I! game designer! Crying players all over the world!

Chapter 153

The big goose man couldn't help but widen his eyes as he looked at the monkey he had controlled earlier.

"This is ......"

"Monkey King!" The

big goose man couldn't help but exclaim.

Because at this moment, the monkey he controlled had undergone a metamorphosis.

The phoenix wings purple gold crown, the chain golden armor, the lotus silk walking clouds, and the Ruyi golden hoop stick

! This is simply the standard configuration of

the Monkey King! This is also too handsome!

"But why didn't I make the monkey into the Monkey King before?"

The big goose man couldn't understand.

At this moment, Monkey King suddenly turned his head and glanced at the void.

That's it.

The goose man couldn't help but feel a beat in his heart.

Because in the direction that Monkey King was looking at, there was nothing.

But I don't know why.

The big goose people always feel that this Monkey King is looking at himself.

It's a very bizarre feeling.


so-called fourth wall is a fictional "wall" in the traditional three-walled mirror-framed stage.

It allows the audience to see the audience in the play.

And now, the big goose people feel that the Monkey King in the game seems to see themselves.

I seem to see myself, too.

The goose man opened his mouth, but in the end he could only say two words.

"Outrageous ......"

Of course he understands that the virtual characters in the game naturally can't really see themselves.

And this action must also be specially designed by the designer.

But the feelings it brings to the player are real.

This is the power of fiction.

However, the reason why the big goose man felt outrageous was purely because he didn't expect to see such an artistic expression in a game.

But in theory, this seems to be normal.

After all, how could Monkey King be restrained by others,

but the six-eared macaque was different.

At this moment, the goose people have already reacted, and in the plot of "Black Myth", the six-eared macaque should have been deceived by the Buddha.

The so-called Fighting to defeat the Buddha was never the Monkey King, but the six-eared macaque

! Because the real Monkey King, even if he died, he could not become a Fighting Buddha!

"Then let's fight again!"

The big goose man rubbed his hands and clenched his handle.

He didn't believe that he could still lose this time

! And I have to say that the attack of the six-eared macaque was far more powerful than before!

And this was the final battle.

The two sides fought from the temple, to the outside above the wilderness, and then again above the sky.

And neither on earth nor in heaven.

There are many spectators.

The Witch Giant, the Demon Emperor, the Dragon Ancestral Dragon, the Heavenly Gods and Buddhas, the Heavenly Gods, the Wilderness Monsters, and the ...... of the Terrans

Their phantoms stayed around the battlefield, all staring at the battlefield in the center.

There is no doubt that this is a battle that will determine the outcome.

So after the thirteenth death of the big goose man, he finally defeated the big Buddha!

" Phew, my hands are going to cramp.

The goose man gasped.

Even if he is a high-level player, such a high-intensity operation is a little unbearable.


did the designer do it so hard!

The goose man secretly complained in his heart, and the audience was very happy to watch it.

Anyway, as long as the anchor suffers, then they are happy.

Everyone is a bunch of shakers!

, but after successfully defeating the boss.

Just when the big goose people felt that they had successfully cleared the customs.

The ending animation

began to play, the heavens and the earth began to crack, and the

huge black tree also ignited a raging fire, slowly turning to ashes.

The sky was full of phantoms, silently walking towards the end of death.

As for the Monkey King, he showed unwillingness, and directly waved the golden hoop stick, towards the huge black hole in the sky, and swept it away!

Even if the end was death, he would not admit defeat.

Because he's — Qi

!! big ! ! " "when—"

the game is over.

But the goose people clearly saw it.

It's a bad ending.


Soon, though, when he returned to the main screen, he wanted to enter the game by selecting the save again.

only to find that there is an additional interface for selecting people.

"How can you choose people again!" "

The goose man still remembers that when he created a new save, he didn't have a selection interface.

This time, the big goose man took a closer look at the new characters.

First of all, the first one is the monkey that he cultivated after dozens of hours of play.

The equipment is still on me, and it hasn't been lost.

Other than that, several other characters are initial.

Among them was another monkey, a six-eared macaque.

In addition, there are Hou Yi, Nezha, Yang Jian, Tang Seng, and Dragon Girl...... and so on to be able to choose.

But the goose people don't understand.

"Could it be that if you choose different characters, the plot will change?" the

big goose man thought about it, and finally chose Nezha.

He also likes this traditional Chinese mythological character.

And after entering the game.

The opening animation suddenly changed!

It was no longer the same as before, but it started directly from the Shang period.

And after the big goose man officially entered the game, he started to control it when Nezha was a child.

The novice village is in the town of Chentangguan.

To put it simply......

"Damn!!The map, the plot, and the NPCs have all changed

!" "What's the situation!"

"Could it be that other characters are also ......"

The big goose man was stunned.

He thought before that although he chose different characters, it should still be the same plot flow.

But now, except for the system, this is a completely different game!"

"Nima, this amount of work is a bit outrageous......"

The goose man no longer knows what language to use to describe the shock in his heart.

He couldn't even imagine how much it would cost to resources.

He was already very satisfied with the previous week.

And now, since the second week, the map levels of the whole game have changed directly!

Although the style and system are still the same.

But this still makes people feel unbelievable

! Yan Huang Games produced this "Black Myth" without considering the cost!

Aren't they afraid of losing money?

At this moment, it is not only the big goose people who are in shock.

The audience in the live broadcast room also gave exclamation points one by one.

If you

say that different characters have their own perspectives and maps.

Then, the game "Black Myth" is against the sky to the extreme!

But when the big goose man officially starts playing.

The shock in his heart was slightly reduced.

Because he found that most of the process of Nezha's role was in Chentangguan.

Only occasionally there will be a seaside, as well as some maps such as the secret realm of caves.

"Oh, that's okay, that's okay.

"At least not to the point of horror.

"In terms of the size of the map alone, it is not as big as the map of the week. The

goose man breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it is still outrageous, this degree of outrageousness is still within the acceptable range.

Of course, the character of Nezha is not the same as the monkey's system.

For example, a monkey can move quickly through a somersault cloud.

And Nezha is moving quickly through Hot Wheels, and other equipment attributes are also different.

"This game ......

" "It seems that it is not more than 100 hours, and I can't take it." "

The goose people are ready.

The process of Nezha's role, he suspects that it will take about ten hours.

As for the other characters, it should be similar.

In addition to the fact that the map is smaller than the one in the week, the player's operation proficiency has also been greatly improved.

So like a character, the Big Goose Man estimates that he can finish in six hours.

And ten hours for the average player is about the same.

It's only a week that takes a lot more time.

Crucially, there are other character perspectives in this game.

So the whole counts.

Hundreds of hours of playtime are not too much.

And it was through the role of Nezha that the big goose people finally understood why this game was called "Black Myth".


fact, since the birth of Nezha, it has been a conspiracy.

Including Nezha's parents, they are also pregnant with ghosts.

What exactly happened and what the reason is, it's not easy to say here.

As long as you are a player who has played it, you will naturally know what Nezha's story is about.

Nezha's life is a life of conspiracy.

And in the end, Nezha was robbed of his spiritual root and completely lost his original talent.

Although he has been resurrected, he has lost himself.

Even after being reborn, I have to work for others.

Just like the six-eared macaques before it.

It can only be said that it is black

! It is so dark!

Although the goose man knows that he is playing a game, he still can't help but get angry.

And this also made him more curious.

What is the perfect ending,

or what conditions are needed to achieve it?

After the end of Nezha's play, the big goose people still haven't figured it out.

Because he found that Nezha's plot and the week are only a little related.

For example, Nezha after being reborn is a boss encountered by the big goose people of the week.

However, he had a guess.

That's time!

" The timeline of this game is definitely problematic!"

This is the guess that the big goose people made when they played the third character, Hou Yi.

Because he found that during the flood period in which Hou Yi lived, those terrifying bosses seemed to know a little bit of the truth of the matter.

But not much.

However, through the information that the goose people saw after defeating the boss.

It seems that they all know very well what will happen

in the future! The most important thing is that

in the third week, the big goose people don't know what conditions they have triggered, and they actually let Hou Yi, Monkey King, and Nezha fight against the final collapse of heaven and earth together!

As for the final boss, the Big Buddha.

The big goose man is already familiar with the road.

He knows very well what skills the Big Buddha has, and he can easily kill it.

However, this time the world collapsed, but there was a new ending.

That is, there is a man and

a black dragon! The black dragon is the illusion of a huge black tree.

And that person, who was holding a long sword, directly cut the black dragon in half.

Then there was a black hole in the sky, and the human threw the dragon corpse into it.

Since then, the sky has been clear.

Everything seems to have changed, but nothing seems to have changed.

The phantoms still didn't leave, their eyes indifferent.

"The ending has changed.

"But it still doesn't seem like a happy ending. The

goose man fell into deep thought.

Is it possible that you have to play all the characters all over again in order to unlock the perfect ending?

So, he decided to go

to the Internet to find a guide! As a game streamer, it shouldn't be a problem to look at the guide, right?

And now, there are actually many strategies about "Black Myth" on the Internet.

And the degree of discussion has already been broken

!【the slot!The characters of the weekly program of "Black Myth" are all different!It's awesome

!【I also found out!After passing the week, you can unlock more characters!And each character's plot and map are different

!】【Horror!I can only say horror!How is this done?The Yanhuang game is too outrageous!】

【Fun! This game is so fun! But I have no culture, and I go all over the world in one sentence!]


The matter about the multiple characters in "Black Myth" has been revealed a long time ago.

All kinds of strategy videos on the Internet are also emerging.

But so far, no one has played a happy ending.

But someone played a cool play routine.

For example, the final boss.

Some players may have a crippled hand and have a hard time passing.

And some masters have found a way.

How strong the final Monkey King is actually depends on how strong the monkey is cultivated by the player.

If the monkey cultivated by the player is stronger, then the Monkey King who will eventually

transform into a Monkey King will be more powerful! According to the test of some data flow players, after fifteen hours of brushing, the monkey they cultivated will transform into a Monkey King, and they can directly knock the Buddha to death with two sticks

! After being abused so many times, they can finally abuse the boss!

That's one of the charms of RPGs.

And some players have also found that the difficulty of some bosses can be reduced through multi-character play.

For example, the character of Nezha, when the player encounters the boss of Nezha in a week, he is very strong


! There are so many ways to do

it! Moreover, the one-foot six-foot lotus incarnation of Nezha's second stage is a nightmare for novices!

It can be immune to spell damage and the special effects of equipment.

For example, the special effects brought by equipment such as bleeding, freezing, and burning, Nezha is also completely immune to the second stage!

You will find that if you go back to the previous plot again and encounter the boss Nezha, his attack methods and attributes will be reduced a lot.

Some high-level play guesses may be because Nezha, who has been cultivated with high intensity, is reborn after being calculated, and all aspects of his attributes will be suppressed by the true spirit of the self.

As for the statement of the true spirit of the self, it is a gameplay that is analyzed from the existing plot clues of "Black Myth".

They found out that the reason why many bosses know what is to come.

In fact, it's because of the setting of the true spirit.

It's not that these bosses know what the future holds, but they know some of the conspiracies.

This conspiracy is actually a layout for some strange true spirits.

It's like characters like Nezha and Yang Jian.

Their true spirits are different from ordinary true spirits.

But what exactly is the reason behind it, no one knows yet.

But I have to say that the game "Black Myth" is indeed very playable and exploratory!

And because of the multi-character gameplay, even if it is multi-week, it will not bring players a sense of boredom.

In addition, there are more and more strategies on the Internet.

Some novice players can also get started quickly.

It can be said that the game "Black Myth" has been almost explored by everyone.

Except what exactly is the happy ending in the end.

"There is no perfect ending!" At

this moment, in Lin Mo's office, Xue Wen was stunned.

He has been busy with the promotion of "Black Myth" recently.

However, because the reputation of "Black Myth" is too good, many players are spontaneously Amway.

So he found that his work could actually be a little easier.

At the same time, he is also a little curious about the perfect ending of "Black Myth".

Because he found that the topic that many players on the Internet discussed the most about "Black Myth" was the strategy for a perfect ending.

Xue Wen couldn't help the curiosity in his heart, so he came to ask Lin Mo.

However, Lin Mo told him that the game "Black Myth" does not have a perfect ending.

"Why do you think there will be?" Lin Mo said a little speechlessly

, "What is the name of this game?" "This is all called "Black Myth", it must be based on black, how can there be a good ending?" "If there is really a good ending, it can

only be a successful resolution of the loophole of the Jedi Tiantong." Hearing

this, Xue Wen was a little curious.

"Jedi Tiantong, what is this?" Xue Wen asked.

"The background of the game of "Black Myth" is actually at the end of the Jedi Tiantong.

"Jedi Tiantong, heaven and world, God and man perform their own duties and do not interfere with each other.

"But the gods, those who have great power, will certainly not agree.

"After all, they all think that the whole world is theirs.

So they started a game with a person.

"Whether it's Monkey King, Nezha, or Descendants, these characters that players can control are all part of the game.

Xue Wen continued to ask: "Then who is this person who is playing with powerful beings, is he so powerful?"

Lin Mo glanced at Xue Wen like an idiot, and said, "You still can't see this, and the people who play with these powerful beings are players!"


He really hadn't guessed that.

Lin Mo continued: "From the very beginning, I designed the game "Black Myth" according to the idea of breaking the fourth wall, so from the beginning to the end, the player is actually borrowing controllable characters to fight against the entire game world.

"Of course, some people may not understand it too much.

"But that's okay, that's the beauty of fragmented storytelling.

"Different interpretations have different results.

"At least the players had a good experience.

"From this point on, Black Myth is a success!"

"At least in my eyes, the game is a success.

Speaking of this, a smile appeared on Lin Mo's face.

Because Black Myth is his completely original game.

He actually feels a little proud to be able to make it successfully.

But for now, there's another problem.

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