Preparing the land, planting a crop, taking care of the said crop, harvesting
From Spring to Spring
Seven Days a Week
Too many hours a day
Shouting this is a familiar line for who knows how many times I have looked over a family plot of land?
My father, as usual, inspects the crop for pests.
My Brother is nowhere is seen as likely to gather water for watering
And me here standing around looking like a farmer.
I think this is it, it's time to search for a different occupation before I go mad.
Hearing a familiar voice of mine, I saw kids my age playing around with a wooden sword.
The village's head son is playing adventure with his lackey again. I want to laugh at our difference differences between me working I a job I hate and him being as carefree as a child should be.
Adventure is a dangerous job of fighting with monsters or delving into a dungeon full of unknown risks, but with risk comes a fortune that equals with the risk taken.
What a chance the village head allowing his only son becoming an adventure?
None is the only answer I can think of. If the village son can't be adventurer, then I will inherit his dream.
His dream is my dream and my dream is my own. Yeah I think I like the sound of that.
"I WILL BECOME ADVENTURE", Proclaiming my inherited dream, I shouted full of spirit.
Hearing me shouting, My dad looked at me and sighing
"Not again" he said, while looking tired.