I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.3 Ch.202 Making a Scene.

The sky was starting to become a bit overcast this morning while the rest of the party slowly made their way out of the inn.

General Douglas wasn't happy to see a crowd of locals hovering around them. He wanted to be incognito for the trip back to the capital. But his plans went up in smoke ever since he challenged and lost to Lady Rya. It was hard not to draw attention to the House Dule family carriage with their coat of arms on the doors.

Sir George noticed how the General was looking at the crowd of miners walking by and waved at them.

"It's not so bad, General Douglas. I mean, the people are just curious about our party. It's not every day that they have visitors from the Capital," Sir George reassured him.

"I know... It's just... when you have a perfect plan, and everything changes against my best interest for the prince... Well, it's disheartening, to say the least," General Douglas sighed.

The two dwarven soldiers came out to ready their carriage. This brought more attention to the group.

"Whoa! What's the deal with those dwarves? I thought they only stuck around Ironside and the surrounding areas," One man commented.

"Yeah, they normally don't travel outside of their mountain cities. They must be bringing something to the capital if they are with the Royal Knights," Another miner added.

Douglas sighed again as the crowd grew compared to last night. It was nightfall by the time they arrived in the town of Edermines City. So the locals were indoors and they didn't know the Prince was there. But since they were in a carriage with House Dule's coat of arms, the local guards took notice and it was only a matter of time before they reported it to the mayor. Luckily, Johan met with the mayor of the town so they could keep the prince's location a secret. And now that it was morning the townsfolk were starting to take notice that a noble was in their quiet town.

"We need to get going when His Highness comes out. I don't want to have a crowd of the townsfolk surrounding him when we leave," Douglas said to Sir George.

"Yes, General," Sir George saluted.

Just as they were about to finish their conversation, the door to the inn opened up, and a beautiful green-haired woman, wearing her dark green dress that didn't hide how voluptuous her body was, came walking out in a hurry.

Yuliana was looking around frantically, until she spotted the general and the Prince's retainer and walked right over to them, with a purpose.

"Sir George, do you know if there's a nursery nearby!? I need to buy some potted plants immediately," Yuliana demanded.

Sir George was taken aback by how assertive she was. Normally she was shy, or kept to herself, so seeing her act like this was a new experience for him. Being this close to a beauty of her caliber made it hard for him to think clearly and glanced over to the general for help.

Douglas just raised his hands in surrender as the wood elf came barging out in the open with no cloak on. Thanks to the wood elf, all the townsfolk could see her pointy ears, and he knew they were done with keeping a low profile. Yuliana crossed her arms impatiently as she waited for an answer.

The miners' jaws nearly dropped when they witnessed her beauty and the shape of her voluptuous body. This was the first time any of them had seen an elf in person and the rumors of their beauty didn't do her justice. They looked like they were hit by a frozen spell when she locked eyes with a couple of them and they became paralyzed out of admiration. She didn't know what the deal was with these townsfolk. She just thought these humans were being weird and turned her attention back to the Knight again. Sir George shook his head and tried his best not to look at the elven woman's chest.

"W-Why do you need a nursery, again? And why do you want potted plants?" Sir George asked.

"Because! My daughter can use the green word! And I need to train her before she tries to weasel her way out of it. That is why I need to visit a nursery, now please!" Yuliana stated.

"I don't know of any nursery stores around here, milady," Sir George answered.

Yuliana turned to the General with sad pleading eyes, "General Douglas, please... I need to teach my daughter. It's not safe for her if she doesn't know how to use her birthright? I... I..." she said as she put her hands together in a praying motion.

Douglas put up his best front. He wasn't going to be swayed by this woman. He was the commander of the entire military for crying out loud! He wasn't going to be bossed around so easily, no matter how beautiful she was. He stood firm and put his hands behind his back as he spoke.

"Milady, I understand, but I don't know of a nursery store in the area. I can send a man to scout one out for you, but I'm not letting you walk around this village. It isn't wise at this moment," Douglas answered.

But Yuliana started to tear up and his heart sank a little then she pouted, "Please, sir! Please..."

The General was starting to break under her plea and he felt his iron resolve melt away. But he stood strong, "I can't, milady. I am in command, and my mission is to escort the prince to the capital."

Yuliana looked down sadly and let her arms fall to her sides. That's when a couple of the townsfolk came in after they eavesdropped on their conversation.

"Excuse me, Miss. Are you asking about a nursery?" A young woman asked her.

"Y-Yes," Yuliana said quietly.

"Oh, okay. There's a plant nursery just two blocks away. It's owned by the Sanchez family. And they sell flowers, seeds, and even potted plants," The young woman answered.

Yuliana's mood brightened and she smiled, "Really? That's wonderful. I'll pay a visit right away. Thank you."

"Milady!... You shouldn't go there alone," Douglas interjected.

"No need to worry, I'm almost older than all of you combined. And I can take care of myself. Thank you again, Miss," Yuliana thanked her as she bowed.

"Umm, no problem," The young woman was blushing as she spoke. As this was her first time talking to a wood elf.

"Lady Yuliana... I don't think you can make it to that store without being mobbed by the people here," Sir George informed her.

"Huh? What do you..." Yuliana was so caught up in the moment when she saw her daughter using the green word that she completely forgot to wear her cloak to hide her hair and elven ears. As she looked around a sizable crowd was now hovering around the caravan. Only being held at bay by twelve of the knights. And they were all staring right at her.

Yuliana wasn't used to this type of attention. Even living in Ironside, most people wouldn't give her a second look, as the majority of the city was full of dwarves and she stayed away from the humans that lived there to protect her daughter. So, she never got the same kind of attention like this.

"I... I seemed to have made a mistake," Yuliana mumbled.

"Yeah... It would be best to wait until the rest of your group gets out. Or I'll send some of my men to get what you need. But we can't afford to have the whole town follow us," Douglas stated.

"R-Right! I will leave it to your judgment, General. I didn't realize what I've done," Yuliana said apologetically.

"Don't worry, milady. This is my fault. I should have paid more attention. We'll get you those pots and seeds. Once we are secure," Douglas reassured her.

"Thank you, sir," Yuliana replied as she was flustered from making a mistake.

The front door opened, and out came Johan and Tayna. She seemed to be walking gingerly again after a certain someone kept her up for most of the night.

"Good morning, Sir George... General... What's going on?" Johan asked.

"Ah, Lord Johan. Good timing. We are just about ready to go once the prince arrives. If the mayor comes, can you handle him? I don't think I can stand to listen to his ramblings," Douglas stated.

Johan gave the General a sly grin, "I can, but that will cost you extra. After all, I was the one who got the Inn for us."

Douglas looked at Johan with annoyance, "I do appreciate your help with keeping things quiet, but the people know of one elf now and things will get crazy once they see the prince."

"And what if they see Lady Rya?" Tayna asked.

"Haah... Pandemonium, milady," Douglas said with a sigh.

"I can take care of the Mayor, but the rest is on you and your men," Johan replied.

"Fair enough... I'm sure the Royal family will repay you for your services," Douglas nodded.

"I hope so. We still have a long way to go, and the road to the capital is not as safe as the other roads going by the Eldermyst Forest," Johan pointed out.

"Let's hope the Prince and his fiance are true to their word about being able to take on armies. I've tried to send out the 14th Rangers to deal with the bandits in that area but robberies are still a problem," Douglas replied.

Just then, the prince, Rya, Dalia, Nieren, and the rest of the knights came out and the town folk started murmuring among themselves. The three non-human ladies had their cloaks on as they came out. But that didn't stop the townsfolk from noticing their beauty.

"I-Is that his Highness? The prince? The future king of the Fiafyr Kingdom?" the young woman from earlier asked.

"It has to be. No one else has those golden eyes," a miner replied.

"And his party are the most beautiful women I have ever seen! And that one with the tanned skin must be an island princess," another man commented.

"And the elven maiden. She has such a beautiful shade of green hair. She's just gorgeous," a miner gushed.

Nieren saw her mother looking guilty for not wearing her cloak and she hurried over to give her hers, "M-Mother! Here take mine. You should have worn yours."

"T-Thank you, darling. I forgot," Yuliana mumbled as her cheeks were red from embarrassment.

Nieren saw how all the townsfolk were looking at her and her mother, and it didn't sit well with her. So she pulled her mother into the carriage so the townsfolk could focus on the prince instead. The prince and his party came to the General and Johan.

"Well... This never gets old," Quinus stated when he saw the town folk looking at them.

"I bet it doesn't, my Prince," Johan agreed as he looked at the crowd, "Well, shall we go?" Johan asked the group.

Quinus chuckled, "I suppose... Rya, Dalia, and Percy. Are you three good to go?"

Rya nodded, while Dalia and Percy bowed then they entered the carriage before Quinus.

The Knights started to prepare the horses when all of a sudden the mayor came running through the crowd with a couple of his staff trailing behind him, "Wait! Your Highness! I demand that you explain what's going on here! If I'd known that you were in my town, I would have prepared a feast for you. And now you are leaving before I can do anything?"

Douglas sighed as he pinched his nose in frustration. He knew the mayor would be coming out here and hoped he wouldn't. But that's how this day was turning out for him.

"Damn, it's Mr. Brown," Douglas muttered, "Lord Johan, you're up!" The General said in a hushed voice.

"I got this," Johan replied before turning to face the Mayor and his staff, "Mr. Brown. Is there a problem? I was told that you were fully aware that we were leaving today," Johan said politely.

"But Lord Johan! You didn't mention that His Highness was here. Or his party!" Mr. Brown exclaimed.

"And what if I had? Would you have tried to hinder us somehow?" Johan asked with a knowing look.

"N-No!? Oh course not... Hahaha, R-Right Jarvis? I wouldn't try something like that, right?" Mr. Brown said sheepishly.

Jarvis just rolled his eyes and nodded, "Yes, milord. He wouldn't dream of it."

The Mayor looked back at Johan with a smile, "You heard my man, Lord Johan. I wouldn't dare."

"Listen... Mr. Brown... I'm sure the prince would have loved to have a feast with the people, but he is on a very important mission and can't afford to stay in one place for long. His Highness is needed back in the capital and he wished not to disturb your townsfolk. So, we didn't inform you. It's that simple. Now, we have a long journey ahead, and I don't want to make it longer by arguing with you," Johan stated.

"But we were hoping to get funding, for an aqueduct, approved by your father, within this year? We fear that it might be delayed until next year at this rate. But if his Highness could write him a letter on our behalf. I'm sure he will approve it sooner," Mr. Brown asked.

"I told you that you will get your water project approved by next year. The farmers are getting them first," Johan informed him.

"But your father isn't here! A-And the prince is! I-If he could find it in his heart to at least think about it," Mr. Brown insisted.

"Johan! Tell him that I'll talk to your father in a month's time! We have to leave," Quinus ordered from inside the carriage.

"Hear that? His Highness will discuss it with my father and I will as well. If I were you, I'd start making preparations," Johan stated.

"Thank you, Lord Johan and Your Highness. It is an honor to be blessed by your presence," Mr. Brown said happily.

The mayor and his staff bowed as Johan hurried into the carriage.

"Okay, His Highness is secure. We are leaving," Douglas roared to everyone and the driver took the reigns and led the carriages to the gates. While all the knights on horseback made a perimeter around the carriages. The crowd was slowly following the caravan as they started to wave to the prince.

"Well, that went better than expected," Quinus said.

"Agreed. But we should be wary of any spies following us. I'm sure your uncle knows where we are. And the other kingdoms would be interested in the whereabouts of our group," Johan advised as he sat next to his wife, who was smiling at him.

Dalia sniffed the air, "Well, someone had a good night's sleep."

"Hehe, yeah. I slept like a baby," Tayna giggled as she rested her head on her husband's shoulder.

Rya couldn't help but be happy about her handy work. This was the second couple she brought together.


"General, we're ready," the driver announced.

"Let's move out!" Douglas ordered.

"Sir, yes, sir!" the knights shouted and the carriages moved on their way to the capital. They were hoping to make it to Eldermyst City by nightfall.




As the convoy started to leave the town. Two hooded men were waiting to see when the prince's convoy was departing. The older man had short brown hair, a trimmed beard, and a scar over his left eye. He was wearing a leather chest plate with leather bracers and pants.

"Finally, they're moving! Looks like they're heading down Eldridge Road. Looks like they aren't taking any detours," the older man stated.

"Good! I'll get the horses so we can meet up with, Alac," the younger man stated. He was tall with black hair and had a lean muscular build.

"Aye, Cyril. I'll stop at the next fork in the road and make sure they're not splitting up," the older man instructed.

"Got it, Mast. I'll catch up with you after I report back to the boss," Cyril said before he ran off.

The older man nodded and hurried to his horse, which was saddled up and waiting for him. He rode off to the next fork in the road to make sure the prince's convoy stayed on Eldridge Road instead of taking a detour through Red Griffin Drive.

For they needed to ambush the convoy to kill Lord Johan.

Hey all! 

I just wanted to give you all a heads-up. I will only be releasing one chapter a week from now on until I finish cleaning up Volumes 1 and 2. 

Thank you for your understanding. 

And if you wish to read future first drafts then visit my Patreon.


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