I Found Myself Pregnant After Becoming An Omega

Chapter 29

Chapter 29 29th

The surrounding Omegas and Betas have long been ready to move.

Although Jiyu didn’t tell them the time and place clearly, he didn’t hide it. They could see where he went and what he took, not to mention dozens of Alphas gathered in the back of the cafeteria. What will happen in the woods.

But after all, the Internet and reality are different. They can cheer on the Internet and make all kinds of comments about Alphas, but when they return to the real world, they see that Alpha wall, even if they are interested in handstand shampoo and think again. Look, I only dared to watch and discuss from a little farther away, how could it really be on the front bar with Alpha.

but now…

Song Cheng trumpeted his lips with his hands, and greeted enthusiastically: “Come on! Come and see! How can there be no audience for the live broadcast? Come over to me if you want to watch it! Hurry up! Let’s watch it together!”

Omega and Betas, who hesitated in the distance, looked at each other, a little light in their eyes.

go with? Not going?

This kind of scene is rare, how can I miss it? But it seems a bit bad on the front bar with Alpha. After all, from a school, you can’t see and see you when you look down. What if Alpha retaliates back in the future?

The crowd of onlookers commotion, they were whispering, but no one took the initiative to take that step.

Song Cheng rolled his eyes, ran over and grabbed an Omega’s hand and pulled it toward the grove.

This Omega is also fun, he screamed in horror, his two legs didn’t resist at all, and he ran with Song Cheng very honestly, even faster than Song Cheng.

“What are you doing?”

Running and screaming pretentiously.

Song Cheng: “…”

Brother, why do you have more dramas than me?

However, this dear friend also made a good start. The Omega and Betas who were watching at the back finally stopped hesitating, took a step forward, and a large group of people followed.

As the number of people increased, the battle became extremely large, and a crowd of black and overwhelmed people, and others who saw them joined in one after another.

Such a ratio of one to thirty or forty alphas is not enough to see, no matter how long their hands are, they can’t stop everyone, besides, this is a school, is it really impossible to do it?

The Alphas frowned at the same time, and the situation in front of them was obviously unexpected.

Among them, Alpha, who was obviously the leader, was also stunned. The reason why they dared to stand here to stop people was relying on their absolute trust in their own strength and knowing that Omega and Beta did not dare to face them.

The previous development was as they thought, no one dared to come and watch, but when Jiyu came, the situation immediately changed.

The Alpha looked at each other, not knowing how to respond.

Ji Yu raised his hand and patted vigorously, and the people around him suddenly calmed down.

He raised his eyes and looked at the man in glasses: “Stop the ink, let everyone go in together. The washing is done early, and the woods will be full of mosquitoes when it gets darker. Then you should not only wash your hair upside down, but also feed it upside down. Mosquito.”

As he said, Ji Yu smiled slightly, “And do you think you can stop it?”

The man with glasses paused and was about to speak, but a familiar voice suddenly heard not far away—

“Let them in.”

Ji Yu looked at the place where the sound was made, with a confused tone: “He Zhou?”

The crowd stepped aside, and He Zhou’s tall figure gradually approached, and he nodded towards Ji Yu: “Well, it’s me.”

Ji Yu was stunned: “Are you also here to wash your hair upside down?”

He quickly turned over the memory in his mind, and found no trace of He Zhou at all, “No, I don’t remember you without you, you were watching the show?”

He Zhou was taken aback, and said helplessly: “Can’t I come here to help you?”

Ji Yu was taken aback: “Are you here to help me?”

He Zhou: “…”

He didn’t want to look at Jiyu anymore. He turned his head to look at the Alpha wearing glasses, his face was calm, and his voice was extremely cold, “Don’t do anything else, let them all go in. If you say something, you can do it on your knees.”

After all, He Zhou reached out and grabbed the shoulder of the man with glasses, opened a passage with only a light push, and walked in first, no one dared to stop him.

He took two steps, then turned his head and motioned to Ji Yu: “Don’t keep up?”

Ji Yu smiled: “Brother, you are a little cool.”

After that, he turned his head and said loudly, “Go! Watch the show!”

The Alpha’s faces were blue, but they had no choice but to watch a large crowd of people pouring into the grove.

Alpha, a female with a ponytail, walked up to the man with glasses and whispered: “Actually, I really want to see it. It should be interesting.”

Man with glasses: “…”

Another Alpha came up and said, “Then let’s go in together. Anyway, we have done our best to promise them, and He Zhou is here, what can we do?”

As he said, he came up to put the man with glasses on the shoulder, “Brother Chen, let’s go, let’s take a look.”

The man with glasses called Brother Chen paused and sighed: “Okay.”

Once he compromised, the other Alphas couldn’t hold back.

After all, they are only ten ** years old, and they are still at an age that likes to watch the fun. They looked at each other, the unpleasantness on their faces disappeared long ago, and they followed Brother Chen tacitly and walked into the woods together.

After walking about 20 meters in, Ji Yu saw the seventeen Alphas waiting under the tree.

Their expressions are a bit difficult to express, they look a little shocked, and some are aggrieved by wanting to be angry but not daring to be angry.

One of them looked at He Zhou incredulously: “Why are you here?”

He Zhou put one hand in his pocket, and his tone was lazy: “Why can’t I come?”

“You actually help Omega?”

He Zhou shrugged: “Yeah.”

“…” The man looked at He Zhou and then at Ji Yu.

Okay, color fascinated, understandable.

Ji Yu had no idea that he had become the “color” in the eyes of these Alphas that made He Zhou “smart”.

He walked over and looked at the things on the ground and nodded in satisfaction: “Are you all ready? Quite conscious.”

Not only were washbasins set up on the ground, but also seventeen blue buckets filled with water and two very large trash cans. The former filled with water, the latter poured sewage, and there was also a bottle of washing that Jiyu bought for them. For hair water, the two transparent skin tubes extending from the cafeteria to here are obviously used for water discharge.

“Since you are so positive and your attitude is so good, then we won’t ridicule before the war, don’t linger, and just start?” Ji Yu raised his head and looked at the Alphas in front of him.

Do you still want to make a mockery? ?

The dozen or so Alphas looked at each other, knowing that they must not be able to escape this time, so they nodded: “Okay, let’s get started.”

Start early, get free early.

“How do you want to stand upside down? Are you leaning against a tree or letting people hold your legs?”

“Hold your legs!” A slightly sharp voice sounded in the crowd.

Ji Yu turned his head in surprise and saw a raised hand.

A boy squeezed out of the crowd: “I’ll hug!”

He looked at Ji Yu with scorching eyes, and said again, “I’ll hold their legs.”

Someone soon followed: “I want to hug their legs too, don’t lean on the tree, just hug them! Let’s hug them!”

“I’m coming too!”

“I can too!”

Alpha, one of the performance group, sneered, his tone was neither light nor heavy but full of sarcasm: “What’s the matter with you? Just your small body can hold our legs? Don’t be crushed and fall. I have a low IQ, and there are so many trees here, but it’s really over if you knock your head.”

Ji Yu looked at the Alpha who was talking, and smiled and said: “Then two people hold one, and one person holds one leg. I think this is good, that’s it.”

Ignoring the ugly faces of the Alphas, he rushed to the volunteers Beta and Omegas behind him and waved, “All those who want to hold their legs come over, and the two of them have an Alpha and stand next to them.”

As soon as Jiyu’s voice fell, dozens of people rushed over.

Two of them stood beside the Alpha who was going to perform handstand shampooing. After a while, they divided the seventeen Alphas into a clean one, and sighed regretfully when they ran so slowly that they didn’t get the position.

One of the Beta said: “Should we be responsible for squeezing shampoo for them? Otherwise, they cheat and squeeze several pumps at a time, and it will be over soon.”

Ji Yu nodded: “It makes sense, then you are responsible for the other.”

The person who hadn’t grabbed the spot just now became happy, and stood beside Alpha with a smile, looking at them with crooked eyebrows.

Seventeen Alphas: “…”

Fuck, I always feel that I might have to explain here today.

Ji Yu bent his eyebrows and smiled and said, “Now that everything is ready, let’s start?”

What happened next became a scene that all Omega and Beta present would not forget for a lifetime.

They opened their eyes wide, and watched without blinking the Alphas bending down and supporting the ground with their hands on the ground. Then their legs were picked up and raised a little bit, and finally the whole person was perpendicular to the ground.

Their noble and invincible heads were close to the ground, facing the position of everyone’s feet, and then sank into the basin filled with water again and again.

The white foam stained their collars and stabbed them so that they couldn’t open their eyes. Their handsome faces gradually became hideous. The long-term inversion also made them blush, their necks and foreheads. There were blue veins violently, and his expression became even more terrible.

However, even at this point, there is still more than half of the shampoo in the bottle. It is not difficult to imagine that if all of them are used up, these people may really have to go to the hospital.

He Zhou walked to the side of Jiyu and whispered: “Didn’t you buy a pouch?”

Ji Yu looked at the scene in front of him blankly, shook his head and said, “I don’t need it anymore.”


“They asked for it.”

Ji Yu’s original plan was to scare them with bottles, and when they were really washed, they would take out the small bags from the backpack. They were not evenly divided, so they put them in a pile and let 17 people work together to use them all. Let them go after that.

But now he doesn’t think so.

He wanted to see the painful look of these Alphas, wanted to hear them begging for mercy, and wanted them to always remember the experience of being slapped in the face by Omega.

He raised his voice: “If anyone can’t keep going, just say it, beg for mercy, and apologize to the Beta and Omegas present. Today’s live broadcast will pass, otherwise, the hospital will wait—”

“Enough.” He Zhou grabbed Ji Yu’s wrist.

Ji Yu looked up, staring at him with dark eyes: “What is enough?”

“Do you really want them to have an accident?” He Zhou looked at Ji Yu seriously.

Ji Yu snorted lightly and said, “I said, you can beg for mercy if you don’t want to go to the hospital. I will let them go immediately.”

An onlooker Alpha interjected: “It is impossible for them to beg for mercy for Alpha’s dignity.”

“Alpha’s dignity?”

Ji Yu laughed, “Why, Beta and Omega have no dignity? Just open their mouths if they are mocking? When we have no temper?”

“What he said is the truth.”

“What about me? Didn’t I completely cover your Alpha for this exam?”

“You are just an example.”

Ji Yu burst into flames, and went back without hesitation: “Shut up, you!”

“There is no way to have different physiques, but can you stop ridiculing and ridicule this IQ? Do you think the IQs of Beta and Omega are really inferior to yours?”

When it comes to IQ, this Alpha seems to be extraordinarily righteous: “Isn’t it? Don’t take all cases as all. Omegas like you are very few.”

With his fists hanging down to his side clenched, Ji Yu sneered: “What is the case? It’s just the environment helping you. I tell you, wait ten or twenty years later. As crazy as you are now, I will live stream your headstand shampoo!”

“Oh, you don’t have to wait so many years, you can join them now.”

“You look a little stupid, I don’t bother to care about you.”

“You!” He wanted to fight again, but he faced a pair of black eyes filled with a sense of deterrence. What he wanted to say immediately swallowed his throat, and he closed his mouth unwillingly.

Ji Yu put his hands around his chest and watched the scene of Alphas washing their hair upside down without saying a word.

After about three minutes, he suddenly looked up at He Zhou: “Are you thinking the same as them?”


Ji Yu said: “I think Beta and Omega are inherently inferior to Alpha.”

He Zhou didn’t answer immediately. He thought for a moment and said, “There is nothing to say about physical fitness. It is very realistic, but IQ is open to question. What do you think?”

Ji Yu said word by word: “I don’t think so.”

“Tell me.”

“I also found out in this exam. Our school has only three liberal arts classes. The other classes are all sciences. In the three liberal arts classes, there are Beta and very few Alphas. There is no Omega.”

As he said, Ji Yu looked up at He Zhou, “Why do you think this is?”

He Zhou silently, except for the seventeen Alphas who were still struggling to wash their hair, everyone else was quiet.

Ji Yu pursed his lips, his hand on his side tightened.

Everyone says that Omega’s physical fitness and IQ are inherently inferior to Alpha, but he thinks it is not. It’s just their division of labor and different areas of expertise.

Alpha is physiological and more suitable for science.

Omega is more perceptual and good at liberal arts, but they are obviously good at liberal arts, but they choose science.

For what?

Of course, it is for the convenience of applying for science colleges or science majors in the future. After all, there are many Alphas, and there are many Alphas in contact with them, so that you can better choose and choose excellent and good characters to match yourself.

Alpha’s status in the relationship between the sexes is too high, no Omega can afford to choose the wrong person.

It is also impossible for them to rely on inhibitors for the rest of their lives, and sooner or later they will marry, so for the sake of their future lives, they can only start from school and subject in a planned way, and make plans for choosing their future spouse.

Learning subjects they are not good at, and being distracted by estrus, how can they compare to Alpha?

Are they really low in IQ?

Ji Yu didn’t think so at all.

“It’s just living in this not-so-good era.”

Having said that, he raised his head again, looking at He Zhou with black and white eyes, “But it will definitely get better and better in the future, and it won’t always be like this. No one is born to lie under others, and no one is born to be born. You should be inferior.”

“All this will definitely change.”

After that, he looked at anyone, turned around, and left as he said: “I’m leaving, you can decide whether you want to wash it or not.”

The audience was silent.

Suddenly, someone stretched out his mobile phone and shook it as he passed by Jiyu: “Hey, Jiyu, can you add a friend?”

Ji Yu was stunned, and stopped: “Okay.”

With this promise, more Omega and Beta around him came around with their mobile phones.

Suddenly, no one cared about the Alphas that were washing their hair upside down anymore. Instead, they squeezed to the side of Ji Yu one by one, rushing to make friends with him.

He Zhou was even squeezed to the outermost part of the crowd. Fortunately, he was tall. Even standing outside, he could pass through the crowd at a glance and see the figure of Ji Yu surrounded by the crowd.

He used to think that Jiyu was like jewelry, but now he thinks that he is like a natural luminous body, which attracts people’s attention no matter where he goes, and makes people want to actively approach him.

The other Alphas present were silent.

They know in their hearts who is drenched in the light of this era.

And Beta and Omegas don’t know anything. It’s just that the environment is like this. It is painful to be sober, and they are ridiculed when they speak. They are used to the evaluation of Alpha, and they are used to looking up at Alpha, because they have no confidence at all, dare to say He can be better than Alpha.

But Ji Yu, he is different from them.

[Title: I have nothing to say today, just blow up Jiyu. 】

1st floor: RT

2nd floor: Blow Jiyu 1

3rd floor: Blow Jiyu 2

4th floor: Blow Jiyu 3

96th floor: Does no one think it is weird? Why did Jiyu suddenly change so much? It’s turned upside down.

On this day, Jiyu arrived home extremely late.

When he got home, Xiao Universe was already asleep, and Yuesao also went upstairs to wash up after heating up the food.

He Zhou and Ji Yu returned home together, and neither of them had dinner.

Halfway through the meal, Ji Yu suddenly said, “I thought I would be very happy to see them washing their hair upside down, but no, not as happy as I thought.”

After knowing what Omega means in this world, he is actually very aggrieved.

After all, he grew up in a relatively equal society, and the concept that he was instilled since childhood was that everyone is equal, but his status suddenly plummeted after he became an Omega, especially because of the experience of the original owner, he received countless eyes as soon as he came.

Very frustrated and unhappy.

But he endured it all, just this time he didn’t know what was going on, and only a word made him burst out on the spot.

He Zhou put down his chopsticks and took out a piece of red wine from the cabinet: “Drinking? Let’s chat.”

Ji Yu smiled and said, “Okay.”

“I’ll get the cup.”


At this moment, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly shook, Ji Yu took out and glanced at it. It was an unfamiliar phone.

He thought about it or picked it up, and said, “Hey.”

The other party said straightforwardly: “Are you Jiyu?”

“It’s me, are you?”

“Your inspection report is out. Come and get it when you are free. Also, two Omegas have cancelled the marking surgery. I can move your surgery forward. Do you want to think about it?”

When he hung up, He Zhou took out his wine glass.

He was unfamiliar with the kitchen and found it after looking through several cabinets inside. It took a while to clean and wipe again.

At this time, the restaurant is quiet and the atmosphere is just right.

He tickled the corner of his mouth and handed the quilt to Ji Yu: “I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

Thinking of the doctor’s instructions on the phone to quit smoking and drinking, Ji Yu said embarrassedly: “Let’s not drink anymore. Let’s go upstairs and go to bed early after dinner. I’ve been tired for a day.”

He Zhou said with an expression: “Why did you suddenly change your mind?”

Ji Yu touched the back of his head: “Because… I’m happy again.”

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