deep in the forest?" I asked.


"Yes, my Leia and I go hunting every morning and forge for food. We're the only thing that keeps this place going. But, of course, the delicious ingredients are deep in the forest. So sometimes we have to hike a great distance all the way to the Gold Mountain Range," Gwenn revealed.


"So you've been through the forest, excellent hunters and exceptional cooks?" Elene questioned.


"Oh, well, if you put it that way, Leia said.


"You wouldn't mind taking a party through the forest, would you?" I asked. "I can pay," I said.


"Um, you really want to pay us to take you through the forest?" Leia questioned.


"Why not take the river or the main path?" Gwenn asked.


"We need a cook as well," Elene blurted. 


"It's probably better if we didn't take those routes. I can pay for you for your troubles," I explained.


"Yes, Milord can even hire you permanently if you want," Elene whispered.


"Milord??" the two barmaids whispered.


"It's complicated, but we are looking for a guide. Having skilled hunters and cooks would also be beneficial," I said.


"Um, how much pay are we talking about?" Gwenn said.


Elene had piqued their interest with the slip of Milord. The two young ladies were very focused on me now. Being in the service of the Lord is the preferred work. It's a guaranteed income. My memories of my father finding loyal and valuable servants flow into my mind. These two were perfect for what we needed.


"I can start with two gold crowns a piece," I stated.


Two gold crowns equaled one hundred thousand copper crowns, enough to set them for years. They could even purchase a tavern and Inn of their own. More than one, probably.


"You can't be serious, right?"Gwenn whispered.


I take four gold crowns from my pouch. Their eyes light up. There were at least one hundred gold crowns in my pouch. I never traveled with any less. According to Lord Alfred, buying off many thieves, bandits, or raiders with crowns was possible. Crowns have the ability to influence individuals from assassins to mercenaries to thugs to criminals, including even guards. The catch is to know who will be loyal. These girls were looking for security more than crowns. 


"We'll take you, but you better not try to do something weird or sell us to slave traders," Leia whispered.


"Milord wouldn't do that. I promise he's a fair and just Lord," Elene assured.


"Well, I don't know about all that, but I have no intention to harm or deceive you. But, on the other hand, I won't say it will be safe around me either," I admitted.


"If all you need is a guide, hunters, and cooks, then we'll do it. We can take care of ourselves in a bind," Gwenn said.


"That's great! Then we can leave when you are ready. Two of my friends are buying supplies. You'll need horses, so let's stop by a stable to get you two geared up. I think we all may need to gear up," I said. "By the way. Give this to the bartender. For losing the two of you. He doesn't look like much, but he's been caring for you two, right?" I asked.


"Yeah, how did you know?" Leia questioned.


"Milord has a very precise intuition," Elene revealed.


"And Elene, here is the brains of our party," I countered.


Gwenn took the crowns to the bartender. He gave me one look and smiled as he hugged her. I could tell he was wishing them the best. I recommend returning her once everything is safe again. With our next task in front of us, we left.


I spot Nella and Lady Sophitia around the corner. Two horses pull a cart with an abundance of supplies. Two more pull a wagon. Elene almost skips off to see her older sister. I motion for the two barmaids to go ahead. My sister casually walks to my side. She'd noticed the same thing I did. It is evident that they had several shady individuals following them. Or, more to the point, Sophitia was being followed. I don't think her stalkers knew Nella was with her, although she did notice herself. So does Elene the moment she makes eye contact with her sister. Their bond is strong enough to convey the danger. They quickly turn off a different street. Sophitia nods to me, and we turn down the opposite street. I keep a close eye on our pursuits. The hood figures follow only us. 


"Those must be Royal Assassins or mercenaries. I spotted them after we left the market," Sophitia whispered as we turned down another street. 


"I counted five of them, but there may be more," I whispered.


"We'll lose them at the river docks," she stated.


The docks were close to where we were now. The Castle was east of our location. The others should have no problems getting back now. We can't take them. Not head anyway. I barely fought off the soldier's back during that ambush. Ahead, I spot another group. 'Crap, they're boxing us in!' We have to act quickly, or they'll corner us. I hastily pull Sophitia down a tight alley. I spring with her in town down the alley. We exit onto another street, and I take the following passage. The echoes of their loud footsteps drown out everything else. 'We need to break their line of sight long enough to lose them!' Then, I spotted a canal leading from the river. An access point under the sewage system is open. I point to it, and we hop over the railing and dash inside. Heavy footsteps continue onwards above us. They didn't spot us. 


"We got to go before they double back and find us," I whispered.


"You want to go in there?" Sophitia snapped.


"We don't have a choice," I countered.


Sophitia gave me the 'Oh No' face and followed me in. I use a broken stick and a piece of my cloak to make a torch. The tunnel is long and dark. 


"We just need to stay underground for a while. Then, the next exit, we'll take out," I whispered.


We both trek ahead, trying not to fall into the water in the canal. I can still hear footsteps above. It sounds like they have more help now. They could be behind us by now, but I don't hear anything behind us. Sophitia clings to my back. Memories of us as kids flood my mind. She was claustrophobic and afraid of the dark. When we were little, she clung to my past self this way. Only this time, I could feel her busty bosom. Her scent radiated to my nose, and it was sweet and cinnamon smelly. I try to keep myself together.


After all, Sophitia was the spitting image of a young Abigail. We'd married right out of high school and dated since junior high. It was hard seeing her as my sister with these past life memories. However, my past self was fond of his sisters. It was the one thing that kept him honest for a long time. Still, I knew my past self's reputation. It was terrible, awful. Outside of the Martindale Estate, I had few friends. None, to be exact. The stigma of not having magic in a family full of mages and warriors was heavy. Not being able to wield a sword just added to that stigma. No wonder my past self became lazy and complacent. Sophitia and my siblings were the few outsides of my parents that had faith in me. 


After a while, the sound of heavy footsteps above calms down to regular everyday traffic. We'd been down here for some time. An exit was coming ahead—another entry point from one of the canals. I peek out, and the coast looks clear. We both make our way onto the streets. A merchant cart selling cloaks and other clothing happens to be near. I motion for Sophitia to wait while I purchase some clothes and cloaks. The transaction is quick, and I return to my sister with the clothes. It is getting dark now, but the city guard is out in force, led by those hooded assailants. They had to be working with the Royal Army. Sophitia points out a rundown alley. We'd be staying in the stable behind an inn tonight. I quickly catch the stableman and offer him a few copper crowns to stay there tonight. The lighting was just dark enough that he couldn't see my face. With shelter secured, my sister and I found a lovely corner of the barn with an overview. Enough to give us a warning of approaching danger.


With our new clothes, I gave my sister her set and turned around. I can hear her undressing and look back to see her melons hanging freely. Her milky white breasts were stunning. On top of that, her rump was very peachy and round. I could almost see her cherry. When we were younger, before she left for the academy, she would always undress in front of me. I watch out of the corner of my eyes as she changes into a light blue gown with a black corset. We weren't used to wearing these garments, but they helped us blend in. Although I must admit, there weren't any undergarments available, so she was stuck wearing hers from her academy uniform.


On the other hand, my appearance resembles that of an adventurer since I wear brown leather pants and a blue shirt with a black leather jacket. We both have long black leather boots. Sophitia packs our clothes neatly into a burlap back. We settled into a comfortable spot. It wasn't much, but better than being out in the streets. We could return to the Castle in the morning once things have calmed down. 


"Do you think we'll see Father again?" Sophitia whispered.


"Yes, and when we do, we'll take back our house," I said.


"How could something like this happen?" My sister whispered.


I thought about what she said. Duke Issac has been a constant opponent to House Martindale. If it weren't for the three other branches of our family, he would have already tried something. Our mother's family is the main House of the Golden Peninsula. Over the past eleven generations, the King entrusted her family only with the care of this region. House Von Fannybonne is known for rearing the Kingdom's most elegant and beautiful woman. My great aunt is the wife of King Galen. It gave our mother's family tremendous power. Duke Issac Villanueva is married to two of my mother's distant cousins. Another branch family is the Von Beaulibonne. 


"Duke Isaac has been out to get our father, Count Asa, ever since our mother married him instead," I said.


"Doesn't that mean he's going against grandmother, the Duchess?" Lady Sophitia questioned. 


She leans against my arm, like when we were kids. I felt the softness of her breasts up against my arm. They were softer now that the high-quality clothing of her academy uniform was gone. Sophitia has a point. Our grandmother is the Duchess of the Golden Peninsula. Duchess Sophitia Novella Von Fannybonne. Both my sister and mother received her namesake. This conflict couldn't have happened without her knowledge. Duke Issac is literally invading her domain. He must have done something to her. The Duchess only left the peninsula if summoned by the King, which is rare. They were close friends as well. Our grandmother trained the King in his youth. King Galen would never allow another Duke to attack another, let alone invade Duchess Sophitia's lands.


"The truth is we don't know what is happening. Something isn't right in the Capital. The only way to find out is to go there. But I can't do that until our mother, Lady Aiko, is safe. That includes you, too," I whispered.


"No, Asa! I'm going with you. I can't let you go alone," Sophitia snapped.


"I might be the head of House Martindale, but you and Mother are both heirs to House Von Fannybonne. So if anything happens to you and Mother, our whole dynasty will fall," I explained.


"I'm coming with you regardless. That's final!" Lady Sophitia scolded.


The stable is indistinguishable from the stables found in a medieval fantasy universe. I raised my hand to cover my nose as we entered the stable. The stench of horse manure hung lightly in the air. A sign of the stable hands kept the horses in a healthy condition. Sophitia and I found a cozy corner of the stable to sleep for the night. A feed room is what I believed they were called in my previous life. ‘The straw is noticeably softer with hay mixed into it. Sophitia will find this area somewhat comfortable. It’s nothing like she’s used to, but we can make do.’


My sister stands at the entrance of our private area, the feed room, as I kneel and begin my preparations. I quickly made a straw bed as best I could for both of us to sleep in. An enormous pile of hay and straw is just to the right of the entrance. I gathered plenty of straw and made sure to create two separate beds, one for each of us. Sophitia and I discovered the ideal location to rest - a spot ample enough for both of us positioned behind a pile of straw and hay. We could even hide with the amount of extra straw and hay available. 


Unfortunately, my mind got so carried away that I failed to notice a sense of fear creeping over me, causing me to freeze. Instead, my instincts took over as a menacing aura sent the hairs up on the back of my neck, causing me to spin around only to find my sister’s piercing gaze penetrating deep into my soul. She stood just at the other end of our feed room. It’s not large, but it’s also not small. Her arms were on her hips as she tapped her foot slightly with an annoyed look on her face.


Again, my eyes lingered on her succulent and petite figure. The light blue gown she was wearing did nothing to hide her curvaceous curves or her ample assets. Her gown was nothing more than a thin, lightweight blue cotton material. It’s nearly see-through and snug against her rosy, pale skin. The corset she wore emphasized her robust and blessed genes. Before I could blink, Sophitia was standing mere inches from me. ‘What? How can she move so fast?’ Then again, I didn’t notice her moving further into the feed room. She holds my arm even tighter as she looks me in the eye. There was no way I could convince her otherwise now. There was no convincing my sister, Sophitia, once she had decided what she wanted, and not even Father could alter her mindset. Everyone in my family knows Sophitia for her powerful, defiant spirit

Sighing, I continued preparing for the night and began making a straw bed large enough for both of us. Once finished, we both lay down together. I watch as Sophitia unties her thigh-high leather boots, placing them close to the pile of hay. Just like Abigail in our past life, she undid her locks over her golden blonde hair and fluffed her hair with both hands. Seeing so much of Abigail in my mother and sister was shocking. I took my boots off, placing them far away from us. I was lucky that the feed room was well-ventilated, and the light of the moons illuminated it. Again, I watch Sophitia remove her cloak, revealing her light blue gown and leather corset. ‘She’s nearly identical to Abigail.’


My memories revealed all my sisters shared these traits with my Abigail. She possesses all her mannerisms, even how she tilts her head when confused. Sophitia was so much like Abigail I found it hard to avert my eyes from her. She notices and looks at me.


“Asa, why such a sorrowful expression?” Sophitia questioned, lying down beside me.


Again, she fluffs her golden blonde locks, and her scent invades my senses.


“It’s… nothing…,” I replied.


She looks over her shoulder back at me. Her pristine blue eyes glisten at me.


“You just remind me of a woman from my dreams…,” I said, looking away.


Sophitia considers my words for a moment as she moves closer to me, and I set up to better meet her gaze.


“Then, the women from your dreams most remind you of me? Must you dream of your sister…” she countered.


In a manner of speaking, Sophitia’s thinking is valid. The woman from my dreams is Abigail, and the dream is my past life. She readjusts herself, placing her head on my lap and looking at me. I watch her let out a yawn, and she closes her eyes. I look away as it’s now my turn to consider her words.


“I guess you could look at it that way but putting that aside, I think…,” I replied but stopped myself.


I was about to try convincing her she should return to stay with our mother in the morning when I noticed she was now fast asleep. An icy breeze sweeps through the stables. Sophitia’s thin gown was short for a noble. It came down just above her knees like a schoolgirl’s skirt. She only had her white over-the-knee socks to keep her legs warm. Her thighs were visible from the way she lay on my lap. Their thickness curves into her wide hips and highlights her thin waist. I quietly cover her up with my extra cloak. Her hand fell in my lap, right on my manhood. An instant erection resulted from her touch. ‘Crap, if she wakes up now? Moving her hand might wake her up and expose me.’ Finally, I calmed down. Despite trying to relax, my erection remained. A robust, solid pound of hardened flesh rose like a cudgel in my pants, ready to tear apart the leather as if it were nothing but thin parchment. Her hand fell on my lap in such a way it almost wrapped around it as if she clung to it in her slumber. ‘How am I supposed to sleep like this?’ I guess all those long nights awake were going to be tested here. In my past life and this one, I was prone to long nights awake.


This medieval world didn’t have bras and panties in the sense I was familiar with. Sophitia wore a garment similar to a bra, but I could see her melons because of the cheap materials. They were as big and round as I’d seen earlier. The phrase ‘ripe as can be’ came into my mind, perky and plump. Their size gave me pause, as her petite frame indeed could not support such an immense bust. The torchlight from outside gave just enough illumination to get a look down at her gown. My memories reveal Sophitia is a heavy sleeper, but I felt cautious. ‘Would she wake?’ I could ride this out tonight. 


Yet, those expectations shattered when my sister laid her head on my lap. To my surprise, I almost let out an audible gasp. I slowly looked down at my lap and eased a breath out that I did not know I was holding. Now her face was right next to my crotch. My manhood is mere millimeters from her agape mouth. Just the leather fabric separated her warm mouth from my already hard schlong. Our steamy and tensely arousing situation was turning into a worst-case scenario. If she remains in this position all night, I won’t last. Her hands roll over my shaft, pinning it between her hands and her face. I carefully laid my hand atop her head, rubbing her long golden blonde hair strands.


When I breathe in and out, my rod bumps against her mouth. If she woke up now, I was going to get a mouthful. I felt beads of sweat rolling down my forehead. ‘Ahh, this is not going to work!’ I shift her to a new position softly. With the danger averted, I lay beside her on the straw bed and let out a sigh of relaxation. However, that did not last long as suddenly, Sophitia pushed her bottom out, trapping me in the corner of the stable. I’d picked a feed room in the stable that was relatively small, dry, and cramped but concealed from the rest of the stable. The pile of hay and straw gave us extra concealment. More than likely, the owner probably meant this part of the stable for the newborn and its mother, who needs immediate care. As such, the room is immaculate. 


She moved once more, bringing my attention back to the unsavory situation I had found myself in. Her derriere pushes against my crotch every so often. The softness of her ripe bubble butt was epic and nerve-racking. I could barely hold a coherent thought, let alone think of a way out of this tense, one-sided situation. My schlong pokes right between her buttcheeks, causing me to let out a heated breath. Sophitia is wearing a light blue gown with a low-quality fabric, that I could feel the dampness of her peach on my leather pants due to its poor workmanship. I could do nothing now but hope she changed positions or rolled over. Except, doing nothing was not an option. I take a deep breath and try moving her waist, but her stubborn body smashes up against me even more. My leather pants were about to rip from the overgrown size of my manhood.


“I can’t do this! She’s my sister in this world, not my wife.” I muttered, barely above a whisper.


Sophitia’s body shifted as I heard her sniffling and waking up. ‘Oh, crap! She’s waking up! Did she hear my words?’ As she stirs herself awake, I feel her hand reach behind her as if she is searching for what is disturbing her sleep. She does this in the same way Abigail does in the middle of the night. Like Abigail did so many times, she discovers my erect cock and pauses. My sister gasps, but I pretend to sleep like a light sleeper. 


Then, in a hurry, she fumbles with her hand and sighs, hitting me like a ton of bricks in the chest. ‘Maybe she thinks I’m just having a wet dream. That’s what Abigail would undoubtedly think.’ The memory of passionate lovemaking in this exact situation has happened countless times throughout my previous life. Now, Sophitia is acting identically as if she was Abigail.


“Um, Asa, are you awake?” Sophitia whispered. She says it so softly I wonder if she means to get my attention. It’s what my wife said. My heart beat faster at the thought.


I pause for an extended period. I am trying to act as if I am sleeping. Sophitia continues to feel my crotch for several long minutes. I feel her trying to move my tool from its wedged spot between her thighs. ‘Does she believe I am sleeping? I must admit, I am surprised she didn’t just jump up and scream once she felt the hardness of my cock.’ But that is how Sophitia would act, according to Asa’s memories of her. Abigail would work in more exploratory behavior. Especially if she felt I would be fake sleeping as I am now. My only thoughts are of her hand wrapping around my cock through my leather pants, making me more erect by the second. She focuses on moving her hips so as not to wake me up. 


I hear her let out the slightest of whimpers, and her soft hand squeezes my cock, betraying her true intentions. Then I listen to her softly mutter but cannot make out her words. She squeezes my penis harder as she pushes her tushy into my hips and crotch. As my cock vibrates involuntarily like a vibrating machine, I can’t even be sure that she’s attempting to remove my manhood at this point.


She whimpers at my body’s response to her touch. Her body bumps me a few times as if trying to wake me. I feel her hand squeeze my manhood with each bump, and she lets out a slightly louder whimper. Then, she surprises me as her legs open, allowing me to slide further between her legs. My sister fumbles with my leather pants for several long, intense minutes, beckoning my schlong to double in size or more. 


I hear her mumble once more; she lets out a heavy breath, followed by her hand squeezing my cock. I sense she is contemplating what to do next in her frustration. ‘My thoughts are in turmoil. Why is she struggling so hard? My memories of Sophitia reveal nothing like her behavior now.’ She rubs my cock and reacts each time my body shudders. That’s when I feel her other hand between her legs but not touch me. Then I realize she’s rubbing herself. She mutters again, as this time it’s her body that shudders.


“Asa, are you awake?” Sophitia whispered. Again, her words are so soft I can barely hear them. I rustle a little but still pretend to be asleep.


My sudden movement causes her body to quiver. She shudders as my cock suddenly pops against her womanhood. As if by magic, Sophitia manages in her blind, fumbling to remove my elongated shaft from my leather pants. Well, somehow. Then to add to my astonishment, after all that fumbling on her part, her light blue gown rose high enough to allow my schlong to reach out and touch my peach. Her bare butt is now pressing against me, and I realize she hadn’t been wearing panties all day or knickers, as they call them in this world. 


As a result, the tip of my shaft presses against her womanhood, and I can feel my sister wet with warm liquids soaking my penis. Her wiggling hips only worsened our predicament, and the situation was getting heated. Her body began twitching involuntarily now that my schlong was physically touching her moist womanhood. My sister shocks me again as she takes my bulging rod in her hand and rubs it against her clitoris. She quivers uncontrollably at her blatant use of my cock to pleasure herself. I hear her mutter softly, but then, to my amazement, she giggles.


“Asa, wake up already!” She whispered.


My cock pushes past her vaginal lips inside her. Seconds later, I hear her making a deep gasp as it slides in quickly because of her own vagina fluid. I’m entirely in her by the time she tries shaking me awake.


“Hey, please wake up already! You’re inside me, Asa?” Sophitia uttered shyly, embarrassed as she shifted her body.


Her shyness and embarrassed voice caused my cock to slide further into her vagina.


Wattpad June 3rd.


“Huh… what?” I said, trying to seem half-awake.


My sister starts to speak with a stutter once she realizes I am somewhat awake.


“Your… ummm… man… thingy… Uhm… It’s inside me!” she whimpered.


I move without thinking as my primal instincts take over. Suddenly, I buck my hips powerfully into Sophitia’s bottom. A thrusting movement of such intenseness, she let out a loud gasp followed by a long moan as I pumped her rump hard with a loud, forceful smack. Sophitia bucks her bottom, pushing back, only allowing another hard pump to penetrate her peachy-wet pussy.


“Asa… Brother… Please, you must… S-Stop this. A-Asa, I’m… I’m… Y-Your sister! U-Ummm... Ahhh,” Sophitia whimpered as if she summoned her will just to say those resistful words, but simultaneously, her body betrayed her.

I could sense the conflict in her soft voice. Her body wiggles side to side as her hand grips mine. Her hand grasps straw and hay as she whimpers with each powerful impact. With just three pumps of my cock into her vagina, she quivers in excitement, but I feel the tension in her body. Her body burns like molten rocks as heat radiates off her soft flesh. Her once pale white skin is turning a light rosy pink. I use my lower hand to reach under her body to grope her cantaloupe-sized breasts. Her tiny nipples are hard as stones, starkly contrasting with her fluffy plush-like melons that are soft as silk. Sophitia’s confusion trembles through her body. As my sister, she wanted to resist, but her unbreakable, fierce will had faltered long before that first mighty thrust. I kiss my sister’s neck, and she quivers.


I give in to her moistened, wet, peachy womanhood with a heavy breath.


“I can’t now!” I grunted, gritting my teeth, “God, let me keep going.”


“Oh, Asa… Uhmm… Ahh,” Sophitia moaned as her body throbbed.


Her lustful voice unleashed a raging fire in my body. My hands grip her hips like a vice grip, and I thrust into my sister’s bountiful rump as if she is Abigail… I ram my cock fully and purposefully into Sophitia as if she was my wife. My thrusts are hard but slow, as my tool is several times larger than I had first realized. I felt her heart pounding with a passion that matched the raging fire building in me. The more we moved, the more I pumped against her thighs, making a soft clapping sound. She pushes against my hips as I push against hers. Somehow we found ourselves locked in a back-and-forth motion that allowed more deep, powerfully hard thrusts. Her moans were soft as she said my name.


“Asa… Uhmm… A-Asa… Ahh. H-H-How can… Y-You… D-Do this to m-me… W-Why,” Sophitia cried as she moaned and whimpered.


“I-I… I love you… Please… remember me… Let me have you, Sophitia…,” I said with heavy breaths.


Sophitia throws her head back and lets out a yelp of erotic pleasure. I desperately wanted her to remember she was my wife. There was no doubt in my mind. Sophitia is Abigail. As I knew, our mother, Lady Aiko, was my Abigail. It was like time ceased to exist. Nothing else matters, only Sophitia and I. She arches her back into me as her fingers rub my cock as I thrust in and out of her tight womanhood. ‘How can Lady Aiko and Sophitia both be Abigail… but how is that possible? Any sane person would proclaim me a fool if I spoke such words aloud. But, I knew with certainty, both were Abigail.’ My mind couldn’t process the emotions I was feeling. Her scent was like a hypnotizing drug I could not escape.


“My Asa… Just… Be kind to me,” she whined as I squeezed her hips.


She barely has enough breath between her moaning and whimpers even to speak. I pound her tushy from behind with an erotic vigor. As she became more vocal, my rhythm pace increased. The clapping of our flesh grows louder the faster I slam her. My hand on her hip holds her steady while my free hand grabs a handful of her busty melons. I buck backward and forward into her supple curvaceous body as Sophitia squeals as I penetrate her womb faster and faster until she wiggles wildly, with heavy breathing. I bury my face in her thick, long golden strands of wavy blonde hair.


My sweet sister, my memories, Asa’s memories of her, are fond. I shutter at her soft flesh. Her hands touch mine on the side of her navel, and I gradually push my hips toward hers. I slowly pump my hips into her womb while slowly pulling out the bulb of my cock. I stop until it is at the lips of her womanhood, pausing for several seconds. Her body quivers as she wiggles slightly, beckoning me to continue. Then I quickly thrust in again, hard, holding my cock deep inside her. I have always thought this was a very fruitful idea to pleasure a woman to the best of my ability. Of course, she’ll become a little louder with each deliberate thrust, but I knew all about it is how good Sophitia felt with each long breath. I move my hand again towards her pussy lips, and my fingers caress her clitoris. She yelps and arches her back in response. ‘She’s so sensitive.’ As the intensity of my moves increases, my thrusts come faster and faster again.


She’s moaning and panting as I move my hands into her tight, tight pussy. Her breathing becomes softer in this state. Then, finally, I finish my thrust. A loud clap echoes through the feed room as my hands slap her robust round butt, making her moan even louder. Her mouth is already whimpering in a passionate fit as she reaches out her fingers between her legs, rubbing her clitoris in sync with my fingers. My feet follow her feet as our legs intertwine together like vines. With one quick movement, I’m ready to release my hot creamy cum into her, and she feels it too. I let out a short groan before jackhammering my cock like a machine into her as my sister, my lover, yelps with orgasmic waves of pleasure. She looks over her shoulder at me, her cerulean blue eyes locked with mine, smiling as she lets out a slow squeal as I finish my last thrust.

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