I could have chosen any class, but I chose the most perverse one

Chapter 12: The Master-Servant Contract Ritual

"Why are we in this dreadful place, Wagner?" Rero Sansanti asks in disgust.
I can read the discomfort in her eyes as she moves cautiously, trying not to touch anything or be touched.

"Welcome to my lair. It needs some minor renovations, but it can be cozy," I joke.

"Oh yes, renovations of the 'tear it to the ground' kind!" she sarcastically comments.

"Follow me; we need to go downstairs."

"I hope it's worth it."

"It certainly is."

I descend the stairs leading to the underground, making sure Rero follows me.
Together, we reach the central room where I've drawn the magic circle.

Rero's discomfort begins to increase, and she looks around nervously.
"Why is it so dark down here? What are we doing here?" she asks nervously.

I smirk, thinking that she's like prey that has ended up in the wolf's den.
"Don't you remember? You asked me if I could make you stronger."

"Yes, but I don't understand the connection."

"We're going to perform a ritual. A powerful magic that will allow us to realize our dreams," I explain.

Rero remains skeptical. "Um, I think all of this is a bit too absurd..."

"You just need to sit in that chair at the center of the magic circle and let me do the rest."

Rero eyes the chair with disgust. "No matter how you spin it, it all seems suspicious."

"You don't trust me?"

"Absolutely not!" she exclaims.

"Well, that's a problem."

An awkward silence ensues.

"If you could explain in detail what you intend to do, maybe I could be more inclined," she suggests.

"Let me ask you this. How do you think I can empower you? What kind of magic do I use?"

"I have no idea, but it all seems very suspicious."

"Exactly, we're not playing by the rules. We're cheating."

"What are you talking about, exactly?"

"Demonic Magic."

"D-demonic magic? Are you kidding?"

"No, this special ritual is described in this book," I say, handing her the manuscript that Professor Merfal gave me.

Rero reads the book's title with a frightened expression.

"I don't think I want anything to do with all of this. I'm scared..."

"So now you want to back out? After I've prepared all of this for you? I don't think that's possible, Rero."

"I... I'm not sure anymore..."

"You know how this world works. In the end, it's all about talent, and those born with a higher rank are destined to dominate." I try to convince her, playing on her complexes.

Rero sighs.

"I've been watching you ever since I first saw you," I confess.

"E-eh?!" she exclaims, embarrassed.

"I know how hard you work and how diligently you train to improve yourself, to be worthy of the Sansanti name."

"You're always the first to arrive at training and the last to leave. You're the one who puts in the most effort."

Rero is pleased that her efforts are being recognized.

"However, it's an effort that won't be rewarded with results. You'll still be a RANK C, and even if you level up, you'll still be inferior to those with a higher rank at the same level."

Rero would like to argue, but she can't because she knows I'm right. It's hard for her to admit, but she knows it's the truth.
A tear rolls down her face.
The truth hurts.

"Thanks to my potions, I've managed to bring you closer to what you deserve to be. But even so, a RANK A like Luysia Camclair showed you all her superiority."

I can see the frustration in her eyes.

"I know how it feels. I'm at the bottom of the hierarchy. I'm an F."

"You can't compare yourself to me," she says with a final burst of pride.

"Why not? In the eyes of those who truly matter, we're the same trash."

Rero remains silent.

"Do you think it's fair? Do you think it's right? Who decided on this system?"

"The g-gods?"

"Exactly. I say, screw the gods. It's our right to be the masters of our destiny and to change it. If the gods oppose us, then we'll ally with the demons."

I see anger in her eyes, fueled by this injustice and a desire for revenge.

"Screw the gods! I'm Rero Sansanti! My blood doesn't lie! My destiny is to be at the top! Why was I born with this curse? Why do I have to be seen as a failure by my family? Why am I weaker than Luysia? Just because they decided I was born inferior? Why? Why?" she vents, tears streaming down her face.

"Wagner, I don't want to be weak! Why do your words resonate with me? Why does what you say make so much damn sense? I tried to be strong, to build this mask of pride, to give dignity to Rero Sansanti," she screams.

"But in the end, it was all in vain. I can't escape this fate of mediocrity, of irrelevance," she says through tears.

"It's not fair! Screw the gods! I'll break my chains! Please, set me free!"

I extend my hand to the girl, who is kneeling on the ground and pounding her fists.

"The price to pay is your pride. Surrender to me, Rero."

"Y-yes... I will," she says, accepting my hand.
I help her to her feet and guide her to the chair at the center of the magic circle.

"Tonight, we rebel against our destiny. Together, we will impose our will," I declare.

Rero is trembling.
Emotions long suppressed manifest within her, along with fear.
Pain and pleasure, two sides of the same coin.
Terror and desire.

I take a vial containing a clear, water-like liquid and hand it to her.


She offers no resistance and drinks the liquid until the last drop.

I remove my jacket and then the shirt that makes up my school uniform, leaving me bare-chested.

"Let's begin!" I declare, determined and exhilarated.

I take Rero's hand, locking eyes with her.
She struggles to hold my gaze.

In that moment, the moonlight filtering through the window bathes us in its glow.
I begin reciting the ritual chant.

"Peace, a deceit, Passion's my creed,
Through Passion, I summon the strength I need."

In the silence of the underground chamber, my voice resonates otherworldly.

"With Strength, I wield demonic might,
With Power, I claim dominion this night."

My blood, used to paint the circle, begins to glow as if it were phosphorescent.

"Through Victory, my servant shall be,
Chains shattered, bound to serve me."

Rero trembles and starts to feel a strange sensation coursing through her body.
She wishes to let go of my hand, but I hold onto it tightly.

"In darkness, shadows dance and blend,
My will, your fate, forever penned."

Rero gasps for breath, wanting to get up and leave, but her strength is leaving her.
She's now in a catatonic state.

"From lust's embrace, our bond takes flight,
In pleasure and power, we unite."

I can hear an explosion in my mind, though it doesn't happen in reality.
A blinding red flash, the magic circle, the octogram, all illuminate with a fluorescent and saturated purple.
Rero Sansanti is shaken by a violent tremor.
She convulses.
I grip her hand tightly.

Then I open her eyes, and her eyes are illuminated with an unreal purple.

"The ritual has begun," says Raqahela, who has appeared beside me.
"Now, make an offering to Raqahela to seal the pact. Subdue the Servant to yourself, Bishop," she orders me.

There's no turning back now.

Rero is in a trance and she whisper, "Who is she?"
Raqahela approaches her and caresses her hair.

"You must understand that you are special to me," I tell Rero.
"Special?" the girl asks in surprise.
"Yes, you are the first."
"I-I don't feel anything for you," she lies, looking at me with lascivious eyes.
Rero starts to sweat and pant.

Raqahela bows her head and whispers in Rero's ear:
"Why aren't you honest with yourself? Why don't you tell about the fact that every opportunity is good to masturbate thinking about Strauss?"
"N-no, it's not true!"
"Tell him, Servant! You cannot lie to your Master!" Raqahela orders her.

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