I Developed Silent Hill To Scare Players Around The World!

Chapter 249

247 Yu Ji, You Are Really Gentle

At this moment, Mike’s heart is as sweet as eating honey. Although this world is very crazy, this moment is definitely the best moment in his life.

Mike forcibly endured all the discomfort, not thinking about it, but looking around.


Just imagine, if all this is not a game, but a reality, to be left alone in this filthy and twisted world, it is estimated that he will either commit suicide or fall into real madness, if it is not because of Saya. , he has already uninstalled the game!

“You are such a pitiful and interesting person…” Seeing Mike’s excited expression, Shaye laughed: “I have never seen a person like you, even my father… …. I have never been so gentle to me… Well, I promise you what you just said.”

Plan to pass!!!

“By the way, I don’t know what your name is yet? Shaye asked again, she put her hands behind her back and stuck her head slightly, playful and cute.

Shaye said to meet at the flower bed at night, but where is the flower bed? After all, everything is in his eyes now, but they are almost the same.

…. Flowers …

buzzing․ ….

In this case, I really need a warm man like him to take care of Saya. Come, uncle hug…

“I’m just going to live at your house!” Shaye said, and the expression on his face suddenly became uneasy: “I said… Have you changed your mind~?”

Holy crap! Outrageous! How is this designed, the author of this game, is he really a human… This game is not developed by some aliens, right?

“I saw your gentleness and sincerity, Yu Ji!” Shaye replied, “Actually, I was hiding near this flower bed most of the afternoon… I saw you, Yu Ji, standing there all the time. This place, from the afternoon to the present, you have stayed here stupidly for so long, just to wait for me, right..

“Ah, I’m sorry, I scared you!” Saya showed an apologetic look and quickly apologized to Mike.

At this moment, Mike wanted to quit the game again, but Saya’s cute appearance reappeared in his mind. Forget it, bear with it, he can bear it!

“Let’s go to my house now.” Thinking of this, Mike said impatiently.

Although it’s just a game, the image of Saya is too deep in his heart after meeting him for the first time, and the picture is so real, Mike no longer treats Saya as an avatar at all, but as a beautiful girl with flesh and blood .

“Grass, obviously playing the role of a rich second generation in the game with both dead parents, how can it be considered Batman’s character design, why can’t you feel the coolness of the rich second generation… 35 Mike Mouth Li said silently.

At this moment, Saya, who was very lively before, suddenly became depressed again. She hugged her knees tightly, shrunk like an abandoned kitten, sitting should be sitting. On the sofa.

“Wow, your house is really spacious…” Shaye said excitedly, she let go of Mike’s hand, looked left and right, and showed a very novel look.

Shaye seemed to raise his eyes timidly, looking at Mike who was standing stupidly, with a barely audible soft voice.

Saya has been successfully invited to live at home, so maybe next time, he will have to play poker with Saya, so he has to prepare a wave.

“The game scene is extremely anti-human. I persisted for a long time, and I could only persist for a minute. This is my limit!”

“Yu Ji, you are so kind to me! No one has ever been so kind to me!” Hearing Mike’s answer, Saya shouted with joy, this time she took the initiative to greet him, wrapping her thin arm around his left arm , Gently put Mike’s arm in her small arms.

“My name is Yu Ji!” Mike quickly said his name in this world.

“What did you see?” Mike asked curiously.

Now that Saya appears, how could he want the game to end so hastily!

Hearing these heart-wrenching words, Mike took a deep breath, gathered up his courage and walked to Saya’s side, then stretched out his arms to embrace her, and at the same time said seriously: “Saya, from now on, here is you. home. 55

It’s just that in Mike’s eyes, these scenes are only filthy and festering, which is completely unacceptable.

And the sales figures are increasing exponentially.

“Okay.” Shaye nodded: “But Yu Ji, when we go to your house again, can we avoid other people as much as possible, they don’t like me very much…”

It has been three days since “Song of Saya” was put on the shelves, and in these three days, the sales of this game… More than 100 sets were sold.

It’s completely incomparable with Zhou Che’s previous games, but for Zhou Che, this sales figure… To be honest, it’s beyond his expectations, and it’s much higher than he thought.

Hey, when did this girl leave?

Mike’s Yu Ji’s home is quite big, it’s a small villa with a separate courtyard, it looks like Yu Ji’s family is very rich, which is much bigger than Mike’s real home.

Not to mention, the night in this game gave Mike another feeling. If the day is full of indescribable and disgusting, then at night, because of the reduced visibility, he sees a lot less disgusting things, but darkness falls. The sense of weirdness and fear… but it has added a lot.

At this moment, Mike suddenly heard a strange noise coming from behind him. He turned his head and saw that it was a sticky piece of meat, squirming towards his position, and there were still lumps around the piece of meat. pustules.

This world, no matter the scene of day or night, is not something that Mike can bear, even hell should not have such a scene.

It’s just that this real world is too twisted and curious.

Just hang it up like this, and wait until 11 o’clock in the evening, and then meet Saya.

Wandering around the hospital, Mike suddenly smelled a strong stench. Looking in front of him, there were things similar to coffins. Above the coffins, there was a mess of the large intestines of unknown creatures. Lots of sticky bloodshots…

In the process of waiting to meet with Saya, Mike seems to be living his life like a year, he doesn’t want to eat or drink, and even his girlfriend calls to chat with him, he seems to be careless.

However, although this sounds quite torturous, it is not difficult for the players. Mike stood near the flower table, and then decisively disconnected the somatosensory link and walked off the VR platform, and the game… .. is to keep it running.

“How is that possible!” Mike said quickly: “I welcome you to come to my house! Anytime!”

“But Saya said we would meet at 11 o’clock in the evening, and I don’t know how much time it is now…” Mike looked at the watch on his wrist, the numbers and hands on it were twisted into a ball, and Mike struggled for a long time. I finally saw the time, it should be three o’clock in the afternoon.

Mike once again saw the crazy sky, the streets, the distorted silhouettes, the boiling colors, and smelled the heavy atmosphere with a foul stench…

Ahhh…. Mike is embarrassed by what Saya said, in fact, he just put the game character here to hang up, but this kind of thing, even if it is said, the game character Saya will definitely not I understand, so Mike admits cheekily: “That’s right, Saya, I really want to see you again, so I’ve been here all the time.

Hearing what Saya said, it seems that she is also a very pitiful person, it seems that her father is not very kind to her…

Not a single step away!”

This also means that he has to spend several hours in the game before he can reach the time agreed with Saya.

With the sound of the alarm clock, Mike, who was sluggish, suddenly regained his energy and couldn’t wait to re-enter the game.

After all, from the current point of view, the game “Song of Saya” can be said to be very open. Players can do whatever they want in the game, and even talk to NPCs very smoothly, just like “Deep Sea Trek” , it’s like a real world.

But also, when we were on the road before, Mike and Saya talked a lot and learned about Saya’s life experience. She has been living at home since she was a child and never went out. Even going to school was taught by her father. Saya is also very smart and learns everything quickly.

Although it is said that he still does not know where his own home is in this game, but if you ask the system, you should be able to know it, right?

Mike was saying this, but suddenly realized that Saya was no longer in the corner of the corridor, and she disappeared in front of Mike.

The moment he saw this deformed piece of meat, Mike met Saya’s good mood, and it was completely destroyed in an instant. He really wanted to take a hammer, smash this thing into meat patties, and remove all the pustules on its body. Break it!

“It’s gone in a blink of an eye, I ran quite fast, probably because I was afraid of strangers…” Mike underestimated, Saya left, and he didn’t have the intention to stay here, avoid After eating these pieces of meat, I walked out of the hospital all the way.

“The picture quality of the game is extremely delicate. It is the most exquisite picture I have ever seen except [New World]. However, it is too heavy! The taste is so heavy that I don’t even know how to describe it in words!”

For a game with zero fame and no publicity, this data is actually quite good.

The only serious problem is that among the hundreds of players who bought it, there were quite a few refunds, accounting for more than half of the players who bought it, reaching 60%. This refund rate can be said to be very scary. !

Mike could only look away, pretending he couldn’t see this thing, he turned his head and whispered to Saya:

If there is no guesswork, this should be the flower stand in the eyes of normal people, right?

But reason still prevailed, Mike restrained these impulses, he knew that if he did this, he would definitely be sent to a mental hospital or prison again, and the game directly announced the gameover on the spot.

At this time, he was still standing on the edge of the flower bed. The sky in the game was completely dark, and there were only twisted and dirty vine-like things that stretched high, emitting light to illuminate the surrounding things, um, that It must be a street light…

“Oh, that’s fine!” Mike immediately agreed, it seems that Saya is quite timid and introverted, doesn’t he like to meet strangers… It should also be a matter of education, with Mike’s experience as a past person, Psychological problems are common among children from single-parent families

After all, this game Zhou Che has been released on a small account, and it is such a heavy-handed game, the sales will certainly not be high, so be lazy if you can be lazy.

Of course, he was just being lazy on these irrelevant things, and the integrity and plot of the game were still full.

Speaking of this, Saya showed a moved look on his face.


Not for anything else, simply because of laziness. Of course, in terms of high emotional intelligence, it is to allow players to better immerse themselves in this crazy world.

It was only after her father disappeared that she slipped into the hospital. It was the first time she went to a place outside her home. She should have felt the freedom she had never had before.

Only eight sets were sold on the first day, more than a dozen sets were sold on the second day, and hundreds of sets were sold on the third day.

Chong Mike asked: “Can I really….can stay here? Your family and so on, won’t they hate me? In this world, so far, apart from my father, there are only You are the best for me…”

“Promise me?” Mike was taken aback: “What’s the matter!”

“I didn’t expect that one day I would almost be unable to read the watch… This game, tm I really like it, but it’s still early, what should I do next… This game can I can’t adjust the time or something…”

Mike thought about it, and called up the settings to check it again. He didn’t find an option to adjust the game time. Moreover, according to his observation, the speed of time passing in this game is consistent with the real world.

“Oh, Yu Ji, it’s a good name to remember!” Saya laughed: “I saw it…”

“Shit!!!” Mike was frightened, he subconsciously said swear words, turned around suddenly, and then saw Saya standing timidly behind him.

Just thinking about it, Mike suddenly felt someone tap him on the back.

In any case, I finally succeeded in getting Saya to agree to live together! Whether it is a psychological problem or a physical problem, Saya will be treated by him!

Mike suddenly made up the background of Saya, his mother died young, and he grew up with his indifferent father, and he was not cared for in the process of growing up…

“Isn’t this purely torturing the player, actually asking the player to stay in this twisted world for such a long time…” Mike sighed helplessly.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I should think it’s yours, it’s my fault!” Mike immediately apologized, how could he scare such a cute girl, this is definitely his fault.

In this way, the two began to walk on the street together. It is now 11 o’clock in the evening, so there are not many pieces of meat on the road. They avoided other pieces of meat smoothly and returned home.

He could see a little bit of the way, it seems that in this game, the more beautiful things to human beings, the more distorted and uglier it will be in his eyes!

What does this mean? It means that those players who bought “Song of Saya” spontaneously took the initiative to make amends to other players, and the attracted players also began to buy and try it.

In fact, Zhou Che once thought about whether to set some more convenient functions for players, but he did not do so in the end.

This behavior is commonly known as hanging up.

“Shaye, have you seen the man who came over, maybe he is a normal person in your eyes, but in my eyes, he is actually a lump of unshaped flesh…

“No problem, to be honest, I don’t want to see other people in this world either.” Mike smiled slightly, he and Saya were exactly the same, Saya was introverted and afraid of life, but he simply didn’t want to see those pieces of meat.

And the bottom of the “Song of Saya” comment area is equally lively:

“Not yet…” Shaye shook her head and pointed to the outside: “There are too many people now, let’s meet at the flower stand next to the hospital at 11 o’clock in the evening, that Time, we will go to your house together.

Mike’s heart jumped up suddenly, he didn’t expect that he would be able to be hugged by such a sweet and warm girl in front of him, and he felt the tenderness and tenderness on his arms. In this twisted world, now Mike’s The only existence that all five senses are affirming and allowing is Saya alone.

To this end, Mike even set the alarm clock. In reality, he didn’t sit idle, but went to take a bath first and clean up his whole body.

“Then, let’s go home.” Mike said, he had already called up the roadmap for going home in the game settings.

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