I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 388

Chapter 385 0 years of guardianship

Yukina still remembers that she didn’t play as a ghost warrior very much, but her younger sister Rina thought she was stupid and told her a simple way—imagining herself as a ghost warrior and repeatedly chanting in her heart. Then Yukina only felt that her consciousness became more Coming more and more confused, as if about to forget who he is.


She remembered that she is a ghost warrior, and her duty is to guard the important things in this room. The memory…his, her head hurts. She has forgotten a lot, but the only thing Xuena knows is that no matter who broke into this The room, unless you beat her, you must not let it go out.

Either she died or the enemy died, but when she was alive, Yukina was a warrior with the spirit of a samurai. She would not kill unarmed people. She was waiting, waiting for the opponent to pick up the sword.

Is it war or flee?

Tirisu Kazuto did not hesitate at all. He is a swordsman with his own pride. He will fight if he wants to fight. Even if he is a girl or an acquaintance, he will not be merciful.

What’s more, he wanted to give these people lying on the ground an explanation, and to stop Xuena from continuing to commit the evil spirits. Afterwards, he needs to ask what happened, even the twin sister Rina did not escape the poisonous hand.

The person who fell recently from the door had a wooden knife in his hand. It looked like it was used to confront the enemy, but found that it was not an opponent at all. When he wanted to turn around and escape, he was caught and lost here. Kirisu and Kazuto were not polite and were on guard. When Xuena attacked suddenly, he picked it up and held it in his hand.

By the way…

Kirisu Kazuto glanced at Yako Iino behind him and said, “Iino-san, you leave first and leave it to me here.”

Yako Iino nodded, her face was a little frightened, she knew she would only be a drag if she stayed here. The 45-game winning streak of the Yulongqi men’s and women’s group battles between the winners of the 45-game winning streak. This level is not something she can mix. .

Little fate is important, she did not hesitate, under the cover of Senior Kirsu, they happened to have just entered the ghost samurai house, Iino Yako carefully touched the door and wanted to exit.


Seeing that someone wanted to escape, Kitahara Yuna let out a low growl and slammed on her steps, only to defeat her to leave. This is the rule.

“Go away!!”

Kirito Kazuto waved a wooden knife to block a blow, and a huge force was immediately transmitted to his wrist. He ignored Iino Yako and could only shout.

Yako Iino was terrified. The low growl of “death” made her heart tremble temporarily. It was because Senior Kirsu reminded her that she recovered. Without a word, she opened the door of the ghost samurai house and walked out. .

Iino Yako’s departure made Kirisu and Kazuto a sigh of relief, so that his worries were gone, and he could deal with Yuuna’s attack.

She didn’t succeed in one blow, and Xuena slipped back two steps to a safe distance. She could feel that the person in front of her was stronger than any opponent she met after she became a ghost. She had to face it. .


She cannot fail. She has something important to protect. That is something she is willing to give up and protect.

There was a chance to breathe, and Kirito and Ren took a look at Yuuna. The battle between real swordsmen is usually within those one or two tricks. Just now he defended, it doesn’t mean that he will also block next.

Thinking too much will be distracting. He admits that Xuena’s strength, without the help of systems and skills, won the women’s team victory in the Yulongqi Conference, but the stronger the opponent, the more he can arouse his fighting spirit.

“The magic sword of the heart.”

Xuena has no flaws, but it doesn’t mean it can’t be made by humans. Kirisu Kazuto violently launched an offensive with a wooden sword, stepped forward, and instantly approached the front of Xuena, suddenly activated his skills and wanted to make a surprise.


The wooden knife touched and made an ear-splitting sound, and Kirito retreated without a hit.

Tongsu and Ren frowned, and the Jade Dragon Banner Convention, using Baitorian’s skill, the Magic Sword of Heart, has no effect on Xuena now?

deserves to be the 45-game winning streak in the women’s team. Kazuki Kirito still underestimated Xuena. It seems that his system skills are not omnipotent, and there are people who can not be affected by it.

and so……

Without the advantage of skills, he can only see the true chapter with Xue Nai knife, has he won with his strength.

Just like him, Kirito and Ren are not at all disadvantaged, holding the wooden sword and rushing forward again. Don’t look at Yukina now as if he has lost his mind and used his instinctive kendo to fight against him, but the defense is tight, and he hasn’t succeeded in attacking twice in a row. , On the contrary, when Xue Nai fought back, he was almost cut off from the wrist.

After leaving the ghost samurai house, Iino wanted to go outside to rescue the soldiers, but because she was anxious and accidentally stepped on the mechanism in the horror building, she cried. She was afraid that a few ghosts would chase her again. God knows if these people are in harmony. Like Xuena who was lost in her mind, she wanted to kill her like the sloppy human body that was lying on the ground that she had just seen with her eyes.

After a few moves back and forth, Kirisu and Kazuto discovered the fact that if such a protracted battle continues, he might lose.

The reason lies in Xuenai’s strange power. In fact, Kirito and Ren should have thought of it. At the Jade Dragon Banner Conference, Xuena broke through the audience and sweated a little, but he was exhausted and collapsed. Everyone’s physique was Different.

He knew that the battle must be ended as soon as possible, and Kiryu made a vain stab at him, but Xuena was unmoved, and the stupid instinct was terrifying, and it was really difficult to deal with. Maybe this is a talented person, who grows better than him using the system There are still differences in the kendo.

“Cut off.”

Xuena slashed over with a blow, and Kirito and Kazuto used a slash technique to counterattack.

However, Xuena reacted very quickly, and she was able to avoid his cut when she felt uncomfortable, but she also made Kirito and Kazuto’s eyes brighten. It was an opportunity.

Taking advantage of Xuena’s unsteady center of gravity, Kirisu and Ren came up close to each other, slashing horizontally and slashing in two consecutive movements without any muddle-headedness.

A hit.

Feeling the touch of the wooden knife hitting Xuena’s head with his hand, Kazuto Kirito knew that his shot was true, and he didn’t show mercy, so he cut and fell with full force.

I saw Xue Nao slightly stunned on the spot. After a moment, he reacted with pain. He yelled and dropped the wooden knife in his hand and hugged his head and curled up on the ground.

The appearance of the samurai helmet is really great. Thanks to the lack of defense, Kirsu and Kazuto can defeat this fool.

Is the protection finally over? Only after being defeated did Kitahara Yuuna remember what she wanted to protect. Thousands of years ago, her sister chose to sacrifice herself in order to save the world. She was guarding the body of her close relative Rina what.

and many more……

was beaten and reminded her of many things. Didn’t she guard the ghost samurai house mechanism with her sister in the horror room at the sacrifice, and then she accidentally used the method Rina taught her to bring into the role.

When she woke up, she also remembered what she had done. In order to stop her from hitting those who came in, Rina let her down together.

Thinking of something bad, Kitahara Yuuna’s heart tightened slightly. She felt that she should have been lying on the ground and pretending to be beaten unconscious.


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