I Don’t Want This White Moonlight Anymore!

Chapter 52

Chapter 51 52 He said: “Come back and get something

Fashion AC is a well-known comprehensive magazine in China, and it also has a certain ranking in the world. In recent years, all the weather vanes on the cover of AC have been the vane of various industries, and the gold content can be imagined.

Half a month ago, AC’s main photographer injected new blood. He is said to be a student of fashion godfather Rosen. His fledgling first job was one of the promotional photography of Milan Fashion Week. This resume is beautiful enough.

“Last time I said that Mia arrived today?” Yu Xiaochen asked a colleague next to him.

“Yes, your new leader is coming. Good luck.”

Yu Xiaochen turned the corner of her mouth, not expecting it.

She has been working in AC for six years. She has gone from a junior makeup artist to a senior makeup artist. Although the interpersonal relationship and intrigue of the photography team with which she followed are more complicated, the salary is high, and Ni Shu can really teach something. Thinking about getting dividends when I become an independent team, my own spring will come.

As a result, Ni Shu was investigated for embezzlement of public funds last month, and it hasn’t come out now. Everyone said in private that Ni Shu was going to be planted this time. AC actually noticed her very early, so she wanted to keep enough evidence. I have been free for a while, and now I can’t estimate it for more than ten or twenty years.

Yu Xiaochen has been in a bad mood lately, and she doesn’t have much expectation for the new photographer. Even if the backstage of the other party is hard enough, she feels very unbalanced when she thinks that she is just a young and inexperienced young man.

“Chen,” someone called her at the door, “Come to booth 2. There are two models to do styling.”

The styling is generally the same as the makeup, and many places are shared by the same person, but the AC points are very fine, the styling is the styling, the makeup is the makeup, so this means that Yu Xiaochen has to temporarily cooperate with other stylists.

This is what she is most annoying about, because working together will have friction, especially styling and makeup, both complement each other. There are often unpleasant scenes in which she has finally finished one, but the stylist feels that it is not in line, and then disputes occur.

Yu Xiaochen shouted: “Is there no other makeup artist available?”

“You are idle anyway, and you still care about others,” the man said.

The other party was an airborne soldier. It hasn’t been two months since he arrived. Without mentioning his ability, he loves to instigate people. Yu Xiaochen cursed in a low voice and walked out with his own dressing case.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, the email was sent out saying that the meeting would be held in half an hour, followed by a list of participants, and Yu Xiaochen’s name was also listed impressively.

The person at the next station said in surprise: “Wow, even the boss and Director Fan are here. This meeting is a bit stressful.”

“What is it, but to welcome a newcomer.”

“You still have a door with your mouth. Obviously, the company has great expectations of her. The degree of importance is evident. It sounds not worth mentioning when it comes to you.”

Yu Xiaochen snorted.

At 1:55, the huge conference room was half full, filled with deliberately lowered voices.

Before long, there were footsteps in the corridor outside, as well as obviously pleasant talk and laughter. The meeting room fell silent for an instant, and a group of people looked at the door of the meeting room.

The art director came first, followed by the personnel and the big boss, and the last young woman in a big red professional suit. The clothes wrapped her body properly. Although it was a trouser suit, the front and back curls were also well displayed. The curvaceous beauty of women.

The eyes are big, the face is round, with a little makeup, it is obviously a very cute face, but it has a contradictory and gorgeous charm.

She stepped on high stiletto heels, walked to the right side of the main seat and sat down. The big brown wavy hair swayed slightly behind her back. She took the fountain pen on the table with one hand and turned, resting her chin with the other, in a casual posture. , In stark contrast with other participants who were as restrained as they were facing the enemy.

I gave you a familiar introduction that has been passed down in private. The general information is the same, but the achievements in the personal photography exhibition are unknown at the beginning.

Then came the art director. After expressing his welcome speech, he entered the focus, saying that in the past two days, everyone uploads their previous works, and Mia will select the preliminary team candidates after entering AC.

Then he made a gesture and asked Mia to say something.

Mia got up and walked to the front, first smiled at the people underneath, and then said: “I won’t speak official words, and just talk about business. That’s it, I will leave city B for a week after the meeting, so Director Fan gave The time needs to be changed. I hope that after the meeting, everyone can send me some of their previous works, and the results will be published this afternoon.”

“I look forward to the future cooperation partners, I hope we can get along happily.”

A bunch of people rushed out of the meeting room. Yu Xiaochen returned to his desk, threw the notebook on the table, and looked at Mia’s business card. The black background is Phnom Penh, the photographer Mia, and the Chinese name Zhao Yinqing.

Someone passed by behind her, glanced at her, and smiled: “The new boss is very low-key. He gave me such a simple and ordinary title. I thought there would be a long list. Even if he didn’t, she would basically follow an AC. What about her? Not even the company name.”

Yu Xiaochen shrugged: “Maybe it’s not a low-key but a big name.”

High-rise business buildings, the most prosperous area in the city center, underneath is a constant stream of traffic.

Zhao Yinqing followed AC Art Director Fan Yangxu into his office.

The two have known each other for many years after being introduced by Rosen. When Zhao Yinqing first appeared in Milan Fashion Week, his partner was Fan Yangxu. The two have been very happy together. However, after Fan Yangxu’s derailed young model and his original partner divorced two years ago, they looked at him. It’s kind of eyes that are not eyes, and nose is not what nose means.

Because he was about to leave, Zhao Yinqing didn’t bring a computer, so he came to borrow his.

She was sitting on the sofa with the computer in front of the coffee table. Fan Yangxu put a cup of warm water by her hand and stood and glanced at it.

“Will you go home later?”

Zhao Yinqing nodded and said, “I want to have a meal with my dad. I didn’t report it for half a month when I came back. He revealed the stuffing the day before yesterday. He was very angry.”

I didn’t feel it in the early years, but now it may be that Zhao Zhengyang is older and wants to be fun or something, but instead cares about her a lot, and the idea of ​​letting her go home is particularly strong.

Fan Yangxu was amused and said, “Lawson said that he missed it?”


“Ha!” He was a little gloating.

Zhao Yinqing glanced up at him, and Fan Yangxu spread his hands and said, “I wanted to give you a reception banquet, but it looks like it’s out of play.”

Fan Yangxu was thirty-seven years old, tall and handsome, and his career success gave him the icing on the cake. His calm and introverted temperament served as a foil to him. At this time, it was the most attractive stage of a man’s life.

There are countless women who fancy him, and people in the industry even think that he cheated late, and the stolen years are the blessings of his original partner.

This cheating three views.

Zhao Yinqing looked down at the computer again, and someone had already sent in emails one after another.

“The makeup artist is already fixed, right, what’s your name?”

“Yu Xiaochen, I have been working under Ni Shu since I entered AC. Now I am a senior makeup artist, and the craftsmanship is not bad. She seems to be in a bottleneck period and needs someone to call.”

Zhao Yinqing nodded in understanding. She is used to foreign shooting methods, and her style collides with domestic ones. For this kind of people who need to change and improve, she is indeed a good follower.

After reading it roughly, she asked the stylist Zhuang Jiayan.

The assistant hired her in advance, named Nian Ran, who just graduated last year and had already met before.

After the matter was settled, Zhao Yinqing left the company and returned to his residence here.

Fan Yangxu also helped her find a five-to-six stacked villa with a top floor. The residential area is more than 300 square meters, and the decoration is light and luxurious. It is comfortable to live in, but it is a bit too big for one person.

Zhao Yinqing entered the cloakroom, changed his clothes, and went to the bathroom to wash his face. After finishing basic skin care, he sat at the dressing table and changed his makeup. Tang Anfu’s call happened to come in.

She pressed the speakerphone and yelled, “Uncle Tang.”

Tang Anfu laughed “haha”, and he was very happy to hear her voice. He babbled that she finally came back, saying that Aunt Zhang at home also often babbled.

Zhao Yinqing’s eyes softened a lot in an instant, and then he told him the address.

In six years, this number does sound quite long.

During this period, she never came back. She would send Zhao Zhengyang a video on New Year’s Day, but the two fathers and daughters didn’t have much to say, and they always ended hastily.

When I finally got home, Zhao Yinqing had just arrived at the door when someone greeted me. Aunt Zhang was at the front, followed by Liu Siqi.

Zhao Yinqing greeted them.

Liu Siqi looked at her up and down for a long time, then smiled: “I am really a big girl. She looks more and more marked and looks better.”

“I’m a little embarrassed for this boast.”

“To be honest, I can still be embarrassed. Come in quickly. Your dad is waiting for you in the living room.”

Zhao Zhengyang was still reading the newspaper at this time, Zhao Yinqing went in and greeted him casually, took a seat on the other side, and began to eat oranges.

“After six years of walking and coming back empty-handed, you are still embarrassed to eat.” Zhao Zhengyang squinted at her.

“The last thing you lack is money. I don’t have anything. I really don’t know what to bring you.” Zhao Yinqing wiped his hands with a piece of paper, looked up at him, and found that his temples had a grayish color.

Zhao Zhengyang was over fifty years old at this meeting. He hadn’t seen it for a long time before, but after looking at it for six years, he seemed to be much older.

Zhao Yinqing took a little smile on her face, and said, “I said you had a physical examination for gall bladder polyps, how are you now?”

“I can’t die.” Zhao Zhengyang collected the newspaper, stood up and walked towards the restaurant. When passing by Zhao Yinqing, he raised his hand and rubbed her head, “Come to eat.”

The three people who had dinner had a nice atmosphere, talking, laughing and laughing.

On the morning of the fourth day, Zhao Yinqing was going back to City B, and she had an appointment with Chen Yange for a meal.

Chen Yange has been doing education and training since she graduated. She is now a partner of a training organization. She has a car, a house and a career, and she is considered a successful person.

After being at home for a few days, Zhao Zhengyang’s feelings of longing have been expressed, and she is in a state of indifferent to her stay or stay.

“I will come back for dinner every weekend.”

Zhao Yinqing said: “Where there is so much time, even if it is half a month, it is unlikely to come back.”

Zhao Zhengyang retreated and sought second place: “In one month, city B is not far from here, so get together when you come back.”

Tang Anfu also sent her back when she drove out of the community. After turning the corner, there was an oncoming car.

Tang Anfu’s speed suddenly slowed down.

Zhao Yinqing was surprised, and Tang Anfu lowered the car window and greeted him.

The window in the driver’s seat over there was also open. He was a young man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, exquisite features, but his eyes were pale like distant mountains.

He said, “Come back and get something.”

Then he swept his eyes to the back seat, and drove the car away blankly.

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